Wedding in March: how to celebrate a spring wedding?


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March is the beginning of spring and therefore weddings this month are quite popular. Firstly, it’s not so cold anymore, and from the middle of the month the weather begins to be warm enough for photo shoots. Spring is also the beginning of a new life, the revival of nature and the time to start a new life. In this article we will give practical advice on what the best days to celebrate will be this month.

Moon calendar

The beginning and middle of the month are considered the best periods according to this calendar. During this period, the celestial body passes through the belt of constellations that are favorable to wedding ceremonies.

Marriages concluded when the Moon is in Gemini and Aries will last for many years and will give the young family happiness and prosperity.

March 10, 2021, Saturday is the most favorable day of March according to the lunar calendar for a wedding ceremony. The Moon and Venus are on the same line and create powerful protection for newlyweds of all zodiac signs.

Young people should also pay attention to the middle of the month:

  • March 15, Thursday;
  • March 16, Friday;
  • March 17, Saturday.

Astrologers believe that these are the most successful days for marriages. A marriage concluded during this period will not only be strong, but also financially; the young people will be very wealthy and will quickly achieve financial independence from their parents.

Will a wedding in March be successful?

Is it possible to successfully get married in March? Signs will help you choose a happy date for your wedding and find out what your future life will be like. In ancient times, there was a tradition according to which young people got married in March. At the same time, they had to move far from their homes. There is a sign: if the wedding takes place in March, the newlyweds will soon change their place of residence. It may also indicate that the husband and wife will not live together with their relatives after the wedding, and fate will give them their own home. This sign is quite relevant for newlyweds, since many of them are concerned about the housing issue.

This sign of March has another meaning. For example, if the husband is a foreigner, soon after the wedding the spouses will move to another country. Many girls dream about this today.

What day is best to get married in March? Signs of this month indicate that any day will be favorable for a wedding. However, getting married during this period necessarily implies big changes in life.

If newlyweds do not want to radically change their lives, because they are completely satisfied with the way they live now, it is better not to get married in March. If a couple belongs to the category of people who want to completely change their life circumstances, a wedding in March will provide them with such an opportunity.

Favorable days in March

There are dates when the heavenly bodies form a certain line, and favor the ceremony and the beginning of a successful family life. The wedding calendar for March 2021 offers everyone the following lucky dates:

  • March 5, Monday – Venus patronizes a new family, even if it is a second marriage;
  • March 7, Wednesday – Jupiter and Pluto are in the sign of Libra, the marriage will be calm and balanced, without quarrels;
  • March 14, Wednesday – The Moon and Venus are in the same line, this helps the newlyweds maintain their marriage until old age;
  • March 19, Monday – Neptune and Mars are in Sagittarius, which promises good luck in business and prosperity;
  • March 20, Tuesday - The Moon and Saturn create a “tandem of luck”, an ideal time for a wedding for the second time;
  • March 26, Monday - The Moon and Mars are in the merging phase, a man in such a marriage will become a real protector and support for his family;
  • March 27, Tuesday - on this day in the old days, young people gathered for the spring cleanup and looked after a couple, an excellent time for a wedding;
  • March 29, Thursday – Jupiter, the patron saint of marriage, is between the Moon and the Sun.

What's good about a wedding in March?

So, end of February - beginning of March. What do you associate this time with? Let there still be snow somewhere, somewhere there are clear streams running, and somewhere the gray asphalt is already completely exposed.

Personally, we associate this time primarily with the smell - that same aroma that cannot be confused with anything else. “There’s already a distinct smell of spring in the air,” we tell our friends, and they nod in agreement.

Yes, it is at the beginning of March that the blue sky very often replaces the gloomy sky, the sun warms up so much that you want to unbutton your warm, still winter clothes, and a fresh breeze blows with streams of the first spring air so that you want to come out of hibernation following nature, you want live and do something new, I want to learn, love, create!

And it seems to us that it is precisely on such a positive wave that it is worth starting a family, and therefore we decide that the wedding will take place in March.

The only drawback is that Lent often falls in March, and therefore the newlyweds will not be able to get married, but, if you wish, you can postpone the wedding to another month (thereby prolonging your pleasure from the wedding).

Unfavorable days for a wedding in March 2018

These dates are not suitable for the Hymen knot for various reasons. Basically, this is a construction of the heavenly bodies, according to which it is better to postpone the celebration to another close date.

  • March 6, Tuesday - this day of the week is unlucky for a wedding, since the Moon is in Taurus;
  • March 12, Monday – magnetic storms are predicted on this day and it is better to postpone all new business until the middle of the week;
  • March 13, Tuesday - for the same reason it is better to wait until marriage;
  • March 21, Wednesday – The Moon is in Pisces, it is better not to start important matters on this day;
  • March 22, Thursday - on this day Mars opposes Jupiter, the stars do not recommend going to the registry office.

Good days for a wedding in March

It is worth mentioning in advance that each individual calendar year has its own good and not so good dates for organizing a wedding. We will use universal lists of days that are suitable for a wedding in March.

One of the main rules is to avoid holding a wedding celebration at a time when the Church is fasting, when the dead are commemorated and other holy days. Most often this is due to serious organizational restrictions.

According to astrologers, in order to choose successful or happy days for a wedding in March, it is better to resort to the help of the lunar calendar. It is not recommended to hold a wedding on the day of the full moon or the first day of the new moon. This will lead to serious misunderstandings.

According to folk traditions, the most successful dates for the holiday are the first half and mid-March. Marriages concluded at this time will be distinguished by strength and happiness. The second half of the month is not very happy days. If you get married during this period of time, then the young people will have a large number of conflicts and disagreements.

Wedding on Friday in March 2021

Traditionally, this is the best day for celebration. There are two weekends ahead and you can have plenty of walks and relaxation, so that from Monday your guests go to work with renewed vigor.

This year the dates for celebrating the celebration on Friday are:

  • March 2 is a good, energetically bright day; the beginning of the month is always favorable for new beginnings;
  • March 9 – you can continue celebrating Women’s Day, such a date will not be forgotten;
  • March 16 – the middle of the month this year is especially favorable for marriage from an astrological point of view;
  • March 23 – on this day Venus and the Moon are in the “crown of love”, a good day for a wedding;
  • March 30 – The Moon is in opposition to Mars, it is better to postpone the celebration to Saturday.

Wedding in March: signs

Our ancestors used some predictions that made it possible to fairly accurately view the future life of the newlyweds. It is worth recognizing that most of these signs do not lose their relevance. Today they can also be taken into account by young people who are preparing to have a wedding in March. Of course, you can believe in signs or not, but it doesn’t hurt to become familiar with these signs.

  • Organizing a celebration in March is almost always a guaranteed move to a new place of residence;
  • If during the holiday there is snowy and wintry weather outside, which usually occurs in winter, then the life of the young people will be rich;
  • And if it’s frosty outside, the family can expect a new addition soon;
  • For those who value prosperity and a long-lasting marriage, the weather needs to be quite changeable;
  • At the same time, it is better that the weather is not rainy or that there is no thunderstorm, as this will bring difficulties to the family.

It is generally accepted that a wedding in March is a favorable period for getting married. Such a relationship will be quite strong, successful and full of love. Let's not forget that International Women's Day is celebrated in March. This means that the month is created for good mood and happy moments.

Wedding on Saturday in March 2021

Traditionally, it is on this day of the week that most wedding ceremonies occur. This month they will be:

  • March 3 is a beautiful date, a good successful day;
  • March 10 – a “round” number always brings good luck;
  • March 17 – the middle of the month this year will be the most successful for marriage, according to astrologers;
  • March 24 – Moon in Venus, ideal for love and marriage for many years;
  • March 31 is the last day of the month, it is better to spend it without new beginnings.

Wedding in October - wedding signs

Wedding signs say that October is not considered the best month for a wedding, but there are exceptions

Whoever gets married in October will quarrel all his life. This is what popular belief says. This is due to the very energy and character of October - it is a fickle and deceptive month. It can be either warm or very cold. Exactly the same family life awaits newlyweds who decide to start a family.

  • However, there are other signs. For example, the second name for October is “wedding party,” precisely because weddings were often held this month.
  • A good time for marriage is October 15, immediately after Intercession. It was believed that this time was great for creating strong marriages.
  • Astrologers are sure that October 7 and 12 are one of the best dates for a wedding. Despite the fact that this slightly contradicts the folk calendar. But, everyone chooses how to live, so you can only listen to advice.
  • In the October union, the spouse will take care of and manage her husband.
  • Snow on your wedding day foretells a rich life.
  • If it rains, especially if it rains for a long time, then family life will not be very pleasant and fun.
  • Winds on the day of celebration make the character of the spouses windy and changeable. Typically, wives are more likely to cheat.
  • A light frost foretells the birth of a first-born boy, who will be healthy and strong.
  • The sun on the wedding day will give the couple a girl with a capricious character.
  • If at a wedding a dog or cat was lying in dry autumn leaves, it means the newlyweds will quickly get rich.
  • For a wedding in October, it is better to wear gold jewelry - it will attract good luck and money.

interesting and detailed about: Annunciation signs

Folk signs and superstitions about weddings in March

Since ancient times, people have invested mystical meaning in the phenomena around them, and therefore wedding ceremonies have not gone unnoticed.

It is believed that a marriage concluded this month promises a young family a quick move from their homeland. This is ideal for interethnic marriages, which are becoming increasingly popular.

There are also such signs:

  • if there is snowy weather on the wedding day, the young family will live in abundance;
  • a strong wind promises trials and the same “windy” weather in a young family;
  • if the weather changes, then the life of the young will be just as changeable;
  • frost on the wedding day means that the first-born will be a boy;
  • If on the way to the registry office you hear a bird chirping, then this is good luck.

At the same time, there are pros and cons for those who are wondering whether it is possible to have a wedding in March. Your holiday ideas should be designed taking into account these nuances.


  • there are many free restaurants, you can choose any according to your budget;
  • there are few weddings and the registry office has available time in the morning;
  • photographers and presenters have “windows” in their work schedule.


  • fresh flowers are expensive;

fasting, in connection with which you need to take into account the menu for fasting guests.

Favorable days for a wedding in March

For each individual year there is its own calendar of successful dates for weddings by month. But there are also a number of universal days with special requirements.

Thus, it is not recommended to hold a wedding during the Church Lent (you will be denied a wedding), days of remembrance of the dead, and holy days.

Astrologers advise favorable days for a wedding in March in accordance with the lunar calendar. It is important that the wedding does not fall on the full moon and the first day of the new moon, otherwise this will introduce misunderstanding in the family.

Folk traditions say that the middle and beginning of the month will be considered lucky dates. Families created at this time will become especially happy and strong. The end and last ten days of March are not entirely favorable days; a wedding during this period promises a lot of disagreements and conflicts for the couple.

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