How to trim an elderly person's nails?
In some nail diseases, the plates become so deformed that they interfere with normal walking and greatly reduce
Ingrown toenail in a child
When the protective function of the immune system is reduced, the body is most often exposed to microorganisms. Resulting in
What happens if you don’t pull out the splinter in time? Can a splinter come out on its own?
Splinter: types, causes and places of appearance. A splinter is understood not only as the one that has become familiar to us.
a sore finger on the hand near the nail, treatment for a child
A 3-month-old child's finger festered
An abscess on the finger is called felon. In the case when the inflamed area is located near the nail
Why do fingernails peel?
Guide to vitamins for strengthening nails
Beautiful and strong nails are one of the important components of the impeccable image that one strives for.
How long does it take for a subungual hematoma on the big toe to go away and how to treat it?
A bruise under the nail always forms after a blow, compression, pinching; it can be provoked by some internal
How can you use castor oil to strengthen your nails?
Any, even the most sophisticated look can be ruined in an instant if the nails are
Nail fungus - effective methods for treating onychomycosis at home
General description Nail fungus (onychomycosis) is a lesion of the nails caused by pathogenic fungi (usually Tinea
Advanced fungus on nails and skin: why is it dangerous and how to treat?
Reasons for the development of mycosis to severe stages If the occurrence of mild stage mycosis is clear, and this
Causes of nail dystrophy and treatment methods
What it is? Onychorrhexis is one of the few types of violation of the integrity of the nails. IN
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