Wedding signs associated with wedding rings

Signs about choosing wedding rings

  • You need to choose both rings at the same time, in the same store. This is explained simply: a simultaneous purchase symbolizes living together, and jewelry from different stores can lead to quarrels and a quick end to family life. Previously, it was believed that only the groom should choose, but today this rule is taken more seriously and more and more people choose jewelry together.
  • You should go to a jewelry store in a great mood, and when buying, think only about the good. This way you can “charge” your jewelry with goodness, joy and positivity.
  • It is advisable to choose classic wedding rings - without carvings, engravings, or precious stones. They say that those who get married with a smooth ring also have a smooth family life. There is another opinion - jewelry with diamonds and other precious stones symbolize prosperity in the family and a happy life.

If you choose jewelry with a stone, make sure that the mineral suits you and your other half. Take into account your zodiac sign and personal preferences, and before buying, hold the “engagement ring” in your hand - if you feel comfortable and the jewelry feels warm, feel free to buy. If you feel cold and negative, choose other models.

Signs about wedding rings before the wedding

  • After the purchase and before you go home with the rings, say these words over them: “For a good life, for a faithful family. Amen". This will enhance the positive energy of the jewelry; they will protect the newlyweds from temptations and adversity.
  • If the groom presented the bride with an engagement ring before the wedding, it cannot be removed before the engagement ring is put on the finger. After the wedding, you can wear both rings together.
  • Before the wedding, jewelry should only be stored together. They even advise filling them with water and freezing them to make the marriage stronger.

Signs about wedding rings during a wedding

  • On the day of the wedding ceremony, you cannot wear any rings other than wedding rings.
  • Putting the ring on the wrong finger means cheating. Moreover, the cheater will be the one who incorrectly put the jewelry on the other half.
  • If an unmarried man or an unmarried girl touches the newlyweds’ jewelry, they will soon have their own wedding. It is believed that everyone should not be allowed to touch their “engagement rings”, even if you really want to help everyone - usually the bride and groom allow this only to very close people.
  • Whoever picks up the box (cushion) of rings first will soon have their own wedding. Most often, the box ends up in the hands of the witness - she is the one who usually takes it after the bride and groom put on jewelry. The bride is not allowed to pick up this box.
  • Dropping a ring at a wedding means there will be troubles in family life. If this happens, you can try to “erase” the negative charge of the event. For this you will need a white thread (witnesses prepare it in advance - just in case). Before putting on the jewelry after falling, you need to thread a white thread through it. Afterwards, the thread is given to the person who dropped the ring, and this person must burn it with the words: “Fire, burn all my troubles and sorrows.”
  • You cannot put jewelry on a glove. If gloves are part of the wedding attire, you will have to remove one before putting on the ring.
  • During the wedding ceremony, it turned out that the decoration did not fit in size - a bad sign. This sign promises a dysfunctional marriage.

Wedding ring

The wedding ring became a sacred symbol of a family union back in Ancient Egypt. It was there that the custom arose of putting this material sign of eternal love on the ring finger after consummating the marriage bonds. By the way, this finger was not chosen by chance: Egyptian pathologists, when opening and studying bodies, discovered that only a nerve or blood vessel, connected directly to the heart, departs from it. At the same time, in Rus' for some time there was a tradition of wearing a marital ring on the index finger.

But in any case, no matter which finger adorned the wedding ring, it made it clear to others that the heart of its wearer was already occupied.

Unfortunately, not all spouses manage to maintain feelings and mutual understanding throughout their lives. In this case, the only way out of the situation is divorce. After a breakup, the engagement ring loses its meaning, which means you can deal with it in one of the following ways.

Signs about wedding rings after the wedding

  • Wedding rings cannot be removed. It is believed that they are a strong talisman of the family; they protect family happiness. People try to wear these jewelry day and night so that the marriage is strong and long. Anyone who often takes off the “engagement” will face frequent quarrels and misunderstandings in the family.
  • You should not let other people try them on - not only after the wedding, but also before it. During such a fitting, the family happiness of the bride (or groom - depending on whose ring is being tried on) may go to another person.
  • Losing a ring portends trouble : it could be quarrels and discord in the family, various troubles and even divorce. If the husband loses the jewelry, then he may soon cheat on his wife or leave the family. If a wife has lost, then difficulties may begin in communicating with her husband’s relatives, and misunderstandings will appear in the couple. If the symbol of marriage is lost in the house and then quickly found, the family will live in prosperity.
  • If the ring of one of the spouses is stolen, it can be used for love spells. To protect your marriage, buy new wedding rings for yourself and your partner, consecrate them in church and wear them without taking them off.
  • Breakage of jewelry does not bode well . If the ring is bent, burst or cracked, the couple will soon face trials that may become critical for the integrity of the family. They say that a crack in a ring can indicate an unfaithful spouse.
  • During pregnancy, they try not to remove the wedding jewelry from the finger - it is believed that the closed-shaped ring protects against miscarriage (if the expectant mother suffers from edema, it is still better to remove the ring - you can thread it through a chain and hang it around your neck). But just before giving birth, be sure to remove all closed jewelry - rings and chains, so that the birth will be easier.
  • No one should be allowed to remove the “engagement ring” from their finger . According to superstition, by doing so you can shorten your life and give away your family happiness, health and material wealth.

Is it possible to change a wedding ring?

Is it possible to change the wedding ring? Wedding rings are a symbol of marriage, and changing them every year is a bad idea. But wedding rings can get damaged or lost.

Sometimes, due to some changes in the body, people become allergic to the metal included in the alloy of the ring. In such cases, it is necessary to change the wedding symbol to a new decoration and it is important to do it correctly.

After the wedding ceremony at the registry office

Is it possible to exchange wedding rings for new ones?
Is it possible to change wedding rings after the wedding? It is believed that after the exchange of wedding rings during a secular wedding procedure in the registry office, they become a symbol of the family. People have an ambivalent attitude towards replacing them with new jewelry. Some believe that they have no sacred meaning and can be easily replaced with new ones.

Others are of the opinion that marriage symbols are a family talisman and do not need to be changed. The new ring you like should be selected for another finger and worn as normal jewelry. Therefore, before planning to purchase new wedding symbols, discuss this issue with your significant other.

There are three compelling arguments in favor of changing rings:

  1. The newlyweds had a very modest wedding budget, and therefore did not buy the rings they liked.
  2. A young couple purchased jewelry with a very original design, which looks too pretentious on older people.
  3. We acquired symbols from materials that could not be adjusted in size, and the thickness of the finger changed. For example, titanium or jewelry ceramics.

In the above cases, it would be appropriate to exchange new symbols of marriage for some round wedding anniversary. This exchange is considered a positive sign. After all, over the years you have lived together, your romantic relationship has moved to a new level, becoming calmer, but at the same time deep and mature.

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After the wedding in the church

The rings participating in the wedding sacrament lay on the altar. By exchanging them, the newlyweds promised in the face of God to remain faithful and love each other all their lives. Through them, the couple received divine blessings and protection for their family.

Therefore, it is strictly not recommended to change them on a whim. The wedding ring should be changed only in case of urgent need:

  • lost;
  • deteriorated as a result of contact with some aggressive substance or mechanical impact;
  • an allergy to the metal contained in the alloy of the product has appeared.

According to church canons, you need to purchase smooth gold or silver jewelry for a wedding. In them, the size can be easily adjusted in any jewelry workshop. To change the size of a platinum product you need special equipment, and it is not available everywhere.

Titanium jewelry cannot be adjusted. It is problematic to narrow or widen openwork rings strewn with pebbles or with engraving on the outside.

Signs about wedding rings in case of divorce and death of a spouse

  • After a divorce, the former spouses do not put on the rings and do not allow others to try them on. There is an opinion that even just keeping such jewelry at home is not worth it - they are thrown into reservoirs or given to church.
  • Widows can continue to wear wedding jewelry, but on their left hand instead of their right hand. You cannot pass them on by inheritance, give them as a gift or let them try on - there is a risk of passing on your destiny to someone else.
  • If a widow remarries, the old ring should be removed and never put on again, so as not to bring trouble to the new spouse. The new product is worn on the right hand.

Is it possible to get married with rings that were worn by relatives?

Some couples prefer not to buy new jewelry, but to use those that they inherited from grandparents or other relatives. It is believed that such products preserve the energy of the family, and they will be a strong talisman for a young family. If grandparents lived a long and happy life together, their relationship was kind and filled with love, then their rings can really bring happiness to the newlyweds. It is not recommended to use jewelry from relatives who were unhappy in their marriage or lived as a couple for less than 25 years. The same applies to melting down and trying on wedding rings - you should not interact in any way with jewelry whose owners lived in quarrels, divorced or were widowed.

Is it possible to sell an engagement ring during marriage?

A marriage protected by a precious amulet, according to signs, will be long, happy, prosperous, filled with love and joyful moments. It is unknown what will happen if a financial crisis in the family forces the spouses to sell the ring. But such an act, even a forced one, does not bode well for the future. Experienced grandmothers talk about this, and there are many examples in the literature. Just remember Mary from “Scarlet Sails” by A. Green. The unfortunate wife of the sailor Longren, waiting with her newborn Assol for her husband from the voyage, was left without a livelihood. Having pledged the only value remaining from the marriage, she soon died of illness, and her father had to raise baby Assol alone.

Beliefs about impending misfortune - separation or death of one of the family members - unfortunately, are confirmed in real life. Is it worth the risk?

It happens that a family keeps a precious old wedding ring that once belonged to one of the older relatives as a relic. It is better to sell such jewelry if the grandparents were unhappy in their marriage. If the marriage left only happy memories, the family was strong and friendly, it is undesirable to part with the jewelry.

Is it possible to sell wedding rings?

If a family lives in marriage, then it is impossible to sell symbols of their love - any superstitious person will agree with this. Moreover, “temporary” sale in the form of taking it to a pawnshop is also prohibited: according to signs, this is how you can sell your destiny.

Selling wedding jewelry after a divorce or death of the other half is not prohibited. You can also melt them into jewelry, but be careful: after all, the ring of those who are widowed or divorced may carry negative energy. Psychics advise getting rid of such “engagement rings” - letting them float freely along the river, throwing them into the fire, or giving them to church for free.

By following the signs about wedding rings, you can protect your family from many troubles and strengthen your relationship with your other half. Many of the signs and superstitions described in the article are several centuries old - their effects have been tested by dozens of generations, and they continue to operate today. Take care of your wedding rings! Sometimes caution and attention to detail can save a union.

Is it possible to melt down an engagement ring for a new one after the death of a spouse?

It is possible to melt down jewelry that was worn by a deceased spouse, but it is strictly not recommended to make a new wedding ring from it. You can melt it down and make a chain or a small pendant out of it. Although in some countries widows keep this product in memory of the deceased. According to the tradition of some peoples, women wear jewelry as a sign of memory on their left hand and also put on their husband’s ring (after adjusting it to size). Some people prefer to wear them on a chain, but this still depends on the traditions of the country where the widow lives.

Wedding rings should be kept as souvenirs and not melted down. You can then give it to your children as part of your inheritance. It is not recommended to give the wedding jewelry of a deceased person to relatives; it is better to leave it to your spouse. What causes mixed opinions is when a person sells them. But most often here ethics collides with the need for money, so there is no need to condemn such an act. Often, jewelry after the deceased remains the only way for a widow or widower to solve a difficult financial situation.

It's hard to imagine getting married without exchanging wedding rings. Both the bride and groom are waiting for this moment to announce publicly that a new couple has been born. The exchange of wedding rings has survived to this day, although the first mention of such a ritual was recorded back in the 9th century AD. It is worth saying that the procedure and the rings themselves, over the course of their existence, have acquired a mass of signs and customs that newlyweds seek to become familiar with before marriage. It is about the signs about wedding rings that we will discuss further.

  • Popular beliefs about wedding rings
  • Signs based on symbols
  • How to choose the right engagement ring
  • Is it possible to melt down metal for rings?

Signs about engagement rings for a wedding

Signs about engagement rings for a wedding

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