Without hesitation: how to introduce guests at a wedding in one hour

Who is this?

The host chooses any of the guests and blindfolds him. After this, the host begins to describe one of the other guests, for example, blue eyes, not blond, tall, looks like Brad Pitt, wears a cool watch. And the blindfolded guest must guess who we are talking about. If he guesses correctly, he receives a prize; if not, he fulfills the company’s wish. Then another participant enters the game. And the host describes the other guest. The game continues until all the guests have been described and guessed.

The coolest

Wedding auction

A wedding auction is an obligatory element of the festive program. Traditionally, the first piece of the birthday cake, a dance with the newlywed, and cutlery are put up for auction. But in order for the auction to turn into fun entertainment, guests pay for the lots not with money, but with various creative and fun tasks. To get the desired item, auction participants dance, sing, draw, and recite poems.

Clever guest

Not a single wedding banquet takes place without this competition. Several couples are invited to participate. Women are given one chicken egg, which they must pass from one of their partner's pant legs into the other. Then the man does the same. But he passes the egg through the girl’s sleeves.

This game is very fun to watch for those present. And the participants get a dose of adrenaline. Nobody wants to stain their chic outfits with raw egg. The competitors do not realize that it is actually boiled and will not cause damage to things. The pair that completes the task the fastest is declared the most dexterous.

Pharaoh mummy

photo 4This competition has been known to everyone since childhood.
It is relevant even at matinees in kindergarten. Several participants are invited to play. The leader divides them into pairs. The goal of the contestants is to make a mummy out of their playing partner. And this is done with regular toilet paper for a while. Contestants are given 2-3 minutes. The winner is the one whose mummy is more accurate. You can also highlight the funniest work. You should not skimp on purchasing props for this competition. Cheap toilet paper will constantly tear and prevent participants from completing the task.

Hawaiian Limbo

In this fun game the number of participants is unlimited. The presenter invites everyone , but warns in advance that this competition is fluid. The entertainment props are a rope and musical accompaniment. Two people hold the ends of the rope at a distance from each other. Participants must take turns walking under it. Whoever accidentally touches is eliminated. The rope is held high at first and then gradually lowered. To complicate the task, it is suggested to overcome the obstacle with filled glasses. Hawaiian Limbo is a great test of flexibility.

Disco dancer

The toastmaster reports that the next competition will determine the best evening dancer. Six people enter the hall, whom those present consider the most active. Time to choose the best of the best.

The first task is the simplest. Contenders for victory must move as effectively as possible to the music turned on. The weakest participant is eliminated. To the next tune, the remaining contestants dance while sitting on chairs. And again the most unconvincing one returns to the hall

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At the next stage, only hand movements remain. The final test is face dancing. It's very funny to watch the contestants trying to move their lips, eyebrows and even ears.

Important! Prepare little fun souvenirs for competition participants. They will amuse the guests and will remain as a souvenir of the wedding banquet.

Men VS women

In this competition, the men and women present come into confrontation . Teams choose captains who go on stage and answer questions. Men are asked questions regarding women's life. And representatives of the fair sex are tested how well they know their opponents. The captains give the answers, the others can give them hints. A variant of the question for women - is there a difference between pliers and pliers, for men - what size tights do women buy if they are 160 cm tall.

Mysterious clothespins

This is a pairs competition. As a prop, you will need ordinary clothespins. The presenter attaches 6 clothespins to the participants’ clothes. To make it more fun, you need to choose the most unexpected places. Then the contestants are blindfolded and asked to blindly find all the clothespins. The winner is the pair that removes all 12 objects from each other with maximum speed.

Get to know me

In this game, participants are asked to recognize each other by body parts. Couples are invited to participate in the competition. The girls sit in a row on chairs. Blindfolded men approach them one by one and try to recognize their betrothed by the knee. Then the contestants change places. Girls determine where their partner is by their nose, hands, ears or other parts of the body.

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Fun starts

This is entertainment for active and mobile guests . A rope about half a meter long with a ball is tied to the participants’ belt. With this design, competitors must push the balloon towards the target along the proposed distance. This can only be done with vigorous hip movements. You can't help with your hands. They are placed on the waist. Those present will enjoy this original “belly dance”.

Get into the bottle

Couples participate in the game. Men go on stage, and women remain in the hall and lead their partners. Contestants have a pencil tied to their waists and their eyes are covered with a blindfold. To rhythmic music, without using their hands, participants must hit a bottle with a pencil. A woman directs their action. Whoever completes the task first is declared the conqueror of pencils and bottles and receives a bottle of champagne as a gift.

What's in the glass

This is a competition for those who drink alcohol . Participants are offered filled glasses and straws. The host announces that the contestants will drink water. And only one “lucky” person will get a glass of vodka. But he must not show it with his appearance. And the guests guess who got the alcohol in the glass. In fact, all the contestants' glasses were filled with vodka. It's fun to watch them sip alcohol from straws while trying not to give themselves away.

Repeat the movement

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This entertainment will force guests who have been sitting too long to take to the dance floor. All participants stand in a circle, and the toastmaster is in the center. He performs various movements to the music, and the others repeat them exactly. To make it interesting, the presenter must come up with unusual movements and change them dramatically. For example, you can jump and then suddenly fall to your knees. Even those guests who claim that they do not like and do not know how to dance will have fun thanks to this entertainment.

Reference! Mobile competitions are interesting to film and take photographs. Funny and memorable shots are guaranteed!

My name in someone else

It is better to hold this competition at the beginning, when the guests have not had time to introduce themselves to each other. The task of each of the guests is to explain his name through some personality, without mentioning the name itself. Everyone in this life knows someone from celebrities and world famous personalities with the same name as his. The first guest explains, for example, “I sing songs, slim and cute, married to a curly-haired man with a guitar.” And the second guest must guess (Angelica). Then the second guest explains, for example, “I am one of the three heroes, but not Popovich and not Nikitich.” And the third guest guesses (Ilya), after which he explains his name. Thanks to this competition, guests will get to know each other, and at the same time stretch their minds and memory.

For guests

To cheer up those present at the wedding and give them a break from food and alcohol, you can offer the following competitions for guests:


Everyone sitting at the table can participate in the competition. The prize is placed in the middle of the table, and the presenter announces that it can be claimed on the count of 3. But the trick is that the count is not in order, but randomly: 1, 2, 50, 34, etc. The prize will go to the one who is attentive.

Why not Pushkin?

The host offers the guests a few words from which they need to make a toast in poetic form. Rhyme is required. Another version of the competition: guests are given a line of a romantic poem. You need to recite your version of the continuation.

My light, mirror

The host gives any of the guests a small mirror. While looking at it, the participant in the game must say at least a dozen compliments to himself, and at this time the rest of the guests must knock him down or try to make him laugh. It is important not to smile or lose your temper, then the guest gets a prize.

For matches

Each guest receives a piece of paper and a pen. At the command of the host, the guests simultaneously write specific words on their pieces of paper, without peeking at each other, for example, the host commands: animals. And the guests each write their own animal on their own piece of paper, for example, cat, dog, elephant, and so on. Then the leader commands: flower, drink, country, item of clothing, color, fish, and so on. After each command from the presenter (when the guests have written their options on their pieces of paper), one of the guests stands up (starting with the first, after the second command - the second, after the third - the third, and so on) and names his option. And, if this guest has a match with someone (that is, both this guest and someone else wrote the same option: cat and cat), they drink to something good. So, for each coincidence, the guests drink and get to know each other better.

Who are you?

Each of the guests takes turns saying a phrase that relates to their profession, but without naming it itself, for example, “I come to work and put on a hard hat” or “Most of my work consists of roads and travel”, or “My work smells delicious and makes you full” and so on. If one of the guests guesses who a certain guest is by profession, he raises his hand and names his option. For the correct answer there is a prize, and the guest who guessed correctly is given a napkin on the plate to make it clear that he has been revealed. If you haven’t guessed correctly, the game continues and the guests speak according to the second phrase. The game lasts until all the guests have been guessed by profession.

Party games. Dating games

Interesting games for a party

The holiday can be intimate or masquerade, solemn or silly - in any case, it involves communication.
And the overall mood of the party depends on how easy it is for guests to communicate with each other. Anyone preparing a holiday must think about many things. How many people will there be? How familiar are they with each other? How to introduce those who are seeing each other for the first time, so that this acquaintance turns out to be pleasant? How to smooth out the unevenness of communication between those who already know each other? The games proposed in this article are aimed at introducing strangers and bringing acquaintances even closer together. Various games are collected here - for an official setting and for a friendly circle, for young people and for older people. The presenter needs to thoroughly introduce the people who will be invited: whether they are close people or completely different, how different they are in age and interests, whether they are inclined to communicate or separated, etc. In accordance with this, he chooses this or that game.

One remark needs to be made here. Perhaps more than others, dating games require attentiveness and tact from the host - not every person, when meeting for the first time, is ready to tell a lot about himself to strangers, much less allow someone to do it for themselves and in a humorous manner. Keeping in mind the purpose of the acquaintance, one must not forget the limit - do not force someone to say too much. The beginning is always a very important thing. One of the tasks of the host is to ensure that each participant in the celebration feels safe and the atmosphere is friendly.

So, let's meet! And during the celebration there will still be many moments when we will intersect with one or another people - the host will make sure that, either in a competition, or in a game, or in a dance, opportunities for new meetings are opened up for us, so that the acquaintance continues . At the end of the book, in the section “Games to Continue Getting Acquainted,” games are described for those who want to learn even more about each other.

Party game. Salad of names

Number of participants: 15 - 40 people.

What you need to play: nothing.

Preparations : none.

The host gathers everyone and says: “To make it easier for us to communicate at the evening, let’s get to know each other, find out each other’s names. A lot of interesting things await us today, and everyone, of course, can’t wait to get to the entertainment that we have prepared for you. To quickly end the introduction ceremony, let everyone shout out their name loudly at my command, and we will move on to more interesting things. So, get ready!.. Three, four!”

There is a noise and the presenter, worried, tries to repeat: “So. Two Sashas... Anton... It seems there is one Masha? Or Natasha?.. Nothing is clear! Let's try again!" Everyone screams again, the presenter jokes again. After the third time, he sighs and runs his hand over his forehead: “Nothing works! Well, we’ll have to take our time and get to know each other more thoroughly.” And he moves on to some kind of dating game.

Party game. Mansion name

Number of participants: 10-30 people.

What you need to play: nothing.

Preparations: none.

Everyone sits or stands in a circle. The first one introduces himself: “Igor.” Everyone chants his name in unison. Now Igor’s neighbor says his name, and everyone repeats his name. When everyone has introduced themselves, the leader, standing in the middle of the circle, points in turn to one or the other participant in the circle, and the choir again calls the names, this time without prompting.

Party game. Name in the center

Number of participants : 30-50 people.

What you need to play : music.

Preparations : it is advisable for the host to have a list with the names of the guests.

When there are a lot of people, you can introduce those present to each other by dancing. While everyone is dancing, the leader invites all Sasha to the center, then all Oksana, all Len, all Mish, etc., until everyone is in the center of the circle (for this, the leader needs to either write down the names of all the invitees for himself in advance, or ask for the names among the dancers). When someone is in the circle, everyone chants their name loudly to the beat of the music.

Party game. Original acquaintance

Number of participants: 10-15 people.

What you need to play : nothing.

Preparations : none.

Everyone sits or stands in a circle. The first participant in the game introduces himself and makes some gesture that corresponds to his image (waves his hand, shrugs his shoulders, bows, etc.). His neighbor repeats his name and gesture, and then says his name and shows his gesture. The third player repeats two names and two gestures and adds his own name and gesture, etc.

The one who makes a mistake repeats the name and gesture of the previous player, calls his own and thus begins a new chain of ideas. The host of the game evaluates who will be able to reproduce the longest chain of names and gestures.

Party game. Dating for a while

Number of participants: 20-40 people.

What you need to play: nothing.

Preparations : none.

The presenter explains the rules, gives the signal to start and times the time. In a few minutes, everyone should get to know everyone, i.e. shake hands, introduce yourself and find out the name of your partner. After a few minutes, the leader gives a sign to stop, the participants sit in a circle and in chorus name everyone sitting in the circle, one by one.

Party game. Autographs

Number of participants : 15–40 people.

What you need for the game : pencils or pens for all players, lists with the names of all guests according to the number of players.

Preparations: prepare lists with names.

This game is suitable for the case when there are many people invited to a party, and almost everyone is unfamiliar with each other. All participants in the game receive a list containing the names and surnames of those present. Now everyone goes around with a list of all the guests and collects their autographs. The winner is the one who completes the proposed task faster.

Party game. Notes

Number of participants : 10-30 people.

What you need for the game : paper, pens.

Preparations : none.

On six small pieces of paper, each one writes his name beautifully, in some unusual way. The leaves are carefully folded and given to the presenter, who mixes all the notes. Now the presenter distributes six notes to everyone. The goal of the players now is to exchange pieces of paper with other people’s names for pieces of paper with their own name as quickly as possible, approaching other players and talking to them. You can only give a note in exchange for another. The winner is the one who collects his notes faster than others.

Party game. Game with newspaper

Number of participants: 10-20 people.

What you need for the game : newspaper.

Preparations: none.

Everyone stands in a circle and everyone comes up with a harmless rhyme for their name, for example: Masha-daisy, Ivan-drum, etc. The driver in the center of the circle runs up with a rolled-up newspaper to one of the participants in the game, playfully swings the newspaper at him and counts to three. If the player does not have time to say his name and rhyme during this time, he is lightly hit on the forehead with a newspaper and becomes the driver. If he has time, the driver runs up to the other participant. The game continues until all names have been called.

Party game. We're going on a hike

Number of participants: 10-30 people.

What you need to play : nothing.

Preparations: none.

A game of familiarity, but also of intelligence. Everyone stands in a circle. The driver says: “We are going on a hike. What is your name and what are you taking with you?” One of the players, with whom the driver has agreed in advance, says his name and some object starting with the same letter. For example: “My name is Misha. I’m taking a tape recorder with me.” The participants in the game take turns naming themselves and the items suitable for the hike, and the host comments: “We’ll take you on a hike” or: “No, we won’t, choose another item!” Everyone needs to guess that the first letters of their name and the thing called must match. The game continues until all players have gone on a hike.

Party game. ABC of names

Number of participants: 10-30 people.

What you need to play: nothing.

Preparations : none.

Participants in the game who do not know each other are asked to line up so that their full names are in alphabetical order. During the game, everyone has to learn each other's names.

Party game. Tickets

Number of participants: 21–41 people (odd number).

What you need to play : nothing.

Preparations: none.

The participants of the game stand in two circles, the outer (“passengers”) and the inner (“tickets”), and the players in the two circles face each other. Everyone remembers the player opposite. The one left without a pair stands in .

At the leader’s signal, two circles move, one clockwise, the other counterclockwise. The presenter says: “Controller!” and each “passenger” must grab his own “ticket”. The “hare” tries to grab any “ticket”. The one left without a pair becomes a “hare”, and the game continues.

When the “passenger” takes his “ticket”, they get acquainted.

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In fact, the game is quite simple, but fun, because at first it will be easy, but then you will have to be smart and delve into your memory. The game is a knockout game. Starting with the first guest at the table, participants say one greeting at a time, for example, hello or hello, good afternoon or greetings. Greetings can be said in all languages ​​of the world. The most cunning ones can even use the Internet on their phone. The presenter himself may hint about this. A participant who cannot say greetings is eliminated from the game. And the most persistent participants, for example, three or five who remained until the end of the game and managed to name the most different greetings, are awarded prizes.

Wedding competitions to introduce guests

Competitions and games make a wedding not just an ordinary dinner with the family, but a fun, memorable event. It’s unlikely that anyone will be bored at this festival if the organizers take care of creating a varied cultural program. Competitions for getting to know guests at a wedding are designed precisely to defuse the situation and give everyone present the opportunity to simply enjoy the atmosphere of the celebration and rejoice, putting aside embarrassment.

Soap bubble competition

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