Azerbaijani wedding dresses 2021


The large scale of the wedding feast is impressive. We can say that they begin to celebrate the union even at the matchmaking stage. This whole grandiose event requires significant expenses, so they begin to postpone children’s wedding in advance.

All pre-wedding efforts are divided into several stages:

  • Search and selection of the bride by the groom.
  • Matchmaking takes place in two stages.
  • Engagement ceremony.
  • Pre-wedding preparation with a lot of rituals.
  • Wedding celebration.
  • Post-wedding rituals.

Each item requires a serious approach and preliminary study of information about future relatives.

The groom chooses the bride, shows the girl he likes to his parents, and only after their approval begins the search for a matchmaker who will represent his interests in the bride’s family.

Girls in this country do not communicate with guys, always being in female company only. Therefore, often there is practically no time left to get to know the groom.

The decision always remains with the girl’s father; he, as the head of the family, determines whether the groom is suitable for his daughter. An important role here is played by the situation of the guy himself and his family, both financial and social.

Azerbaijani weddings

Choosing a future bride

Marriage is considered the greatest happiness for Azerbaijani girls, so from childhood they are taught that they need to be modest and chaste. To avoid unnecessary dangers such as kissing under the moon and walking hand in hand with their first love, daughters are raised strictly, forced to communicate only with girls and avoid any contact with men. Even today, when problems with communication simply do not exist thanks to the Internet, in Azerbaijan a man chooses his own bride, since young girls do not communicate with strangers and even have virtually no contact with the groom before the wedding.

wedding in Azerbaijan, wedding traditions of Azerbaijan

Having chosen a worthy candidate, the young man does not consult with his parents, but immediately asks for their permission and blessing. Most families support their children. If they are against the bride, the guy is most often forced to change his decision, because the authority of the parents cannot be doubted.

wedding in Azerbaijan, wedding traditions of Azerbaijan

The next stage is called “message”. The groom is looking for a reliable intermediary who must obtain information about the appearance, health, education and personal qualities of the chosen one, financial and social status, as well as the reputation of her family in society. In addition, the matchmaker must find out whether this groom is suitable for the chosen girl, since the parents will not give up their daughter for a man who cannot provide his future wife with at least the same standard of living and will refuse the matchmakers. But the age of an Azerbaijani girl is rarely taken into account. For Muslims, a 14-15 year old girl is considered a full-fledged bride.

wedding in Azerbaijan, wedding traditions of Azerbaijan

If at this stage everything goes well for the groom, his family sends a matchmaker to the parents of his chosen one to inform them of the young man’s intentions and, with the latter’s consent, to negotiate a date for the official matchmaking.

wedding in Azerbaijan, wedding traditions of Azerbaijan


Azerbaijani matchmaking is divided into two parts:

  • Small matchmaking.
  • Big matchmaking.

At the stage of small matchmaking, the young man’s father discusses the issue of his son’s marriage with relatives, and every judgment of the relatives is evaluated. Having decided this in their circle, the boy’s family sends matchmakers to the girl’s parents. First, women come to visit: the young man’s mother and aunt, his older sister or grandmother, since Azerbaijanis are sure that only the mother can understand what the bride’s heart will say.

The women discuss the details, and then it’s time for the fathers of the families to meet. The young man's father and three other relatives or men revered in this settlement come to the bride's house to once again declare the groom's desire. But her parents do not give an answer right away, but say that they need to find out about their girl’s intentions. If she agrees, she must remain modestly silent and not answer questions about the future wedding. The matchmakers leave and await an official decision, which is announced at the next stage.

wedding in Azerbaijan, wedding traditions of Azerbaijan

After this, the groom's parents again invite their relatives to talk about the wedding. At the same time, women go to the bride so that she expresses her proposals regarding the celebration and decides with them when the big matchmaking will take place.

wedding in Azerbaijan, wedding traditions of Azerbaijan

Not only the groom's envoys, but also the bride's relatives are invited to the ceremony of the last part of the matchmaking. However, the newlywed and her mother are not present at the celebration; they leave home at this time so as not to hear the men’s conversations. Representatives of the stronger sex first discuss local news, as well as other things far from the purpose of the visit. And at the very end, the main question is asked whether the parents will give their beautiful daughter to their son or not. If the girl’s family decides that the guy is not suitable for her, they refuse, softening their decision as much as possible. If the relatives and the bride agree, then they also do not talk about this directly, but ask for time to make a decision, which means that the matchmakers will need to come again.

wedding in Azerbaijan, wedding traditions of Azerbaijan

For the second visit of the matchmakers, the table is set again and the guests are invited. The mother of the bride is already allowed to the feast, but she is not allowed to say anything, she must listen and look closely at the matchmakers. After talking about everyday topics, the matchmakers again ask a sacred question, asking what the bride’s father will say. As a rule, the parent no longer refuses, but gives his consent, saying: “May Allah protect the young!”

wedding in Azerbaijan, wedding traditions of Azerbaijan

Finally, the matchmakers are brought strong tea, fruits and baked sweets, and the bride’s sister runs to congratulate her relative on the matchmaking, since she has been staying with her friend all this time. Only after the guests have gone home will the girl be able to return home, where everyone congratulates her on her imminent marriage, rejoices and cries.

wedding in Azerbaijan, wedding traditions of Azerbaijan

Small and large engagement

Betrothal in Azerbaijan also takes place in several stages.

After consent to the wedding has been received from the girl’s family, a small engagement lasting a month is held. So, the young man’s close relatives come to the bride’s house, where his chosen one sits surrounded by unmarried girlfriends. One of the matchmakers approaches her, puts on a ring and a scarf, and also chooses a sweet and bites off a small piece of it, and takes the rest to the groom as a gift from his betrothed. After they leave, a table is set in the newlywed’s house for the guests, bridesmaids and the bride herself, and after the feast a magnificent bachelorette party begins.

wedding in Azerbaijan, wedding traditions of Azerbaijan

Interestingly, sweets are present during all rituals and stages of an Azerbaijani wedding. In the culture of this people they mean fertility, wealth and abundance. What more could a young family wish for?

wedding in Azerbaijan, wedding traditions of Azerbaijan

Previously, the bachelorette party was no less interesting than the engagement itself, and a mandatory ceremony was performed at it. During it, the bride had to go up to each unmarried bridesmaid and put her hand on her head, holding the girl while she tried on her ring. It was believed that the young woman to whom it suited first would soon have her own wedding. The girlfriends also took a couple of sweets from the table to put them under the pillow at night and see their betrothed in a dream.

wedding in Azerbaijan, wedding traditions of Azerbaijan

The second part, the big Azerbaijani betrothal, is being organized in a few months. This is a real holiday for which both families carefully prepare. The decoration of the festive table is entrusted to the bride's relatives, although often many products, such as sweets, flour, meat and wine, are purchased by the groom's relatives. Not only close, but also distant relatives, as well as closest neighbors are invited to the holiday, since it is not so much the personal relationships of the newlyweds that are of great importance, but the fact of how the wedding will be viewed in the immediate community.

wedding in Azerbaijan, wedding traditions of Azerbaijan

Previously, the presence of respected people at all stages of the celebration was considered a necessary condition for organizing special events, since, according to beliefs, showing respect for them would make the marriage extremely strong. In addition, those present could put in a word for the young family in front of community members.

wedding in Azerbaijan, wedding traditions of Azerbaijan

During the big engagement, all the groom's relatives and friends gave gifts to the bride as a guarantee of her future happy and rich life. At the same time, it was forbidden to present shoes, since the shoes were brought to the girl by her future mother-in-law.

wedding in Azerbaijan, wedding traditions of Azerbaijan

Presents were placed in chests tied with scarlet ribbons, and small souvenirs were placed on trays made of copper and decorated with bedspreads made of expensive fabric specially prepared for the celebration. Khoncha was the name of the trays that were passed down from generation to generation or were made to order. They were a mandatory attribute of many Azerbaijani wedding ceremonies. Sometimes they do not forget to use khoncha even today, paying tribute to traditions.

wedding in Azerbaijan, wedding traditions of Azerbaijan

Some families hired musicians who accompanied the presentation of gifts with music and songs. Usually the Azerbaijani bride was brought:

  • Sweets.
  • Household items that were used to decorate the home of the newlyweds.
  • Bracelets, earrings, rings and other jewelry.
  • Pieces of patterned fabric.
  • Colored bedspreads and scarves.

As a rule, the newlywed did not use such gifts before the wedding, but put them together so that they formed part of her dowry.

wedding in Azerbaijan, wedding traditions of Azerbaijan

Then the girl was again given a ring, which played the role of an engagement ring, after which all the relatives sat down at the table to discuss the issues of the wedding and the bride's ransom. Its amount depended on a number of factors: the girl’s financial situation, her moral qualities, and society’s attitude towards the family. Usually the money from the ransom was used to pay wedding expenses and buy a dowry. In addition, an agreement was signed guaranteeing the girl financial compensation in the event of a divorce. Well, after the end of the ceremony, the family congratulated the future bride and looked at the gifts together.

wedding in Azerbaijan, wedding traditions of Azerbaijan

A certain amount of time had to pass between the big engagement and the wedding. In some cases it was months, and sometimes even years. The girl lived with her parents, but the groom’s family did not leave her without participation and material support, sending her clothes, home accessories, jewelry, sweets and fruits. Not only the groom's family had to show generosity - the bride's relatives also had to send gifts to their future relatives on already familiar copper trays. The first tray was intended for the groom himself, on the second were gifts for the male half of his family, and on the third were gifts for all the women of the house. The remaining trays were filled with sweets and fruits.

wedding in Azerbaijan, wedding traditions of Azerbaijan

On the day of presenting these gifts, the groom's family set the table for a small family meal. During it, the matchmaker had to tell who this or that tray was intended for, and the mother of the future husband had to thank her and the girl’s family for the gifts.

wedding in Azerbaijan, wedding traditions of Azerbaijan

Pre-wedding chores

An Azerbaijani wedding is a big holiday that unites not only the lives of two people, but two families who become family. Therefore, all relatives without exception participate in the celebrations. The list of obligatory events includes a conversation arranged by the young man’s father. During it, the relatives of both young people negotiate the wedding day, choosing the most favorable date, decide on the ceremony, the number of guests, the festive table menu, music and calculate the financial costs associated with organizing the wedding.

wedding in Azerbaijan, wedding traditions of Azerbaijan

As a rule, all expenses are borne by the young man's family, but often, wanting to demonstrate their wealth, the bride's relatives place the financial burden on their shoulders. The conversation ends with both parties agreeing on all issues, and then the future relatives, wishing each other the best, go their separate ways.

wedding in Azerbaijan, wedding traditions of Azerbaijan

Wedding gifts and dowry

The groom and his family give gifts to the bride for a long period, until the wedding celebration. In addition, there is a tradition of presenting her with a dress, accessories in the national style, a red scarf, henna for one of the holidays, and also bringing a young lamb with painted horns, which is slaughtered for treating the guests. Then the girl given henna is painted on her feet and hands, asking Allah to give her a happy family life.

wedding in Azerbaijan, wedding traditions of Azerbaijan

Before the wedding, the bride's dowry is transported to her future home, and the mother-in-law always gives the carrier a present. And then the bridesmaids come to visit, clean and decorate the newlyweds’ room, prepare their marriage bed and arrange the dowry in its place, for which they also receive small gifts.

wedding in Azerbaijan, wedding traditions of Azerbaijan

Ceremony "Parcha Bichini"

Translated from Azerbaijani, the phrase “brocade bichini” means the cut of clothing, although this ritual uses a slightly different context. This ritual is performed before the wedding by adult women, whose task is to choose a good mentor for the bride. Her role boils down to bringing the girl to the new house, washing and painting her legs and arms, putting on an outfit, and also talking about the duties of a young wife. An elderly woman who has experience communicating with children and has a reputation as a wise and decent wife and mother is chosen as a mentor.

wedding in Azerbaijan, wedding traditions of Azerbaijan

Making bread

As in many other cultures, bread has always been valued in Azerbaijan, which is a symbol of wealth, prosperity and abundance. Without fail, the bride, before leaving her father’s house, walks around the freshly baked bread three times, so that her family will live prosperously when she is no longer with them. To protect her future family from Satan and give her abundance, the girl must take the bread baked by her mother.

wedding in Azerbaijan, wedding traditions of Azerbaijan

Previously, they always baked bread for a wedding, a couple of days before the ceremony. They cooked it in one of the houses, and then left, thanking the hostess for allowing them to bake lavash in her house.

wedding in Azerbaijan, wedding traditions of Azerbaijan

Mahr (ransom)

wedding in Azerbaijan, wedding traditions of Azerbaijan

Mahrom is the name given to money and material assets that are carefully saved and must, by law, become the property of the wife upon divorce or the death of her husband. In this way, the girl will be able to secure a future for herself and her children.

If the woman herself decides to leave her husband, then she does not have the right to take even part of the common property, as well as gifts given for the wedding. In this case, the children remain with the abandoned husband.

Seeing off the bride

Farewell is an ancient and highly respected tradition in Azerbaijan. First, guests from the future husband's side walk in the house of the bride, who waits for their arrival indoors and does not even come out to say hello. After the invitees give the parents a generous gift, they finally bless the daughter, gird her with a red sash, throw a veil over her face and lead her into the courtyard, where they circle her three times around the lit ritual fire. Then they throw a stone after her so that her father’s house does not fall apart without her, and they pour water under her feet, believing that this way the girl will not cry about her abandoned shelter.

wedding in Azerbaijan, wedding traditions of Azerbaijan

Near the new house, the bride must break the prepared plate and take the boy in her arms to give birth to her first-born son. In her honor, guests slaughter a young ram, whose blood is smeared on the girl’s forehead and outfit. Such a ritual should help her become part of the new family, and during it, the mother-in-law strokes the girl’s hair as a sign of mutual respect. Then the betrothed is sprinkled with rice and small sweets and taken to a room decorated by her friends, where she will receive congratulations. During each action, the bridesmaids must hover under the feet of those present to receive a small gift for the newlywed as a ransom.

wedding in Azerbaijan, wedding traditions of Azerbaijan

"Shah" of the bride

Without fail, a friend makes a shah for the bride with her own hands - a wooden decoration to which a fragment of a mirror, pieces of a candle, fabric, fruit and sweets are added. When the Shah is ready, the girlfriend's parents set the table in anticipation of the young groom with his unmarried friends. He takes the jewelry and takes it to his bride, and on the way his friends shoot guns, have fun and sing. The bride always wears a shah at her wedding so that her future family can live in abundance.

wedding in Azerbaijan, wedding traditions of Azerbaijan

Azerbaijani dances at weddings

During an Azerbaijani wedding, musicians who play traditional musical instruments are always called upon. During events, invited guests periodically begin to dance fiery folk dances and sing. This is part of the holiday, without which the wedding is considered incomplete.

wedding in Azerbaijan, wedding traditions of Azerbaijan

Post-wedding traditions

Most Azerbaijani traditions cover the period after the wedding. So, for example, the first wedding night ends with the arrival of the young relatives who want to inspect the sheet, which serves as proof of the innocence and honesty of the young wife. If virginity is proven, everyone goes to eat pilaf, and the young remain in their chambers. They spend three days there, getting to know each other and trying to conceive an heir. During this period, the mother of the young wife has the right to come to her house and bring the newlyweds various dishes to strengthen their strength.

wedding in Azerbaijan, wedding traditions of Azerbaijan

Bride coming out

Once in her husband's house, the newlywed should not see her father-in-law for two weeks. Therefore, on the day of their meeting, the mother-in-law sets a small table with national food, and the father-in-law personally calls his new daughter to the table and presents her with a small souvenir. Thus, the daughter-in-law officially becomes part of the new Azerbaijani family.

wedding in Azerbaijan, wedding traditions of Azerbaijan

Post-wedding visits

After the end of the wedding celebrations and the first days of rubbing in, a number of mandatory visits are carried out:

  • The arrival of a mother to her married daughter. Some time after the wedding, the mother-in-law and her relatives come to their daughter’s house. When they arrive, the newlyweds set the table and receive gifts from their wife’s relatives who have come.
  • A trip to the bride's parents. Forty days after the first wedding night, the young wife must visit her father’s nest with her husband. There, tables are waiting for them, and after the party, the wife stays with her parents for a couple of days, after which her young husband takes her home. Now she is allowed to come to her parents’ home at any time.
  • Visiting relatives. In the post-wedding period, newlyweds are actively invited to visit by relatives on both sides to present gifts to the new family. Of course, such a visit is mandatory.

wedding in Azerbaijan, wedding traditions of Azerbaijan

An Azerbaijani wedding is a bright and unforgettable event, held in accordance with ancient customs and ancient rituals. Such a holiday definitely arouses interest and admiration for everyone who has the honor of attending it.

wedding in Azerbaijan, wedding traditions of Azerbaijan

Choosing a future wife

Any guy first of all evaluates a girl’s appearance. And his parents are making inquiries about her and her family. And if they are not satisfied with something about the girl chosen by their son, then they immediately tell the young man about it. Of course, the guy will always listen to the opinions of his family, because they won’t give bad advice.

If the chosen one is approved by the parents, the groom asks one of his relatives to find out as much information about her as possible. The named matchmaker makes inquiries not only to the bride herself, but also to her family. Particular attention is paid to the girl’s financial situation; it is used to judge whether the groom will be able to satisfy the needs of his future wife.

The girl's qualities are revealed:

  • How does she behave in public, is she modest.
  • How economical she is.
  • Culinary skills are assessed.
  • Health status.
  • Education.

The most interesting thing is that the age of the intended bride does not matter. According to the customs of Azerbaijani weddings, a girl can be married off at the age of 14. After the initial stages have been settled, one of the relatives is sent to the girl’s house. If consent is received, then they move on to matchmaking.


The ceremony of matchmaking the bride takes place in two stages.

  • Initial small matchmaking.
  • Big matchmaking.

Traditionally, the mother comes to the bride for small matchmaking, accompanied by three other women, this could be the eldest daughter or sister. Who else but a mother can determine whether a girl is suitable for her son, and whether she will take care of him as well.

In some cases, the father of the groom comes and talks with the bride’s parents, introduces himself and vaguely hints at a possible marriage. Thus preparing the ground for the future delegation of matchmakers.

The big matchmaking is already celebrated more magnificently. The groom's father, accompanied by his relatives or respected elders, comes to negotiate. He already speaks directly about his son’s desire to marry a girl. Traditionally, it is customary to refuse the first time, citing the fact that the father wants to know his daughter’s opinion.

The girl's silence means consent to the marriage. The arriving women from the groom's side go to the bride, while the men discuss everything among themselves. The girl’s opinion is asked, and having received a positive answer, you can proceed to setting a date for the official matchmaking.

Azerbaijani wedding traditions

The event takes place in the bride’s house very magnificently, but the hero of the occasion is traditionally absent. She is staying with a friend, the girl’s mother is at the event, but she is silent, thereby showing her sadness in connection with her daughter’s future departure from her father’s house.

After the father's blessing, the bride's sister hurries to tell the good news. The bride herself returns home only after the matchmakers leave. It is considered a good omen if a girl spends the entire evening crying.

Engagement ceremony

The engagement ceremony also takes place in two stages:

  • Small engagement.
  • Big engagement.

The groom himself and his friends come to the small engagement party. The bride is in the company of two or three dozen friends. The groom's official representative puts the ring on the girl's finger, and he also covers the girl's head with a scarf.

Then he must eat half of any sweet served by the bride, and give the other half to the groom.

As soon as the ceremony is over, the bachelorette party begins, the girl’s friends shower her with congratulations and parting words, sitting at the sweet festive table. The small engagement takes place within a month after the matchmaking.

A couple of months later there is a big engagement party. This big event requires careful preparation, and not only relatives, but also friends and neighbors are invited to it. The groom's relatives can also provide the necessary food for the table. Only onions are not sent, being considered a bad omen symbolizing bitterness in family life.

Various necessary things are presented to the bride as gifts:

  • Cloth;
  • Decorations;
  • Money;
  • Dishes;
  • Other utensils.

traditional azerbaijani wedding

Gifts are usually given on silver trays if they are small. When large gifts are given, they are placed in chests and tied with a red ribbon.

The only gifts not given from relatives are shoes, which are later presented by the mother-in-law personally.

Traditions and customs after the wedding celebration

There are many rituals and traditions after a wedding in Azerbaijan. For example, relatives on both sides have the right to look at the sheet after the first wedding night in order to make sure of the purity and innocence of the betrothed. After performing the ritual, the hosts should treat the guests to pilaf. After the wedding, the duties of the mother-in-law include presenting various treats to the newlyweds for 3 days.

After the wedding, the bride is not allowed to see her father-in-law for two weeks, after which the mother-in-law sets the festive table, and the father-in-law calls the bride and gives her a personal gift. This ritual symbolizes the acceptance of the daughter-in-law into the new family by the older generation of the husband.

After a certain number of months, the young mother has the right to visit her daughter’s new family with her relatives. The first meeting with parents is unique in its own way. After 40 days from the date of the celebration, the newlyweds have the opportunity to personally visit the bride’s family. The parents of the newly-made bride must set the table, and she herself can, if she wishes, stay for a few days in the old house.

Basic preparations for the wedding

After the engagement, both families gather to discuss all the necessary components of the future ceremony:

  • Guest list.
  • Menu on the table.
  • Music, etc.

Usually, several months pass from engagement to wedding, because everything needs to be carefully planned and prepared. Also during this period, a number of other rituals are carried out, in which the girl is presented with unusual gifts by the groom’s relatives:

  • Hand-sewn and embellished dresses.
  • Red scarf;
  • Decorations;
  • Ram with henna-dyed horns.
  • Henna dye for applying pre-wedding patterns on hands and feet.

Azerbaijani wedding henna designs

The bride's dowry and belongings are also transported to the groom's house before the wedding. Then the bride's friends come to the groom's house to restore order and decorate the house. The girl’s mother-in-law rewards them for their efforts.

Another unusual ritual is the selection of the bride’s mentor “brocade bichini”, a few days before the wedding.

Wedding ceremonies

The wedding begins at the bride's house and lasts the whole day. Traditional Azerbaijani wedding songs are played. But only relatives of the groom can dance with the bride. All other guests must pay by placing money in the cauldron before starting to eat. In the evening, the groom's relatives leave the bride's house, and the feast continues without their participation.

Seeing off the bride is also a very beautiful ceremony. The girl sits in a locked room, waiting for the groom's guests to receive the treasured key by giving a gift. Then the parents tie a red ribbon around the girl’s waist, blessing her for family life, and put on a scarf.

Azerbaijani wedding red ribbon

Congratulations at an Azerbaijani wedding can also come in the form of a beautiful toast with deep meaning, or the performance of a traditional song or dance. Azerbaijani dances at weddings are incredibly beautiful. Traditional songs are played at the festival, so every Azerbaijani knows how to dance to them from childhood. A special program is drawn up, which includes both songs and dances.

Bride's farewell ceremony

This tradition has also not undergone any special changes and is full of national symbolism.
First of all, guests from the groom’s side come and take the bride, accompanying the procession with dancing and singing. The bride herself is waiting in the wings behind closed doors, the keys to which guests will be able to receive immediately after they present the gift to the newlywed’s family. After presenting the gift to her parents, the girl is also blessed by tying a red ribbon around her waist. Next, they cover her head with a veil and take her out into the yard, where an impressive fire should already be lit. The tradition involves circling the bride 3 times around the fire, which symbolizes the future comfort and warmth of the new family. They usually throw a stone after them as a symbol of the fortress of the future home and family. Next comes the turn of water, which is dripped at the girl’s feet. This symbolizes a happy marriage without tears and disappointments.

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