Why do they say that a woman is the keeper of the hearth?

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The true belief is that a woman is the keeper of the home. After all, how life in the family will proceed depends only on her desires and skills. The very phrase “home” takes us back to ancient times and suggests a special comfort in the family, a good atmosphere and the warmth of human relationships. Forming and maintaining this atmosphere in the home is a woman’s primary task. This is a wonderful goal and a noble task - to make your family and friends feel good!


Our topic is to help you, dear guardians!

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1. You cannot sweep garbage to the doorstep: this threatens the loss of money, and for young girls - loss of attractiveness. It is best to do this in the direction of the kitchen.


2. Avoid cleaning on major religious holidays. It is believed that at this time the heavenly gates are open, through which divine energy comes to us, and by waving a broom, we destroy it.


3. There should be only one broom in the apartment. And it should stand with the whisk up. If it’s the other way around, then you can’t count on an influx of money, and your apartment will never be in order.

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How to cleanse and protect it from negativity? Let the rooms smell of sandalwood.


  1. Sandalwood and incense are considered the most effective incense for cleansing space. In Slavic traditions, fumigation was carried out using dry twigs of wormwood and juniper. You can use leaves of oak, St. John's wort, lavender, pine and sage.
  2. It’s good to spray the apartment with holy or just clean water.
  3. An excellent method is aerosol cleaning of the room. It is suitable for those who cannot stand the smell of incense. To do this, you need to prepare a solution: 9 drops of aromatic oil per 100 ml of clean water. We walk around the room clockwise from the threshold and spray the solution in each corner at least three times.

Hearthkeeper or breadwinner?

Hearthkeeper or breadwinner?

In our modern society, there is still an opinion that a woman is the keeper of the hearth and a mother, a man is the breadwinner. On one Russian channel, in a well-known TV show, from the lips of no less famous presenters, I hear about this in almost every program. But in real life, things often happen differently. A woman is not only a keeper of the hearth, a mother, a teacher of children, a cook, a cleaner in the family, but also a breadwinner , on an equal basis with a man, sometimes surpassing him in career growth, in salary, and in professional skills. It is not uncommon that the woman is the head of the family, and the husband is the “eternal little boy” who passed from his mother to his wife. Until now, despite the fact that women have achieved many rights - in corporations there are men in leading positions, the level of wages between men and women also differs and, for Women, not for the better.

We are told that this is how it happened historically.

But, for some reason, “historians” forget or are silent about the times of the brave, self-confident, with leadership qualities - the Amazons, the daring Slavic woodpiles, the militant Egyptian Sekhmet, the Indian Kali, Athena, the gladiators... And, in our time, give birth and you will happiness in the form of maternal capital. Remember, the “smartest” minds tell us that you, first of all, are a woman - a keeper of the hearth, and not a breadwinner. “Why, my dear, do you need politics and business? So what if your business is doing much better than your husband’s and you strive to realize yourself in all areas of life. Your lot is to welcome your husband home from work and raise your children. This is your purpose. Become a muse for your husband, and he will earn big money and provide for both you and your children, push him to achieve, behind every successful man there is a woman.” (I wonder, what should women do who don’t want children or can’t have them? Don’t want to get married at all? What is their purpose? In breaking themselves and living a life that is not real, but someone’s made up one!).

Frankly speaking, in this article, I didn’t want to talk about who earns more and fulfills family responsibilities, but about how a woman, when applying for a job, can declare an adequate salary in accordance with her education, skills, thinking, and leadership qualities ( which, oh, how many Russian Women lack).

So, how can you talk about salary in accordance with your skills, education, ideas?

Many working women understand that their salary is underestimated in comparison with a man who earns an order of magnitude higher in a similar position. Given this knowledge, not all women are ready to seek justice for themselves. And there are objective reasons for this. Life circumstances are quite often against a Woman.

Who controls us - life circumstances or we life circumstances? The question, in my opinion, is complex, no matter what psychologists say.

For example, children, instead of uniting the unit of society - the family - turn out to be an obstacle to happiness and spouses get divorced, as a result the woman remains a single mother. Often, the ex-spouse either pays meager alimony, underestimating his real income, or disappears from sight, and a painful search begins for the malicious defaulter (there are other men - honest, decent, noble, caring. I know about alimony payers firsthand: from the age of 17 I worked secretary of a court hearing in civil cases, and saw many tortured, tired, stressed and not understanding where to go next for our Russian women trying to find a debtor with the help of bailiffs.

There is also a positive point - although we cannot always control the events of our lives, we are able to control what we believe in, what we dream and think about, and what we do regarding these events.

For many, before doing anything, the question arises: “If I ask for an increase in salary, I will be fired altogether, and then what will my children eat?”

The prevailing views on life, attitudes, and thoughts of most Russian women boil down to not starting to grow professionally themselves, but finding a man who will provide for the family.

It’s simpler and easier, but for whom? A woman who, after some time, may be left alone with children, without proper education, has never learned how to earn money? This is how it is in our society. This is what they teach in schools, in families, from the stands and on television programs. God grant that everything turns out differently and the woman would be happy in her family life, raise charming children in peace and harmony with herself and with others, wait for her beloved and loving husband, and so in mutual love and respect for each other , support continued life when the children grew up. But, do you know many such families?

A woman is, first of all, the keeper of the hearth. Girls are not taught leadership, to achieve their goals, to become an independent and free person, to be able to ask for what is rightfully theirs.

But we all have the right to self-realization. And women's self-realization is not limited to finding a man, a fireplace, a kitchen, and children.

Let me give you an example of how a woman achieved a position to which only men were traditionally allowed. Remember, these names are Alexandra High and Georgia Boscolo. The first female gondoliers. Alexandra High sought 12 years to drive a gondola and was only able to do so through the courts, proving that both men and women have the same rights to professional activity.

What an excerpt! Courage to go against the stereotypes of society! Achieve your goal!

These female gondoliers work the same as men and receive the same salary. They wanted it! They not only dreamed and desired, but also acted. For them there are no male and female professions, as well as a division in wages, if you want to do what you love.

Each of us can follow the example of our contemporaries and real women who left their mark on history. Such as George Sand, Mary Kay, Valentina Tereshkova, N.P. Bekhtereva and others.

“Everyone will be rewarded according to his deserts” or recommendations

Do you know how much your position is worth on the labor market? You need to monitor whether your skills, abilities, education, and work experience meet the requirements of this position? And don't be afraid of anything.

Another piece of advice from personal experience: more than 10 years ago I was invited to a large company as a business coach for sales and product lines. Currently, this company is one of the leaders in the domestic market.

They offered me a good salary, but! To make my final decision, at that time I was the head of the training department, but with a lower salary, I asked for the opportunity to conduct completely free business training for sales representatives who consider themselves sales sharks. And only after the training and anonymous feedback questionnaires based on the results of the training from sales representatives, return to the issue of mutually beneficial cooperation. My non-standard proposal won over the owners of the company, the director of the sales department, the head of the sales department (by the way, after this proposal, the company issued a decree: first a person shows what he can do and knows, and then he is hired). I conducted the training, received feedback and the result:

  1. Increase in wages twice as much as proposed.
  2. Position - deputy Director of the Training Center (six months later I headed the Corporate Training Center).
  3. I was hired without a probationary period, with the proposed salary indexed after 3 months of work.
  4. And three years later I became the HR director of this company, which has more than 17 branches and more than 5,000 employees.

Having said goodbye to the former HR director, a man, I was offered this position, but... with a lower salary.

The volume of work was greater, I continued to manage the Corporate Training Center, not only in Moscow, but also in other cities of Russia, I also conducted trainings in various areas, plus additional responsibilities as HR Director were added. I honestly told management what salary I wanted to receive for such a large volume. The management fulfilled my requirements, but partially. I knew how much my position in a leading company was worth, with the knowledge, work experience and skills that I possessed. The offer made to me did not suit me. After working for a year and a half, I went free and opened my own business in 2009.

Which I am immensely happy about. I'm doing what I love.


You can follow my path. Offer to do something for the employer for free or for 30–50% of the proposed salary - a project, a marketing ploy, a presentation, etc.

Your value will immediately increase as a professional. If something didn’t work out and didn’t come together, you only wasted your time, but acquired additional skills, respect from business owners, developing the ability to present and carry out new projects.

Compensation can be negotiated after, not before, after you have proven yourself.

Try this method, maybe it will help you.

The main thing is to remember that there are a sufficient number of options and opportunities to express yourself, to be a full-fledged person.

Once again I will list your options for well-being

  • Determine your priorities and take active steps every day to improve your situation, even if it seems to you that nothing will come of it (write a resume, don’t put it off for later; finish a book; publish a collection of poems; go to Management today and ask for a salary).
  • Complete the project (conduct training, etc.) - before signing the employment contract, indicate your cost, this cost must be specified in your contract, name your price - after the trial period.
  • Open your business/start preparing for your business. Study the lives of those who were able to make changes as visual aids, for example, the article “Women's Self-Realization. Mary Kay."
  • Ask for a raise, first make a list of your achievements that you have achieved while working for the Company.
  • For timid, shy Women and girls - urgently go to leadership training/individual coaching/psychological consultation with mandatory training elements. You need to work with your Mentor on all stages of the professional sphere - from the ability to present yourself, follow your goals, communication skills and public speaking skills, understanding how to introduce yourself and talk about salary or talk through all the points about starting your own business. A psychologist should be a coach, and not just someone who can listen to you! Just practice!
  • Read immediately the article “How to choose from a huge list of astrologers, psychologists and astropsychologists the one who will help?!”
  • Come to individual coaching “Professional Life” - we will work through your complexes and they will disappear forever.

Remember, persistence pays off. Believe in the possibility of change in your life. The past doesn't matter. Your destiny is shaped by what you do now, no matter how old you are.

Focus on solutions, not problems.

Stop feeling guilty about your current circumstances. Don't beat yourself up for what has already happened. You need to move forward.

Remember! It's not what happened yesterday that matters, but what you do right now.


Evil will not pass

  1. Our ancestors always placed a talisman carved from acacia or oak above the front door.
  2. Bunches of onions, garlic, red pepper and herbs have an excellent protective effect.
  3. You can mix and place a mixture of dry valerian, oregano, basil and elderberry in the corners of the apartment. This will bring peace to the house and protect it from robberies and unwanted visits.

A powerful protective symbol is fishing floats. If you hang them in a visible place at the front door, then no evil energy will penetrate your home.

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  1. After guests visit, never leave unwashed dishes. It should be washed immediately to remove any, even random, negative information.
  2. New purchased or gifted items or clothing should not be worn without first being cleaned or fumigated. You risk getting unnecessary energy waste.
  3. When you come home, be sure to wipe your shoes, take a shower and change into home clothes.

Have you cleared your house of bad energy? Now cleanse your body, because part of the negativity during cleaning has settled on you!


An orange bath has a wonderful effect. Add the juice of one orange and 4 whole slices to the water (37-38 g).


Enjoy 10-15 min. After this, take a shower.

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  1. Knead the dough clockwise.
  2. Never let anyone put on your slippers! And not only because of the possibility of catching a fungus - you can pick up other people’s evil, envy, failure...
  3. If an envious, bad person visited your apartment. Cleanse your home with a church candle. Start from the threshold, walk around the perimeter of the house so that the wall always goes to the left, in those corners where the candle starts to crackle, wait longer. She returned to the front door, went out, turned to face her mansion, if you want, cross the door 3 times, no, just blow out the candle behind the threshold.
  4. Cat, cat, take away all the bad things! Never try to hold a cat if it has stood up and is ready to leave you. This means that she received the necessary dose of negativity and now she still can’t take any more.

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​4 basic rules for storing a family hearth

Reading Time: 4 min.

Greetings, friends. My name is Alexey Ushakov, I am 37 years old. I am a happy husband and father. I want to share with you my rules that I developed during my family life.

I met my wife when I was 2 years old. We went to the same kindergarten, then studied in the same class, then dated for several years, and finally legalized our relationship. This year we celebrated 14 years of marriage, although we have known each other all our lives.

There were different situations in our lives. But I am grateful to God for giving me wisdom and strength to go through all the tests, save my family and be happy today. I really want my experience to help many create happy families.

1 Rule: Be one

In the Bible, God clearly defined this rule regarding husband and wife:

Therefore a man will leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife; and they will be one flesh. Gen.2:22-24

If you have already chosen your soulmate and voluntarily got married, then you should treat her as a part of yourself. You must understand that you are now one. That your spouse now comes first, and only then your parents or friends.

Remember, this is the person with whom you will live your whole life, the person who will always be by your side. Treasure it as your greatest treasure.


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No one cancels the law of sowing and reaping in family relationships. What you sow is what you reap.

Rule 2: Communicate more and pay attention to each other

Work, affairs, vanity take up more of our time. At this time, both we and our halves are experiencing various events. We are in a hurry to share some, but some we don’t want to talk about at all.

All this affects family relationships. It is very important to take part in the life and events of your couple. Sometimes just listening is enough, without even taking any action or advice. Thus, you kind of become a participant in those events, you join and become one. This strengthens the effect of the first rule.

If you forget about this, then first a crack may appear in the relationship, and then a whole abyss.

Rule 3: Look for what unites you

Sometimes it happens that we begin to give more importance to shortcomings than to advantages. What you focus on, you will notice more. No one is perfect, only one God. In each of us we can find both advantages and disadvantages.

Once, when I had a disagreement with my wife, and I was in prayer, God told me: “There are girls better than her, some more beautiful, some smarter and more educated, but for you only she is the best!”

I suggest you do one exercise. Write 20 points why I am a happy husband/wife. I warn you, the first 10 points will fly out of a cannon, and by the 20th you will need to think about it.

This exercise is an indicator of your family relationships. If you have order in your family, doing this exercise will not be difficult for you. And if it takes you more than 3 minutes to complete it, then you should think about it.

In most cases, doing this exercise will bring tears to your eyes. You begin to appreciate your spouse much more.

Read these items out loud to your spouse and post the list in a visible place. Whenever you have difficulties, contact him. Write in the comments your list or at least how long it took you to complete the task, and whether it was difficult for you. However, not everyone can openly declare their love.

Rule 4: Love your other half

Love is not a noun, it is a verb. Love is not a feeling, it is an action. Love is manifested in our actions towards our loved ones. You can talk a lot about love, but do nothing.

A situation occurred in my life when I switched from my wife to my child. I began to give my attention and love to my child. I was very grateful to my wife for such a gift. I tried to be a good father and at the same time I forgot about attention and love for my wife. And one day our relationship reached such a dead end that I decided to break up with her.

My six-year-old son then drew a picture of our family and a broken heart at the top. He said it was his fault. To our objections that this is not so, and he is in no way to blame for this, he said: “You fell in love with me very much, you forgot about yourself!”

I don’t understand how he had so much wisdom at the age of six, but these words are forever imprinted on my heart. Now I clearly understand the essence of the words: “Dad loves mom, mom loves dad, and children bask in the love of their parents!” There is no need to shift your attention to children. Your significant other should always come first (rule #1).

Today, very often, when my son sees a manifestation of my love for my wife, he runs up to us and starts hugging us. This is his bathing in our love.

Friends, I wish you to be happy, especially in your families. I hope the article will be useful to you, and my experience will help you avoid unnecessary mistakes. Write your questions and comments in the comments. And also, what can you also advise from personal experience?

Man is born for happiness!

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Alexey Ushakov

Rules that were strictly followed in the past

  1. Don't hang a mirror opposite the entrance. You will turn back all the incoming ENERGY and expel it from your home.
  2. Don't hang a mirror in the bedroom. It will distort your AURA and lead to various diseases.
  3. Do not keep mosaic mirrors in your house that divide a person into separate fragments.
  4. Mirrors enhance energy. And careless handling of them can seriously change the biofield of the house and the people living in it. Therefore, the less you reflect in mirrors, the greater the chance of being healthy and prosperous.


Script and words of the transfer of the family hearth

The ceremony itself can be carried out according to several interesting scenarios. The newlyweds should decide which of the script texts to choose even before organizing the celebration.

Think in advance which method suits you most.

  1. The host invites the mother of the bride and groom, the newlyweds. Mothers say warm words, while each woman holds a thin candle in her hands. At the same time, young spouses with a thick candle in their hands are waiting for their flame to light up. After kind words of parting words, mothers light the newlyweds’ candle. As a rule, this is the most touching moment, during which most of the guests present shed tears.
  2. The toastmaster asks the parents to light the candle for the young couple. Fathers get up and light mothers' candles with lighters or matches. Then the mothers carefully light the hearth of the young. Fathers in this ceremony symbolize the responsibility for creating a family.
  3. A candle stands on the table in front of the young couple. Mothers press their candles tightly together and light the hearth of the newlyweds. Thus, they convey all their boundless love, wishing harmony in the emerging family.

There is another, no less interesting ritual. After the young family hearth is lit. Absolutely all guests present are invited to stand in a tight circle, closing the young couple.

Each guest has one thin candle prepared in advance. The bride walks through everyone present and uses her candle to light the hearth of everyone present. Thus, the spouses say that they are open to their relatives and friends and are waiting for them to visit them as soon as possible.

Pay attention to how the ceremony will be conducted. For a more spectacular perception, it is worth creating twilight or dim light

Then more attention is focused on the bright flame.

The magical properties of an ordinary broom

A home broom requires special treatment, since it can influence family relationships, relieve household ailments, preserve wealth and attract good luck, you can even attract a groom for an unmarried girl. For a broom to become a magical assistant, you need to follow a few simple rules. You can’t sweep the trash out of the door; the money goes with the trash. To prevent diseases from settling in the house, they never sweep after sunset. Revenge is not allowed when there is a dead person in the house. You cannot sweep when someone living in the house is on the move. In order not to deprive the broom of its magical properties, people do not step over it. If you hit a person with an old broom, he will get sick. Do not sweep with two brooms in one house, luck and prosperity will turn away. A stranger is not allowed to take revenge at home; good fortune and good luck can be averted forever. A used broom is not burned or thrown away near the house, otherwise illness and poverty will come. Rituals that are performed with a new broom. To ensure that garden trees and shrubs bear fruit well and do not get sick, in the spring they are beaten on the trunks with a broom. Having brought home a new broom, little children are lightly beaten with it right on the threshold so that they are healthy and obedient. To ensure that babies sleep soundly and peacefully, they are swept with a broom. If there is a need to buy a new broom, it is better to do it when the Moon is waxing and you can wish for good luck and prosperity on it.


What does it mean to be a “homemaker”?

Today, being a good wife is not in fashion; it is more prestigious to be a business-minded and independent woman, and even better to have an “open” relationship. It’s easy and convenient: you answer to no one, you live for your own pleasure, no responsibility. But the interesting fact is that somewhere deep inside a woman still wants a serious relationship, she wants to take care of someone, bring tenderness, warmth and affection. Why? From time immemorial, a woman was considered the “keeper of the hearth.” So this essence breaks through.

When we say “home” we immediately imagine a house in which comfort and a good atmosphere reign. Creating such an atmosphere in the family and maintaining it is a woman’s primary task. It is a noble cause to make those closest to you feel good and comfortable. No one can solve this problem better than a woman. The Lord Himself assigned this role in the family to the woman. And she can only realize it if she loves her family and the house in which she lives. This is often difficult, because you need to love everyone equally at the same time, without exaggerating or emphasizing feelings for some over feelings for others. For example, after the birth of a child, wives, due to increased workload, often weaken their love for their husband and, on the contrary, show special love for the baby, this is a huge mistake. Such extremes never lead to anything good.

Loving your family and taking care of your home means joyfully fulfilling all the responsibilities associated with this, bearing worries and difficulties, showing attention and care to both your children and your husband, his affairs, providing him with support and encouragement. Many women can capture a man’s heart, but not all women can make this heart grateful, sensitive, loving and always happy in their family. Being a homemaker means not only being a good mother, but also preserving the best qualities of your husband and inspiring him to improve them.

Nowadays, it seems that people in their selfishness are losing the most important thing. We work hard to buy beautiful houses, but we miss the fact that many of them will not be visited. The result is isolation, isolation, loneliness, which leads to huge problems in society. We have not changed as much in terms of internal needs as they are trying to imagine today. In all world civilizations, women have always seen their role as being virtuous wives, organizing their homes, and raising children. Today, being a “homemaker” is becoming less popular and attractive. But a person still craves care, affection, attention. “Where they love us, there is only a home,” wrote the English poet Byron.

Family comfort, warmth and order in the house are invaluable wealth. It is given to women to store and maintain this wealth.

Source - klumbariy.ru

How else can a broom help?

Attract a groom to an unmarried girl. To do this, she must jump over the broom nine times. It is advisable that the broom is not very old, otherwise the groom will not be young. To protect yourself from unpleasant visitors for a long time, you need to sweep up when they leave. The rubbish that has collected between the legs is swept through the threshold. They must take the old broom with them if they move to a new house. You can't throw it away. You should never pick up a broom thrown away by someone. This magical symbol is not to be thrown around just like that. The broom is thrown away if it was used to remove negativity, harm brought into the house by ill-wishers.


Often a broom is placed or hung with the handle down - this is a broom-amulet. In the kitchen it attracts money and luck, and near the front door it protects from troubles and evil spirits

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The history of the appearance of a guardian spirit in a house is very old. Maybe she is 5 thousand years old, maybe more. Back in the Stone Age, the hearth was considered the most sacred place in the house. During the Bronze Age in the 4th – 3rd millennia BC, the cult of male patrons of the hearth began to spread widely. Perhaps it was then that the image of the guardian spirit of family and home arose. In the Caucasus it was represented as a phallic symbol. Among the ancient Romans, each family member had his own patron - Lara. The Laras looked like dolls. They were put in a special chest. Wasn't it what they called the casket? Our Slavic brownie was closely associated with the power of fire. In the hut he lived near the stove and could turn into a flickering light or ember. The brownies were different: those who lived in the house were called brownies, and those in the yard were called yard spirits. The brownie is the main owner of the estate and hut. He is a good spirit, although undead. He was honored, fed, pampered with offerings and never cursed in the name of the brownie. They called him affectionately: master, grandfather, but often they called him allegorically: He, Dobrozhil, Dobrokhot, Sused.


You usually cannot see the brownie, you can only feel his presence. Either out of boredom he rattles pots in the night, shuffles his feet, groans, sobs in the dark, then he speaks in a soft, affectionate voice or in a dull, abrupt voice. Gives brief answers to hosts' questions. The brownie loves warmth, he was also called “wen”; the prankster is not averse to licking something tasty, so he was also nicknamed “lizun”. God forbid you spy on a brownie if he doesn’t want to: the person gets sick or the horse hits him with its hoof. At night, the brownie sometimes gives a sign. Lean on the chest of the sleeping person and let's put pressure. In the morning a person will wake up worried. Was that sign for good or for bad? Few were able to see the owner. They say that he is shaggy and overgrown with hair. And his paw is warm, furry, affectionate. If he strokes a person with it in a dream, there is no need to guess – it’s a good sign. Some claim that the brownie looks like a small, shaggy old man. Capable of turning into different animals, black cats, for example. Then some kind of fuss was heard in the entryway, like cats grappling, hissing, screaming, rowdy. Know that it was your owner who started a fight with someone else’s slime. “Don’t go into my domain,” he says to the enemy, there’s nothing for someone else’s undead to do here.

The brownie is tightly tied to his hut. Even if it has become dilapidated, abandoned to the howling of blizzards and cold autumn rains, the brownie will remain living in a cold old stove all alone. Crying, moaning in the ruins. But a family cannot live without a home guardian. Who will protect her at night from all evil spirits? Therefore, since ancient times, a custom has been preserved: when changing homes, they take a pot of coals from the old house and move it to the new hut. They put the pot in the oven and say: “House-brownie, come with me, lead the housewife to the mistress - I’ll reward you as best I can!”

A brownie may have a family. His wife is called “domanya” or simply “neighbor”. The brownie family is not very picky - they agree to settle not only near the stove, but also in the closet, on the threshold. According to various beliefs, there could be several brownie-domoviki. One for each family member, with personal responsibility for the ward.

The brownie is a faithful assistant in the household. He especially loves a cheerful, friendly family. Then he tries his best to help her. And he will gladly help careless owners to run things further and “spoil the cattle.” However, it is not difficult to change his attitude towards home. We need to make a sacrifice to the brownie and get down to business properly. The brownie can also help the owner in trading matters. Brownie advice has always been valued when purchasing horses and cows. If the new purchased cattle doesn’t take root at court, you know the brownie doesn’t like it.

The brownie often tries to warn the family about misfortune. If he cries behind the stove - to the dead man. If he pulls a woman's hair at night - don't quarrel with your husband, the owner didn't drink him, don't argue until you're hoarse, otherwise the husband will become angry and beat you with a log. If household dishes rattle - be careful with the fire, if you make a mistake - an unextinguished firebrand will break out.

Be afraid, unfaithful wife, of the brownie! If I twisted my hem at night, the brownie would fall with a terrible weight on my feet and grab me by the throat. And he can beat a lustful man in the darkness and give him bruises. Protects family foundations. Well, if the brownie laughed in the night, the songs purred, you know, there will soon be joy in the house, or even a wedding.

Baking prankster

And there was also a ghost in the Russian house - a kikimora. Information about her is not very specific. It was believed that it was both a useful and harmful creature. The name kikimora consists of two parts. The first part of the word - kika - can be interpreted as a Slavic headdress with horns or simply the horned nature of a creature - an obvious sign of the undead. The second part of the word - mora, means that this evil spirit is related to all sorts of Moroks, Maras, which fool a person or even promise him death. According to legends, kikimoras were found in houses, in stables, in forests and thickets. Folk fantasy painted; kikimoru in the guise of a short woman in a sundress, sometimes with a shishiga headdress, sometimes bare-haired, disheveled, with small horns. The kikimora's eyes are bulging and shining. Kikimora lives in the house behind the stove, loves mold, dampness, her favorite place is the corner of the hut where garbage is swept away. She is invisible, a spirit.

The domestic kikimora was considered the brownie's girlfriend, the forest kikimora was considered the goblin's girlfriend. Kikimora had an ambivalent attitude towards people. She sympathized with hard-working, hard-working women. At night she could wash all the dishes with it, watched over the dough so that it rose well, so that the pies turned out fluffy and tasty. She lulled children to sleep, but kikimora simply could not stand careless girls and women, and harmed them little by little. Could sloths even survive from the hut.

Kikimora is a big prankster. She usually loved to play around with yarn, for example, she spoiled needlework started by a woman on a spinning wheel. Kikimora herself loved to spin, but no one had seen her products. Often she took up needlework that had already been started and abandoned by a woman. The spinners believed that if the kikimora worked hard on a shirt, then you wouldn’t finish it in a week. There is a saying: “Sleep, girl, the kikimora will spin for you, and your mother will weave.” This was a stern warning from the lazy spinners. If the kikimora has begun to harm its owner, then there is one sure-fire remedy. You need to go into the forest, find a bitter fern root, and infuse it in water. Then wash all the dishes clean with this infusion. Kikimora loves ferns very much and is ready to forgive everything for such a delight. Kikimoras attributed chicken illnesses that occurred in dysfunctional farms to pranks. If chickens pluck their own feathers, it’s her fault.

A whirlwind will happen - a chicken disease that causes birds to spin on their perch and then fall down dead - the kikimora also had a hand. In such cases, they hung an amulet in the chicken coop - a stone with a hole, called the chicken god. Kikimora harmed sheep and horses. Either he plucks the wool from sheep, or he confuses the manes of horses, and at night he drives them so hard that in the morning they can barely breathe. A funny creature, kikimora, but formidable. If someone sees her in the house, it means that trouble is on the doorstep; a loved one may fall ill or die. It is not for nothing that this spirit is akin to Mara - Morena - the ancient goddess of death. The surest remedy for kikimora is the holy cross and prayer.

Spirits of the Court and the Sacrament of the Bath

The house-serf is in every way similar to his older “brother” from the hut, only his fur grows thicker. The yardman is more evil. Passion loves to torture cattle. All problems with domestic animals, horses, cows, sheep and chickens were explained by the pranks of the yard servant. He was only friends with goats and dogs.

To protect the animals from his mischief, they hung a killed magpie in the barn. The yard owner does not like these birds. To please the housekeeper, they tried not to keep white cats, white dogs, or white horses. Newborn calves and lambs were taken from the barn into the house, because the yard worker could strangle them, because the young animals were calmer in the house. Just don’t sleep, master, take care of the cattle. The villagers tried to appease the yard servant. He loves gifts. He loved colorful shreds, shiny tinsel, and crusty bread. All these offerings were carried to the barn and the spell was recited: “Master of the brownie, kindly neighbor, I give you a gift, thank you: accept the cattle, water, feed.” They hung a “witch’s broom” in the barn - a pine or spruce branch with thick needles.

The brownie also had other assistants - ringers. They looked like cats. Kolovershi - at night they carried money and all sorts of supplies from other houses for their master. In the courtyard of the barn, where the straw was dried, it was guarded by a special spirit - the barn. He was often represented in the form of a black cat. It was he who was the main fireman on the farm. He made sure that the overdried straw in the barn did not catch fire. However, a fire in a barn was often attributed to the mischief of someone else’s barn keeper, who deliberately set fire to the owner’s building. If they saw two cats fighting near a barn, they believed that it was their own barn that was beating the scoundrel. According to legends, barn workers even fought with firebrands.

However, the most mysterious building in the courtyard was the bathhouse.
Baths in Rus' were heated in black. The bathhouse had a bad reputation. The villagers, going to the bathhouse, took off their crosses. They were afraid of the spirits that lived in the bathhouse; they believed that it was better to be friends with them and not irritate them with Christian symbols. The main spirit of the bathhouse was the bannik. The bannik could not stand the wet steam, and angrily left its possessions when they were steaming there. But on cooled stones or in a sauna stove he could live for a long time. His worst prank is “container gas. According to ancient beliefs, the souls of deceased ancestors - Navyas - lived in the bathhouse. The Navy treated the villager differently; they could help him, or they could kill him. A black chicken was always sacrificed to Bannik. Even visiting lonely wanderers were afraid to spend the night in the baths. Bannik could choke. After the steam room, they left a broom, a piece of soap and water in a tub. At night we heard some kind of fuss, splashing, cackling in the bathhouse. They thought it was the banniks whipping brooms and frolicking. The most serious fortune telling was associated with the bathhouse. Some tried to stick their naked back into the bathhouse, others, lifting up their dresses, tried to stick their buttocks. Bannik gave a sign by slapping the body with a cold or warm furry paw. A cold hand was bad luck, and a warm hand was good luck. Sergey Korenevsky

Scenario for handing over the family hearth at a wedding

The ceremony is usually held either at the beginning of the evening, when the newlyweds receive congratulations from their parents, or at the end of the evening. The second option is often chosen because it is already getting dark outside, and lit candles look especially impressive, but it is also worth considering that by this time the young people and guests may get tipsy and not feel the full significance of what is happening.

Each host has his own scenario for the transfer of the family hearth at a wedding, but this does not prevent him from adjusting it or supplementing it at the request of the newlyweds:

  1. Slow soulful music is turned on;
  2. Small candles are handed out to guests and lit;
  3. The lights in the hall go out;
  4. You can also place a large heart on the floor and candles;
  5. If desired, a table for a candle can be equipped;
  6. The host explains to the guests the essence of what is happening and tells one of the parables;
  7. The young people, holding a candle in their hands, approach the center of the hall;
  8. Parents light their candles and approach the young;
  9. At the same time, they bring lit candles to the hearth and create a new flame.

At such a moment, poems that can be pronounced by parents and the host sound very beautiful, for example, such beautiful words to convey the family hearth at a wedding:

Here is your hearth - the basis of happiness and goodness

And it's time for you to light it.

He is a symbol of two hearts merging,

Will fulfill your wishes instantly.

While it will burn in your house,

You are able to overcome all obstacles!

After this, the young people will spin in a slow, short dance, holding a candle in their hands. Also, the bride can walk past all the guests, showing that their home is always open to them, and everyone can come and bask at their family hearth. If someone wants to make a wish over a candle flame, they should be allowed to do so.

Guests standing in a circle can become performers of a song wishing happiness for the newlyweds to dance. At the end of the ceremony, the wedding candles remain burning on the newlyweds’ table, but not for too long. It is necessary to ensure that the candle does not burn out completely, because it is a talisman of the new family, which will be kept for a long time and carefully until the wedding of their children.

How to keep a family hearth at home

After the wedding, the couple’s candle must be brought home and placed in a prominent place or, conversely, hidden from prying eyes. One way or another, the candle must be kept as a talisman of a new family, a family hearth. The energy that this candle receives during the ritual, warm and happy, will help preserve family happiness for many years.

It is recommended to light this candle on every wedding anniversary, as well as on other happy occasions, such as the birth of children. In addition, her happy energy can help bring happiness back to the house in difficult times, just ignite it for a few minutes.

Another reason to carefully store the candle of the family hearth: the opportunity to light the candles of your children at their wedding from your own hearth, which will be very symbolic.

So, lighting the family fire at a wedding is not only a touching and exciting moment, but also the creation of a unique talisman for your family, which helps ward off bad events.

A family hearth at a wedding is a symbol of a happy family.

A wedding is an ancient rite, which over the centuries has accumulated a variety of customs carried out during the celebration. Not all of them have survived to this day, and not all are embodied in a modern wedding - but some rituals are still practiced by young people with pleasure today. And we are talking not only about the bride price, throwing a bouquet or some other tradition that is very familiar to everyone. The family hearth at a wedding is a less popular ritual, but incredibly beautiful, and, most importantly, filled with special meaning.

This Russian custom can be called our alternative to the sand ceremony, which is popular abroad. Here the main essence also comes down to the symbolic reunion of the bride and groom, to the fact that two loving people leave life alone and become one. The symbol of the newly-minted family here becomes the hearth - or, more simply, an ordinary candle. In order to light a family hearth at a wedding, no special costs or difficulties are required - but from a visual point of view, it, like many rituals with candles, looks truly magical.

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