My dears, congratulations on your wooden wedding. So 5 years of marriage have flown by. You managed to show everyone what a strong, happy family means, which means overcoming obstacles together, no matter what. I wish that your family tree has strong roots, a lush crown and a strong trunk, that the leaves sway with a breeze of hope and inspiration, that the rain of good luck and joy fills the branches with new strength and health. **** Love is not a fire, but once it catches fire, you can’t put it out. The fire of love has been burning in the hearts of our young couple for 5 years now. This is the sacred fire. So let’s fill our glasses and drink together so that it never goes out in their hearts!
**** Congratulations on your wedding anniversary! 5 years is already a long time! I wish you to bask in tenderness and adoration for each other! May your life together be strong and reliable, like centuries-old trees. Wishing you daily happiness! Health, joy, prosperity, mutual understanding, responsiveness, sincerity and great love! Appreciate, respect and support each other! You are wonderful!
**** Congratulations on your wedding anniversary! Since today is a wooden wedding, I wish that your family tree penetrates deep into the soil with powerful roots, absorbing the substances necessary for growth and development, a powerful and wide crown rises to the skies, and the fruits are numerous and healthy!
**** Five years is a significant date. All troubles and misunderstandings are behind us. Let your relationship become strong like a tree, bloom like inflorescences in spring and bright like the fruits of trees. Wishing you diversity in your family life, love, understanding and great prosperity. May all sorrows and doubts go away as the years pass, and only a joyful and wonderful family life awaits you.
**** Congratulations on your wooden anniversary, 5 years of happy family life! I sincerely wish you to diligently continue to care for your family tree, protect it from pests and parasites, from life’s whirlwinds and storms. I wish you prosperity and happiness for many years to come!
**** Five years of marriage! Is it a lot or a little? Compared to the moments of an ant’s life, it’s an eternity. An eternity of love, emotions, enjoying each other. But do not forget that for the sun it is only a short moment. Therefore, I wish you even more feelings, so that all the heat of the sun seems weak warmth compared to the intensity of your emotions. To this I raise a glass!
**** Your first “five-year plan” flew by unnoticed. During this time, you managed to fulfill many of the plans outlined before the wedding. We strengthened our family, strengthened the family budget, created a cozy nest in which a wonderful little chick is growing. Let another glorious chick appear in your family nest. We wish you health and happiness! Enjoy life and love each other!
**** Five wonderful years have passed since your wedding day! They say it's a wooden wedding! Wood is not the most durable material, but it is one of the coziest! I wish you to always feel comfortable and warm with each other, like in a strong wooden house! Take care of your hearth, which caught fire from your pure loving hearts! Take care of your family!
**** If we talk about the eternal, then five years is not such a long time. But if you see the fate of two separate people, then this is an incredibly long path, filled with important events and impressions. Now is just the time when you can no longer imagine yourself without each other. You are one, indivisible, complete. And let us remind you that the symbol of today is a tree. We really want your family tree to take as many roots as possible, branch out and always bloom!
**** Congratulations from the bottom of my heart on a wonderful date - your family’s small anniversary, your 5th anniversary. On your wooden wedding day, I wish your family to have strong roots, a strong trunk and a lush crown. May there always be a place for joy and happiness in your home, may your cup of goodness and love be full.
**** You have been together for five years, you have gone through a lot of difficult moments and life difficulties! I sincerely wish that these will be the most difficult five years, and that from today your life will be filled only with the brightest and most positive emotions. Love and prosperity to you! I'm proud of you and your marriage!
Congratulations on your 5th wedding anniversary in your own words
**** Congratulations from the bottom of my heart on your wooden wedding and on your wonderful 5th anniversary of marriage. I wish you to live long and happily in prosperity and understanding, I wish you high prosperity and sincere joy, true love and respect, joint success and good luck, happy family holidays and good health.
**** Dear spouses, today is a wonderful holiday - the fifth anniversary of your union, a wooden wedding! Five years is a long time, during which you gained wisdom and invaluable experience, and your love became strong and mature. I admire your union and would like to wish with all my heart that no troubles in life touch you, that all your plans come true without difficulty, and that fate brings pleasant surprises. And many, many anniversaries ahead!
**** Five years together is a wonderful date! I wish you a lot of love, mutual understanding and prosperity! Let harmony reign in your souls! Fall in love with each other more and more every day and enjoy a wonderful family life!
**** Happy wooden wedding to you. Your marriage is already 5 years old, you have become one whole and I want to wish that no one can ever divide this whole. Let your family tree grow confidently under the sun of happiness and in the torrential rains of success. Peace, health, wealth, mutual understanding, joy and miracles for your family!
**** I sincerely congratulate you on your wooden wedding. You have successfully and beautifully walked through 5 years together, I wish you to continue to move through life just as cheerfully and safely, not to lose good hope and sincere love, to always show concern for your family and appreciate your happiness.
**** Congratulations on your fifth anniversary of marriage! Five years is just one of ten steps along the way! We wish you to go through your entire happy journey together in one breath, hand in hand, in love and harmony! Let nothing darken your optimism, and let all your dreams come true!
**** A wooden wedding is no longer paper, not chintz, it is already a strong material that cannot be easily broken! We congratulate you on this holiday of yours, we wish you only victories, only luck and only happiness! Let joy live in your home and illuminate everything around. Let happiness inspire you to new exploits, let your life seem the most interesting and the best! You are loved by each other and this is the main thing. After all, there is nothing stronger than two loving hearts! Always love each other with all your soul, because there is almost nothing in the world except love! Happy holiday.
**** We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts, with all the sincerity that only happens in the souls of the best friends, to whom the days and hours spent together are dear and memorable, all our joint activities, games, fun, sorrows and joys that we shared with you. We wish you great happiness, eternal love, unique moments, earthly joys and heavenly gifts!
**** I sincerely congratulate your family on your wooden wedding! Let life be filled only with bright events and positive impressions. Let your home be a real fortress, and let the help and support of a loved one be felt in any situation. Happiness, patience, health, harmony and mutual understanding! Happy 5th Anniversary!
**** My dears, the day of your Wooden Wedding has come. Even then, at the wedding, I told you that before you know it, time will fly by, and we will be celebrating your fifth anniversary. I knew you would be a great couple. But I didn’t even imagine that you would be such a harmonious family. I really want to wish you only happiness and love on your special day. You have everything materially, so I want you to focus your attention on the spiritual. I wish you to listen to each other, find compromises if any conflicts arise. I love you both! I know. How difficult this happiness was for you, but now you are already together, which means that there are no more threats. I wish you everything you need to feel your happiest. May your love never fade away in your life.
**** Congratulations on your 5th wedding anniversary! I wish you a sea of joy, a carriage of positivity, an ocean of happiness! May trouble never come to your home, and may the sun peek through the windows more often. Enjoy each other, because many difficulties are behind you, and a bright future lies ahead!
**** Congratulations on your wooden wedding, on a wonderful 5 years of marriage. I also wish you to move forward in life cheerfully and bravely, fill your home with warmth and comfort, take care of your happiness and always give each other bright love.
**** With all my heart, I sincerely congratulate you on your wonderful wooden wedding, on your wonderful fifth anniversary of family life. With all my heart I wish that your mutual love becomes stronger and stronger, so that your happiness is endless. Let there be peace, kindness, joy, mutual understanding, comfort and prosperity in the house. Wishing you many years of prosperous life and best health.
**** Congratulations, dear ones, on your 5th anniversary of marriage, on your wooden wedding. I would like to wish you good mood in your family and great happiness for many years to come. Let your tree grow and stretch its branches to the sun of love, let harmony, joy and prosperity reign in your home every day.
Congratulations on a wooden wedding (5 years) in prose
Congratulations on your wedding anniversary! 5 years is already a long time! I wish you to bask in tenderness and adoration for each other! May your life together be strong and reliable, like centuries-old trees. Wishing you daily happiness! Health, joy, prosperity, mutual understanding, responsiveness, sincerity and great love! Appreciate, respect and support each other! You are wonderful!
Happy fifth anniversary of your joint happiness! Let everything continue to be great in the family. Love, appreciate, respect each other and remain as young and in love!
Congratulations to your family on your first anniversary, on your wooden wedding! May these 5 years of marriage serve as the beginning of endless happiness and boundless love. I wish you mutual understanding, respect and many years of happy family life.
Congratulations on your important anniversary! Five years is a time filled with both happiness and crises, problems of varying degrees of complexity and their solutions. I wish you together to successfully cope with all the tasks and challenges that life brings. A strong family is a very serious achievement! I wish you to remain a support for each other for many more years, I wish you love, warmth and patience. Be happy!
My dears, congratulations on your wooden wedding! So 5 years of marriage have flown by. You managed to show everyone what a strong, happy family means, what it means to overcome obstacles together, no matter what. I wish that your family tree has strong roots, a lush crown and a strong trunk, that the foliage sways with a breeze of hope and inspiration, that the rain of good luck and joy fills the branches with new strength and health!
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart on a wonderful date - on your family’s small anniversary, on your 5th anniversary. On your wooden wedding day, I wish your family to have strong roots, a strong trunk and a lush crown. May there always be a place for joy and happiness in your home, may your cup of goodness and love be full.
Congratulations on your wooden wedding! This is your first little anniversary, your marriage is 5 years old today. And I sincerely want to wish you the same cheerful, kind, fruitful, happy five years in your life together. May your dreams come true, may your family tree grow both in breadth and height. Be healthy, live in abundance and joy!
Congratulations on your wooden wedding! May love and happiness forever reign in your hearts, and may comfort and harmony always reign in your family nest! I sincerely wish you mutual understanding, financial well-being, fulfillment of cherished goals and long wonderful years of life together!
Please accept congratulations on your wooden wedding anniversary. Let happy 5 years of family life be just the beginning of immeasurable happiness and mutual love. Let there be prosperity and mutual understanding in your home!
Congratulations on your wedding anniversary - wooden wedding! I wish that your relationship will always be as strong as the roots of perennial trees! Let love, prosperity and understanding reign in your family! Appreciate each other and live happily for many years to come!
Congratulations on your 5th wedding anniversary in your own words
Congratulations on your 5th wedding anniversary - your first family anniversary! I wish that your love only grows stronger, your feelings become brighter, and an idyll reigns in the house. Be happy, have no troubles and enjoy each other. Mutual understanding to you, warmth and healthy children!
Congratulations on your first anniversary to your young but already strong family. Let prosperity, comfort and joy come to your home, and let the fire of love burn in your hearts. Keep your bright feelings, remain a support for each other and do not let routine and petty grievances enter your door.
It seemed like only yesterday was your wedding, and you’ve already been together for 5 whole years! Let's knock on wood so that your happiness lasts indefinitely! Peace, mutual understanding, love to your family!
The first five-year plan has passed and it’s time to take stock. We wish you to highlight from these five years of marriage only happy occasions, joyful moments and that ardent love that united your union, and take it all into your future happy life. And let this life consist entirely of warm glances, tenderness, mutual understanding, respect and love. Happy Anniversary!
Happy fifth wedding anniversary to you, the most beautiful, strong, ideal family! Keep the warmth and tenderness of your relationship, understanding and respect in every word and action, so that every day will be like 5 years ago! We wish you that your daughter (son) pleases you every second, is (was) the embodiment of your boundless love and becomes (has become) your pride! Happy family birthday!
Happy wooden wedding to you. Your marriage is already 5 years old, you have become one whole and I want to wish that no one can ever divide this whole. Let your family tree grow confidently under the sun of happiness and in the torrential rains of success. Peace, health, wealth, mutual understanding, joy and miracles for your family!
Our dear, wonderful friends, we congratulate you on your first anniversary - on the fifth anniversary of your life together. I want your marriage to be strong, like the tree - the symbol of your wedding this year. May your marital relationship be an example for many. You are a wonderful couple! Cherish your feelings, trust, surprise. Raise children, increase prosperity. Prosperity to your home and family!
Five years together is a wonderful date! I wish you a lot of love, mutual understanding and prosperity! Let harmony reign in your souls! Fall in love with each other more and more every day and enjoy a wonderful family life!
Happy Anniversary! You have lived five wonderful, wonderful, wonderful years! Take only joyful moments, tenderness, care and love from the past to your happy future! May your marriage become stronger every day, and may your attitude towards each other become more tender, more careful, more touching!
Congratulations on your wooden wedding. Your marriage is celebrating its first anniversary, so let only joy fill your hearts today, tomorrow, and for the rest of your life. May your family tree grow and become rich, may your family life always be full of happiness and comfort!
Happy 5th wedding anniversary in your own words
Congratulations on your wedding anniversary! Wooden wedding 5 years is already a long time! I wish you to bask in tenderness and adoration for each other! May your life together be strong and reliable, like centuries-old trees. Wishing you daily happiness! Congratulations, dear ones, on your 5th anniversary of marriage, on your wooden wedding. I would like to wish you good mood in your family and great happiness for many years to come. Let your tree grow and stretch its branches to the sun of love, let harmony, joy and prosperity reign in your home every day. Our dear, wonderful friends, we congratulate you on your first anniversary - on the fifth anniversary of your married life. I want your marriage to be strong, like the tree - the symbol of your wedding this year. May your marital relationship be an example for many. You are a wonderful couple! Happy fifth anniversary of your joint happiness! May everything continue to be excellent in the family. Love, appreciate, respect each other and remain as young and in love! Congratulations on your wooden wedding, on a wonderful 5 years of marriage. I also wish you to move forward in life cheerfully and bravely, fill your home with warmth and comfort, take care of your happiness and always give each other bright love. I sincerely congratulate your family on your wooden wedding! Let life be filled only with bright events and positive impressions. Happiness, patience, health, harmony and mutual understanding! Happy 5th Anniversary! Happy 5 year wooden anniversary! Let this wonderful event unite your souls even more! I wish you not to lose the feeling of being in love, cherish each other and go through life together! Happy 5th anniversary to you! We wish you amazing discoveries and a life full of love! May your marriage become even more successful every year! Give each other joy and pleasure, passion and tenderness, care and support! Your 5th wedding anniversary, bittersweet!
Congratulations on a wooden wedding
Fate has united the hearts, After all, the two of you have been married for five years! I wish that life gives you only goodness and bright light!
Let everything you want happen, Let your hearts beat in unison, Always fly forward together, So that life is like a sweet dream!
You’ve been together for 5 years already, how do the years fly?! Only recently, it seems, all the relatives were out and about?!
Congratulations on your wedding day, Today is your anniversary. Happy wooden wedding, don’t be too lazy to congratulate you.
Without a doubt, we wish you to get there together before the golden wedding, so that there is peace in the family.
Wooden wedding, Five years together, I wish you bright days Without melancholy and troubles!
So that your life flows like a stormy river, and your amorous affairs always go uphill.
Congratulations on your wooden wedding. For long years! May joy, happiness and light always be with you.
Let tenderness know no boundaries. And let love inspire you again and again, illuminate you with a bright flame.
Five years ago you took an oath, And you kept your word, And joy and problems are all, Dividing into parts only two!
Today, with pleasure, let us congratulate you on your date, on your wooden wedding, on your beautiful and rich one.
After all, the period is quite decent, We wish in our personal lives to trust each other, cherish, protect!
To keep the key from the heart, to appreciate your love, and also, so that with interest, to walk on a golden date!
You have been together for five years, The wedding is wooden, And there is no happier couple, And this is the main thing in life!
We hasten to congratulate you, Happy fifth anniversary today, We want to wish your family Love and longevity!
Your first anniversary has arrived, you've been married for five years. And we see, as on the first day, Love for each other in our eyes.
We heartily congratulate you on your wooden wedding. Every hour will be happy, Let love not melt!
You have been together for five years, congratulations, you have a wooden wedding. I want to wish you great happiness, a sea of goodness, and love at this hour.
Always respect each other, take care, love, appreciate. Along the road of family well-being, walk hand in hand together!
Wooden wedding (5 years) what a wedding, congratulations,
Happy five year anniversary, Wooden Wedding! You have become one family, strengthening the relationship.
Let the family grow, become stronger, May your marriage be happy, May joy dwell in the house, And may it always be so.
I wish you to bathe in tenderness, I wish you to preserve my love. Over trifles, so as not to swear, to sincerely appreciate each other!
Happy five year anniversary, Happy wooden wedding to you! Let life be colorful, light, bright, without embellishment.
Let love unite your souls and hearts, help you survive everything, inspire you endlessly.
Let everything in your family nest be super, everything is excellent. Success, health, peace and harmony May they reign in your family.
Good luck, happiness and prosperity, To love each other without looking back We wish you incessantly On your wooden wedding day.
Today is your family’s 5th anniversary. So good luck to her! We sincerely congratulate you and wish you love and joy.
Let the tree of marriage bloom and let it bear its fruits, so that you are always happy, so that the family grows stronger and stronger!
It’s already been 5 years since we took a vow of fidelity. Your family blessed you, and you united your destinies.
On your wooden wedding day, I wish you not to recognize deception, To live long in mutual love And to cherish a strong marriage.
Surround each other with attention, care, affection, compassion. Be able to understand, be able to forgive And live every day in happiness.
You have been living together for five years, keeping your love from troubles, from all illnesses and bad weather, going together only to happiness!
Love helps you with this: It protects you where you need it, teaches you to be one whole Union, strong, strong, courageous!
We wish you rich love, so that in life it becomes your reward. And you will live as a very friendly family until your golden wedding!
Happy five-year important date, Happy wedding anniversary, We congratulate you now on your wooden wedding!
Five years is not enough, so that you always pay attention to each other, so that love is in your hearts!
Don’t swear and don’t get angry, You’ll make peace very quickly, So that you can be covered with care, Like a warm blanket!
Develop and grow, carry faith and devotion, so that your union prospers and grows stronger over the years!
Five years ago you took an oath to walk hand in hand through life, And every day love grows stronger. A happier couple cannot be found.
At your wooden wedding today we would like to wish you, among problems, adversities and everyday life, not to lose your love.
We wish you to pass through the years and live until your golden wedding. And, no matter what happens to you, walk the road alone!
Congratulations on your 5th wedding anniversary (Wooden wedding)
Fate has united the hearts, After all, the two of you have been married for five years! I wish that life gives you only goodness and bright light!
Let everything you want happen, Let your hearts beat in unison, Always fly forward together, So that life is like a sweet dream!
Your first anniversary has arrived, you've been married for five years. And we see, as on the first day, Love for each other in our eyes.
We heartily congratulate you on your wooden wedding. Every hour will be happy, Let love not melt!
You have been married for five years, Anniversary date, May your family life be caring and prosperous.
May luck never leave your home, And may love for each other never grow cold throughout the years.
As many as five since you put on your Chastity Rings. Happy anniversary and wishing you love.
I wish you happiness and understanding, may your family prosper, peace, joy, and prosperity today.
It’s a great happiness to be together, Five years, there are so many bright days! You need to protect your family, And become more and more dear!
Let joy knock on your door, So that life is filled with goodness, Let love strengthen your marriage, Filling your soul with magic!
How quickly the years pass! Five years, and you are always together. Happy anniversary, I wish you to be inseparable.
Let the house be illuminated with affection, Let happiness settle in it! Let life seem like a fairy tale to you, May fun and laughter come to your home.
I wish you to continue to walk happily through this life. To love, appreciate and admire, invite me to your anniversary!
Today is our anniversary. We lived with you for five years. You are my only man, There are no others like you in the world.
Over the years, everything happened, And the days were difficult, But it always turned out that way, That we stayed together.
You were an ideal husband, You were a stone wall to me. So let’s wish each other to live until the golden wedding!
Wooden wedding, Five years together, I wish you bright days Without melancholy and troubles!
So that your life flows like a stormy river, and your amorous affairs always go uphill.
How many years have you been together? It's been like this for five years now. And you’ve already gotten used to life together, or not?
Well, I wish you patience, Strength to feel sorry and forgive, Former admiration, So as not to lose love.
Let prosperity and comfort Warm your home, And let it be cool for you to be with each other.
On the Day of the Wooden Anniversary, we congratulate you on your triumph! You will be drunk with happiness, And let guests fill the house.
Under the protection of the mighty tall, centuries-old Oaks, long life to you and only the best, Protection of the holy angels!
Congratulations on your anniversary, on your wonderful wooden wedding! May the sublunary world keep your happiness strong with love.
Let tenderness sprout in souls, like shoots of a tree, To live in magical bliss, Meeting infinity of happiness!
The years have flown by quickly, you have matured a little, you have become more beautiful and wiser, you have become even warmer.
You protect each other from bad weather and fear, Give tenderness, love, Warming feelings again!
We are happy for your couple, For walks along the boulevard, For the idyll and fidelity, And the family pattern!
Know that this “five-year plan” is only the initial mark of your friendship and love, and family beauty!
Happy wedding anniversary, Happy first anniversary! Love, let it become stronger every year!
Let the wooden wedding unite the family forever. We wish you and your children a lot of happiness!
The wedding is wooden, simple, And not yet golden at all, But in order to live in marriage for so many years, You need to cherish this marriage!
You walked this path almost with dignity, And in general you looked decent, And loving, you understood each other, Even though sometimes you offended!
May there be only happiness ahead, hug you tighter in bad weather, may love help you in everything, and may the Lord protect you from troubles!
Please accept my congratulations from the bottom of my heart, Five years have flown by incredibly quickly! My dears, live happily, May everything you want come true!
Goodness and home comfort to you, great love, prosperity, peace, harmony, May the minutes spent together always be a huge reward for you!
You have been together for five years, congratulations, you have a wooden wedding. I want to wish you great happiness, a sea of goodness, and love at this hour.
Always respect each other, take care, love, appreciate. Along the road of family well-being, walk hand in hand together!
Not from wax, not from cotton wool, Not from pockmarked tow, But from wood we will cut out your wedding together.
Not from oak, not from heather, not from gate boards, but from red wood of the most expensive species.
A couple in love knows that the wedding is tiny and simple. It will become pure gold After many years.
Quite a few years have passed since you gave the answer to the most important question. I am glad that we will walk through life hand in hand, Let there be only love and happiness ahead of us.
Happy wooden wedding to you, Happy 5th birthday! How happy you are now! The choice was made correctly.
May your happiness continue for another hundred years, Every moment and every hour All your dreams come true!
Five years old wooden wedding. This means that the tree of love is growing. It’s too early to draw conclusions; so many trials await us.
But this date says a lot, That feelings blossomed even more, Which means we weren’t mistaken in each other, And that means we found true love.
Your wedding is wooden, the long-awaited, desired holiday of loving hearts, two wedding rings.
Grow and bloom, Tree of a large family! Let happiness grow in the house, calling you Mom and Dad.
You created and preserved family traditions. They grew their own tree and braided their roots tightly.
A watering can for you to water your tree of love. And the children covered Him thicker with leaves.
You’ve been together for 5 years already, how do the years fly?! Only recently, it seems, all the relatives were out and about?!
Congratulations on your wedding day, Today is your anniversary. Happy wooden wedding, don’t be too lazy to congratulate you.
Without a doubt, we wish you to get there together before the golden wedding, so that there is peace in the family.
Wife, you and I are five today! And we were able to give each other Joy, strength, a volcano of feelings, a whole ocean of happiness!
We will start the New Year with you, Together we will walk the path, It will lead us to a dream, I will give you peace!
You have been together for five years, The wedding is wooden, And there is no happier couple, And this is the main thing in life!
We hasten to congratulate you, Happy fifth anniversary today, We want to wish your family Love and longevity!
You have lived together for 5 years, for which we congratulate you. Let every day be warm and seem like paradise to you.
Love every day as if again. Fall in love when you wake up. Let nothing make you sad, and let joy surround you.
Five years ago you took an oath, And you kept your word, And joy and problems are all, Dividing into parts only two!
Today, with pleasure, let us congratulate you on your date, on your wooden wedding, on your beautiful and rich one.
After all, the period is quite decent, We wish in our personal lives to trust each other, cherish, protect!
To keep the key from the heart, to appreciate your love, and also, so that with interest, to walk on a golden date!
Happy anniversary to you guys, Happy fifth glorious anniversary, I wish you to be united in thought and soul.
So that the feeling only gets stronger, Understanding grows, So that the unspoken only have happiness Wedding ring.
Five years ago you took an oath to walk hand in hand through life, And every day love grows stronger. A happier couple cannot be found.
At your wooden wedding today we would like to wish you, among problems, adversities and everyday life, not to lose your love.
We wish you to pass through the years and live until your golden wedding. And, no matter what happens to you, walk the road alone!
Happy fifth anniversary of your joint happiness! Let everything continue to be great in the family. Love, appreciate, respect each other and remain as young and in love!
Today is the anniversary of the creation of a family, Five years, what a little, but they are precious, The years that we have lived, through them we carry love. We value each other, and value each other again and again!
Your fifth anniversary is a great time to appreciate the effort, patience and love you have put into this marriage! Be happy, prosperous and, of course, we wish mutual understanding from the bottom of our hearts!
A long road has been covered, and there is still a long way to go. I wish you to hold each other's hand in any situation.
5 years is a serious distance, There were also feet in the dust, But your love is graceful, Like leading each other in a dance.
Have a beautiful, smooth path, and don’t pull the steering wheel for anyone. I wish you the most important thing, that souls merge into one!
It’s not easy for a tree to grow, It’s not easy for a tree not to break under the wind, It’s not easy for people to get along with each other with love.
But you did it, you did it, you became stronger in your marriage. For five years love from all winds was protected in the family.
Today we congratulate you on your wooden wedding, we wish you to keep your love and not lose your happiness!
Our friends have been married for five years! And giving them the best wishes, We want them to remain the same, Love each other and rush through life!
We wish you interesting, eventful, joyful and wonderful days. May your union be long and eternal, After all, it was marked by heaven!
Today is your wedding anniversary, Just like then we hear: “Bitter!” from guests.
Congratulations on your wedding to the wooden one, May your life always be filled with: Love and friendship, children's laughter, fun, Support and mutual respect!
Happy fifth wedding anniversary! Let life be rich, filled only with goodness and joy, and let what you have planned come true.
Let the house be a cup full, And let the love really be enormous. May fate give you happiness, May joy begin anew!
I congratulate you without further ado, Happy first anniversary of your life together. I wish you to be together for more than a century, because you will not find a dearer person.
I wish you to be with me both in joy and in sorrow, And with every year, love strengthens. I wish you to relax at sea soon, And let the bright lights shine in your eyes.
You met, and meetings are not accidental. Fate brought two people together for a reason. Let your secrets remain with you, and I wish you happiness and all the best.
Congratulations on your 5th wedding anniversary. Congratulations on the Wooden Wedding (5th wedding anniversary)
We decided to congratulate you, so that you don’t forget that your family life consists entirely of weddings.
You’ve already worn calico, Len, you’ve outlasted the paper, And today, oddly enough, the wedding will become wooden.
Even if not the most valuable yet, but reliable, faithful, strong, generous and big. Live golden until the wedding!
Let the strong tree protect your marriage from quarrels, disagreements and stupid insults. Spouses, you have been married for five whole years. Live richly without knowing troubles!
Appreciate each other, give warmth. We wish you good luck in every matter. And let every day bring success, kindness, understanding, joyful laughter!
Congratulations on your anniversary, Happy first anniversary, in five wonderful years you have become better and wiser.
I want to wish you happiness, so that your family inspires you, so that love in your family life only controls you.
I wish you strength, patience, understanding, ardent passion, let problems and bad weather pass you by.
The wedding is wooden, simple, And not yet golden at all, But in order to live in marriage for so many years, You need to cherish this marriage!
You walked this path almost with dignity, And in general you looked decent, And loving, you understood each other, Even though sometimes you offended!
May there be only happiness ahead, hug you tighter in bad weather, may love help you in everything, and may the Lord protect you from troubles!
Happy wooden wedding to you, Happy 5th birthday! How happy you are now! The choice was made correctly.
May your happiness continue for another hundred years, Every moment and every hour All your dreams come true!
You have been married for five years, Anniversary date, May your family life be caring and prosperous.
May luck never leave your home, And may love for each other never grow cold throughout the years.
Happy wooden wedding to you, Happy important anniversary! You are no longer afraid of the evil eye, routine is no longer in danger.
For five whole happy years you are next to each other. You made a vow of fidelity, love is your reward!
Let comfort reign in the family, Let it not be boring, Every day surprises await, All the clouds will disappear.
Have beautiful, bright days and sleepless nights. Let the nightingale sing you Songs for Lovers.
Happy anniversary to you guys, Happy fifth glorious anniversary, I wish you to be united in thought and soul.
So that the feeling only gets stronger, Understanding grows, So that the unspoken only have happiness Wedding ring.
But there were events of other plans, whims and quarrels, where would we be without them. After all, everyone has a few flaws. It doesn't matter if it's the bride or the groom.
It’s not easy for a tree to grow, It’s not easy for a tree not to break under the wind, It’s not easy for people to get along with each other with love.
But you did it, you did it, you became stronger in your marriage. For five years love from all winds was protected in the family.
Today we congratulate you on your wooden wedding, we wish you to keep your love and not lose your happiness!