What to give for your 75th wedding anniversary, traditions and congratulations

Crown wedding traditions

According to tradition, due to the advanced age of the “newlyweds,” their children and grandchildren take care of the holiday and preparation for it. One of the traditions is to serve tea with a cake with figurines of swans on top, which bowed their heads towards each other, symbolizing love and devotion.

Without fail, the couple must cut the cake together and, as on their wedding day, take the first piece for themselves and treat the rest to those gathered. And the couple keeps the swan figurines for themselves.

Another tradition prescribes the gift of jewelry on a memorable day. Preferably with your favorite precious stones. Such gifts are then created into powerful family heirlooms and passed down from generation to generation. Such objects absorb the positive energy of two people who have lived together for such a long time.

How to celebrate?

Celebrating such a significant event should be special. As a rule, children and grandchildren take charge of organizing the celebration. Since the heroes of the occasion are elderly, their wishes and preferences should be taken into account. Many spouses want to celebrate their 75th anniversary of marriage at home. And it is right. After all, at home, in a familiar family environment, they will be able to feel cozy and comfortable. And all the guests of the celebration will be able to plunge into this unique atmosphere of family happiness.

All close relatives of the spouses should be present at the celebration. Guests should be welcome so that the atmosphere of the celebration is not so tense. When children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren gather at one table, this is already a real holiday and great happiness for the spouses.

To please your spouses and truly please them, abandon modern celebration traditions. It's better to have a party in a retro style. Let the music of their youth sound this evening, which will help create the right atmosphere and allow the spouses to feel young again.

The decor should also be thought out to the smallest detail. The heroes of the occasion will be very pleased if you make a collage of old family photographs in advance, print out photographs that depict the happiest moments of your life and decorate the walls with them. If the anniversaries once celebrated their wedding at home, then it is quite possible to try to recreate the same decor now. Surely the couple shared their memories with their children and grandchildren and talked about some special details of their wedding.

As for holiday dishes, the menu should be compiled taking into account the taste preferences of the spouses. Not everyone at this age likes newfangled salads, seafood, etc. Surely they like simple and satisfying dishes. Therefore, the table should have everything that the spouses themselves love. It is quite possible to prepare a traditional family dish, which is an integral part of every holiday. You can create a holiday menu based on popular dishes of those years.

In order for the 75th anniversary to be successful, you need to try to recreate as much as possible the atmosphere of those years when the celebrants first met and got married. To return at least for one evening to their youth and feel the whole atmosphere of that evening is a dream that needs to be made reality for them. During the evening, be sure to ask the spouses to talk about the happy moments of their life together. Ask them to share their experience and knowledge. Listen to their long speeches to the end without interrupting.

75th wedding anniversary script

Usually the organization of the event is taken over by the younger generation, because celebrants of the day find it difficult to have such entertainment due to their age. The couple's favorite dishes should be on the tables, and only the closest friends and relatives should be invited. You can invite witnesses to a wedding that took place 75 years ago if they are in good health.

Due to the rarity of the anniversary, a lot of attention to detail is usually paid, including the decor of the room. For example, posters with photographs of the couple at different periods of life along with warm wishes would look appropriate on the walls. And from balloons you can form something like wedding rings and the iconic number 75.

If finances allow, you can organize live musical accompaniment, preferably in the style of past years. If this is not possible, then you should at least find a recording of songs from those times to allow the couple to briefly immerse themselves in the times of their carefree youth.

During the holiday, do not forget about the advanced age of the couple and the fact that excessively long and active events can simply tire them. Therefore, you should try to make the holiday family-friendly and calmer. Instead of an abundance of dancing and outdoor games, attention should be paid to words and congratulations. Let the guests sincerely say everything they wanted from the positive things over the years. Such attention will please the spouses and allow them to truly feel their own importance. It would be appropriate to tell your family secrets, especially to the younger generation. Usually such evenings end with a similar transfer of experience.

To maintain the symbolism of the date, you can make a crown or order them from jewelers if you have the financial means. The coronation ceremony is an excellent solution for creating a festive atmosphere. A throne will be a useful attribute of this event. In order to capture memorable moments, it would be a good idea to invite a photographer and, if desired, a video operator.

You can recreate the atmosphere of past years in the interior, allowing the celebrants to travel back in time to their carefree past. To do this, you will have to select music, interior and costumes for the guests of those times. A competition aimed at testing the knowledge of invited guests about the history of the life and creation of the family of the heroes of the day would not be out of place. The heroes of the holiday themselves can judge it, and also ask the most tricky questions about the date of the first meeting, the first kiss and other similar moments.

Ancient traditions and customs for 70th wedding anniversary

The venerable age of the spouses, their enormous life experience, and memories are in themselves a matter of respect. The heroes of the occasion, who have lived for almost a century, can tell their many descendants a lot. Therefore, the main tradition of celebrating the 70th wedding anniversary is considered to be close communication with older people in order to find out the secret of their longevity and get acquainted with the history of the family among loved ones.

A good tradition on the occasion of the seventieth wedding anniversary is to view photographs that are stored in the family archive. Many families have a rich archive of family videos: representatives of the older generation, as well as their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, will be interested in watching valuable and rare recordings together.

Another good tradition is when celebrants of the day visit Holy places or churches shortly before the celebration. It would be better if the whole family went to church and pray for the health of the celebrants and family members.

Gifts for a crown wedding

The 75th wedding anniversary is the date on which it is customary to give gifts. At the same time, they don't have to be expensive. A couple needs attention and warmth, and objects can be the most symbolic. Moreover, there are no strict established frameworks for gifts. Gift options for such a date could be:

  • orthopedic mattresses will be a wonderful gift for elderly people who, in most cases, have problems with the musculoskeletal system;
  • with the help of an aroma lamp and a set of your favorite essential oils, you can improve the aromatization of the room and remove accumulated negativity along with stress;
  • household appliances for the household are another original and practical gift. However, it is worth remembering that it is difficult for older people to accept overly expensive gifts. Moreover, they will have difficulty understanding the various add-ons. Therefore, the simpler the technique, the better it will be.

It is worth remembering that couples at this age rarely pay attention to the material side of the issue. Therefore, you can give them memories, for example, of a wedding and past anniversaries, combining this in one mini-film or photo presentation of memorable moments. A family tree, especially one made by one of your relatives with your own hands, will be a valuable family gift. The tree can be replaced with a family genealogy book.

For couples who have a summer house, you can give a picnic set or furniture for a country house, for example, a swing. It is worth remembering that any gift given sincerely will bring only joy to the spouses. If a couple has great-grandchildren, then they can make gifts with their own hands. crafts will delight the elderly and will be a wonderful addition to the home and a reminder of how big the family has become over 75 years.

Despite the peculiarities of old age, many couples prefer not to sit still, but to constantly travel, leading an active lifestyle. The ideal gift option in this case would be a cruise or an easy walk on a cozy boat along a local river or other body of water. And the coronation of spouses can be arranged right on the deck in the open air, especially in the summer.

Original gifts

If guests want to stand out and give more practical gifts, then it is worth considering one of the following options:

  • family genealogical tree, in which the celebrants themselves should become the founders of the new family;
  • family genealogy book, bound in red;
  • identical personalized cups with a depicted crown;
  • wicker garden furniture would be an ideal gift for the dacha;
  • a relaxing cruise on a motor ship or ship;
  • a paid trip to a sanatorium or a trip to health maintenance procedures at the expense of children and grandchildren.

More practical things designed to simplify the life of a married couple will also be a wonderful gift. You can give modern glasses or a robot vacuum cleaner, a back and leg massager, or a bath set. Gift options are limited, perhaps, by the inner imagination of the givers.

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