4 years together with your loved one, congratulations in your own words

Congratulations on the anniversary of the relationship to your beloved in prose

​PozdravOK.ru​But we love it like​With a beautiful Linen wedding!​ the rope is celebrated by two lovers,​ quarrels!​ in fact, I don’t need to get up loses its meaning!
Maybe I need chocolate in my dreams, no, my beloved! So for the first time, we wish you life. So let's try? I love​ only you...​ ... not in​ a year has already passed, I love Sometimes, when I understand, in a dream, everything is like how we are together. So let love So that you always don’t break anyone. Congratulate them. Your Care, the gimmick, the contrast, which makes it bloom long ago in such a way that you that we are not in the cinema. And we walk together and care hand in hand, At a linen wedding, relationships are full of contrast, After all, together we make them so special. My heart. You occupy him, all of mine, we can be together, because, really, I am on a path, sharing everything. All love and joy will be full. According to the old tradition, which makes them for two years! Your special timid sprout has hatched thoughts. You want to die! But, I thought, this is how joy and hardship happen. Our life! is for centuries! With a strong rope, so special. In Shoulder we go to the day, I from that day, my dreams and waking up, every time only in the cinema. You have become a ray of bad weather does not scare us, So that your children Confuse the couple, yours a special day, I want to shoulder with all my soul when for the first time they are all dedicated in the morning, I understand: A chance meeting, just a light that helps No, we grew up, Let the family ties I from all in the flow of bustle, I wish you both I saw you. And you! My dear, I live for all circumstances in ​ to light the way in bad weather.​ In a good sense​ They entwine you, I want to wish you souls And if I have patience, support and he began to grow, I will never you you... When one day there were moments of difficulties. So Together we surprised, Love networks of mutual patience, silence, understanding. Take care of your friend day after day. I won’t betray you and you stand next to me so that let this happiness be yours! So that everyone can catch a promise of support and understanding. You read your friend’s thoughts , appreciate, and​ Every meeting made​ I always help in me warmth, when​ so that we find life will be filled​ Our romance can last and we can,​ Four years have flown by​ Take care of each other,​ Relationships have no expiration date He is becoming more and more beautiful to everyone! I really talk to me, to each other. Probably with happiness and love, three years. The secret of success has been found! As if you value a flock of whites, and don’t ever doubt the watch and it’s more beautiful, but I love you very much! It doesn’t matter about this is destiny. Probably, and I’ll try. You and I. Four years is the term of birds, in any case they measure it in their halves, every separation is all ​ Happy anniversary to ours, I’m hot, everything should have been to ensure this!​ we love each other.​ considerable,​ linen wedding tablecloth​ don’t doubt​ their path forward​ because​ that makes​ stronger and stronger.​ relationships!​ ​ when​ when we meet​ to be exactly like​ sweet moments And to live in gives, your soul mates, because the days are far away since you I love you, my clear sun, you kiss on the cheek, and nothing else. tender words to the beloved in our lives you are tired of your family, the clinking of glasses, smiles from that day, and it takes years! Dear, there will be more today. But we need to see our relatives. How did you become? Our relationship has become one for two years, And I want it to be ebullient! You don’t leave me without happy that you accept everything from me Happy anniversary of the relationship! Always strive for gold, We wish you happiness as a couple, you began to fulfill, which from now on sharing your eyes was cold, painful for you There is a burn on the body, it happened. And congratulations on our​ ​Together we have been for three years​And drinking​ the love of wealth​ as a single whole, which​And with this​ you can’t. Happiness to you, the sun for ours and sadness. You get scared because of the anniversary of the relationship. I want - is this the purest water! Health, reverent love, from now on cannot be divided. Our anniversary with goodness and harmony. Love, and yours fill my life in my heart! Thoughts, what if ​thank you for not the date,​Helping each other​Four years - I congratulate you on happiness, I congratulate you on your goodness! The happy moments that we go always and everywhere are not about harmony. May we live well together for eternity! with support. I’m happy, in all colors, from this the wrong day becomes minutes, hours, living next to each other like this Then children are not enough, your feelings exist and let everything porjati.ru that you are nearby you launch a rainbow into pain... I’m not like that, and for days, weeks... Even if it’s been a long time, I’ve been doing the same thing But still, eternity! The same goes on, Two stars shine next to me! from the sky, you disperse the clouds, I want to live for we would never have them for years, So let them be, ​ there is so much happiness ahead! Congratulations to the wonderful couple on the fire in their hearts Only 2 years anniversary, my dear !​ over my head.​ you, to breathe​ for​ you have not been recognized by a friend even for decades!​ the holiday we are with​ And will live​ Live together and​ the anniversary. I wish you love stronger than only their path, Since then Thank you, dear, you, I want a friend. I want, After all, we will arrange no one more for you, in the family, Lord, raise children, strong relationships and inflaming. There is a star ahead, that how we met, for everything! I will always admit that it is more joy than to realize, Let's have fun, we are the Father-Savior, Reciprocity, trust and good luck for And I need immense happiness, I began to truly love you. Very!​ by you. I love you, I love you with what is dear to my heart, after all, it doesn’t matter. A faithful helper, a wise one in the soul of spring! A common path, let it never be eternal. Following is a little happy one. Every moment, your unruly hair, you are larger than life, that very minute, a person is nearby. We love you, our friend, our Teacher! You - with the wedding of love and light will end, just a little! spent next to radiant eyes, greedy Happy anniversary, beloved!​ friend, very much. Love for a long time, devotedly ​ Linen! Happiness, tender care Let's hold on to If you follow you for me to kiss your lips, I never hope that it is calm. All worries are strong, and true, We wish in each other’s hands, so that in life, a fairy tale, about which courageous hands thought that it was possible mutually. And worries go away, That more importantly maybe And there will be happiness to live in the world, and unquenchable romance, in life, these rules have always, I dreamed with My heart beats to know someone like this You are the first guy, sorrows melt away, as in in our world, you have been given immeasurably! It happened to value your well-being and sincere family, Even thoughts from your youth help. You are in unison with good and in which I really snow in the spring. I believe: to be? love I will kiss you deeply, I tell each other to be friends! Happy anniversary of the relationship, I always congratulate you to me. We have gone through this which I always have And this trepidation that I can’t think about it will never end. you, beloved, And for a very long time May the family be a wonderful couple. You really want, the time is calm and comfortable, not to drown out so much about a person about anyone. I believe that after Happiness in this, live in joy! 4, happy - and After all, you are mine There are many difficult trials.​ fun and good.​ - no adversity, no unraveling. I am a friend, all the thoughts for many years we are in the world - only PozdravOK.ru ​There is so much ahead, this is the main thing. I wish you a cherished wish, that Planted our seed When we were together, I never knew about difficulties, only about you. I still love you the same. 3 years - leather wedding. Let there be comfort it never came true for you. And the tree will grow, I’m ready to deal with problems. I’m all that the words “I I can’t” we will remember for three years, as if, alone And maybe it will sound in the apartment, depend on the opinion Already two years together it’s possible. mountains, I’ll overcome shouting , when​ you love you” everyone falls asleep at night, to celebrate along with the moment, it’s absurd And the desire in strangers and from — It’s not for nothing that the whole world is nearby! I’ll endure everything!​ since it sounds like​ I’m dreaming of meeting​ other joint dates​ Passed, and I’m happy​ I can feel​ my breasts on my skin!​ what’s happening around me. Let this be a considerable period of a year already together, what happiness And then ours for the first time... I am never with you. I'm the anniversary of our relationship.​ a heart like you and​ ​Congratulations on your linen wedding, your hearts are always​ For honest relationships, Fate has given us the gift of great love, as if I had never met a person, I love you.​ I love you!​ That we are together,​ where are you.​ May our family grow stronger and be filled with sincere​ And sincere. Bottom line:​ to be.​ Yes, I am the​ ​ balloon that will lift us​ with which the clock​ I can’t​ My dearest​ and there in the distance,​ I am with every cell​ every day,​ love, let it be together​Beautiful love story ,And we will be a happy woman up to the heavens, and we will fly by as we live without you, man. I remember the time, Happiness awaits us, I love you Well, then your path will be Happy eyes, the bride and groom, the earth, because the rest of the world has moments, and I need you when I just ​and it’s easier, And I feel for each of them, you see, with a long, prosperous and endless sea of ​​Love, we can conquer the Peaks. You are me. Without​ I saw your photo,​ It’s likely that​ yours.​ golden​ unhindered.​ -​ I give congratulations today,​ I love you!​ things will lie​ when I didn’t want​ you, I just​ just read a couple​ no problem ,​And if suddenly​ We congratulate you​ Your relationship is time-tested,​ Words cannot say.​ As a symbol of​ I breathe you,​ at our feet. With you nothing will hurt you, we’ll come again. Today they have matured Let your passions. I’m ready to follow He will stop for finding such a close world, but as a stranger in I’m not afraid, Me too blood So let you grow stronger for a year. You are my daily happiness for you to exist on us! We will also be a loved one. I am in your life with you. This is one thing I will definitely expire. Adversity will pass, So let them Grow, bloom and delight, the end of the earth, because only me and Darling I have never intertwined in seventh heaven in such an unusual way, I know that always , After all, we have become Let it not go out, grow stronger and continue to grow stronger. You are unearthly happiness! I will make you happy, my love! I have never loved like this, out of happiness. When​ the threads of our destinies.​ Let's cherish​ love as a single whole,​ the family hearth.​ the main thing is to​ avoid​ Less disagreements.​ For two years we are​ only when​ Forever. Forever.​ how I love​ you next, I felt​ something we are ours.​ Now we cannot separate​ We wish love is false. May your tender hearts, like together, be close to you. From then on, you. Happy anniversary I feel that I need something unusual when I was going on this day, no one in us. You and happiness, every meeting is filled with awe And there are reasons here Look into mine how I love you! the same to you, for our first this moment, on such a glorious date today. Peace, joy, all kinds of warmth, may you always be there for flattery. eyes, and you met me, everything is mine unshaven sun!​ just like you​ I’ll meet, no, this​ this hour​ is near,​ good.​ there are kind words​ worries​ I’ll​ see​ the truth there the whole​​ time

Short SMS congratulations

Congratulations on your linen wedding and walk towards the golden one!

Congratulations to those who have been in love for the fourth year of marriage - flax, yours managed to grow, Although it is difficult to bear worries. It is difficult to strain him, But what passion cannot do, Love will always overcome And the years are not terrible for her!

Friend, congratulations on your bright wedding, you have been married to us for four years! We wish you and your wife to live happily and amicably... You need to celebrate your four-year marriage!

The marriage has already lasted for four years. Congratulations to you dear daughter and son! Coo like doves, happiness to your home, May your life be the most beautiful dream! May your love continue, your father-in-law and mother-in-law wish you from the heart!

Keep a text message from your parents: Congratulations to your son and daughter-in-law, you've been apart for four years, you've learned a lot about each other. You have grown into one during this time, and be mutual! You are in the system!

Your parents congratulate you on the Flax Year: They wish you health and patience, May your life be joyful, Without selfishness and other habits! Live together in harmony, okay, so that the house is peaceful and joyful!

SMS congratulations for 2 years of relationship

​ My gloomy breeze!​ ​ to me. Don’t think,​ my heart felt​ ​I learned that​Three years of relationship​ ​To connect with a linen thread​ for each other.​ ​And passion flame​ to speak,​ ​ a world in which​ ​this has already happened​ ​ My prickly cloud!​

​ that when you​ ... I got lost​ ​ you are on​ ​ - this is clearly​ ​Two hearts in​ Happiness to you!​ ​ warms.​ And there will only​ ​ be only you​ in my life,​ ​ All the words of everyone​ not nearby, I​ ​ in my feelings​ ​ light.​ ​ wonderful time,​ common destiny,​ ​Today you have a special​ More often life spoils​ ​ love you.

​ and me. Just look at the many millions of ​ languages ​​of the world, I don’t think about ​ then, but I understood, And from then ​And so many days, And live together​ ​ the event - the anniversary,​ ​And it will be to​ ​Constantly and always, in my heart ​ years ago. You are able to accommodate you. When you think that a miracle happens, ​for this​ well, love​

​ 4 years, with which I'm kinder to you. And I sincerely strive to see a fairy tale for you​ ​These two years -​All for you​ ​you will see a place where​ with your seriousness, restraint​

​my feelings for​ ​hundreds of thousands of times​ each other. Now​ ​No one is happier​And it’s like​ ​in reality ahead!​ ​congratulations. My dears, like a fairy tale, I promise you will feel warm and real masculinity. When​ ​I love you more.​ I can shout​ ​us.​ ​there are many unexplored roads!​And keep in​ ​just think,​ ​With you it’s easy,​It will be like this, of course,​

And cozy. Look in​ You made me​ ​ with me, I constantly think​ ​ to the whole world,​ This is the third year from​ ​Let such dates​ bring smiles to your hearts,​ recently you and​ ​ warm with you.​ I know.​ in my the soul​ ​ with the most devoted member​ takes my breath away.​ ​ about you and​ that I’m happy, and​ ​ the two of you.​ will forever be with​ And filled with love​

​ didn’t know about​ ​Chatter about trifles​ ​I give my​ ​ - she is open​ to her “sect”, you​ ​ When I’m with​ very much you​ ​ then everything that happens​ ​ I believe - all​ you,​ ​word,​ ​to each other, and​ ​pleasant,​ angel,​ ​for you. Darling, you never cease to amaze with you, I breathe

​ love.​ stunned me. I know​ ​we will overcome,​And multiply, like​Giving warmth without​ ​now you are one​Or go together​For you your​ ​to be together​ with your​ views on​ often, often. When we​ ​Thank you for​ just that​ And the frozen souls​ ​ feelings in the​ heart stop -​ a whole that is literally​ in the movies.​ ​ congratulations.​ destined by fate and​ life is​ ​ near you, I want what you I fell in love with

​ let's warm you up with heat,​ ​you are indivisible to this. In your​ ​You always pleasantly surprise,​ ​You and I are two​ ​ I will do everything​ ​somehow everything harmoniously​ to bury my nose in​ ​there is​ ​you in the world. I want​ From the hearts of​ ​May swan loyalty,​ always be ready!​ ​ a special holiday I​ ​With my ability to love.​ year of the soul in​ ​ in order​ to unite: and tenderness,​ ​your strong shoulder​ - my beloved!​ ​ be always with​ ​ warmth.​ and devotion from​

​You have lived together a lot,​ I want to wish your​ ​Come with you,​ soul,​ ​you were the​ and strength, and​ ​and do not pay​ For what​ ​ you.​ ​And how strong​​ wolf,​ The two of us are even warmer​ ​ a pair of mutual understanding, kindness,​ for as long as possible,​

​Inseparable, we love and​‏>

Toasts for 4th wedding anniversary

Let's drink to the spring of this family, Four years together is not enough... But I will be honest to the end, my friends, She has matured a little in a year. Grow up and grow above yourself And be above squabbles and “everyday life”, I wish you a great life until the Golden Day... And celebrate it with me, my friends!

For the health of the flax family The milestone of the past four years! The husband is proud of his most beautiful wife, Like a star who came down from heaven for him. I wish you great earthly love And I’m glad that my friend, “who did not know the words of love,” found a violet, But I ask you to consider me too, And let your spouse go fishing!

From parents

May there be many of your anniversaries and may love always burn in your hearts, so that together you become wiser, and live in paradise, whether in huts or palaces. So that nothing comes between you, Four years together - you are one! Live cheerfully, in harmony, without sadness, For this we will drink strong wine with you!

You have been wife and husband for four years. Let's celebrate the anniversary with the whole family. Let love protect you from winters and colds and let purity blow through your souls! Let's raise our glasses to family life, And since it cannot be avoided, May comfort always reign among you, And may you always be able to get a “mammoth”...

Four years together you Linen wedding in joy And wishes for the chapter: To be loved until old age! And congratulations for the wife: Be wise and flexible, And may all your dreams come true, And “Bitter!” to you. Until sweets!

To your wife in linen, it’s been four years since you got married, Your parents want you and your husband not to separate, And on your golden anniversary together, They looked the same way, dumb from their love. So that your husband is your protection and support, with appropriate, kind, quick help. Well, I’ll also tell everyone quietly: Let’s shout loudly again: “Bitter!”

The symbol of this wedding is flax, May your union be strong, The husband is always in love with his wife, Raise your children in joy, May the house be as full as a cup.

Congratulations on the anniversary of the relationship in prose

​happy man for insolence and timidity.​ attention to all​ you appeared in​ you alone in​ the ships​ forever remain. peace. my life, I want

​my heart...​In the ocean of love​that desired gift!​Linen wedding with mutual support. Let me live? What else, tell me, When a girl is asked on this island But it’s unfair: to be only with My world, my boundless, There are many on earth

​on the threshold,​ evil tongues bypass​ PozdravOK.ru​ for happiness you need,​ the question about the​ ideal of the Universe called​ because this is​ you forever! Besides the Universe... You In this voyage of happy destinies, Let you be by your side, and What a wonderful date today! Besides being a friend of her man, often

​ Earth?! We only the world gave you to me truly mine, you are only the serene Poems about them are light on the road. It is this friend’s half that reigns between you! You can hear in like Adam and you, yours strong no one else is mine! Your look We are not looking for a lot and Let children’s laughter respect and trust. The day is exactly one year We will be hand in hand with the answer: so that there is Eva, the discoverers of the very hands, your smart ones are needed, sometimes it drives me The earth is with you.​ we sing.​ sounds everywhere.​

​Your couple​ today ago we met​ hand to go,​ kind, honest and​ real, sincere, human eyes, your gentle​ I forget about friends,​ intelligence, your voice​ Wow, it’s missing ​I wish you

A special holiday, with you. Now And we will find the treasured one and so on. I have feelings called words... I already, but never makes one beat faster, we love a little - today I will be whom I sincerely have no doubt at all, an island,

I always assumed it was love! I’m done I can’t I don’t forget about ... You for Until the joyful two hundred no one loves: Health, happiness oceans, I want to congratulate you. That they ordered this And you can really be guided by this

From your rib, imagine how you would! You are always me all the same weeks, For three years we will raise Anniversary for you, this is not heaven, because on a joyful path such criteria in I - yours I lived without in my thoughts, dear and desired. How we live together without our glasses. just a date, this meeting brought it will be with us

life, until then half, and therefore you! I am grateful, you are the most dear, Without you, I have one path of problems! Yes, together you four are a kind of symbolism, which this congratulations in my life! Until then... Until then, I am so happy about fate for that , that it’s impossible for me to breathe, to exist, Let’s go through the summer, Although problems are sometimes years long... speaks of the most unforgettable duration and We’ll celebrate two years until I see you, feel you

What did she give you to eat? I will live for you! You and the blizzard! There are times when your union still flies. Today, exciting moments, I transformed That reason - I fell in love with you. Now I have the opportunity to love you, to live with you, I love you! Happy anniversary!​ a bright ray of happiness​

​I want sunshine​‏>

Original gifts

Album "10 reasons why you are the best guy." Here you need to prepare a little in advance, because it is better to make such a gift with your own hands. Make an album out of colored cardboard and write one reason on each page (it’s worth thinking about the reasons in advance). It will be more interesting if each page is decorated with a drawing or a magazine clipping. Only your imagination works here.

Photo collage about your love story. Photo collage is a common gift that everyone has already come across. Make an illustration, for example, of the development of your relationship from year to year or come up with something more original.

Quest. You can buy a visit to a reality quest. It’s better to think through all the tasks yourself and watch how cheerfully he solves your riddles. Post notes with clues or photos that will help the guy step by step get to the place where the gift is hidden. And if possible, do not limit the quest only to your apartment. You can ask sellers, watchmen, etc. to help you.

Neurointerface. The device looks like a headband and simulates sounds similar to the sound of wind, the sound of rolling waves, and the rustling of leaves. A gadget for relaxation and memory training, it also helps to gain skills in managing brain activity.


Electronic notepad . A cool gift for a creative person. Its peculiarity is that all recordings are saved either on a smartphone or tablet. This is due to the fact that a ballpoint pen with Bluetooth function is used.

Camera accessories . If a guy is interested in photography or wants to make it his income, then you can present various accessories as an anniversary surprise. Just check with your loved one first so as not to accidentally buy a gadget that is not suitable for his camera.

Flash drive. Give your beloved guy a flash drive with an unusual design and a lot of memory. This will make it possible to store all the necessary information on it and not lose it.

Congratulations on your 4th wedding day

​But we are​ ​years.​ ​ I want to wish​ peace around. Thank you,​ ​and welcome your guests!​ ​it seems to me that​ ​with your interests,​ ​and I’m happy because​ ​You are a man,​ ​in this darkness​ ​congratulate​ ​immediately together​ ​And in this​​ mutual support, understanding​ ​ that you exist​ ​We have something​ ​ all this is not​ ​ I accept everything,​

​ that this opportunity​ ​ of almost​ endless, identical days.​ ​Happy three years of love​ we decide.​ ​ a day, such a cheerful,​ unquenchable love,​ ​ happiness for me.​ sharing​ ​with them has no meaning, ​What would you - to love you, it happens. You -​ ​ I live only magically.​ ​We try for each other​ I want to wish you,​ ​ and only positive​ Today is the anniversary of our relationship!​

​And tell, have fun.​ because my beloved​ ​ did not come up with, and​ my unshaven sun!​ ​ the meaning of my life​ ​ for you. I​ And let her​ ​ support,​ friends:​ ​ emotions. Don’t lose​ ​ I congratulate you and​ For a long time we​ ​ people are completely absorbing​ whatever else you can think of,​

​ Happy anniversary to you!​ ​ and I love you very, very​ very much!​ ​ ​ will lead your whole life,​ Don’t be offended, right away​ I want to wish you together​ ​ in your routine -​ ​ together, side by side.​ with love and care.​ ​ - it’s nice to feel​ You know that​ ​ I love you. Happy anniversary, beloved!​ ​Giving beautiful to us to forgive everything.​

​ for a very long,​ ​ uninteresting days, take care of​ always be yourself! I only want to be happy Beloved, happy anniversary!

​and support in​ ​as a single whole! Because - this is love with you! You​ I'm glad that​ ​Time flies at the​ speed of​ family life -​ ​ quarrels between you,​ enjoy each other.​ ​ a person who deserves everyone​ Let's say​ ​ life about this, and I'm strict​ ​ with full​ and complete reunion

​ my only one! Know,​ I can fall asleep in the​ ​ light,​ Love my wife, and​ ​Friends to gather​ I hope that soon​ ​ the stars of the sky! I and friends, ​ ​ father, and attentive​ I can confidently say​ ​ with my beloved. You are in​ ​your arms, so that you can look back for a moment to respect your husband.​ in the house of ​ time, I will thank fate for I dream of every ​earth heart that wakes up from yours

​ - I was scared,​ ​And if someone​ you​ ​raise a toast to​ the fact that she​ ​ is your whole inalienable​ ​ I love you, I love​ the night, and I​ ​ loves you, waiting for​ warm breath . To sit,​ ​Three winters together​ will gather to challenge -​ ​conversation.​ on your bright holiday,​

​ intertwined our lives​ ​You will say your cherished words:​ peace. Next to​ ​ to the very depths​ I can no longer​ ​ and who cries​ tucked under​ ​ we and three​ We will give him the opportunity​ ​So that life will remind​ you on​ ​ the path. You are mine They are all on ​ I really like you

​ of my​ ​ soul, I love​ to keep​ ​ about you every​ feet, and watch​ ​ summer,​ prove.​ ​ a fairy tale,​ create your own family!​ ​ happiness, my incentive​ is to call​ a wedding.​ ​ good and comfortable, with every fiber of your feelings for the ​ ​ day... Yes, how are you doing And as if ​We have been for three years​ Yes with miracles​ ​Congratulations to you, dear ones, with​ and my inspiration!​ ​Let's read the congratulations ,​ I believe in​ ​natures, and let you! I love you, my dear, each with his own affairs. Watch​

​yesterday I achieved​‏>

Cool congratulations

The four-year-old family is still very young, The spouses have a lot to learn and learn... But there is one truth, That if the wife is happy, And the husband is a part of her, Then the family will be happy And the marriage will last a hundred years...

Friends, your union is beautiful. You are harnessed together in a carriage. You have been riding in a harness for four years. It’s time for you to transfer to a small car. Wealth, prosperity to both, So that the headwind does not disturb you! But since marriage is in love and sanctified, May you soon have a Porsche Cayenne!

To my friend, congratulations on the cake: In your wedding year, I wish you a linen and fourth, A sweet life, so that the bees will envy, Sweets, so that you neither take away nor add, And we drink, so that you are happy in your marriage, So that the zodiacs become correctly at the top.

In family life there is a flax date. The period is short. Live together, easily, richly, With all your heart! Four years have flown by. You have gotten used to it. So that you laugh and don’t get sick! Always right, Those who love; We wish you Patience, affection, warmth, health in spite of the years!

From parents

You got married four years ago. A linen wedding is not the limit, Let the dream together continue! Battery so that it doesn’t run out on the way, Carry your wife in your arms more often, so that she flutters like a swallow. Help with household chores, And so that she doesn’t have any worries at all! Then she will recharge you in return, She will also surround you with affection and care, And you will forever be a favorite, More strongly loved by her year after year!

Happy linen wedding, my daughter! You have been a wife for four years, And soon your fifth anniversary You have become more beautiful and a little wiser, I wish that you have enough strength for everything, That your husband still loves you; And he didn’t get tired at work, he immediately understood you from half a word. And you were happy like a woman, There was enough warmth for your family. Your wealth, like a key, does not dry up, so that your husband does not forget to come to his mother-in-law.

From a witness

Health to you without worries, Let the house be full, And the witness is waiting for “Lyalka” in your house. Replenishment this year For the linen wedding, May good luck descend on your estate!

Cool congratulations on the 3rd anniversary of the relationship

​ with you,​ ​ every day.​ your anniversary, with​ ​ I love you very much!​ Let's say everything -​ what together​ ​ this love will do​ I love! I love​ ​ the day... with​ the movie, placing my chin​ ​Your even the slightest​And time has flown​ ​So that life can be​ successfully passed through​ ​Congratulations on your day​ and be healthy!​ ​ we can overcome​ us happy! C

You like it’s your anniversary! I look at your chest like three days, not in vain, your relationship. I wish you a memorable date: ​You are like a lot to me. I love​ ​on your anniversary, my beloved.​ you can only love​ very much I love​ ​ Inhaling your smell,​ Touching hands and​ And our happiness​ ​Your house is filled with​ colorful and kind​ in your relationship.​ ​ light at night, close your eyes and

​A long time ago in the Caucasus​ once in a lifetime,​ ​ ...​ so fresh and​ smiles...​ ​ children's laughter for nothing.​ peace for two,​ ​ Let everything have​ Your warmth and​ imagine that you​ ​I lived very proud, so selflessly and ​My sweet, warm cat, with his nose buried in​ You and I would not exchange, Congratulations on your linen wedding! and when​ ​beauty. Somehow she​ deeply, with pure​ ​ I love​ madly in your neck.​ ​ for three years now,​ We are​ each other​ ​And a friendly family​ of sincere mutual feelings.​ ​ and exactly, let​ I Love you! You are close to you, I just told the one in love with my heart and soul! you! You are the one to take you under as close as possible,

​ we live day by day, I wish,​ ​ May your joint​ relationships reign​ ​ my congratulations,​ I don’t think​ to the young man: “Climb​ ​ Believe that I​ ​ a dear little man for​ your hand, going out to​ Were​ ​ quarrels and​ ​ days!​ So that your sorrows​ the road is illuminated​ with success​ ​ agreement, love and​ After all,​ as​ ​ about. To be high in the mountains.

​I will be for you​ ​me! You are the very street. I just made mistakes, Three years together didn’t break me, and well-being, let happiness. May you, love only ​ with yourself, love,​ ​ There, at​ you always support in​ ​ the clear sun, which

​ I want this, because​ But I am grateful to​ fate, this is a force.​ ​ And even better,​ there will be no life​ in your life together​ ​ you know how...​ to give you happiness​ steep rock,​ ​ all your deeds are growing​, it makes me happy everyone​ ​ that I love madly endlessly.​ This is a lot, brothers​ ​ to get around.​ there will be many bright​ ​I know that​ - this is​ ​ a beautiful flower - successes and failures.​ day! You are mine

​ you.​ You are mine, and​ ​ term.​ Happiness to you is immense​ ​ and bumps.​ ​ and pleasant moments.​ ​ with you, like​ what my​ ​ symbol of eternal love has found.​ I will always​ ​ be the most beloved guy!​It’s a strange coincidence​ that I’m still​Three years old -​ ​ big,​PozdravOK.ru​

​ I wish you a real and​ behind the wall.​ life, when in​ ​ Bring this flower​ nearby, so that no​ Happy anniversary!​ ​ ... I need so much? sincere love, prosperity​ You are my man,​ ​ you appeared to me!​ to me, and then​ ​ it happened and, not​ My little one, I’ve been looking for something for the​ ​ time,​ I can’t hold back my​ ​ means? ,​ ​We congratulate you,​ and unquenchable interest​ ​you are my support!​ I believe that​ ​I will give you​ no matter​

Dear, I didn’t choose. But you​ ​ joy I am in​ Many roads traveled.​ ​Affection, tenderness, a little​ Let a year for​ ​ each other.​ So beloved and​ ​ today is incredible,​ your love.” So what! I can​ not live,​ ​I didn’t wait, but​ secret,​ ​We know​ passions a lot,​

​ year​ I think that today​ ​ is so dear, after all, today the old Caucasian​ says: to give you joy​ I exist! To me​ ​ you appeared yourself.​ I smile from the sweet​ ​ about each other​ So that from​ ​your union grows stronger.​ an incredible day, because​ ​We are not afraid​ of​ the anniversary of two legends.​ ​ and great love,​ no need for dear ones​ ​ And everything is like​ a look...​ ​ -​ never fall.​ Two threads in​ ​ today your anniversary​ neither difficulties, nor​ lovers, with what​ ​But for me​ without which life​

​gifts, soft toys,​‏>

Gifts for the 4th wedding anniversary

Since this is a “linen wedding,” you can give standard gifts in the form of bed linen, blankets, towels, scarves, clothes... Only all this must contain linen. If you have a summer house, or the couple likes to relax in nature, then a hammock would be a wonderful gift for them. In addition, you can give wax candles or cosmetics that contain wax, because, as we remember, the second name for this anniversary is “wax wedding.”

Gift for my husband.

Modern couples do not always adhere to traditions, so if you don’t know what to give your husband for your 4th wedding anniversary, then you can use standard gifts, for example, giving your husband good expensive alcohol or some modern gadgets. If he is involved in creativity, then give him something that will be useful for his hobby. Well, if he is an avid fisherman or hunter, then a hunting or fishing set would be a good gift.

wedding anniversary

Gift for my wife.

Let's not ignore the male half, since they also sometimes have difficulties choosing a gift. So, what can a man give his wife?

  • Linen clothes;
  • Jewelry using linen;
  • Linen toys;
  • And, of course, a bouquet with flax flowers.

see also

  • 3 Years of relationship congratulations to your beloved
  • Gentle birthday greetings to your loved one
  • Happy birthday wishes to your beloved brother
  • Congratulations on your loved one
  • Happy wedding day 22 years together
  • Merry Christmas greetings to your beloved man in prose
  • Congratulations to your loved one in your own words
  • SMS happy birthday greetings to your beloved man
  • Video birthday greetings to your beloved man
  • Happy birthday to your beloved teacher
  • Happy birthday greetings to a beloved friend
  • Congratulations on baptism in verses to your beloved
  • Happy birthday greetings to your loved one in prose
  • Happy birthday greetings to your loved one in your own words
  • 1 year old girl pictures congratulations
  • 1 year old boy congratulations pictures

Statuses for 4 wedding years

Wow, we’re having a linen wedding! Four years together, but it’s as if we got married yesterday. Four years is a linen wedding. By the way, the chintz donated three years ago is completely worn out. Linen wedding, only 46 years left until the golden one. For the fourth year you have been with me: my beloved, my hero. Four years together, and I’m like a bride. I melt in your arms and fly with love. Happiness is falling in love with your husband every year. I'm already in love four times. Four years ago, my beloved asked for my hand in exchange for his heart. Today is a linen wedding! A linen wedding anniversary is another reason to remember your wedding day. It's been four years since we belonged to each other. Ownerless, get married soon. Linen wedding anniversary is a great reason for a celebration.

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