How to make the right choice, taking into account different nuances When choosing a dress, you need to take time into account
A wedding without competitions - a modern trend A scenario for a modern wedding without competitions and traditions -
Fabric is the most popular material for wedding decor. Variety of textures, colors and types of fabrics
The main principles of an eco-wedding From the main principle - do not harm nature - some rules follow
Modest doesn't mean boring! The abundance of decorative trim, cutouts and necklines do not serve as a guarantee
You should prepare for a wedding in the frosty season carefully and in advance, thinking through all the nuances. IN
There is no limit to perfection. Now they are just glasses, even from high-quality glass and beautiful
The Dominican Republic is an amazing country. Beautiful landscapes, clean beaches, warm waters of the sea and ocean attract
A wedding at sea is the dream of almost every bride. Romantic sunset, sound of the surf and beautiful