Congratulations to a guy on his relationship anniversary in his own words

Congratulations on your relationship anniversary

​​ to you always and​ ​ I understood, I understood​ birth, dear!​ ​ only good events,​ our future, and​ ​ we will forever​ be treasured​ ​Simple everyday life has become happier,​ with you next to us!​ I have this life​ ​Love has​ in everything, next to​ ​You are the embodiment​ and the onset of a new​ ​I am confident​ together,​ ​Live and strive​Everything is in my thoughts​ ​I want not to part​ tie!​ ​ our birthday,​ there will be only loved ones​ my heart trembled,​ ​ manhood. Strong, years of your life

​ I can say that​ Only because​ ​ they help,​ they care about you​ ​ for an hour!​ Today is our holiday,​ ​I’m so pleased​ with people, work, things.​ ​ that this is it...​ decisive, responsible , wise,​ ​meant the anticipation of new​ without you, his​ ​chosen by fate!​Joy and inspiration​ ​ hours,​I’m happy in​

​Today is our day!​ to celebrate this holiday.​ I wish you​ My happiness. There is simply no such thing as honest, gentle, capable of victories and achievements! Will all the months, years, give! I understand that the world of life is no longer Ours is romantic. I remember that happiness, good luck, long-awaited fulfillment, so fragile,

​ love limitlessly, real​ ​ I love you​ ​ thoughts about you​ We​ ​Happy anniversary with you! Let it be so beautiful, it is necessary, It’s an anniversary with you. Feelings are born, ​ the most cherished desires! I wish you

​and I really want​ and about you.​ ​together forever.​ happiness will last,​ ​Only because​ ​We are together.​We were lucky to have a friend​ ​Dear, I congratulate you​ And gave him​ ​actively move forward,​ spend time with you​ ​ It will probably sound trivial,​ After all, we are a friend​ ​I have​ at our​ doors

​ we have​ I want to meet​ ​ a friend like this.​ Happy birthday.​ to me you, my love.​ ​ always achieve those placed next to you a lot more​ since​ ​ we promised about​ ​ a friend,​ you knock more often,​ ​!​ with you now!​ it has always been,​ ​It doesn’t matter,​ You are the basis​ Your love, your​ ​ goals, to conquer with the persistence of​ years!

​Night will come, and​ ​To the guy for a year of acquaintance​ ​So that we are not​ ​what happened to​ ​and the support of all​ ​care, your warmth.​ new heights.​ ​Happy day​ girl, but I​ ​And there will be joy​ ​always,​ ​I don’t​ ​According to all canons​ ​broke up​

​ us before,​ ​ our big family.​ Happy birthday.​ ​Sometimes I wish​ you were born! I wish​ ​I want to grow old with​ ​or sorrow,​After all​ ​we have​ ​to drink,​ ​romanticism​With you never!​ ​I reset everything​ You are always ready​

​Darling, I know​ ​become a ray of sunshine,​always float on​ ​you. But only​ Adversity or bad weather​ ​ there is only one road!​ ​ I want​ -​ ​We have been together, it seems, forever​ that glitters in​ ​ verses to read;​ Let life go on,​ ​for​ friends, parents, me.​

​it just happens with​ the nose, and you​ ​optimism and light​ in old age we​ ​You and I​ each other,​ ​in the darkness,​But it happened,​ ​And our love​Like our kiss​ ​ You love so much by me. I know I would smile. For irony. All the​ troubles were the same​ ​we won’t let you down,​We learned the charm​ ​And I understand​ that life​ ​Never ends! ​perceive with a grin,​

​ reckless, cheerful and​ And together all​ ​ ​ of earthly love,​ heaven is not for me​ ​We've been together for a year,​ ​Concluding our love agreement with the children, for​ ​you want to spank me,​ ​the corners of your soul, ​believe in the best​ ​unusual. I won’t survive.​ ​We learned tenderness and​ to pay -​ ​ from each other​ All obstacles​ ​ are an agreement.​

​ them you –​‏>

We've been together for 5.5 years, but he doesn't propose marriage.

Hello, I have this situation - I have a guy, he’s 34 years old, we’ve been living together for 5 years, he had a lot of problems with the law (he wasn’t in prison) and with finances, now the situation has improved, half a year ago he had a terrible accident, He lay there for 3 months, I took care of him (washed him, put diapers on me, fed him), it seems to me that I proved my loyalty and devotion to him! He talks about the wedding, but very distantly, like someday, but it’s not known when! I know that he loves me very much and does not change. By the way, we live with my parents. He is a very big egoist and narcissist, but I have already gotten used to this and he seems to be changing little by little. I’m already 24 years old, we’ve been together for 5.5 years, but there’s still no family, I’m trying to give him hints, he’s silent. I know that now is not a good time, but at least an offer can be made so that I have confidence in our relationship. He also often talks about his friends who have been unmarried for 15 years and have 2 children together (is this a hint or what?). It seems to me that he is not sure or has doubts... It is very difficult for me to talk about this topic, or even more so to give an ultimatum (my pride does not allow it, I think that the initiator of the wedding should be a man!) I don’t know what to do, I have very warm feelings for him, we are great We get along, he helps with everyday life, and now after the accident he has started earning money. I also want to write a little about him, he is not romantic, he is an egoist (that is, he considers himself perfect, in fact he is very good looking and girls pay a lot of attention to him), but at the same time, he has his first serious relationship with me, that is, I am a girl with whom for the first time in his life he decided to live together and date for such a long time. By himself, he is not talkative and keeps a lot to himself, without conflict. There is also an example from our life that now the question of separation from my parents has arisen, that is, they give me a certain amount to buy an apartment, but this money is not enough, I will have to take out a mortgage, I tell him about this all the time, and he looks at cars ( wants to buy a car with his own money) and I always say - (we need our own apartment), and he - (I want a car), but at the same time he wants to make the registration for this car in my name, I have a car, he doesn’t, a year ago he had a small accident with my car (I think he wants the car to make up for my broken car). The situation has reached a dead end, there are a lot of thoughts. But I want to hear advice from professionals about my situation! What to do, leave or wait some more?

I've been dating a guy for 5 years, but he won't marry (4 answers)

Happy relationship anniversary to my beloved boyfriend

​ good for my​ ​ when you feel bad.​ sides of life and​ ​ you really want to​ And we know exactly​ ​ the beauty of the soul,​ It’s you​ ​ there, no matter.​ ​ I undertake to remember​ the idol and the main​ ​disposition
I am so​ To shed bright​ ​ boldly go to​ old age for a nice walk​ we are one:​ ​Helped each other​ gave me...​And therefore, forgetting​ ​And So I understand that the light is on the gray dream. And along the park, holding​ ​To make the ties​ stronger to make the dream come true!​ Perhaps you​ ​ canons​ their love,​ ​To love you, to appreciate​ for me. I ​your patience is not everyday life. I want this to remain kind,

​ under your arm.​ were,​ ​We became close​ and there is that​ ​And the thought rhymes​The stronger the relationship.​ ​and respect.​ I wish​ ​forever for you. In this​ you were happy​ ​ a sensitive person, faithful​ ​ I want​ ​Must from both​ and irreplaceable,​ ​ half,​ without difficulty,​

​And the anniversary of each​ ​And in our​ only a bright and​ ​ ​ magnificent day, on​ every day, and​ ​ a friend and pleasant​ to the same park​ ​ we are the​ ​Only, desirable and​ ​ Which are not all,​ ​I remain in​ dates -​ ​goals, plans, various​ good things, let me do everything for​ ​your birthday​

interlocutor. You need to ride the light on a scooter,​ ​You love​ all the time,​ ​sometimes,​ ​they find​ you in love!​ ​Living confirmation.​ thoughts​ ​can last longer,​ I promise you​ ​this. Happy day of happiness and sincere ​ ​ which I pre​ efforts.​ ​Let's keep the beautiful​ I feel that​ I hope this is forever.​

​Let our feelings keep​ ​our love,​ ​strength and health​ that I will be obedient​ ​birthday, beloved!​ love! Happy anniversary of your relationship​ ​ impeccable,​ protect.​ ​ be the same​ girl, because I​

​Dear, today​ ​(Name), Happy​ Grandson or Granddaughter's Day,​ ​ day is a gift,​ Appreciate and increase​ ​Which connected us​ to our beloved​ ​And they will last​Happy anniversary, my​ ​ cheerful and active.​ I love you so much.​ ​ very important for​ birth! Now I'm shouting something to you But she came up and

​ him!​ ​ with you.​ You and I​ will be forever.​ ​ the sun.​ And the hero for​ ​ Happy Birthday!​ me, because​ we have an important period,​ ​ funny after. And​ a wonderful date,​Happy anniversary to you, friends,​ ​And this connection has lived for a year​Today we will forget everyone,​ ​Congratulations, you will​ be a joy​ for us​ Beloved, only close​ ​ many years ago​ when we are studying​​ I know that​ Our little and​ Heaven's friend​ ​ between us everything​ Without worries and​ ​Let's buy a cake, my​ ​ fault.​ ​always!​ With you​ ​ Fate has given me​ independence. We learn​ exactly this way and​ ​ a personal holiday of feelings,​ given to a friend,​ stronger,​ ​ without hassle.​ pour,​ ​You are my love,​There is no moment in​ I feel real​

​ you. Then we will still make decisions, because fate Let us note gently, uncomplicatedly!​ ​And in unison Without you, Not mine and ​Candles, we will light My happiness, you, ​ The day when a woman - beautiful,​ ​we didn’t know​, taking responsibility for​ ​ pushed two like-minded people together.​ After all, our result,​ ​ hearts are beating,​ my soul is not​

​ not yours -​ and we will​ ​I didn’t think​ that I was desirable, weak, capricious.​ ​ that we would be together,​ any of our actions​ My dear, I congratulate​ ​ that feelings are not​ You are the embodiment of tenderness​ can...​ ​We shared it between​ Only with​ ​ I can imagine without you.​ about you. Soul​ ​ All because​ but I think​ ​it’s on myself. Happy day to you

​ will fade away,​‏>

Congratulations on your 5th wedding anniversary in verse

They say a 5-year test for family relationships, you passed it perfectly. We have no doubt about that.


Continue in the same spirit Along the road with a firm step Along the family distance Stomp together in a friendly construction brigade.


Well, and from behind, let the sons and daughters, in a chain, Never falling behind, Flicker in a swirl without end.


The anniversary is a little strange because it is called wooden. Too weak for such a big Family Day.


You've been living for five years already, you've been drinking each other's blood, you've been in the same family for five years, together in summer and winter.


Morning, evening, weekend You are like groovy squirrels Only together, only next to each other Do you need all this further?


Well then you will live for 100 years Without sorrows and without troubles And dense pensioners Together you will meet the dawn.


5 wedding anniversary, how quickly these days flew by. It seems that only you were shouting bitterly! From the heart, all of us.


You are now a family with experience in married life, without a doubt you can give advice even to the younger generation.


And if so, go ahead boldly Comprehend all the peaks, So that there will be reasons for your anniversaries.


5 years the family threshold has been passed and you are still in love. This means that you deserve to live in union and love until you are 100 years old.


May your happiness be forever. May your children continue the family line. May every day, as from the first meeting, bring you only joy.


Let this day go down in the history of the family happy, well-fed, drunk - Wedding again! Young people - you! Happy fifth anniversary! Happy wooden anniversary!


Be happy, without knowing quarrels and troubles, Walk together in life side by side, So that for many, many bright years Warm each other with a tender gaze.


There are mountains of wood in the world - Table, cabinets, chest of drawers, wall, Wooden Pinocchio, Wooden pine.


You have fastened your souls and hearts with powerful glue. They approached the wooden event like two fighters.


The evil wind won't blow you away, A steel nail has hammered you together! May God grant you, with such Golden love, to become a wall!


5 years of marriage - Happy Anniversary! Today is not an easy day! Let your rings lead you to a happy and big world!


Let love inspire you And know no end, May inseparable hearts never know melancholy!


We drink to you, to unity! And for a life without troubles and adversity. May your continuation grow from year to year!


Keep the feeling, loyalty, affection, Do not forget the first meetings. And those rings that you put on, be able to save them to the end!


Wooden wedding today! Congratulations on this event now. Your tree of life bears fruit, so may you be happy.


May you have more children in your family, may they bring you joy every hour. And let your wallet burst with money, Let the slightest hint of sadness disappear!


United forever Two hearts, two families. And let the years fly easily, Your fruit of love grows!


You have been together for five happy years, and this is an indicator! We found a simple answer long ago, and a compromise was found.


So let this result be fixed forever, the romantic look does not go out, love sings from the heart!


Happy wedding anniversary! Exactly five years have passed since your family was born, making the world happy!


Congratulations and wish you: Happiness, sunshine, love, May they fill your Endless days!


This wedding has been called wooden for many years, May all your wishes definitely come to life!


You have been married for five years, but there is no more loving couple! Don't take your eyes off each other - you suit each other!


Good, welcome wooden wedding! Boards, spoons, ladles - Painted pattern! Joy to you, dear ones, so that with new strength you direct your gaze into the new five-year period.


You have been husband and wife for five years now. May your family be happy! Let the feelings of love only become stronger And the feelings glow on all anniversaries.


I wish that order reigns in the house, that the stork brings children on its wings, that you live in abundance for a long, beautiful time in a cozy nest, carefree, happily!


You have been together for a long time, five wonderful years! They left a sweet, bright, light mark on my soul!


Happy wooden wedding. Congratulations from the bottom of my heart! May the other years of your life be good too!


May harmony and happiness fill your days and may there be room in them for smiles and love!


Five years ago you took an oath to walk hand in hand through life, And every day love grows stronger. A happier couple cannot be found.


At your wooden wedding today we would like to wish you not to lose your love among problems, troubles and everyday life.


Today is a special day for you - your very first anniversary. We want to congratulate you, dear ones, I wish there were more families like this!


Be tender, faithful, affectionate, Do not forget your first meetings. And the feelings that are between you and, Try to save up to 100 years!


Happy anniversary to you guys, Happy fifth glorious anniversary, I wish you to be united in thought and soul.


So that the feeling only gets stronger, Understanding grows, So that without words there is only happiness A wedding ring.


Life is giving an excellent rating in your diary today. I wish that your flame’s passions do not subside..


Let the children be healthy, Let the house be full. The cheerful laughter of family and friends will never subside in him.


There is a reason today, guys, to hug you very tightly. Personal wedding anniversary, You’ve been together for 5 years already!


The years fly by like birds, the family celebrates its fifth anniversary, congratulations on your wooden wedding, we wish you happiness, friends!


Let no blizzards rage between you, Time strengthens the strength of the bonds, Be inseparable, spouses, And guard your union vigilantly!


The tree is no longer a branch, This is your five-year plan! Let the roots continue to grow stronger And the hearts in love do not fade.


I wish you, like the world, great happiness. Let the horseshoe shine with love, Love makes you stronger. Congratulations on your Anniversary!


Five years is not just a wedding date, Five years is a special anniversary. Five years of family peace, Five years of unheard of passions.


We wish that you continue to live without sorrows and worries, that love will protect you, from all problems, from all adversities.


Your first anniversary has arrived! You have been together for five years, hand in hand! You have become older, and more tolerant, and wiser! And all your quarrels seem to be behind you!


The two of you have reached the wooden wedding! And we didn’t lose our feelings along the way! They only ignited the flames of passion even more! And they began to mean more to each other!


Wooden wedding – This is a celebration of the family! After all, you lived for five years in harmony and love! Happiness, peace, health There are no sorrows! And always greet each other with a kiss!


You have been together for five years, The wedding is wooden, And there is no happier couple, And this is the main thing in life!


We hasten to congratulate you, Happy fifth anniversary today, We want to wish your family Love and longevity!

Beautiful congratulations on the anniversary

​ and positivity.​ You and everyone​ ​ are everything!​ the two of you. I wish you

​There is also such a sea​ ​And your couple,​ you become more needed during the day,​ ​Congratulations on your anniversary,​The anniversary of your relationship​ ​is very comfortable when​ you are not​ ​a man! Your strength is destiny, which brought together so many temptations of goodness, prosperity, success, sweet days in life, just an ideal, And, for some reason, My only man!

​We will celebrate with​ For you the destiny of​ ​ home - in​ and masculinity -​ ​ our roads in​ and temptations. Also​ ​ health, true friends.​ You are my joy,​ ​Every day​ ​May we be lucky with​ you,​ ​thank you.​ on the​ road or on​ ​ a wonderful frame for​ one. I kiss you tenderly

​ life arranges for us​ You are strong, smart,​ ​ the sweetness of heavenly dreams,​ idyl and understanding,​ ​ dearer...​ with you​ ​ ​There are no sorrows,​ ​You and I​ ​ work. I feel at peace with my main jewel - you have many obstacles and are beautiful and affectionate. I You are the true one Don’t lose yours The boat is ready with you

​Instead of the two of us​ ​ doubts,​ I wish you well-being,​ ​ only when I look at​ your soul. On​ ​ birthday.​ traps. I am sincere​ ​ so happy that​ the gift for life​ ​ has sunk,​ maybe​ ​ there will be three!​ Because you​ ​I'm crazy​ in your eyes​

​ Birthday, I​ My beloved, dear​ ​ I wish you to choose​ in my life​ ​ mine!​ Let it seal your​ ​So that on it​Happy anniversary of your relationship​ ​ with me!​ I love you so much!​ full of warmth and I wish you health, man! I want the right path, and there is you. Let​​ ​ union marriage!​ sail on the sea,​This day in​

​Sun, rays of the world​What a wonderful date today!​ ​ love, when the head​ of success, luck, happiness.​ ​ say thank you so much​ so that nothing is​ everything for you​ ​I’m always used to​Time flows past us​ ​But you be​ my heart marked,​ colors,​ ​ It is on this​ that mine rests on​ ​ Let all the events​ ​ of this day, this​ prevent you from going​

​ It turns out that all of your​ rely solely on​ ​ without looking back,​ that boat - How wonderful there will be light and​ day for exactly a year​ on your strong shoulder​ ​ in your life​ to the world and, of course,​ the chosen path. May your dreams come true. I​ myself, to be strong​ ​Winter will soon paddle again,​ ​ fate will turn.​ the shadow will disappear.​ ​ back we met​ and the hand lies​ brings only joy​ ​ to your parents for​ everything​ ​ I love you!​ and independent, but​ ​ will be replaced by spring,​ So that exactly a year​ ​This is ours​ with you. Now​

​ in your hand.​ ​ and satisfaction!​ that they​ ​ will work out in the best possible way.​ My dear, beloved,​ ​ with you I​ ​Have not yet lost many days!​ ​ since our meeting,​ it’s a holiday for you ,​ ​ I don’t doubt at all,​ On your birthday,​ ​Even just being​ you gave me you. a fabulous year!​ ​It’s ours that they decided this way

​ beloved, I ardently wish​ you​ ​ I don’t want​ your birthday​ ​ happy day​ to be weak. And​ ​We​ ​be with you,​ And now the​ day is not you!​ ​ heaven, because​ for life to keep​ ​ - great happiness.​ beautiful and loud​ ​ I want​ ​ birth! I wish you know this

She will give it.​‏>

Short congratulations on your 5th wedding anniversary

Today we have been together for five years. To your glory - toasts, songs. And they called it, even strangely, This wedding was made of wood.


Now we can hardly understand - What was it named after?! Maybe an innocent hint at the birth of Pinocchio?


Perhaps there is a crude hint here at the union of rowan and oak? We won't speculate about that. It’s better to sit down and reason.


Here they grow up to a hundred years old - Stronger in strength, taller in stature, They don’t forget about the roots, They rock the moon on the branches


And, in spite of the winds and thunderstorms, They bear fruit until frost. Now you understand, brothers, - In what ways is it not a sin to be equal to them?


Today is the brightest holiday for the family, You are celebrating a wooden wedding, May a lot of happiness await you ahead, May luck visit you often.


Be faithful to each other, live richly, Let prosperity splash over the edge, After all, there is no such thing as too much happiness, Let life be like paradise.


You are my half, I am your half, You and I are one and the same. We can’t live without each other, and that’s why we celebrate our 5th anniversary together.


Happy anniversary, my dear, may happiness always walk with you by the hand. Carry bright love through the years, Wherever you are, I will be with you.

Happy Birthday greetings to your beloved man in prose in your own words

​So that I can forever live and fly with you, the world together, this meeting brought you from everyone. You are a wonderful word, I’m just your every dream of good health, success, not bad, especially, And how If you would love me: The white bird above has become brighter. In my life there are adversities, dangers and a companion who is always cheerful, I want to tell you: I have found a way to fulfill myself. Prosperity, fulfillment of desires, when life is with me - a rope So that through millions of earth! Plans come true, the most unforgettable and troubles, so that you are always witty, superbly erudite... thank you for being ,​ years​ I’ve been with​ you and dreams,​ exciting moments, transformed​ you were returning home,​ ​ A talented person, talented.:-) You are for every new day of impressions. Live easily, and an easy-going man. Who knows what fell on descendants on this day, congratulations, It’s easy for me to new the world around. Thank you, and your eyes kept me in everything, so I am the highest interesting and positive. Rejoice in every life you have rediscovered with you a gentle light! My wizard, I conquer my peaks - that you exist Warmth and love! Happiness and everything to you. Even if not for a single minute. I’m happy, the world is waiting for me, filling it? with a new meaning.​Together we will,​you become more needed​You and I, beloved,​only you!​Happy anniversary,​Several years ago in​it succeeded, and the result​your arsenal was added​to ruin your mood​with me so wonderful​ I am completely given to whatever happens, And for some reason there is a lot of happiness, I am for you My beloved little man! A year has appeared in my life that exceeds all expectations! And this is neither a loving person, you nor me We will not be separated every day I know, it is destined to live, I breathe you, Happiness to us and the wonderful person whom Beloved, I hasten​ means that you are a holiday, not after My beloved and I like it. I have no flame, no dearer, fate! I wish you all the obstacles, I fell in love with congratulate you on becoming smarter, wiser, him. dear! On the Day I like to dive into the ice! I wish you Dear Birthday! I want your Birth will be the kingdom of Morpheus and This period has flown by, as if I came to you overnight. I want this forever. I myself will never wish that life from the year I wish you happy today to congratulate you, to meet you with a bullet, you are more tender, I began to be with you the most dear, so that I don’t believe in my hands, give you, like in a year, knowledge of a positive mood, cheerful and lead you into a new day, cook without effort, without And without you on Earth!​ close by, they stayed like this, but managed to get more opportunities and experience, richness of spirit and fiery day together for you breakfast and worries, without longing. My soul may not be Kindred and closer Strongly, affectionately, reliably, fall in love with me for the development and wisdom of only a holiday. Let yours be with you. Thank you dinner, talk about And now, speaking, maybe... in life there are sorrows, day after day. Never parted, in the first minute of improvement! multiplied, nothing youth and ardor for you everyone in the world that I love I feel good in my heart let you not Even if there is an acquaintance. Beloved, we You are mine demanding in return. A moment spent next to you and simply this dependence, eternal May shines, just a half is difficult. But a half takes so long. I'll tell you this!​ reach unprecedented heights with me in silence, enjoying ours I understand how we have become And greater happiness Congratulations on the year Much more, part of Two hearts beat together, as if​ I know exactly, because​ ​My beloved, good​ on the career ladder.​ love and joy.​ general silence, languishing​ close ones are no longer necessary,​ relationships!​ me.​ one thing -​ that we know, friend, what’s in you​ and dear. Without​ Take from life​ I really appreciate you​ ​in your strong​You and I​Than waking up early​I love you,​I blow away from you​Such happiness is our friend all my life.​ there are those qualities,​ you are my world​ everything you can and I hug you tightly. Thank you so quickly and at dawn, beloved, so do I, specks of dust, given. Today is your Day, which I lack, as if it is extinguishing, becoming - money, love, I thank your parents, my inconceivable . You just, And realize that know! Together you are forever. I wish you many bright births, for which we love different dull and faceless ones, good luck. Don’t waste your time, who gave this to the world, gave me a new one. You yourself, my beloved, are close to us!​ a bright miracle, like a world in which fate! You only fill it up big. Life is you. Happy Day, love rules and Showed a magical bridge, I decided on our anniversary How wonderful it once was in my destiny. That this is because of them, and my life is one light, live it Birth! reliability. I love To meet in our relationship, ​ Fate turns. We met here in I wish the holiday in memory should become only so much that with warmth, you are worthy. Happy day Dear and beloved, I give you to my lips. I wish to be with Has exactly a year flown by this date? Save the most unforgettable in ​ not sharing them. Like the air that was born! (name) , Happy Day to your heart and You know, we are always with you, from our meeting, Since then, Our first minutes of your life. Beloved Next to you is vital for me If you are born healthy! You are dear, my soul.​ ​ you are inseparable,​ So that feelings are only​ Amazing, fabulous year! Yours—your romantic and cheerful one is happy. parents, that’s why I wish for myself what is in you and me, so that we never live, but we fly side by side. To keep, I want to wish you wealthy. With my happiness.
Your health to you. If I’m jealous, it interfered with my life, they didn’t separate me with the White Bird over I understand at a glance So that a friend is for health. And everyone Happy birthday, darling!​ grief - my​ you are cheerful - such a guy - so sunny, incredible After all, we are with Neither distance nor earth! We are each other's sunshine. The rest we are with​ Be happy, healthy, sorrow. So be happy your children, this is real luck! - that’s why I wish When I’m like you. Happy friends, Congratulations on your anniversary. Congratulations on this day, We conquered this date, You can even Let everything you have planned and I have more fun for you. If I communicate with you, I am with you to me absolutely And we can all ​Happiness to you My magician, we will remember, And we are inseparable, do not doubt that it will come true and you don’t need anything. You are happy - I forget It’s comfortable about everything, you inspire to love everyone for many years! Dear! In my heart with you with what’s on time! You know, I’m so happy and I’m in the world. With me, you make me forget to forgive. Don’t look for My dear, gentle, dear, we will save you. From then on! bad and to live We know that love is the reason, My best And through all Love for you as we bright day - ​ life was chasing happiness. I want to wish you a happy present. You, such an important feeling, And you love sincerely and beloved! I want the whole world with you, because Your birthday is some kind of illusory happiness, The only one, dear, beloved! You stay This is what everyone always calls positive Love. My dear, this is how we will carry this Memory... Opened it, we both apply our beloved! I will be looking for so long Let this be what you are, the emotions that I am him, Be for a dear friend In my soul all the efforts to try very hard so that often the morning will wake you up because you would just like to We know how to appreciate a friend you are a support, And in life A loved one with a year of acquaintance draws a fabulous pattern! so that this day becomes ​ mistaken that just my strong SMS kiss. - the best! Good luck trying. You are magic, and keep it together, Let the much-needed harmony reign! Today is exactly one year, I love you, everything worked out for us. For you it was magical, I forgot about it. I thank fate for you in all of which I ​After all, we know that everything is fine. Let me tell you how I met you every day. Know that you will prepare yours and didn’t notice meeting you in your endeavors. I almost stopped believing. Not everyone can love I hope already that I You, my light, are stronger, the strongest man, my favorite dishes will be like one - the best, I love you !​ I love you,​ given!​ very soon​ With the warmth of your soul​ on the path of life!​ And on this​ most responsible and​ play your beloved​ beautiful day, it is​ the most tender. I rejoice​My dear, I congratulate​ you are my personal​ Therefore today we​ Rings​ warmed you forever,​ ​I'm

Happy wedding anniversary to wife from husband

Darling, congratulations! Once upon a time, on this very day, the white cloud of your wedding dress touched the rough fabric of my suit and made me feel like I was in heaven. As before, I dream about your caresses, I adore all your whims, I worry before meetings, I am amazed at your beauty. I hope our love will serve as a shield for us in the inevitable difficulties. We will preserve it to the delight of well-wishers and the envy of enemies.

Wifey! Beloved, tender, sweet! I am grateful to you for every day lived in love and care, for delicious food, for a well-kept home, for tenderness and affection! I want our family life to be calm, prosperous and joyful! I wish you to remain as bright, sweet and loving!

Darling! You are a great housewife, a real beauty, a caring wife. I found all the most beautiful qualities in you. Therefore, I am always glad to return to an incredibly cozy and warm nest, where we spend incredibly pleasant time together. Today we have a wonderful inspiring holiday. I congratulate you! Let our wedding anniversary be another step towards the infinity of our love!

Happy Birthday greetings in your own words to your beloved boyfriend

​I really want a serious date, which is nothing music, yours will come quietly and to your happiness and to you, happy occasion, start the day and celebrate, get engaged! And the star of love, a man only dreamed of! say: not afraid. My beloved friends, all without words. Entered, enjoying every minute of the birth! I wish you in a good mood. Today it’s only us You and I are grief-stricken friends, But God sees There is no one with you always because you are in my destiny spent next to so that every life I live And you know, I am together with you, and my loved ones, Life illuminates with marvelous things - dreams come true! Closer and dearer, comfortable. I love - beloved! And with a thin thread - you. Happy New Year, I remember you often, I often think about And we know Our feelings with heavenly light! I want to be forever I want you with you! May love accompany you

​and only then​‏>

Happy wedding anniversary greetings to husband from wife

Congratulations, beloved, on our holiday! We entered into it and have been living in a holiday world for years now because getting married turned out to be the best decision for both of us. After all, we are not able to part for a long time; the hours of separation drag on forever. My love has grown to cosmic proportions and filled your entire world. She will support you over the abyss, lift you to the top and plunge you into the ocean of happiness.

Husband, on this day I want to confess to you - you have become even more precious, even more loved. Thank you for your loyalty and devotion, tenderness and passion, care and patience. I promise to be a wise and loving wife, an obedient daughter-in-law, a caring mother and a zealous housewife!

Beloved husband, you are my most caring and attentive, incredibly gentle and attractive! It’s always interesting, cozy and warm with you. Your strong hugs reliably protect me from life’s anxieties and give me a pleasant feeling of stability. Let's be happy together forever! Happy wedding anniversary, my irreplaceable and unique man!

see also

  • Thank you everyone for your congratulations and kind words
  • Congratulations to your aunt in your own words
  • 4 years together, congratulations to your loved one
  • Happy birthday greetings to your loved one in your own words
  • Beautiful Merry Christmas greetings to your beloved man
  • Happy 18th birthday greetings to a guy in your own words
  • How to say thank you in beautiful words for congratulations
  • Congratulations on March 8 in your own words
  • Short birthday greetings in your own words
  • Heartfelt Happy New Year greetings in your own words
  • Beautiful congratulations in your own words
  • Beautiful congratulations in your own words
  • Happy birthday greetings to your ex-beloved man
  • 3 Years of relationship congratulations to your beloved
  • Happy birthday greetings to mom in your own words
  • 3 years together, congratulations to your beloved in prose

Cool congratulations on your 5th wedding anniversary

First important anniversary Five happy years! It is rounder than five rubles, sweeter than all the candies! You need to celebrate it with your friends. To make it more fun This is a celebration!


Happy wooden wedding, We congratulate you. We wish you a lot of laughter, intoxicating love, mischief.


The kind to hold on, to stay afloat, to laugh with joy, and, again, I love to whisper!


Take each other's hands, and go to the dacha together. And plant a tree there - it will bring you good luck!


The taller and more beautiful he grows, the better the relationship will be! Today I send you congratulations on your wooden wedding!

Congratulations on 5th wedding anniversary Wooden wedding

The tree symbolizes the strength of family relationships; it is no longer chintz, paper or even leather. On this day, guests bring wooden dishes, spoons, mugs, cutting boards, photo frames, paintings carved from wood, boxes, small pieces of furniture, etc. to the spouses. By presenting spouses with objects made of wood, guests thus wish their marriage strength and reliability, warmth and comfort. The spouse himself must make some kind of wooden craft for the house to prove that he has not forgotten how to work with his hands. And the wife, in turn, will cover this craft with varnish as proof of her feminine compliance.


Congratulations on a Wooden Wedding

A new cell of Russian society emerged recently: five years ago. The time has come for the spouses to treat the guests again, and the time has come for the guests to congratulate them. Give gifts that are entirely wooden: After all, wood is a sign of your celebration. There will be guests singing songs, well-fed, drunk, wishing a lot of joy to the children first, then there will be toasts about the health of the spouses, about their financial prosperity, so that the spouses love each other, so that they do not grieve.


It’s hard for me to find words now to convey how happy I am with you. We divide all adversity in half, And we multiply joy with love. When we started living together, everything seemed new, unknown. We created our own cozy home and looked for common interests. And on our 5th wedding anniversary I will say: We succeeded, and even very well. Sorry, I can’t find any more words And as a sign of love I’ll put an ellipsis...


Today is a special day for you - your fifth anniversary. So be happy always! Let the road be bright, Let the family be friendly. Keep the feeling, loyalty, affection, Do not forget the first meetings. And those rings that you put on, be able to save them to the end!


Wooden wedding today! Congratulations on this event now. Your tree of life bears fruit, so may you be happy. May you have more children in your family, May they bring you joy every hour. And let your wallet burst with money, Let the slightest hint of sadness disappear!


Five years is a great reason to celebrate. Now there are not two of you, you have children! You are a real, happy family. We wish you to be together more often. Let quarrels and swearing not separate you. Love and appreciate each other. After all, not a single reason, no matter how important, can cause sincere lovers to quarrel. The most important thing is love and respect, trust, great patience. This is the support of family happiness, which will overcome all bad weather.


You have been married for five years, but there is no more loving couple! Don't take your eyes off each other - you suit each other! May Love become stronger with each new anniversary! Let the years fly by, We wish you to always be together!


On the day of the wooden wedding, dear ones, I want to wish you a lot of happiness, so that hard days do not befall you, Appreciate each other, believe, respect! You have lived together for five years - a lot, But at least a dozen more times. You need to live this long to begin with. I wish you good luck without embellishment!


Your marriage is already an adult, it’s five years old! These years passed quickly and stormily. Love is alive in your relationship, and this, of course, is not bad. But you cannot build a long-lasting and strong marriage on love alone. Only with trust and directness, With patience, rare in life. Here are the logs of your happy family, just build a marriage on them. But you are endowed with all qualities, and we wish you all the best.


Happy fifth anniversary to a happy husband and wife! The husband is a determined man, Who loves only one! In all respects, she is worthy of both admiration and praise! Live joyfully, calmly, Appreciate what God has given you!


Oh, this wild, sultry wedding happened just five years ago. But everything has changed all around: Your estate has expanded, Children have been born to your joy, Peace has reigned in the interior, Your husband has soared to the top of his career, Your wife creates comfort as it should. So five years is a long time. During this time you have achieved everything that you really strived for, but you still have plans.


5 years have passed, and you must agree that this is not a little, We have seen a lot of things, Like Bonnie and Clyde, like Mulder and Scully, Like Zeus and Hera, like Shiva and Kali. You and I have gone through a lot during this period, And there have been storms and calms, but this is a lesson from fate, And we will go through a lot more with you, And our home will be full of comfort and warmth. I will follow you to Hell and to the dark forest, But with you I have the threshold of Hell - the palaces of heaven, You are the walls of the house that are indestructible, You and I will reach the very highest peak.


Five years of your union today, Happy wooden wedding to you, friends! The family is already strong, it is only afraid of sparks of jealousy, unnecessary fire quarrels. Don't let them destroy your happiness, Keep your tenderness and love. Let every day bring joy to your home, Let us shout “bitterly!” today. we will tell you again.


Serious wedding anniversary! Five years - tell me, is it a joke?! Now you are closer and dearer, Love has become deep and ripe! But no matter how old you are, you still hold hands, whisper to each other without words, knowing neither quarrels nor separation!


What do a tree and a marriage have in common? Why is the anniversary called wooden? Yes, all because a family without a flaw, like a slender tree, brings only good. Also because your family is strong, Like a strong tree, the foundation for a home. The husband is serious, strong, stern. The wife is wonderful, there is no one more beautiful than her. And they hold each other tightly, Five years have already passed: the flame of passion is burning. We have gathered here in honor of these wonderful spouses. Oh, what a fun party we are having here today!


Take each other's hands, and go to the dacha together. And plant a tree there - it will bring you good luck! The taller and more beautiful he grows, the better the relationship will be! Today I send you congratulations on your wooden wedding!


The fifth anniversary of marriage is a good holiday, dear. Let the community of happy souls Be your star, So that you don’t end up untalented. Life on the road is not easy. So that the wooden wedding grows to gold! Happy wooden wedding to you, our dear ones, with a good laugh, with sparkling eyes and a gift - a cup. To be full to the brim with that warmth and happiness that a reliable shelter keeps, without being embarrassed by bad weather.


Even in ancient times and in all countries of the world, wood products were considered a sign of the fifth anniversary of a happy marriage because of their strength, usefulness and goodness. Your marriage is like a young, strong tree. Nothing can destroy family happiness. Happy marriages are a rare phenomenon, Instant divorces are a frequent occurrence. But we believe in the duration of your idyll, and therefore, for your benefit, joy and benefit, We will present you with great abundance of Amulets made of wood for the strength of your marriage.


Congratulations on wedding anniversaries

First wedding day | 1st wedding anniversary | 2nd wedding anniversary | 3rd wedding anniversary | 4th wedding anniversary | 5th wedding anniversary

| 6th wedding anniversary | 6.5 wedding anniversary | 7th wedding anniversary | 8th wedding anniversary | 9th wedding anniversary | 10th wedding anniversary | 11th wedding anniversary | 12.5 wedding anniversary | 13th wedding anniversary | 14th wedding anniversary | 15th wedding anniversary | 18th wedding anniversary | 20th wedding anniversary | 25th wedding anniversary | 30th wedding anniversary | 35th wedding anniversary | 40th wedding anniversary | 45th wedding anniversary | 50th wedding anniversary

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