Pink wedding. How to tastefully celebrate ten years of married life

A wedding anniversary is a wonderful occasion to refresh your feelings and re-realize how much you love each other. When the date is “round” (or you just have the desire), you can organize a real celebration: with guests, flowers, a dress, and even with on-site registration. Master of ceremonies from Moscow Irina Amurova told how to unforgettably and romantically celebrate the tenth wedding anniversary.

All photos used in the material were taken by Azat Bikkinin.

Irina Amurova, master of ceremonies (Moscow). 7 years in the profession. Included in the TOP 10 masters of ceremonies in the capital according to the international magazine Zankyou. Conducts ceremonies in three languages.

10 years of marriage is a serious milestone. The spouses already feel each other's skin and understand from the floor. They learned to forgive and accept. The ten-year anniversary of marriage has two names - tin or pink wedding.

The tenth wedding anniversary is called Tin because the flexibility of tin perfectly conveys the important quality of marital relationships that appears after such a long period - the ability to compromise, tolerance for each other when solving complex problems.

In Russia, the tenth wedding anniversary is often called pink. The rose here is perceived as a symbol of family: its flower is the blossoming of relationships, the freshness of feelings. And the stem with thorns is the difficult path that the couple has already overcome.

On such a wedding anniversary, the holiday should be special!

Wedding anniversaries exist to sum up the results and “feed” the feelings of the couple. After all, often when family ties grow stronger, emotions fade into the background.

Couples remember with pleasure what they experienced when they first met and what captivated their partner. And some dream of reliving their wedding day again in order to repeat everything, or vice versa - to do it completely differently.

Perhaps you got married when you were students. We went to the registry office, and then went for a walk in the park. There was no white dress, no first dance - nothing that the bride had dreamed of since childhood. And now ten years have passed and you can afford it. A pink wedding is a great occasion.

But how can you organize an anniversary celebration so that it doesn’t resemble someone’s birthday with repeated toasts year after year?

Important details for the tenth wedding anniversary

Some organizational issues and details will add additional emotions to your holiday.

  • Invite those who attended your wedding 10 years ago to the celebration.
  • If your wedding dresses fit you like a glove 10 years later, then surprise your guests and appear at the ceremony in them. This will have an unprecedented effect. By the way, it’s always nice to realize that you haven’t gained weight in 10 years.
  • And take care of your guests, prepare a list of gifts for them so that after the holiday your home is not replenished with another batch of unnecessary things.

Wedding anniversary: ​​the best ideas for a photo shoot

Each wedding anniversary has its own name. Based on this, you can choose a location for shooting, images for the newlyweds, as well as accessories that will help create the necessary atmosphere and emphasize what anniversary the couple is celebrating.

One year - chintz wedding

A photo shoot for a 1 year wedding anniversary always turns out to be romantic. Chintz, which is actively used in photography, helps to emphasize her tenderness. Its simplest use is when a couple dresses in cotton clothes. This fabric is also used as decoration. If the photo shoot is planned for the warm season and will take place outdoors, tablecloths and bedspreads made from this material would be appropriate as accessories.

Two years - paper wedding

The wedding anniversary calendar continues with a paper wedding. Various paper figures can serve as accessories for this photo shoot - and there are a lot of ideas here! These could be: boats, airplanes, garlands of hearts, cranes, butterflies, paper snowballs, etc. Even the process of preparing for such a photo shoot will give you a lot of emotions, and joint creativity will bring you even closer.

Three years - leather wedding

A photo shoot for a leather wedding is, first of all, a cowboy theme. Leather boots, hats, jeans – it’s easy to create an image for filming. It’s also easy to choose a location for filming, for example, a field, meadow or forest. But the most ideal option is a stable. An alternative option could be a photo session in the style of bikers or superheroes.

Four years - linen wedding

One of the best ideas for such a wedding anniversary could be a photo shoot in a traditional Russian style. Creating an image for a couple couldn't be easier. For the bride - a linen sundress, a wreath in her hair and a bouquet of wild flowers, light makeup. For the groom - an embroidered shirt, a national belt. If filming takes place in the summer, then there will be no problems with choosing a location. For a winter photo shoot, you can rent a studio.

Five years - wooden wedding

This first small wedding anniversary can be celebrated by filming in the forest. But this is the most banal option. There are better ideas for a photo shoot for a wooden wedding. For example, you can arrange it in a bathhouse or against the background of a woodpile. Such photo sessions are especially interesting in winter. But in the warm season, you can capture how spouses plant a tree as a symbol of their love and fidelity.

Six years - cast iron wedding

An outdoor picnic is a great theme for this anniversary. You can support it by using cast iron pans, pots and other utensils as attributes. A grill or barbecue would also work!

Seven years - copper or wool wedding

When choosing accessories for a photo shoot for your seventh wedding anniversary, start from its name. On the one hand, these can be objects made of copper - dishes, candlesticks, coins. On the other hand, wool can be used here - for example, one blanket for two.

Eight years - tin or poppy wedding

Here the idea of ​​a wedding anniversary photo shoot also lies on the surface. Products made of tin, as well as simply sparkling objects similar to them, will become the main accessories for shooting. If a floral theme is closer to you, then a poppy field is a great place for this process. The photos will certainly come out bright and stylish.

Nine years - faience wedding

A photo shoot for this wedding anniversary can be themed around drinking tea together. Earthenware dishes, as well as cute figurines and candlesticks will add an appropriate atmosphere to the photos. You can organize shooting anywhere - outdoors, on the embankment, in a coffee shop or even at home.

Ten years - pink or tin wedding

When choosing ideas for a photo shoot for your 10th wedding anniversary, start, first of all, from the color that symbolizes this first serious anniversary of your life together. The options here can be very different. For example, you can go to a botanical garden and take beautiful pictures with rose bushes in the background. Or rent a “pink” studio. The best wedding anniversary gift for your wife will be a boat ride, when in the rays of a pink sunset you can convey all your tenderness to each other.

Marriage amulet

A decade of marriage is a long time, but the risk of separation still exists. To prevent quarrels, scandals and problematic situations in the family, on the wedding anniversary they make a talisman on their own or receive it as a gift. The talisman can be given by loved ones, parents or friends who do not envy the couple with black envy. The amulet is an object made of tin. It doesn't matter what type it will be. You can choose an animal figurine, charge it with positivity and place it in a secluded place.

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Features and traditions of a pink wedding

Pink wedding - ten years since the wedding. An exquisite flower is a symbol of love and tenderness; it reminds of the tender feelings that the spouses experienced for each other at the beginning of the relationship. The thorns of a rose represent the difficulties that partners overcame but remained together.

The tenth anniversary is also called a tin wedding, as Yu. Anokhina writes about in her book “The Most Golden Wedding.” As you know, this material is quite soft. It symbolizes the compromises that spouses are willing to make in order to save their marriage.

Traditions and signs

Since ancient times, there have been many interesting traditions dedicated to pink weddings:

Celebration ideas

The task of the spouses is to organize a celebration that will be remembered for a lifetime. The choice of option depends on personal preferences and financial capabilities. Celebrate the anniversary one-on-one or invite relatives and friends.

Evening with family

The classic scenario involves celebrating at home, in a cafe or restaurant. Home gatherings take place in a cozy and warm atmosphere, while a meeting in a cafe turns out to be more solemn. However, it all depends on the area of ​​the house and the level of preparation for the anniversary. Celebrating an anniversary in a mansion or furnished country house is even better than in a small cafe.

Home gatherings require thinking through the celebration down to the smallest detail. The hostess must know what to treat her guests, where to seat them, and how to entertain them. The holiday should not turn into banal eating of treats and drinking, when those present forget for what reason they gathered. If the number of guests exceeds 20 people and the celebration area is large, a toastmaster is invited. Otherwise, one of the guests will have to play the role of host. In addition, you need to think about the design of the room, decorate it with flowers, photographs, balloons.

Organizing a party in a cafe or restaurant is much easier. If there are few guests, they do without a toastmaster. You need to create a menu, decorate the hall and prepare for the event.

Photo session for two

The idea of ​​a photo shoot is not new. On the anniversary day, they invite a photographer home, to a restaurant, or go for an individual photo shoot. A professional offers a photo session in a salon with a themed decor, outdoors or against the backdrop of landmarks. A beautiful portrait is placed in a frame, and the photographs are used to make an album or slide show.

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Date on the roof

This option is suitable for city residents. You can organize a romantic evening on the roof of a multi-storey building yourself, if the exit to the roof is not closed. However, you should prepare thoroughly for the event, because you will not only have to climb onto the roof of the house, but also make the atmosphere romantic. We need to tidy up a little, put a table and two chairs. The main attributes are flowers, candles, strong drinks, dishes, music.

Many couples prefer to order an all-inclusive service. For a fee, agencies organize a romantic evening on the roof with a good view in the city center. The couple has a waiter at their disposal, who brings the dishes ordered in advance and serves the table. Additionally, live music is organized.

A date on the roof is shown in foreign films, so the idea looks unusual and attractive. The height adds to the thrill. When you see the tiny people below, you get goosebumps and feel dizzy. The only condition is that you should not indulge in alcoholic beverages, especially if the couple is celebrating the occasion in private.

Horseback riding with picnic

The idea will appeal to spouses who love horses and prefer to travel. A horse ride along a river, along a wide field or a forest path creates the atmosphere of a fairy tale. At the end they organize a picnic in nature. The “tourist set” consists of fruits, vegetables, sandwiches and cold snacks.

Such services are offered by equestrian clubs. Clients get acquainted with the horses, receive instructions and go along the chosen route.


Any married couple dreams of a change of scenery, going to another city and having a good rest. A tenth wedding anniversary is exactly the occasion when you need to put business aside and make your desires come true. Where to go and what to do in another city should be decided in advance. This could be an entertainment program for the whole day, a romantic evening or a night in a hotel. A change of environment helps spouses relax, forget about household chores and have a great time.

A vacation package can be an anniversary gift for your wife. Women are delighted with such surprises, so the tenth anniversary will be remembered for a long time.

Boat trip

You can rent a boat for one or several hours.
In the first case, the walk is a journey along the river, from where you can see the sights of the city. READ Which wedding is celebrated 20 years after marriage

They rent a boat for a few hours to celebrate an anniversary. This is a great idea for a holiday in the warm season. There are tables for guests on the deck of the ship. The cabins provide relaxation and privacy.

Benefits of walking:

  • non-standard environment;
  • a lot of positive emotions;
  • beautiful view;
  • Fresh air;
  • you can swim and sunbathe;
  • guest rooms;
  • the motor ship can sail or stand at the pier;
  • a holiday in your own company without strangers;
  • beautiful landscape for photography.

Among the shortcomings is the limited number of places for guests. This option is appropriate if the anniversary is celebrated alone or with relatives and friends of no more than 20 people. A boat trip is not suitable for those who suffer from seasickness. It is not advisable to take children under 12 years of age with you. Guests must not be late, otherwise the ship will depart without them.

A tin wedding is an event worthy of attention. Spouses have the right to mark it as they see fit. The main attribute of the holiday are flowers. There should be as many of them as possible for a pink wedding. The bouquet is given to the wife by the husband; all guests should also come to the anniversary with flowers.

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