Cool congratulations on your wedding anniversary 1 year

Congratulations on a chintz wedding

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Congratulations on a chintz wedding - if you think about it, everyone in the world has something to congratulate. If you need to congratulate someone again, come back again.

663 79

Your anniversary is made of chintz, You have only been together for a year. May your union strengthen, May your family grow. Congratulations on this date, Even if it’s small for now, But we wish you to reach the golden wedding.


455 107

The first year of family life flew by very quickly. We know that he is not impeccable, but he warmed you with love. Open your eyes wider, And we congratulate the “chintz”, Let’s say three or four together: We wish you very happiness! I wish you strong family ties, Share the burden, Strengthen your union!


341 93

And now your first year has passed. It may have been difficult for you. A year full of happiness and worries, it will be very difficult for you to forget. Keep the flame of the hearth, Treasure each other as well. And your feelings, as now, you will carry through time.


843 23

Calico wedding - first anniversary. A year has flown by, and I congratulate you! You have become more experienced, mature and wiser, Now I wish you to live to see the golden age. Smile at each other more often, like children. Don't forget to say nice words. After all, there is nothing more important in the world than Love, which is the basis of all foundations.


451 66

Your family is one year old today, She is still just a baby. She is vulnerable and tender, Don't be too demanding. Understand, forgive in small things Sometimes it’s not so easy. Therefore, we wish you to be a little more patient.


720 51

Does heaven need a reason to bring two destinies together at the appointed hour? On this bright holiday, your anniversary, I congratulate you today, No matter what happens, be there And never quarrel in your hearts, And for this you will be rewarded with Long honey years.


393 134

The year has flown by unnoticed, The family has already lived for a year, Happy first anniversary, Congratulations, friends! May you live together for a very long time, And have many children, So that love does not fade away, Have easy and happy days!


Happy wedding anniversary 1 year to a friend

​Live happily with​ It’s not easy -​ ​Keep the family hearth,​ ​under one roof,​ ​The knots will be tied very much like one hour.​ ​In your mutual, tender,​ ​it’s impossible!​ words and warmth​ not to be rubbed ,​ ​ spouse​ home, children, husbands,​ ​Decorate your common​ So that the wife​ ​ is tight.​ No quarrels​ ​ respect!​ All the best to you​ ​We know, your anniversary​ is ours. be like this, And don’t hide

​But we cope​ ​with everyday life.​ as an eternal muse,​ ​And mutual understanding grows,​ there was no fight,​ ​We celebrate our wedding anniversary,​ and family warmth.​ ​ -​The year of love, the year​ ​we love,​ eyes in love.​ ​ after all with a bang,​ Let the flow of love​ ​And the spouse be​The money multiplies and​

​You only bring joy to​ Long years of your​ ​The first stage of life together​ Feast is an important reason.​ ​ tenderness, a year of passion,​ Beautiful, light and​ ​Let love and​ Let us celebrate​ ​ and peace​ as a support, a wall!​​ kids.​ us.​ ​ we wish​ your love,​ ​And, regardless of​ Let you not​

​not rude!​ understanding​ ​it’s time for us!​You will always​ ​Dear spouses! You have lived and together, dear, Yes, you are created to live always in ​Happily and successfully​ rank,​ ​ are haunted by grievances and​ I will not drink​ ​They will help you for​ An exemplary House -​ ​ open.​ together wonderful year

​ trying hard for each other, ​ luck and overcome, Inscribe happiness in​ And there is no​ ​ prosperity,​ With all my heart​ ​Preparing flowers and​ Let your love​

​I drank and​ ​Holding hands,​ Let only the​ ​ ​ ​ symbols of meeting another, not​ ​ a book of life.​ couples more beautiful than you.​ ​So that we wish you all​ joy, health,​ ​ gifts,​ only grows stronger , day​ ​I will drink to​ I wish​ ​they don’t get tired​ My dear friend,​

​ less happy year.​ ​May you be ideal spouses on your anniversary.​ ​ family in​ ​May we rejoice in your​ ​ from day to day, chintz!​ ​You to your​ Ironing, caring, baking​ ​You are so dazzling​ ​ We wish you a wonderful​ red wedding​

​You, honestly, please​ the order.​ ​ year your​ bright feelings grow stronger,​ ​And today receive​ Just one year you​ ​ dream to go.​ and cook,​ ​ beautiful!​ health, the most beautiful​ ​Great-grandchildren playfully smile!​ eye.​ ​May your wedding anniversary be like​ family.​ Bright smiles,​ ​ a gift from me!​ together,​

​​ ​To continue​Happy wedding anniversary​ ​and smart children,​Well, from​ ​Today is a chintz wedding,​ ray,​ ​Let the girls​ ​ be born hot​Today only for you​ ​But this is not ​P​ ​just live joyfully!​ Congratulations,​

​ constant personal, financial​ ​ love may be yours​ And you all​ ​Bring joy, everyone​ and boys,​ ​And togetherness forever! , from the best​ You are like a year of​ ​ growth and the most passionate​ ​ are also in love.​ the best,​ ​Let it accompany you​ Let this congratulation​ ​And from love​ To be honored​ ​ life is celebrated calico​ day in life

​back, same​‏>

SMS congratulations on your 1 year wedding anniversary to your friend

​in a home of comfort​ ​The page is turned​Although life can be changeable,​ ​“It’s bitter!” does not stop, Let everything be great in your soul. never, Well, tell me, open. Let all the troubles be mine! And love was the first family romance, May your love be good, love and

There will be a young spouse in life with

​Let not get drunk ahead of you​ Congratulations, friend,​ ​ pass by​ 4 SMS - 241​ ​ plenty, in full,​ Much burned by passion​ ​ does not leave.​ happiness​ ​ yours,​ a successful choice,​ ​ are waiting only happy ones At your wedding On a special day There will be a girlfriend, a spouse

​symbol​For you to go​

​ chintz​ ​Let her live​ ​ May you love for the rest of the​ ​ But the spouse​ of the year.​ ​ color of chintz? ​In the vastness of your​ eyes​

We wish you life. Yours will not be erased.

​ - with your little wife​ What are you like today​ ​Well, tell me,​Today you again​ ​Amicably keep the family​You bear the title​ ​So that you alone are​ the sofa.​ ​And tenderly​The wedding anniversary has come -​ ​With such a first anniversary!

The wave was rocking. Happy wedding anniversary

​ in the spoken words.​ ​We wish you happiness,​ congratulations on your weddings,​ ​Now accept my wishes,​ Your eyes sparkle and​ ​So that this chintz​ Come on, put on a dress.​ ​So that they can’t​ ​You realize how​ With everyone in the afternoon​ ​ congratulations​​ ​light, peace,​We wish you smiles,​

​You have clear skies, bright, happy smiles.​

​ not to break? ​Today we celebrate​ ​And don’t get old,​In a passionate waltz,​ ​Happy cotton wedding, girlfriend​This role is for you​

​ bonds,​ Let the souls in love​

​ in marriage,​ ​ in love, in​ May everything be fine​ ​Children's football team,​ your chintz wedding,​ ​ and don't get dirty,​ ​ with your ardor.​ ​ mine!​ ​ is important.​ What brought you together​ ​ interweaving ​And this year​ ​trust will be in life​

​Without this there is no way​So accept​

​And don’t shed,​‏>

Congratulations on the 1st wedding anniversary (Cintz wedding)

​best emotions from​

​Sheets for a hundred years​ So let it last​ Give you warmth, joy​ success,​ Proclaim your admiration!​ and passions swirl​ honor,​ wedding. The name is Today successfully passed happy family life. Let them rush at night!​ it’s forever, and prosperity, let everything in our life be your head. Love and happiness are explained by the fact that it’s a year. Well done, unity, love, happiness for you You have lived your first year. You are blessed by God. The volume of the book of life reigns in the family, fleeting, Just recently the bride was eating the pie. A kind of transition is taking place. With the chintz wedding, I am glad!

​and eternal spiritual​ ​together,​ ​A chintz wedding - after all​ let peace, goodness,​ ​The key words be:​You will change​ ​the chintz​ ​all in white​You still​ ​from the newness of​ the relationship from now on​ ​Very friendly family!​ ​ youth live in​ And it seems like​

​ a simple date,​ ​ order.​ happiness, love and​ ​ on linen.​ was,​ ​ everything is ahead,​ to everyday life and​ ​I congratulate and​ I wish you happiness and​ ​ in your home, like​ yesterday​ That's it ​Happy anniversary!​ ​ laughter.​We wish you​

​But​ Be faithful, friend​ ​ to everyday life (chintz simplicity).​ I wish you without hassle​ ​ riches,​ the most real, beloved​ ​You stood -​ ​ as you are married.​ Let in the family​ ​A walkway made of bright chintz ,​ live carefree,​ ​ a year has passed, remember such​ friends.​ ​ Congratulations on the calico​ -​ ​Have a good day from​ family members.​ ​ bride and groom​ Be happy, guys,​ ​ harmony reigns,​ Us for the holiday​ ​Various, like a chameleon.​ that's the case.​ ​What a strong​ wedding should be​ ​Live further in​ the day!​ ​​ -​ ​The first year you​ ​ brought the Bird of joy from​ , ​And this sonorous​ ​You’re great -​ all the​ paths are symbolic, correspond to the general​

​ mutual understanding,​ 4 SMS - 215​ ​ My beloved friend,​ Lovers at the altar. ​Be the best​ ​symbols​And for your spouse​ ​Your first year​And for each other​

​He will give you fun!​ We want to join in,​ ​For you guys,​ we will not lose our heads.​ ​ and be unobtrusive. This is for my husband, My dear friend, you are a wife, passed like a fairy tale, we became closer. Happy Anniversary, I wish you happiness, in your honor, Now I want that wedding only chintz wishes easy and I wish you respect ​You are in marriage And for a whole year​ Although without quarrels​

​May joy and​And your family​ ​ ​ ​ peace and goodness.​ We will drink​ ​ each other you​ have,​ a carefree happy life,​ ​ and prosperity,​ just a year,​ ​ has passed so quickly,​ not It worked out.​ ​ I wish you happiness,​ Happy first year to the bottom​ ​ hugged.​ But this is a holiday​ to keep the same​ ​Love for you, as if​But your union​

​And I want to give joy to the family​ ​They will multiply overnight.​We congratulate you on​ your wedding in abundance,​ ​ on this date,​ Please do not lose​ the big and bright,​ ​ mood during​ in a fairy tale, in reality.​ only is growing stronger, is full! ​Happy anniversary to you, May you live and not be bothered,​

​And maintain harmony!​ We wish everyone,​ ​ - this is not the field of​ this fuse,​ ​And we gathered​ A gift for chintz​ ​You and your​ worries,​ congratulations,​ ​ the world succeeded.​ Quarrels so that your​ ​Celebrate today May life together be crossed! After all, you are the most heartfelt wedding - the most ​ man.

​Let the chintz happiness​ The bride be​ ​ the house bypassed,​ An important holiday flows like a full​ ​Today you have​ the most beautiful holiday in the world​ congratulations,​ ​ a symbolic element of the celebration​ You are a couple, just​ Congratulations to your husband​ ​ will bring,​ the hostess,​ And stronger with​ ​ family.​ river,​ families,​ ​ married couple.​ And warm words,​ anniversaries. In the old days, a sight for sore eyes, you, your holiday

​And the husband​‏>

Cool congratulations on your 1st wedding anniversary

​​ gifts for you​ ​ young spouses on​ And with your family​ I wish you not​ ​ don’t forget,​ I helped her with everything,​ every day I grew stronger​ On your anniversary​ ​May your destiny​ Celebrate your wedding year​ Congratulations Happy anniversary and leave.​ their first anniversary is their birthday.​ swear,​ ​And celebrate everyone​ So that you don’t feel embarrassed​ the bonds​ I wish​ ​ will reward you in full.​ you,​ we want to wish you,​ ​Love each other ,​ life together was given after all, a year, friend

​For the fire of love​ year.​ ​take a washcloth​Called love!​ ​Keep your vows.​Advice to you and love,​ ​We from the heart​​To value and respect each other,​ ​chintz dress, shirt,​ dear,​ ​ did not go out!​ 4 sms - 213​ ​And things sometimes​ ​Your family was born a year​On the day of a wonderful anniversary​ ​ young people,​ congratulations to you,​ ​you have endured for years​Don’t make me angry, keep it,​ ​trousers. However, the symbolism is no longer small, 3 SMS - 187 characters

​ washed it! ,​ ​Then like this​ ​Two hearts from​Carry through the years​

​for the past year,​ we sincerely wish you happiness.​ ​When your husband with​ ​Let your union​ be distorted, if as a gift​ ​Live happily in​ ​​You and your​ ​, you, soul​ are intertwined in love.​ ​Your oaths of allegiance.​May your rings​ ​May everything planned by​ ​ friends in the bar​ ​ pass through with dignity

​ there will be products made of​ love,​ ​Today it’s not just a​ ​ man.​ ​ soul,​ And we want​ ​Let life give a lot​ ​ gold,​ ​ come true,​ ​ out of habit, beer​ of the year,​ ​ other matter, imitating​ So that more often your husband's day,​ ​You are a couple, just​Wish you all your life​ today,​

​ happiness,​ Many years to you​ ​Unasked for insults​ drinks,​ ​May your happiness​ chintz.​ ​ give flowers.​ My beloved friend! ,​ ​serve as a talisman.​ let them be forgotten,​ ​You, wife, will not be with you​Your wedding anniversary—​

​Congratulations, dear.​A kind of anniversary​ ​And the family​And marriage is nothing​ ​life is always welcome​ ​Happy anniversary​Live in joy​Let it be replenished with children​ ​take offense, take a walk and​ always.​ ​Wonderful date,​ For a whole year already​ ​You have been celebrating​ the same birthday.​ ​yours will not be destroyed,​ let's go.​ Congratulations,

​ and happiness,​ ​ your family,​ will come.​ ​You have already lived together​ To be married like​ ​ wife.​ spouse.​ ​After all, for a year, friend​ You will live​ ​To have a lot of harmony and​ Love​ ​Let them fly by, Let them be a cornucopia, And when your wife is a whole year old,

​ wonderful,​ May your patience and understanding​ ​ be like​ in paradise for exactly a year!​ ​ joy forever​ years ahead. It’s nice to be​ ​Your​ life will live with him,​ ​It’s already quite a long time,​Your family is already a year old,​Your happy​ ​Happy happy anniversary,​May good luck be with you​

Always. ©​ nightclub went​ ​ and a lot of worries.​ married!​ ​ full.​ And everything​ ​ I know.​ And this is a lot​ home,​ ​Happy birthday​ accompanies,​ ​Today is your wedding year​ walk,​ ​But the main thing is that​Let your love​ ​Let your husband love​ you okay,​Live happily in​

​ means.​ ​For there to be love,​ for family!​ ​May the Lord from​ celebrate,​ ​Do not scold her,​ lived in a great​ ​ warms,​ and cherishes,​ ​ I know.​ love,​ ​Hurry up, continue ​Like a dream, light,​Protects your joy and troubles.​This is your first​

​and in the morning​ love is better,​ ​Gives happiness and​Let your​ ​But still​So that the husband​ ​ birth is more often!​ ​Wife respected, husband​ joy!​ ​ union.​ patience and strength​

​gave flowers.​‏>

Calico wedding congratulations

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Calico wedding congratulations - congratulate everyone you see - they will be happy. It’s incredibly pleasant to make congratulations; it’s been tested on people.

498 45

A year has passed since you were married. A year of harmony and love. Could you really ever live without each other? You are a family, and you are united, And let the years fly - Together you are invincible. Never swear.


623 93

There were many happy days, Many joyful worries, Here comes the chintz wedding - You lived together for a year. The first year is the foundation of the family, In the unity of two hearts, We wish you to build a whole fairy-tale palace.


449 129

A year has passed since the wonderful date, and you guys are so happy. May your life be smooth, and let it be sweet together! Congratulations on your chintz wedding and we wish you only good luck! Keep the thrill of relationships and bright, rosy moments.


804 29

You have a reason to be happy - Happy first anniversary! We wish you to meet happiness along the way, but not even to notice difficulties. A chintz wedding is just the beginning of a bright, bright life, without sadness, And successful plans, common goals. May success in any matter help your cause.


779 36

A year has passed since the wedding - the first anniversary! Your feelings have strengthened and you have become wiser. Let there be one happiness for two, Take care of happiness for your children and relatives! May the storms pass over your family hearth, May the flame of love not go out, May there be prosperity, and may there be success in business. And love each other more than anyone else!


333 42

A year ago you became a couple - an official family. On this very important date, I congratulate you lovingly! Keep up the good work and bring light to people. Illuminate your home with happiness, Success will not leave you.


989 25

A year has passed since that very date, When love brought you together. May there be happiness in your home, May love and tenderness reign in it. Let sorrows, troubles and adversity pass you by, And these joyful years will make you a strong family.


( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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