Ivory - what color is this? Ivory. Colors and shades

If you ask a man about color, you can determine his orientation, profession and even interests. Of course, all the stereotypes that sexual minorities prefer pink and blue are far-fetched, but nevertheless, it is a rare man who will be able to immediately distinguish different shades of white. For example, what color is ivory? Did you know this? If yes, then you at least understand the color palette. Let's try to delve deeper into the topic.

Let's talk about the eternal

If you translate the word “ivory” from English, then the nature of the shade immediately becomes clear, because it is “ivory”. It turns out that it is ivory, a shade of white that does not lose its position as a noble and elegant color.

Choosing ivory will be risky. What color is this? Refined, luxurious, elegant and very easily soiled. Since ancient times, ivory has been considered a material for making tools. This material is soft but durable. With the advent of civilization, masters of the cultural sphere began to use it. In the houses of the powerful, statues, flowerpots, railings and stairs are made of ivory. This is an expensive material and therefore has a high status. Nowadays ivory is no longer mined, so it is often imitated. Both the movement to protect animals and the small percentage of remaining individuals have an impact. The value of the material has increased, but the opportunity remains to embody the outer shell and copy the ivory shades.

Ivory style at a wedding

The white color at a wedding is gradually giving way to the noble and refined color ivory, which we usually call “ivory” or “champagne”. Elegant ivory will suit absolutely any bride, because you can choose the shade of the dress according to your color type, age and taste. A wedding in the style of ivory color is an excellent option for those who want to distinguish themselves by the originality of their celebration.

Bride and groom outfits

wedding dresses are now found in all fashion shows, and there is also a wide choice of styles. Ivory is a winning color that will go well with different types of fabrics in one outfit. The main recommendation in choosing a dress is to choose the right shade of ivory that will suit the bride’s color type.

The groom's suit must be selected in accordance with the shade of the bride's dress. If the bride's look consists of paper or brown ivory, then the groom is better off choosing a suit the color of wet asphalt or classic black . If the bride’s dress is in warm ivory colors, then the harmonious color for the groom’s suit will be light brown or coffee.

The main thing is that there is no white in the groom’s attire, otherwise the bride’s dress will look dirty against its background. It is advisable to choose a shirt to match the bride’s dress, and the newlyweds’ shoes should be in accordance with the chosen color scheme of the celebration.

Clothing ideas for witnesses and guests

The bridesmaids' looks should also match the theme of the ivory wedding. Of course, the bride is the center of attention, but the bridesmaids’ outfits should also be thought out in accordance with the theme of the celebration and the clothes of the newlyweds.

Due to the fact that the bride’s dress is cream-colored, it should also be in the details of the bridesmaids’ outfits, and the main fabric is several shades darker than the bride’s wedding dress. It is recommended that the witness choose a shirt from the same fabric as the bridesmaids' outfit, although you can limit yourself to a pocket square.

Greatness of appearance

What attracts ivory? What color is this? First of all, majestic. Secondly, charming and soft. It is not as clear-cut as white; does not apply to the colors of a business wardrobe; It is not harsh, caresses the eye and shimmers depending on the light. Ivory is one tone different from white, but has many shades within itself. More often the color is yellow or brownish. There are pinkish, milky and creamy shades.

Wedding dresses are often made in ivory shades. Traditionally, white is considered a wedding color, but ivory will not be a deviation from the rules. It will not be so radical, so the dress can be worn in the future with some modifications. The celebration itself will turn out more graceful and pleasant if you smooth out the harshness of the primary colors. This is why weddings in different colors are gaining popularity.

According to the latest fashion

Light color has always competed with dark color in the basic wardrobe. If you want to make your closet functional, fill it wisely and always know what to wear for a particular occasion, then basic things should be enough. White is often left aside, citing its soiling and impracticality. Well, it’s hard to argue, but at the same time, shades of white stand out from the crowd, highlight the appearance and combine perfectly with any other colors. Ivory is a compromise option, which, by the way, is always in fashion, just like the classics - black, white and beige. This shade always attracts fashion designers, especially when creating a touching and delicate collection.

Who does ivory suit?

Having understood the question of what ivory color looks like, it is important to understand whether this color suits you and in what shade. In this case, stylists recommend determining your color type in order to choose the most successful tonality that will highlight the advantages of your appearance. For summer girls, an excellent choice would be neutral tones - milky, brown, pink. Fall fashionistas should avoid yellow and creamy ivory shades. Winter is better off sticking to clean, light colors, but spring is luckier than anyone else - the skin color conveys the main tonality of ivory.

How does ivory behave at work?

What color is this? Really, capricious? Yes, this quality cannot be denied. Therefore, the choice of shade must be approached carefully. The color suits people with an appearance dominated by warm tones and golden skin. Complex decor is not needed; flowing fabrics and simple shapes look best. Ivory has the positive properties of white: it emphasizes the purity and beauty, innocence and modesty of a person, his individuality. At the same time, the outfit carries its own message. The color is extraordinary, intelligent and creative. You should use ivory with caution in clothing for business and mobile women, because it is a shade of tenderness and lightness.

It is unlikely that it will go well with red lipstick and high metal stilettos. In decor, ivory works well with lace and printed plain flowers.

Interior trend

Ivory is universal, as it goes well with any shade. An interior based on this color will be soft and warm. The easiest way is to decorate a bedroom in ivory shades. Firstly, ivory visually expands the space, does not put pressure on a person and calms him down. Perhaps you have noticed that psychologists' rooms and doctors' offices are made in light shades. Ivory is considered the color of naturalness and purity. You should not combine it with contrasting shades, as this may create the illusion of a dirty shade. Therefore, we exclude sharp colors - black, scarlet, fuchsia or brown. Ivory colors and shades are good in classical and baroque styles. This design is luxurious, but not pretentious. Modern trends are also favorable for ivory. In minimalism, combine ivory with warm tones. For interior items, you can choose shades of white. In high-tech and modern, choose ivory as a background and make positive accents.

The most important choice

For their child’s room, mothers are afraid to choose colors and shades of white, since children are very noisy and restless creatures. You won’t blame them for the painted walls, but the entire interior will be ruined. Therefore, for the walls we choose more practical shades and textures, but with furniture you can take risks. For girls, ivory-colored cribs, flower pots and desks are purchased. For a boy, you can decorate the sports corner in the right shade.

Regardless of the gender of the child, a good choice would be ivory-colored curtains and the same chandelier, spreading soft warm light throughout the apartment.

Video description

The video shows the bedroom interior in beige design:


The design of this room should be carried out taking into account the age of the baby. Calm, soft, desaturated colors are best suited for children under two years of age. They are just beginning to explore the world around them. This happens at the level of tactile sensations; colors do not yet play a big role, so ivory, without a doubt, is most suitable for this age group.

Nursery for infants Source pinterest.com

Color duet

To conclude the conversation about an ambiguous and interesting shade, let’s think about what color goes with ivory? We have already noted that the shade is universal, but in each room or suit it carries a special message. If we combine ivory with shades of coffee, chocolate or brick, we get a very homely, but collected and correct look. This is a good choice for a work kit, for a common room in the house, for an office or a dining room. In a duet with shades of black ivory, it slightly smoothes out the harshness of the overall impression. An excellent choice for an apartment in a minimalist style and a business suit for a young woman. For an interesting look, complement ivory with deep natural colors. Lilac and gray reveal themselves very interestingly in tandem. Avoid neon colors, lots of glitter and rhinestones. A combination of ivory with peach and pink will be romantic. Looks with accents of eggplant, marsh and pale orange will become more serious. Ladies with a good figure can afford a combination of ivory and gray-blue, as well as cool pink. Don't shy away from bright jewelry to avoid looking faded, and remember that ivory will never be the color of one style. You can combine delicate dresses with sneakers and a leather jacket, or you can create an image with exclusively feminine accessories. By the way, ivory is increasingly present in the men's wardrobe, and this indicates the presence of taste in a male representative and his sense of beauty.

Ivory - color combination

In women's fashion, the nude palette has become a stylish alternative to the universal classic black and white palette. These shades are perfect if you want to eliminate severity and add tenderness. Traditionally, ivory looks great with any color, both bright and discreet. Ensembles with pastel colors are considered win-win. However, stylists offer the most current and beautiful combinations. Let's see what color ivory goes with:

  1. With blue
    . A fashionable solution would be to combine a neutral shade with a rich electric or deep sapphire color. Images with blue tones in clothes look more gentle and romantic.

  1. With white
    . If your main style corresponds to a gentle romantic direction, then beige and white ensembles will be the current choice for you. This option will be an excellent solution for elegant evening looks.

  1. With brown
    . Ivory looks win-win with dark shades of its range. And in this case, a good solution would be either rich chocolate or bright red, or even reddish brick.

  1. With coral
    . If you want to add a pop of color to your look, opt for feminine colors. Shades of milk, coffee and pink ivory are best suited for coral.

  1. With purple
    . Another stylish solution, especially for evening looks with sparkling jewelry, are ensembles with a dark and rich shade of eggplant. If you want to achieve a more subtle style, use lilac or sheer fabrics.

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