Classic and hardware pedicure: features, comparative characteristics

Trim or classic pedicure

A trimmed, classic or European pedicure involves the use of special tools: several types of scissors, files of different levels of hardness, a pusher, cuticle and nail nippers.


  • Availability. The procedure can be done at any nail salon. If you have the necessary tools, it can be easily done at home.
  • Price. Trim pedicure costs several times less than other types.
  • Safety. With the help of available materials, the master can perform a delicate pedicure. Operating the device requires practice.

Disadvantages include the rate of growth of the nail plate and cuticle. By cutting the skin with scissors, the master triggers the body's natural protective processes. Thus, the slices are regenerated faster. After 7-10 days you will need to visit the specialist again.

Execution process:

  1. The feet are treated with a disinfectant or steamed in a bath with the addition of antiseptics.
  2. After this, the feet are thoroughly dried with paper towels. If there are varnish residues, they are removed.
  3. While the nails are soft, cut them off using clippers or scissors. The work must be done carefully, as there is a risk of injuring the client.
  4. A softening agent is applied to the cuticle and side ridges.
  5. At this stage, you can proceed to examining the foot. If there are calluses on it, they are removed using a special file or machine. The method is selected individually for each client.
  6. Nail care is performed using scissors, a pusher and clippers.

The procedure is completed by re-treating the feet and nails with a disinfectant. This will help prevent the appearance of fungus or other diseases.

Trim pedicure

Trim pedicure is one of the oldest methods of caring for nails and skin of the feet.
Otherwise, it is also called a classic pedicure. This procedure involves a complex of various manipulations, which are usually performed using sharp utensils. The master does all the work manually, without using any complex devices.

What does a classic pedicure include?

  • Removing hangnails and cuticles. Most often this is done using special scissors.
  • Removal of hard areas of skin, calluses, corns. For these works, the master uses blades.
  • Working with nail plates. The nails are shaped using scissors, after which the edges are sanded with a soft file.
  • In order for the work to be done efficiently and effectively, before the procedure, the legs should be steamed in hot water with the addition of a special cosmetic product.

For more information about classic pedicure, watch the following video:

Hardware pedicure

The main part of the pedicure is performed using a special device (mill), at the end of which there are replaceable attachments of different hardness. With their help, you can reduce the length of the nails, level the plate or remove the cuticle. The speed of rotation of the nozzles can be adjusted; the beauty salon master can select the mode individually for the client.


  • Speed. Processing the nail plate with a cutter is much easier and faster than carefully cutting everything out with scissors.
  • The cutter does not cut the skin, so the risk of becoming infected with dangerous diseases is minimal.
  • You can work with the device without preliminary preparation of the skin.
  • Low rate of restoration of the nail plate and cuticle. You will need to reapply for services in 14–20 days.
  • Productivity. After the first procedure, feet with keratinized skin and deep cracks will be soft.

The only disadvantage we can highlight is the high cost of the procedure. However, with regular care, the result can last up to 2 months.

Execution process:

  1. The procedure begins with disinfection of the feet, paying special attention to the area around the toes.
  2. At this stage, you need to assess the condition of the feet and choose a tactic of action.
  3. Using a cutter, rough skin is removed from the entire foot.
  4. The procedure ends with polishing the treated area.

To remove dust from corns, beauty salons re-treat the feet with a disinfectant. You will need to use a moisturizing foot oil for the skin of your feet for 14 days after the procedure. This will help prolong the result for 2-3 months.

Hardware pedicure is a relatively new technology

It is not for nothing that this type of pedicure acquired such a name, because the main part of the process is carried out using a device. It consists of a base with a tip, which must be selected depending on the affected area. For example, a coarse tip is often used to remove excess skin from heels, while a softer one is needed to polish nails. The tips rotate during exposure, and their speed can also be adjusted.

Performing a hardware pedicure

It is the device that does the main work. The master only needs to direct the device to the desired area and adjust it so that it does not cause pain to the client, but at the same time gives good results.

In addition to working with the device, the master deals with coating the nails with coloring and strengthening agents, as well as applying protective cream to the feet.

Hardware pedicure is done on dry feet. The device works better on dry surfaces, so there is no need to pre-steam your feet.

Video - Features of hardware pedicure

Advantages and disadvantages of hardware pedicure

Visitors to beauty salons fell in love with hardware pedicure for its advantages:

  1. Painless . Despite the huge number of revolutions in the shortest possible time, the device operates very gently. After the procedure, there will be no feeling of discomfort either.
  2. Low risk of injury . The master can make a wound on the skin only if he incorrectly adjusts the device.
  3. Speed ​​of procedure . The speed of operation of the device and the absence of the need to steam the legs allow the master to meet the deadline.
  4. Impossibility of infection . This provides virtually zero risk of skin damage.
  5. No contraindications . The only thing that can prevent you from creating such a pedicure is an allergy to the material from which the tip is made.
  6. Longevity of the effect . The skin is not completely exposed, so the process of formation of new cells is not enhanced.
  7. Productivity . After the procedure, your legs will maintain a neat appearance for a long time.

Technique for performing hardware pedicure

Although hardware pedicure has few disadvantages, they sometimes influence refusal of it:

  1. Relatively high price . This pedicure is more expensive than many of its analogues.
  2. Inability to carry out the procedure at home . The only exception is if you can purchase the equipment and get the hang of using it.
  3. A small number of pleasant moments during the procedure . Unfortunately, you will not be provided with a fragrant foot bath, and the process will go very quickly.

Subtleties of performing a trim pedicure

Photo of corns removal during a classic pedicure.
The step-by-step process looks like this:

  1. Before the session, the legs are lowered for 15-25 minutes. into a container with warm water, where sea salt, herbal decoctions, and aromatic oils are added. If the skin is rough, first apply an exfoliating scrub to soften the epithelium as much as possible.
  2. When the skin has softened, it is cleaned with a brush and pumice, first with large grains, then with fine ones.
  3. Then, using classic pedicure technology, they begin to process the nail plates. They are trimmed with scissors, tweezers, and filed with a nail file.
  4. The next step is to process the cuticles, which are pushed back with a wooden stick or carefully cut with nail scissors.
  5. At the end, the feet are again immersed in warm water, after which they are wiped dry, treated with a nourishing cream, and if desired, the nails are painted with varnish.

Hardware pedicure, features, advantages

For a safe procedure carried out in a beauty salon, you will need special equipment.
The legs are not steamed beforehand; they are simply treated dry with the apparatus. The device contains a set of attachments, changing which gently and painlessly polishes the keratinized areas of the epithelium. Hardware pedicure allows you to gently remove corns and calluses. Having purchased the device, the procedure can be repeated at home. Advantages of the method:

  • It is possible to obtain a quick, sustainable result. The epithelium is removed and peeled off gradually, which does not cause active cell division and slows down their growth. It is enough to do this every 14-15 days, after achieving a lasting effect - once every 25-30 days;
  • minimum trauma, because the attachments do not cut off, but clean off the dermis, evenly peeling off layer by layer;
  • there is no need to steam your feet before the procedure; a hardware pedicure can solve any problem in 10-15 minutes. The rest of the time is spent on disinfecting the feet, moisturizing, softening, and nourishing the epithelium.


  • The main disadvantage of the procedure is the higher price compared to a classic pedicure. In addition, the following negative points can be noted:
  • the technique is contraindicated for those who have thinned nail plates;
  • if the legs are neglected, the visible result will be noticeable after several sessions;
  • To carry out the procedure, it is not enough to have a device; it is important to use it skillfully to get the desired effect.

However, this does not matter if the feet are painful, there is diabetes, cardiovascular, fungal diseases and the most gentle care method is needed.

How is a hardware pedicure performed?

Photo of nail shape correction during hardware pedicure
Procedure procedure:

  • to soften calluses, corns, and keratinized dermis, use special products with keratolytic properties;
  • after the feet are treated with softeners, special nozzles of different diameters, abrasives remove corns, calluses, and problem areas;
  • If there are cracks on the feet, first the protruding edges are slightly trimmed, then the surface is polished with nozzles. At the end, the crack is lubricated with oil to speed up healing;
  • when there is an ingrown nail, it is treated with a special cream to soften it, then the ingrown area is polished with a bur. At the end, the ingrown area is painlessly removed with tweezers.

Classic pedicure

A classic pedicure is usually performed in two stages. The first is a foot bath and soaking the skin, the second is the removal of keratinized skin and modeling of the nail plate.

This type of pedicure is considered the most famous and cheapest.

After such a pedicure, you gain the feeling of “thin skin” on your feet, because during this procedure all corns and calluses, thickened heels are removed.

The disadvantages of such a pedicure include a high probability of contracting various types of fungal infections. The water used for a classic pedicure is a good environment for the spread of infection.

Also, during a classic pedicure, all steamed tissue, both keratinized and normal, is cut off, which does not prevent its growth, but rather enhances it. Read more about the classic pedicure technique.

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