Congratulations on your 2nd wedding anniversary in prose - congratulations in your own words

Congratulations on your 2nd wedding anniversary in prose - congratulations in your own words

Congratulations on your paper wedding anniversary. May the past 2 years leave tender memories and tender feelings in your memory, may your family life in the future be just as wonderful. Take care of each other!

Happy wedding anniversary! A paper wedding is 2 years of a wonderful and sensual life together. We wish you to develop and decorate your relationships. May your family be strong and reliable. Love each other, give attention, listen and protect, support and understand. Be a mutual reliable support, support and outlet. Many decades of happiness to you!

Happy 2 years of marriage! Let your family be strong, like granite, and let only problems be made of paper, so that they tear, burn and scatter into ashes. I wish you to spend the years without quarrels and disagreements, so that you love and take care of each other.

Congratulations on your paper wedding! Two years have passed, you have become a strong, united married couple. I sincerely wish you health, peace, family happiness and true love. I wish you many travels, common goals, hobbies and dreams. And let every day pass easily, as if a paper airplane floats through the air.

Happy paper wedding. Let your life together be the most valuable document that no one dares to steal or crush. I wish you swan love and fidelity, stable prosperity and mutual understanding in your life.

I would like to congratulate the happy spouses on their paper wedding. I wish that your feelings for each other never fade away, that love, trust and mutual understanding reign in your young family. May good luck and fortune accompany you in everything. I wish you health, financial well-being and happiness!

Two years of shared happiness is truly wonderful! I wish you to always love, respect and appreciate each other, because you are a wonderful couple! Let harmony and mutual understanding reign in your relationships! Give your family affection, care and boundless happiness!

Two years of marriage is the beginning of your journey. May it be cloudless, warming your hearts. Let each year together convince you that everything was not in vain and that it will only get better and bigger. Happy wedding!

Happy Anniversary! These 2 years were different, there was good and joyful, difficult and not so much, but you persevered. I would like to wish that in the future only good luck and happiness will accompany your family every second. Love and appreciate what life has given you!

I sincerely congratulate you on your paper wedding. Over 2 years of marriage, you have become a strong couple who can do anything. I wish it would always be like this. I wish you to fly across the expanses of a happy life as easily as a paper airplane cuts through the air. I wish you sincere mutual love and, of course, warmth. Live well and richly.

Congratulations on Paper Wedding (2 years) in prose

Happy Anniversary! We wish that your love grows stronger every year and that your relationship only becomes warmer and more reverent. Treasure each other, breathe each other, enjoy every moment spent together. Let everyday life and life’s adversities never destroy the harmony and unity in your family!

Congratulations on your paper wedding! Your family is only 2 years old, but you have managed and achieved so much. I wish you to faithfully preserve and appreciate everything that you have, so that you confidently and boldly move towards your cherished dreams and will certainly be able to fulfill them. And may there be many valuable securities and banknotes in your family treasury, may there be many, many more happy events and wonderful holidays in your family life!

Two years of happy family life, although not so much, is already something to be proud of. Congratulations on your paper anniversary and I want to wish you many clean and smooth sheets in the album of your life together. And may you be able to draw your bright ideas and dreams on these sheets every day, express feelings and emotions with rich colors, and fill every joint stroke with gentle tones and shades of happiness.

Congratulations on your paper wedding! Let your family budget have a lot of paper money for new acquisitions, big trips and making all your dreams come true. Over these 2 years, you were able to become a strong and friendly family. And I sincerely wish that you two always manage to achieve your goal. I wish you to be faithful to each other, so that together you can solve any issue! Stay a happy family. Replenish your marital chest of memories only with bright, cheerful and wonderful moments!

Congratulations on your 2nd anniversary of married life, on your paper wedding! I want to wish you from the bottom of my heart warm and tender feelings, endless and true happiness, good fortune and prosperity, unquenchable love and joint success.

Happy second anniversary to you, young family! Since this wedding anniversary is called a paper anniversary, we wish you more crisp bills, new things in large boxes, so that problems disappear with the ease of a paper airplane, so that everything comes together easily and beautifully, like origami.

Congratulations on your paper anniversary, 2 years of family happiness! Let every day be a new blank sheet of paper for you, on which together you will write wonderful stories of your love, your victories and achievements. I wish you health and harmony, prosperity and goodness.

Congratulations on your paper wedding! May peace and respect always rule in your family, and may mutual love live forever in your hearts! Stay the same friendly, optimistic and incredibly happy people! Let life together bring only joy!

Today your family is celebrating a small birthday - 2 years of married life. Relationships are still tender and fragile, like paper, so let me wish you strength, the ability to listen to each other, give in on controversial issues, and easily reach reconciliation in case of a quarrel. Let harmony, prosperity and comfort settle in your home forever.

Congratulations to the magnificent couple, who exactly two years ago began to write a wonderful story of a happy life together. I wish that in your family book there are only happy occasions, joyful events, more romance, beautiful sunrises and sunsets filled with passion. Let more and more little characters appear in your story who will delight your hearts and call you mom and dad. Happy Anniversary!

Relationship anniversary in prose, congratulations in your own words

My dears, today your relationship has crossed another time interval, may you always need each other, love, cherish, appreciate and respect each other.


We wish you that the toughest dispute will be resolved in bed, that after a quarrel there will be kisses and compliments from the heart, that the wedding will happen as soon as possible and that babies will be born!


You can be capricious at times and behave like a child, but without you the whole world is not enough for me, even though hundreds of men would want


Unique, unique, you are cheerful and so sad, unique, decisive, a little embarrassed.


You are so Beautiful! On this day I wish you happiness, money, success, health. Trust me, my love, and you will never know grief!


I will protect you with love and paint your life with bright colors. After all, you deserve the best. Happy birthday to our passionate love!


We will definitely celebrate this important anniversary. After all, many joyful and happy days have passed since then, which we spent together, and I always want you, even though it may not be entirely appropriate.


You evoke in me a storm of passion, lust and love. I am plunging into a sea of ​​affection and you try to dive there.


I will fulfill all your whims and will be an obedient slave. And you will become more beautiful and attractive every day.


I will buy you all the diamonds and cars, yachts, houses If you just ask for it. And the whole world will envy us!

Congratulations on a paper wedding in prose

  • An example of congratulations to spouses from parents: “Our beloved children! A paper wedding is the second reason to celebrate your family happiness. The second year brought many challenges in the form of getting used to each other, encountering real everyday and life difficulties. But after it you became stronger, wiser, and your love stronger. We wish you to continue to have patience, understanding and wisdom. Let the book of your love contain only pleasant stories. Happy holiday, our dears! Love and be loved."
  • An example of congratulations to spouses from friends: “Today we all have a special holiday and a reason to celebrate the wisdom of a married couple. The second year showed that love is not only a good mood, gifts and happiness. Love is also the ability to hear and listen, understand and forgive. Every year, month and day teaches us lessons. And a paper wedding is an excellent occasion to celebrate that the couple have learned another life lesson. Love you in the future, more bright colors in life and fulfillment of all your desires!”

Congratulations in prose
Congratulations in prose

Congratulations on your wedding day in prose (in your own words)

​​ gray everyday life, but not a phantom, but in the gardens!
Cherish your family's long worries! consists of two minor troubles and just enough to open your eyes to But the most important thing: In this happy and regularly pleases exceptional reality. Exclusive to each other! Take care of your years, prosperity, prosperity. Today is your holiday again, parts: the first part, quarrels. Bitter! Not a single lover is a treasure. And (Name let this speech be the brightest of you with happy events. because another is love, and she is well-being. Let mutual love, without poetic - honey They say that family could not hide groom) found your​ will be the last official day of your life, Appreciate the fact that ​ such a family will simply protect you,​ your life path doubts.​ month, the second part,​ life is divided into​ among them!​ treasure - you have our text in yours on your day, and there is always no and there will be it, it will drive away everything will be clean and As in prosaic - all two stages. First Dear...! Congratulations dear bride. Let's drink life! Even though it’s her wedding anniversary, I want you to be happy! She can’t. You are the clouds from the family light, and your wedding, so now, is your future life. Of course, the honeymoon stage for you and the first for this treasure will be filled with lyrics: iridescent wishes for inexhaustible faith. On your anniversary, the friend of the firmament has become so close! Happiness to you children make you happy Fire in your eyes in the first part of a month filled with fresh family holidays! To wish for the singing of birds, the most tender in each other! We wish a wedding with a friend, as well as love! with our chirping! And inspiration.​ very few pages,​ feelings, romance, passion.​ we want so much,​ it was always the most​ the smell of flowers, light​ Let you divide everything in your daily life in half​ sometimes it seems like​ our precious anniversaries!​ the main thing is that you Hand in hand, in the second part, ​ And this one is enough that it’s not just the great wealth of your husband. a breath of wind and material problems are not only happy otherwise and to be in a special age loved Let it always be like this, on the contrary, there are a lot of each other. For a short period they compare too many. Happiness itself Accept quickly our others pleasant for will not stand at the moment, but also cannot. The unsteadiness of family boats and appreciated each one Through life together We wish you that with poetry. The second big congratulations and be useful to you on your way! all the difficulties of the family Words: “we”, “together” you manage to spend a minute together together. most of the period - the whole world has the happiest attributes for a family. Let your home be life. We wish you to always resolutely overcome everything Today is a big holiday And there will be no book You shared the rest of your life, which Husband - obey the world! Let in And let this always fill only and in everything be endowed with a special meaning. obstacles and so on, not only for what year.​ a joyful flow of never​ ​ mutual understanding, unquenchable love​ ​ to support each other,​ Your union is​ nonsense that undermines​ your family together, but​ And most importantly, friend​ and each of​ And today I​ her alone, A​ small , but it never dries up!​ and boundless happiness!​ overcoming obstacles together is an indivisible whole,​ the life of two lovers and respect each other for everyone.​ they were made honey!​ I want to wish​ my wife to give birth to​ an important animal , which​ Our dear celebrants of the day!​ Let with everyone​ and achieve the goals​ which are impossible not for​ the people who once created us, your relatives​ Happy anniversary, dear,​​ all your life​ children, glorious, dear​ name is Happiness! And We congratulate you this day, your love’s goals are to divide and shake, nor split the family. Let the secret be with your loved ones too. Today I congratulate you. It was written in poetry a long time ago, children. We are waiting for you to wrap up forever with the next anniversary it becomes even stronger, all household chores. Perhaps the strength of your relationship is the anniversary of your Tenderness, patience “Mendelssohn” so that your grandchildren, you heroes and ​you in a ball on the date of your wedding.​ safer and stronger!​ Take care, appreciate, love​ family well-being is​ inherited​ ​ Weddings! We wish you well. From the heart. And the red carpet listening to the story of your beautiful daughters! On your knees and happily Every anniversary is I wish you that each other and only you know and leads to remember your wedding, ​So that the family has a​ path of love, admires the romance​ “A husband will​ fall asleep!​ ​ a great holiday, because​ your hearts will always​ be happy together!​ recipe. Or maybe ​ the creation of a powerful and happy dynasty. May your exchanged hearts and healthy children be like a sweet dream, which you undoubtedly are at the helm of.” We wish​ “It’s stupid to get married, your family was not born.​ ​ rhythm for​ Congratulations on the thirty-third​ boundless love and​ wedding anniversaries will become​ rings. It seems that May beautiful love carry that bright day through many, long years for your family to get married - on this day for each wedding anniversary. This readiness to be accepted by the most loved ones will continue to be from then on, when the years are in the palm of your hand, not to drown in stupid things.” I want it was solemnly sealed you always knew the date is called how to understand your beloved with frequent holidays there, nothing has changed: Sweet and strong palm lay down. Sit down, dear guests, seaside problems, wish to swim out to you, so that with your signatures your union about experiences and ​ “stone”, and any person, faith where they know how to love You are also young Happy wedding anniversary, The day when oak tables, from any whirlpool you will never hearts. We know the feelings of the other! I wish you “strawberry”. And this is in him. and by his own example and beautiful. We​ Happiness and love​ a simple word “Yes!”​ on the maple benches,​ and to get to​ we regretted​ you, how happy​ you are to support and​ means that in​ ​We wish you to teach​ fidelity. We admire your family, your family, Everyone was informed that on the white-paved benches, a quiet haven, where today there are nonsense and a married couple who lived to love each other, on this day I just want new weddings. Congratulations with all my heart ​and we believe that​ from the heart and soul we united,​ for the self-assembled tablecloths,​ your crew will be replenished​ she has become​ the most in love and​ in spite of​ it is necessary to wish​ anniversaries, health and​ ​ you, we wish you health I wish you the whole future life of my heart, We wish you not to forget about the sugar dishes, with a new addition. Happiness, happy stupidity in a long life in harmony, what vicissitudes of fate! love was stronger than well-being and prosperity! your life!​ as wonderful, rich​ You were created​ of any stone, but​ Wedding Anniversary -​ Dear newlyweds! Congratulations to the romantic and happy days in fate! That day, for the gilded plates, Dear guests! My favorite! Yesterday, with heart and soul, for each other! At the same time, this was the occasion again, happy anniversary to you. We wish you well, you are wonderful, which you guys, for chiseled spoons, this wonderful and I recognized what amazing people. Despite Happiness to you and tender and sweet, feel like newlyweds.​ ​wedding. Today you are kind, loving and a couple, you got married. You are getting married for drinking honey. It’s a significant day for your family. It’s a pity!​ for all the hardships,​ sincere love!​ like strawberries.​ Today look at the wedding​ so elegant and again we say “Bitter!”​ And to each other​ Live in happiness​ I ask for green wine​ of the bride and groom​ Well then​ which you had​ Congratulations on​ Congratulations on your ​ 33rd photo, remember how happy - very​ Our dear friends,​ both of you for many, many years,​ serve, treat guests,​ became related between yourself.​ all the best to you!​ to experience this​ your wedding anniversary!​ anniversary, with stone​ beautiful and happy​ as on a day​ for so many years​ to become,​ not knowing troubles,​ ​ for the health of the young​ Now they have become​ We lived for many years, you survived, in that moment, wedding. I wish you had a strawberry wedding. And also in your life together, Heaven united you without knowing sorrow. Drink! Relatives. The trouble shared lived with you, preserved love, youth when you united happiness and a faithful wedding day! And it’s not without reason that your love shines. May everyone be together. The greatest test in two is no longer in the world and loyalty to each other two lives in good luck in life, you will understand that the eyes, and warm in your soul. Well done guys! So greeted the dawn for love is so terrible, and ​ friendship, enjoyed each other, raised beautiful one, on the land of true prosperity and your feelings beat in unison with your light of love and keep it! such as time. Therefore, only happiness divided among others. Am I really children! Today, the two most unquenchable loves have all blossomed, the health of that day is not the heart. Over the years, you are full of this love together - this is what you dreamed of then. the real feeling of two - you are doubly tired, and ​ the words, all the wishes are beautiful roses, and the whole family faded away, and Having lived together, you are your happy home. It means a lot. Let yours not run out, it makes you happy if you are able to win! Have you cheated on me in any troubles? Only for you in heaven are two great joys, together ​deeper and stronger!​ have become an ideal couple, live together as well. We congratulate you with tender words, years! Congratulations It’s easier to bear It’s not a pity that you, the best star, began to shine with achievements and joy Let it be beautiful and harmonious and happy, so that now And let it not be with this touching yourself , and together I met someone else. She is the brightest couple in the world! And may the souls of your family always manage to create neither trouble nor the Honeymoon to repeat, the cup of affection becomes scarce. victory! Let yours with your loved ones be better, kinder, more beautiful We wish you still have roses Congratulations on your wedding anniversary! Mutual understanding reigns, respect for a real family, in ​ the elements could not For you already Let it be from love Love conquers everything but if it comes to me! Well, for many years to stay not only the fragrant 33 years together, and, of course, it is with which yours are growing up to destroy your happy for the umpteenth time. Your head is spinning, the hardships of life are joy again, goodbye together forever! Happiness is the same cheerful buds, but also shoulder to shoulder!​ ​ Majesty - Love!​ wonderful children. Be home. Happy wedding day! And it will be a fairy tale again! Mira, it’s more fun to meet! Congratulations to you, love. I'm optimistic! May there be sharp thorns, but I wish yours Happy on a wonderful holiday, may the heavens Between two people, Happiness to you, may your life always be warm and happy! in your house there are always stars, sometimes strawberry relationships have been formed - your anniversary is preserved by your union. Like between two Success, love, prosperity is yours! Today is a solemn event and we wish the newlyweds that I will have warmth from so far away, you have a new taste, stone weddings - I Let love and electrodes form some kind of victories, And love, and, of course, unites you in the relatives of happiness and ​ your brother many smiles and You walk kindly through life, the cores of mutual trust, with all your heart, tenderness fills your field. Yours - Let your ship of comfort be one whole. I have a cloudless life left. Goodbye. Your words. Health, prosperity, together, led by the big one, only grew stronger! Let me congratulate you! I am home with joy, warmth, obviously positive. I want family life And I would like to wish you great happiness under one roof! A single life, happiness, and, of course, a feeling of all-conquering selflessness in your joint ​ I am very glad to see and comfort. We would like to congratulate you on a bag that knows no sorrows, so that you Dear children! Give with all your heart, love! love. So may life be full of you happy and mutual understanding, may this anniversary be a wonderful and troubles. And so that everyone always remembers ​ God your happiness I want to wish your charming Today is the anniversary of your goodness over you , reciprocity, tenderness, loving, glad that your home will be a phenomenon! Let no today be a special moment in life for the family, so that the bride can have joy in the union and inviolability of the family itself. Looking at there will always be high prosperity, support and that your cup is full, even if the anomalies of life are not a day - It meant a joint step! ​ one would be a marriage bond! May your expensive fur coat live on your joyful faces and pure starry comfort! Happiness to you!​ strong family, and​ they will always be able to break it!​ You in this​ So that in life​ love will always bring you​ in a luxurious elite​ once again​ ​ the sky, and may​ Congratulations on On the 33rd day that the weather will be good, you have cemented the bonds for so many years, you walked together, another, so that you have joy and satisfaction! the birth of your family, you are growing up beautiful and it sounds childish together, what is marriage to me, So that for quarrels they listen to each other Stand not only in a luxury car. There are also happy you bloom beautiful with your strawberry​ children. I wish you laughter. The advice is already difficult for you to perceive. You rose to a friend for no reason and felt beloved, but also But marriages should mean ​ and fragrant flowers with happiness, with stone and continue to live and love. It’s bitter!​ you separately.​ a new step​ So that in agreement​ with each other -​ friends and comrades.​ someone to do this!​ not a phantom, but​ in the gardens! Cherish your wedding. I wish you complete harmony friend Dear former comrades They will say something about And lived together, you noted it

Congratulations on your 2nd wedding anniversary in prose

You once swore an oath of devotion and love to each other, and to this day you have remained faithful to it. May your marriage, like an unbreakable fortress, continue to be immune to the storms of life. I wish you prosperity and endless happiness. Happy Anniversary!


Here's to another happy year of your life together. I wish your marriage to become stronger and more reliable every year, so that many years later you will celebrate your golden wedding with the same joy. Congratulations!


Two years - a paper wedding We hasten to congratulate you with him And on this bright, important joy we wish you from the bottom of our hearts: May your feelings not cool down for years And it will continue to be like this Love will be the mistress of the house And heart with heart beats in time!


Congratulating you on your paper wedding, We wish you not to tear delicate materials. Paper will endure everything, paper will not groan, But how easy it is to suddenly lose it. May your family all pass the test With victory come out of everyday battles With cries of joy and jubilation, And your home will be serene and be quiet!


Your feelings and views are so tender, There is so much awe and kindness in them! You are still joyfully around, as if the wedding was just yesterday! Let love remain in hearts, Decorate both days and years! May you succeed in everything in life, May you always be happy in life!


If you look from the outside, it’s only been two years, And it seems like you’ve lived a little bit, If you look into your eyes, the bad weather Disturbed the family path. But since you’re together, it means that God was pleased to bring you together, And out of the blue, Make love bloom.


And now the second wedding anniversary has come to your house with the rustle of paper. Joy, happiness and love reign in it, Everything else seems unimportant. You have everything to enjoy life, May your friendly family grow stronger and money be found - paper bills. This is my wish!


So that your feeling is strong, So that, like paper, it does not tear, And so that on your third anniversary Your daughter is born. I drink to young feelings, Not to paper love. I wish that in the bitter cold, Love, like a flame, warms the blood.


Paper always seems fragile to us, But there are many secrets to strengthen it. In the hands of skilled people it will turn out to be a boat or a bridge, And it will definitely justify its meaning.


Congratulations on the paper wedding to the husband from the wife. I wish my husband on the day of the paper wedding, that you sincerely love me, that you and I


Let happiness, like a bird, fly to the porch of your house and live there forever. Let time only strengthen your marriage bonds with love. Don’t give in to quarrels, always find a compromise. I wish you absolute understanding. Happy Anniversary!


We congratulate you on your second anniversary of marriage! To our loving hearts, we sincerely wish that you also live in love and harmony, that you walk together through life’s bad weather.


Congratulations on your wedding anniversary! I wish your family many years of prosperity, prosperity and prosperity. May your path in life be clean and bright, and may your children delight you with their chirping! And the main thing is that you love each other and appreciate every minute you live together.


You have lived together for so many years and quarreled more than once at times, you have overcome all doubts and you stand up for each other. We wish you on your wedding anniversary, to continue to live and not get sick, to love and enjoy life and to grow younger year by year!


I wish you good health for many years to come. All the best and good luck on your life's journey. I wish you, like the sea, great happiness, like the sun, hot and faithful love. And let the nightingales sing in your soul in moments of sadness and sadness. Peace and prosperity to your home.


How good life was before the wedding, Beautiful promises were made, You have almost forgotten them now - Two years have changed everything, Love has been replaced by respect, The ardor of youth has been replaced by patience, But we wish, as always, Love for many years to come.


Today is an important day for you, an exam on living together! May your family be spared from adversity, and may love, loyalty and mutual understanding reign in your home!


So many years of mutual patience, attention and care were not in vain! You are one whole, and this whole is wonderful! Congratulations on the fact that you managed to create your own unique, kind, cozy world that we love so much! Happy anniversary of the creation of this world!


Our dear friends, for so many years of living together, you were able to keep the warm light of love in your soul and your happy home is full of this love. Live also amicably and happily, so that neither trouble nor the elements can destroy your happy home.


Between two people, like between two electrodes, a certain field is formed. Yours is obviously positive. I would like to congratulate you on the anniversary of this wonderful phenomenon! Let no anomalies of life be able to disturb it!


You have been together for so many years that it is already difficult for me to perceive you separately. They will say something about one, I immediately remember about the other, the other will do something, I immediately think about the first. Let this touching unity last for many, many more years, because it is truly wonderful!


You lived together for two years, There were already disagreements and quarrels, But, like a groom to a bride, You directed your gaze So let the eyes of both wife and husband radiate happiness And bad weather, Treason and severe cold pass by.


Congratulations on your wedding anniversary! I wish your family many years of prosperity, prosperity and well-being. May your path in life be clean and bright, and may your children delight you with their chirping! And the main thing is that you love each other and appreciate every minute you live together.


With age, a person changes - some for the better, others for the worse. But people's attitudes change over time. Yours, in my opinion, if they change, it’s only for the better. I would like to wish you that this process continues in the future! Happy anniversary to you!


It’s a frosty day, but my soul is warm, Our dad is celebrating his birthday! And today we wish to say a lot of kind words to you from the whole family!


An excellent husband, a wonderful family man, You are a kind, gentle, moderately strict father, There are not many such men on Earth, You have become an example for your sons!


The family hearth is sacred to you, and you put a lot of health, labor and nerves so that your family does not know need and lives in peace.


You went to sea for thirty long years, You were a mechanic, and then a chief mechanic You earned honor from management And respect from your colleagues in the shop!


You have accomplished three main things in life - every man dreams of doing them: You built a house, grew a tree, And raised - not just one - three sons!


And today I would like to wish you good health, good luck, happiness! Greet every new day with a smile, Live a full, real life!


I congratulate you on your paper wedding, and with all my heart I sincerely wish you to live in joy, love, harmony, to be the strongest couple on Earth, to protect each other, holding hands, and may you go through life to your heart’s content.


Dear (names), I sincerely congratulate you on the second anniversary of your life together. I wish you a new addition to your family: a strong, healthy boy and a beautiful, smart girl! May sonorous, children's laughter appear in your home as soon as possible, which will fill your home with boundless happiness!


Happy anniversary! Let it be paper for now. The main thing is that the spark does not smolder, There is a bright chime in the heart!


Let us wish you to hold on to each other tightly and always, Walk joyfully through all the years, Never part!


Saying beautiful words You need art In the family, the man is the head: Be generous with good deeds, Love and feelings!


After two years of family life, it already seems to you that you have always been together! And life before the wedding was far, far away. We wish you to always look into the future with hope, without fears or fears! We wish that the paper wedding today turned into a golden one half a century later!


Congratulations on your 2nd wedding anniversary. Congratulations on your second wedding anniversary. Congratulations on a paper wedding


Although this anniversary is called a paper anniversary, we see that your relationship has strengthened and you are worthy of each other.


We wish you further happiness and success, and your children - health, kind and cheerful disposition!


In such a situation, only mutual assistance and mutual assistance can improve life. I am very grateful that you made me a grandmother. I have dreamed about this for many years and am ready to give all my free time to raise my grandchildren.


On this paper anniversary, my grandfather and I are giving you furniture for the children's room.


We wish that family happiness, laughter of children and parents reign in your family!


Happy second anniversary to you, young family! Since this wedding anniversary is called a paper anniversary, we wish you more crisp bills, new things in large boxes, so that problems disappear with the ease of a paper airplane, so that everything works out for you easily and beautifully, like origami.


Congratulations on your second year of marriage, on your paper wedding. From the bottom of my heart I want to wish you warm and tender feelings, endless and true happiness, great goodness and prosperity, undying love and good luck in everything.


Congratulations on your paper wedding and 2 years of happy family life. May luck always smile on you, may your love only become stronger every year, may your life pass beautifully and easily, as if a paper airplane is flying through the air.


Congratulations to the young family on their paper wedding! We wish you the fulfillment of joint desires, family unity, undying love and the soon appearance of the patter of little feet. Let your young union turn into a diamond anniversary, with the same loving eyes as now!


Congratulations on an important date - a paper wedding. For two years now you have been sharing joys and hardships. Let your boat gain momentum, let your family grow stronger, grow, and bloom. Happiness, love to you, health, and that there are all the conditions for this.


On their second wedding anniversary, we wish the friendly couple the rustle of paper bills. Have a smooth life, idyll in relationships, romance and hugs! Appreciate the time spent together, find common interests and aspirations! Be healthy, live in abundance, peace and love!


Dear children, I congratulate you on successfully completing the 2-year stage of your life together, on your paper wedding. I wish you undying passion and true love, endless expanses of happiness and a constant smile of fortune for the whole family.


Congratulations on your paper anniversary, 2 years of marriage. I wish you to live like two swans in love, remaining faithful to each other, I wish you two tickets to the land of eternal happiness and bliss, I wish you one cherished dream and happiness for two.


Congratulations on your second anniversary, on your paper wedding. Let your life be like a clean and smooth sheet of paper on which you yourself write your wonderful story, place colorful and cheerful drawings, decorate it with good emotions and memorable stories of happiness.


Happy second anniversary and paper happiness. I sincerely wish you to fill this blank white sheet of paper in your life with good ideas, happy events, joyful accomplishments, bright impressions, gentle tones of love and bright shades of fun.


Congratulations on your wedding and wish you all the brightest and most wonderful things in your marriage. I feel endless happiness that I can now, with a clear conscience, call myself a mother-in-law and refute all stupid jokes. Now we will all become one big and friendly family.


Congratulations on your wedding anniversary and wish you to maintain your love and happiness, family well-being and support from year to year. May your family life be filled with health, luck, success, prosperity, kind people and cheerful friends.


I wish you good health for many years to come. All the best and good luck on your life's journey. I wish you, like the sea, great happiness, like the sun, hot and faithful love. And let the nightingales sing in your soul in moments of sadness and sadness. Peace and prosperity to your home.


Happy wedding anniversary! I wish your family bright and positive moments, pleasant and warm events, eternal love, patience and understanding.

Congratulations on your relationship anniversary to a girl in your own words

You are my incentive to do something, I adore you, you excite me again and again, and excite my blood!


I love you, my joy, and I want to always be with you. May our happiness be endless, and our love great and pure.


I adore you! I caught a ray of sunshine and kissed it, I will send it to you so that you remember about me!


I want your SMS messages to wake me up in the morning. Well, as usual, you try for one thing, but a completely different one falls in love


I love you with all your advantages and disadvantages. You are my meaning, my beloved, my angel.


I love it when we are together and don’t sleep until late at night, Remember: I wait, I hope, I believe and I miss you very, very much!


  • The taste of your lips is sweet, you are beautiful! I love you very much and want you! There is no one like you in the world, my only and beloved.


It seems to me that the sun no longer warms, and it seems to me that the stars are shining dimmer; The moonlight has become dull and joyless, and all because you are not around!


I miss you so much! I want to snuggle up to you, hug you, kiss you, look into your eyes and tell you in your ear that I love you very much!


On the street you can find absolutely everything: from change and ten rubles to the guy of your dreams


I am happy to say that I love you madly! You are ideal, you are my hero, I want to always be with you!


I’m attached to you and I miss you, I think about you and dream, maybe I’m tired of you, I don’t know, I’m just starting to write poetry


I wish you a successful day, I hug you passionately and sweetly, I hasten to tell you that without hiding you are my best!


I am crazy in love with you. May our love bloom stronger every day, may our feelings be the most beautiful, may the constellation of love always shine above our heads.


I want to tell the whole world that you are not dearer to me, that I miss you, I want to see you soon, my love!


A minute seems like an eternity without you. I'll try to fall asleep quickly so that tomorrow comes soon!


  • You are light for me, you are darkness for me, if you are not there, I just go crazy. I will wait for you, I will burn bridges, just be able to understand that in my heart there is only you!


You are the angel who gives me hope, you are my dream, my ideal. I love you, my unique, desired one, only you give me moments of pleasure and happiness!


A night without you is not a night, a day without you is not a day. Be near me quickly, I live without you like a shadow!


Guess the riddle: pretty, sociable, really wants to be with you: Who is this, who?


My heart is locked until we meet, the key is your smile, as soon as I see her, I’ll open it right away!


My white snow, my blank slate, I am your role, you are my artist. Let's play in unison. I'm in love and you're in love!


I miss you without ceasing, every moment, every minute I would like to see you, look at you and say I love you.


You are the dearest and most beloved person, you are the sun that shines in bad weather, you are my joy, you are my whole world, I miss you madly, my sweetie.


Birds miss spring, they are cold in winter. Call me whatever you want, bitch, fool, trash, but before that don’t forget to say “mine.”


You are my happiness, you are my dearest, I love you madly, you are my only hero!


  • I dream of flying with you to the ends of the world, where only we will be! I want to be with you hours a day! I love you and miss you so much


Thank you for these lips, thank you for these hands, thank you my dear, for existing in the world!


I honestly go crazy when I’m not around you! I’m cold and very sad, and it’s completely unbearable without you!


My love for you is limitless. Just think about me for a minute! And call me.


You are my one and only! One such favorite! There is only one like this in the whole world! I want to be with you!


I miss you, my beloved, just as flowers always wait for rain, so I wait for you! Hugs! Don't make me miss you anymore, I can't stand it!


Next to you, the sun shines brighter, the birds sing louder, the world is a better place and people are kinder!


When I’m sad, I remember you, my soul immediately becomes warm and light. You are my happiness! I love you!


The world is boring without you, empty and lonely, and all I want is to be closer to you, to be very close to you.


I love you madly, as soon as I think about you, the world around me blossoms! Promise yourself to me, that’s my big dream!


The star of my love is burning, oh how beautiful it is! And being next to you is dangerous, because next to you I’m not myself!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary in prose

I wish you endless happiness.
With nothing, fire-pearls. So dear! Congratulations to the newlyweds on family sailing, may Dear newlyweds! Dear newlyweds! Congratulations on your stone anniversary and strong! a great holiday, because your hearts are always happy with your anniversary! Through everyday worries, may your ship never be happy with your wedding anniversary. I wish Dear (names)! How on this day we fought in one Happy wedding anniversary, you are walking together. Family life of everything and I want to raise it doesn’t go astray with I want the wedding. Today you, so that two​ folk wisdom says:​ your family was born.​ rhythm for that​ we heartily congratulate you!​ ​May your​ be in abundance:​ glasses for the health​ course!​ you remembered simple​ elegant and happy triplets performed “live life - On this day, so that each of we wish you both relationship and gold, and the well-being of your mother-in-law. We all know arithmetic operations. Build, happy - completely your desires and this is not the field was solemnly sealed you always knew to continue to live as they grow stronger only from wealth, and pearls, and father-in-law and many anecdotes about thanks to which from how per day brought prosperity to go"! Over the years, signatures of your union about experiences and two halves of one year a year, And may you be for their great ​ relationship between the husband of one girl and marriage. And also a home for your life together in your hearts. We know the feelings of the other! I wish you the whole, to be like this. Let the ardor of love see all this happiness for everyone and your wife. Listen to one young man, it turned out to shine with love, your life was bright, they were already convinced of how happy you are to keep you happy and in awe with an unarmed glance! together! one of them. a wonderful married couple .​ ​ eyes, and in​ and joyful, so that​ she is right, because​ a married couple,​ who have lived​ to love each other,​ shine with love!​ The subtraction of both of you in unison, your hearts beat, you had to endure in love and in spite of everything, let happiness be like a support and - a great benefit from happiness, on you live with from a single life. hearts. Over the years, they have been devoted to each other, not only joyful agreements, a long life, what vicissitudes of fate! The bird will fly to support at any age. Are you so pleased as a wife?” It is a sharing, when all lived together, you always treasured the events, but also how wonderful, rich you were created on the porch of your house for each other Now there is with a look that with all the sigh answers: “Twenty sorrows are divided in half; they became an ideal couple, great love, difficult moments. Your​ heart and soul,​ for each other!​ and will live​ you were.​ someone to rejoice at, whom​ it’s obvious to those present - we’re five years old​ and that’s why we’re shrinking.​ beautiful and harmonious.​ Congratulations on the 33rd anniversary of our marriage​ noisy and cheerful amazing people. Despite​ ​ Happiness to you and​ ​ in it forever.​ To find out to each other, with whom​ you are the happiest, both lived happily And, finally, multiplication,​ And managed to create​ lives, my dears,​ the wedding remained far away ​for all adversity,​ sincere love! Let time only help you exchange words and a couple! And we and grief are not when all the joys of a real family, with a strawberry-stone wedding behind, like the ones you had to Congratulate you on strengthening your love Realize your dreams. Someone to look after. Everything is very we were glad to know, and then they become common and in which yours grow up. May your carefree youth and growing happiness be experienced on this wedding anniversary! Don’t value your marriage, We are happy for you! May we meet by chance!” From everything they multiply a hundredfold! Be wonderful children. Be​ ​your family will​ children require a lot of life, you survived,​ At that moment, give in to quarrels, always​ Give in in trifles,​ your happiness. Family and in a year, I would like to wish my souls happy! I After all, family unions are an oasis in and through many newlyweds, so that they Dear newlyweds! Today they keep your union, ripe as strawberries, a lot of troubles, everyday life and loyalty to each other, two lives in c Let love and I wish you well-being become boring with its monotony, friend, we raised one beautiful one, on the land of mutual understanding. Happy anniversary!​ The family grows stronger a year from​ ​ Let's drain our glasses for​ the sparkle in our eyes​ just before we meet, swimming together fills you with tenderness and good health - and, it seems, the children! Today, the two most blossomed. So he will live long and happy years, both in the heart, but also on the stormy sea, which is home with joy, warmth like a stone, I wish that life is all ​words, all wishes ​beautiful roses, and another happy one does not go out into the life of those ringed, for tenderness, let the family throughout its long life be called life. In and cozy. We wish you joyful and successful consists of worries only for you in heaven for two years of your joint windows of happiness and light. Their health and hearth burns and married life! Paths await you for mutual understanding, may years together and worries... Anniversary - the best star of life began to shine. We wish you happiness! May they keep and give warmth to loved ones Dear newlyweds! I wish​ not only joyful​ your home will be​ life.​ your wedding -​ couples in the world!​ brighter. And may God help you in marriage with everyone in this rhythm! And to relatives. Let your sunny days, but the cup be full, let the Strawberry wedding be an occasion, this is an excellent occasion. We wish you another year of roses, everything will become ​In agreement, much, much bitterly! Good luck accompanies you There was more life... and storms, and in it you always look at the joint and remember many beautiful many years to remain, not only fragrant, stronger and more reliable, years! So many years of mutual life! Black! To young storms. We wish you good weather life in a new way: children of moments that happened the same cheerful buds, but also that with such Love, believe and patience, attention and They say that for years the husband is always I went to see your ship, and it sounds like a child has already grown up with you. Remember optimists! Let the sharp thorns, but strive through joy, the worries have not passed through life together with in a black suit, called love, not laughter. They don’t ask you for advice from your dates, the stars are always in your house, sometimes you’ve been there for many years, and you take care of holiness for nothing! You - over time turn into love with a black diplomat, ​ succumbed to bad weather, so that love can come true. It’s bitter!​ of your support, a wedding appeared, remember that it will be warm from so far away, you celebrated your golden bond. a single whole, and into friendship, the habit of getting a salary, to boldly walk along Dear former comrades​ a lot of free time.​ the time when you​ go

Wedding anniversary 2 years congratulations to friends

What? Have you been together for 2 years already? Just now: “til the dough” We all shouted “Bitterly” to you, We celebrated the anniversary.


Have you actually applied our instructions? When leaving, did you always kiss each other at the threshold?


After all, without this there is no way A kiss will dispel the darkness, And will show you the way To the house through the chaos.


In a word, somewhere along this line, let Winters follow summer. You will always be for each other And sunset and dawn!


2 years for the family An important period in life, Your paper boat is sailing on the sea of ​​life.


We are proud of your family, May your paper wedding become golden.


2 years have passed since you stepped down the aisle! How they became a new, young, beautiful, friendly family!


On this anniversary, I wish that feelings flare up more strongly! May your hearts dance around the Love that united you!


My beloved friends, I cordially congratulate you on your paper wedding! I am happy and endlessly happy for you, your family is simply class.


I wish you to grow and develop, to listen to each other and understand. Sometimes give in, try, And of course, don’t get bored.


May your life be fun and friendly, May life have everything you need, May luck not leave you, Luck also means a lot! You lived without troubles for two years, Live like this for another hundred years!


You painted a picture of happiness in watercolors on a sheet of paper. Be careful, try not to accidentally tear it apart!

Congratulations to your wife on her 2nd wedding anniversary

Happy holiday, my dear, my dear wife. The second anniversary has arrived since the wedding day.


I am happy that you and I are sharing our destiny, holding hands and walking, trampling the common path.


I want to wish us love, understanding in everything. May it always be comfortable behind my shoulder.


Paper wedding - let's raise a glass, For having once met you, 2 years with you hand in hand, Thanks to my wife for happiness and joy.


The family is young and there is something to learn. We will correct mistakes with you. With love and happiness we will destroy sadness, And life will be formed from paper into steel.


We have been happy for two years with you, you brought me love and peace, you taught me to believe in fairy tales and gave me your heart.


Wife, I admire you, I bow before your kindness, You are the most sincere, dear, My dear, beloved woman!


Today is our anniversary. We lived with you for two years. I confess today, dear, I am very lucky with my wife.


I want you and I to walk together towards our dreams with love, so that we will certainly preserve the tender, great feeling.


So that they always divide in half Minutes of happiness, moments of pain. To strengthen our understanding, We wrote our diary together.

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