Is it possible to get married in April? signs for a wedding by month. wedding signs about your wedding day

Ideas for a wedding in April: decor for an April wedding

An April wedding is a great way to emphasize naturalness, naturalness, naturalness.

It is these qualities that should be emphasized. Use wood and bark, ivy branches and pine cones, bird nests and potted flowers in your decor.

Don't be afraid to go vintage. Create a mysterious atmosphere through the use of aged candelabra and candlesticks, copper paraphernalia and antique frames, boxes, and flowerpots.

At this time, airy fabrics such as translucent organza and flowing chiffon will be the place. Use such fabrics both for room decoration and table decoration, ceremony area, wedding arch.

Choosing a honeymoon in September according to the lunar calendar

September provides a huge variety of interesting options for honeymoon travel. This is the period of resorts, many of which are available at deep discounts. So you can afford a lot. Where to go:


This is the most affordable and budget option. Here you will be greeted by friendly hotels, warm sea and all-inclusive. It's the perfect lazy getaway.


Suitable for those who are looking for romance and want to plunge into the ancient history of this fascinating civilization. Delicious Mediterranean cuisine, hot climate and picturesque places await you.


The country attracts with delicious cuisine, history and beautiful places. Be sure to admire the Colosseum and the Sistine Chapel. Let's not forget about delicious pizza and wine.


This is a “Mecca” for romantics and newlyweds. Well, who wouldn’t want to kiss against the backdrop of the Eiffel Tower in Paris and treat yourself to a croissant and coffee in one of the picturesque street cafes where famous writers and artists once sat? Museums and the Mona Lisa will be a bonus.


If you dream of lying on the beach, admiring nature, enjoying excellent service and taking a lot of unique photos, then the Caribbean, Bahamas and Seychelles are waiting for you.

Select a specific month to be aware of favorable days for a wedding:

Wedding in December 2021

The Church and astrology do not prohibit marriage in December. However, popular beliefs and numerology do not recommend celebrating a wedding this month. In December, serious frosts often occur, and bad weather rages, replete with hurricanes and snowfalls. And according to the sign, bad weather on the wedding day predicts a troubled life for the newlyweds, filled with conflict situations. When calculating the ruling numbers of each December day, it turned out that there were no numbers favorable for weddings. We managed to find only two neutral numbers - 7 and 26. So, it is better to refrain from getting married in December. If you still plan to do this, choose two specified days to register your relationship. Favorable days for a wedding in December: none. Unfavorable days for a wedding in December: the whole month.

When choosing a wedding date, the bride and groom are guided by circumstances, their own beliefs and preferences. Of course, the key factors for a happy marriage are love, mutual respect and the ability to find compromises. Experts are confident that newlyweds who have a mutual desire to create a long-term and strong relationship are not afraid of any signs, superstitions or forecasts. But if there is an opportunity to increase the chances of a happy married life, why not take advantage of them by listening to the predictions?

Horoscope for zodiac signs

Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces | January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December | Lunar | Families | Accurate | Female | Children's | Dating | Finance | Floral | Wedding | Wedding days

| Relationships | Amorous | Health | Erotic | Sexy | Travel | Cool

Unfavorable days for a wedding in 2021

Pay attention to the dates on which you should not schedule a wedding ceremony. According to long-standing traditions, eclipses, both solar and lunar, are considered unlucky days for such events, and it is also better to avoid weddings on a full moon or new moon.

According to astrologers, April, August, September and November are not suitable times for a wedding celebration. You can often hear that the month of May is also not suitable for marriage, they say “the bride will become a widow early” or “you will suffer all your life.”

But not everyone in this matter believes the predictions, so we will pay special attention to those days that neither the church, nor astrologers, nor numerologists recommend. Unfortunately, in 2021 there are plenty of them: - in January - 5, 8, 9, 14, 18, from 25 to 30; – any day of February, except the 2nd, 20th; – the entire month of March, except for the 1st – the time of Lent; – April – until the 18th; – in May from 1 to 15 and from 28 to 31; – the entire month of June; – 1, 4-8, 12-16, 19, 22, 23, 25, 26, 28, 29 July; – due to the activity of Mercury in August, it is not recommended to schedule marriage ceremonies: 2-6, 9-13, 15-19, 22, 25-31. – the entire month of September; – Most of October, namely: 1-8, 12-15, 18-19, 22, 26-31; – in November, unfavorable days fall on 1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 11, 12, 14, 21-26, 28-30; – in December: 1-3, 5, 7-10, 14-16, 19-31

Let us remind you that the church does not approve of holding a wedding ceremony on fasting days, on the eve of major church holidays, Christmastide, and patronal church festivals. If you decide to get married in a church, choose any day among Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday.

Best months for a wedding

It is important not only to choose the right wedding day, but also the month when it is better for the newlyweds to enter into their marriage. There is a belief that you cannot get married in May, because the newlyweds will “suffer” all their lives. We offer a brief overview of the months, which will tell you which one is better for concluding an alliance.



What astrologers say


The wedding will not bring anything good. So, having got married in January, you need to be prepared for widowhood. But no matter what, the family created this month will live a calm life together. In such a house there will be no broken dishes and boiling passions.


The union will be long-lasting, although at the first stage of family life the spouses will quarrel, and they will face many trials.


The marriage relationship will be long, but you will have to leave your parents, leaving the family nest.


Changeable family life and a lot of tears.


The alliance concluded in May will fall apart. But despite this, modern youth choose May, considering the month the most favorable for a wedding ceremony.


The marriage will be “sweet”, and the newlyweds will live together until old age.


The most suitable month for those who want to live a comfortable and peaceful marriage. But at the same time there may be minor quarrels and relationships on the side.


Throughout their life together, spouses will “pass the exam” for loyalty and sincerity of feelings

It is especially important to refuse marriage if there is a church fast.


Peace and tranquility will reign in this marriage union.


Those who marry will face a difficult married life.


The couple will live richly, and the house will be a full cup.


According to church canons, you cannot get married, as Lent is underway.

It is important to choose the right date and month for marriage

When choosing a wedding date, you need to pay attention not only to the lunar calendar, the best month, but also to the days recommended by the church calendar.

Moon calendar

If you believe the lunar calendar, then married life will be successful if you register your marriage in the second half of the month (avoiding the above-mentioned unfavorable days). Active and sociable newlyweds will be especially lucky. Astrologers promise them frequent travel and many friends.

If you need to have a wedding in the first half of April and there is no way to change the date, then you should choose the 2nd and 10th. Astrologers promise creative people success and joint projects that will bring them personal and career growth.

Images of the bride and groom

• Romantic and feminine image of the bride

- Dress

It is worth paying attention to dresses made of airy, light fabrics such as tulle, silk, guipure. The choice of dress model depends on weather conditions, for example, for the beginning of spring, dresses with long sleeves and lush frills are suitable; for warm May, you can choose open lace dresses, which are now at the peak of popularity

You can also choose a short wedding dress that will highlight the beauty of the bride’s legs and allow you to show off bright shoes. The outfit will look great, either traditionally snow-white or any delicate spring shade: pink, blue, azure, light green, peach, lilac. To avoid staining the hem, you can choose a slightly shorter dress or consider an outfit with a double, detachable skirt length.

It is important to consider that spring is still quite capricious, and on your wedding day you may be surprised by cool weather. You shouldn’t be upset, it’s better to just buy a cardigan, a short fur coat, a light coat, cute ankle boots in advance - for March, or a light cape, a beautiful lace umbrella - for the end of spring

- Accessories

Accessories will help complement your spring look. Fine jewelry includes bracelets, pendants, and brooches. You shouldn’t overload your look with a lot of jewelry. A wedding hairstyle, for which lightness and naturalness is also desirable, can be decorated with spring flowers, a butterfly hairpin, or a delicate veil. A veil hat will look original. Wedding makeup should be done in soft pink and peach shades. The main emphasis can be placed on the eyes, giving them expressiveness with the help of black mascara and eyeliner.

- The bride's bouquet

To create a spring bridal bouquet, irises, tulips, daffodils, lilies of the valley, snowdrops, lilacs, daisies, and hyacinths are suitable. The bright green of their leaves, as well as satin ribbons and decorative elements corresponding to the spring theme, will help highlight the tenderness of the flowers. Don't forget about the groom's boutonniere, which, according to tradition, should be made in the same style and color design as the bride's bouquet.

• Stylish look for the groom

The groom can choose a classic or stylized suit at his discretion. It is desirable that its color matches the color of the bride’s dress. If her outfit is blue, pink, beige or another shade, then the groom can choose a shirt of the same tone. The color of the tie can be matched to the color of the suit or the color of the bride's dress.

The male look must match the female one, therefore, if the bride’s image uses bright accessories, then a bright belt, suspenders or an original hat can complement the groom’s image well. In case of bad weather, you should pick up a coat or other stylish, warm clothing.

At a wedding in the spring, when nature is in its prime, it is important to preserve tenderness, lightness, airiness and purity in everything. Listen to our advice, and nothing can overshadow your fun, smiles and joyful faces

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Folk signs for weddings by month

Let's look at the main signs regarding choosing a wedding date by month to find out what time of year promises the spouses a long and happy life!

Wedding in winter

Wedding omens by month “affirm” that a family union concluded in the winter season will be doomed to overspend the family budget. But this is just a general sign; each of the cold months has its own meaning:

  • A wedding in December promises the newlyweds strong and long-lasting love, which will grow stronger and stronger every year.
  • A wedding in January is not the best choice, because according to signs, such a marriage will end with the early loss of one of the spouses, most likely the husband. Or such a marriage will often be on the verge of divorce.
  • A wedding in February promises the newlyweds a long family life filled with happiness and joy.

In Rus', winter marriages actually fell at the end of February - the time of Maslenitsa, because this promised the young people that they would “roll like cheese in butter”! And if it was snowing on the wedding day, then prosperity and happiness for the newlyweds are definitely guaranteed! In addition, engagements were often concluded at this time, and the wedding itself was held at Krasnaya Gorka, beloved by all the newlyweds.

Wedding in spring

The celebration, held during the awakening of nature from its winter sleep, promised the young couple a marriage in which love would always live, and a home filled with fun. But there are also more accurate signs in which spring month you should or should not have a wedding:

  • A wedding in March foreshadows the newlyweds' life in a foreign country or far from home.
  • A wedding in April means an unstable family life: happiness in marriage will be changeable and unstable.
  • A wedding in May promises the newlyweds betrayal by one of the spouses and mutual distrust. In addition, as the signs say, marriage this month can lead to the fact that the spouses will suffer all their lives.

The most favorable day for a wedding in the spring is considered to be Krasnaya Gorka (the first Sunday after Easter), which promises the couple a strong and long-lasting union.

Summer wedding

A wedding organized in hot weather foretells a life of joy and “warmth” for the newlyweds. And if you look specifically at the months, you can find out that each of them has its own interesting meaning:

June is a great month to bind hearts together in sacred union. Harmony and happiness will reign in the family, and spouses will love each other immensely

  • A wedding in June will turn marriage into an ongoing honeymoon. Happiness, harmony and love will always reign in the family.
  • A wedding in July has a twofold interpretation: the family will be “visited” by both joy and sorrow, all equally.
  • A wedding in August promises a friendly family life filled with romance and tenderness.

Wedding in autumn

A beautiful autumn season can be an excellent time for a celebration (except for October!); this “golden” wedding will sometimes mark the beginning of a strong and long marriage. And speaking specifically by month, there are the following signs:

  • A wedding in September portends a quiet and calm life for the spouses, filled with harmony and mutual respect.
  • A wedding in October is not the best choice, because... it threatens spouses with various difficulties in family relationships.
  • A wedding in November will “give” the newlyweds happiness and peace in family life, as well as prosperity and financial independence.

Now you know what the month you choose for your wedding means and how it can affect the fate of your union

If you already completely believe the signs about choosing a day for a wedding, then you should also pay attention not only to the month, but also to the date in this month. Favorable days for a wedding, in accordance with folk examples, are presented in the following photo, in which the dates on which the wedding should be scheduled are indicated by month in blue

When to plan a celebration

If the newlyweds love each other, then a wedding in April will be a good reason to gather the whole family in one place. Superstitious couples should check the 2021 church calendar in advance. If you manage to choose a favorable day for the celebration, then the relationship between the partners will be strong and the marriage will be happy.

The only thing is that there are not many good days in April 2021. We'll have to wait until Lent and the great church holiday are over. After which you are allowed to go to the registry office and plan the holiday. The end of the month is ideal for this.

April is an ambiguous period. It is difficult to predict the weather, and there will be few good days in the month. But if a couple loves each other, then difficulties are not a hindrance to them. Partners will be able to pass all the tests and create a strong and happy family.

Marriage registration in April

For this event, good April weather presents several options. Think about what your marriage registration should look like in April:

  1. At the registry office. This is the traditional option that most couples choose. The bride's bouquet and the groom's boutonniere, made from spring flowers, will help create a spring mood. They can also be used in the bride's hairstyle and veil.
  2. Outdoors. This option is more suitable for the end of the month, when warm weather is firmly established. You can put up a beautiful flower arch and decorate the trees with ribbons and flowers if there is not enough greenery on them yet. You can then hold a wedding photo shoot in the same scenery.
  3. In a country estate. A good option all round. It's practical and convenient. You can conduct registration, photo session and banquet in one place. Plus, a single place allows you to show more imagination for decoration and create a truly magical decor.

Your wedding in April will be magical if you use the advice of the portal. The main thing is to decide on the theme and venue in advance so that you have enough time to organize the holiday of your dreams.

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What to wear to an April wedding

The bride's wedding dress is associated with the first, delicate spring flower, so it is chosen either pure white, symbolizing purity and innocence, or among pastel shades of pink (the color of tenderness) or gold (wealth).
Wedding dresses in flashy colors - bright red, green - are strictly unacceptable. At an April wedding, the bride should not wear pearl jewelry. It can be difficult to find a warm, sunny day for a wedding in April, so the bride should stock up on a warm cape or bolero jacket just in case. An umbrella that matches your color will help you avoid getting wet in sudden rain. It will be useful to you during a wedding photo shoot to create extraordinary, romantic photos. It is recommended to choose closed shoes - shoes or ankle boots; even light white boots will not hurt.

For an April wedding, the groom should choose a suit in light, pastel colors - gray, cream, smoky, white, brown. A well-chosen shirt and tie will complete the look. Try to create maximum color harmony in the wedding dresses of the newlyweds. Eccentric people use a pink or red tie as a bright accent if it goes well with the bride’s bouquet.

Lunar calendar and its wedding forecasts for April 2018

The lunar wedding calendar is built on the basis of lunar cycles, which have a certain influence on people and the events occurring in their lives. By choosing a favorable day for a wedding, you can program good luck, a long-term marriage, and avoid the vicissitudes of fate.

Important: this year, the most favorable wedding days, according to the lunar calendar, are April 20, 27 and 29. 20 April

20 April

This is Friday - the day when both the church and the registry office can hold the necessary ceremonies. The stars are also on the side of the newlyweds on this day.

The moon on April 20 is in the sign of Gemini, which promises a strong and long-lasting union based on the active desire of both spouses to find a common language and conduct a constructive dialogue. A marriage concluded on this day will be harmonious. No one will interfere with self-development. Spouses will be united by common interests, leaving room for individual interests and hobbies.

This will be a union of two friends and like-minded people who will never be bored together. Joint travel, leisure, friends, events - there will be a lot of all this in their lives.

Sometimes such couples need periods of peace and solitude. But they are not like seclusion and global hermitage, only quiet family evenings, a temporary respite to find harmony with oneself and the world around us.

April 20 is the 6th lunar day, endowing a married couple with special wisdom, helping to carry tender love throughout their lives.

April 20 – waxing Moon, setting the mood for creation. As a rule, marriages concluded on this day are far from mercantile calculations and do not carry any negativity.

April 20 is Friday, under the auspices of Venus, which is favorable to lovers and helps them.

April 27

The most favorable wedding day is in April 2018, according to the lunar calendar.

The moon on April 27 is in the sign of Libra, which gives marriages concluded on this day a special romance and sublimity. The spouses will retain this distinctive feature and carry it through their entire lives, surprising those around them with their tender affection for each other, the desire for solitude, and the desire to be alone. Moreover, over time, such a relationship of souls will only become clearer and more obvious, making the spouses “Siamese twins” who cannot imagine life without each other.

April 27 – the 12th lunar day – is very favorable for registering marriages and concluding marital unions. Usually this wedding day is chosen by highly spiritual people who respect each other’s values.

April 27 – waxing Moon and patronage of Venus. Both are favorable factors for the wedding, which promises to be the beginning of a strong and happy marriage.

April 29

The moon on April 29 is in the sign of Scorpio. Despite the fact that the influence of this zodiac constellation subjects couples to the constant test of jealousy, a harmonious union is possible. You just need to be sincere and frank with each other so as not to lose trust.

Scorpio also gives spouses married on April 29 a special psychological connection. They say they don't even need a phone. They capture each other's thoughts and feelings at a distance. And both will become reverent parents, tender and caring.

April 29 – 14th lunar day – is a favorable time for new beginnings and the opportunity for a second chance for those who are getting married not for the first time. The stars say that family life will be especially successful for those couples whose relationships have already stood the test of time.

April 29 is the waxing Moon, its second phase is a good time for concluding a marital union, although it is not entirely clear.

April 29 is a Sunday under the influence of the Sun, which will give spouses warm feelings and joyful relationships, mutual understanding and mutual care.

This day is favorable for a wedding and from the point of view of the church calendar. Only the registry office is closed on Sundays.

Important! Unfavorable days for marriage in April 2018, according to the lunar calendar, are: April 2, 4, 5, 7, as well as 11, 12 and 14. All of them fall in the first half of the month, when the church does not recommend weddings and refuses perform a wedding ceremony

Wedding date calendar for April 2021

In order for spouses to live together happily ever after, they need to take a responsible approach not only to choosing outfits, rings and various banquet attributes, but also to setting the correct date and time for the celebration. Thanks to the lunar wedding calendar for April 2021, you can choose the most suitable day for marriage or wedding. We bring to your attention a wedding calendar for April 2020 , which will help you determine the phase of the moon, find out the lunar day and its impact on wedding celebrations in January - favorable or negative. The time indicated in the lunar calendar is Moscow (+3 GMT). Consider your time zone if you live in another area. The lunar calendar indicates the transit position of the Moon in the zodiac signs - the time of its entry into the sign and the start time of the lunar day for the entire April 2021. Full lunar wedding calendar for April 2021, favorable days in which you can select in the table below. But how to use it correctly? There are three basic rules:

  1. Favorable days are indicated in green!
  2. Neutral days are marked in white.
  3. Unfavorable days are highlighted in red.

But the most favorable days for a wedding in April 2020 can be seen in a separate table! Pay attention to this!

Is 2021 a good year for a wedding or not?

Now let's take a closer look at the opinions of astrologers and specialists in other esoteric fields to figure out: is 2021 a favorable year for a wedding or not?

Wedding in 2021 according to the lunar calendar

The general recommendation given by experts is to plan a wedding on the waxing Moon. It is a symbol of the successful development of relationships in marriage and the strengthening of the union of two loving people. Astrologers have already worked out the placement of stars and planets for 2021 and determined the best days for a wedding ceremony in accordance with the 29-day lunar cycle:

  • favorable dates fall on days 9, 15, 19-20, 23 and 29 of the lunar cycle;
  • unfavorable dates fall on the 3rd, 6th, 12th, 17th, 24th and 27th days of the lunar cycle;
  • all other days of the lunar cycle are considered neutral for marriage.

Experts also note that in 2021 it is better to choose dates for a wedding when the Moon is in the sign of Taurus, Cancer or Libra: they symbolize long, strong and happy family relationships. It is also worth noting that the celebration should not be held during a lunar eclipse, since this phenomenon negatively affects not only the wedding itself (problems, quarrels, disruptions of plans on the wedding day), but also the subsequent married life. But in general, you see that 2021 is rich in favorable dates.

What does Feng Shui say?

According to the ancient eastern horoscope, 2021 is the year of the White Metal Ox. This is a proud and dignified animal, calm and strong. Therefore, to the question: “What will 2021 be like for a wedding?”, we can confidently answer: “Happy!” But only under one condition: you must make a serious decision and be prepared to spend the rest of your life with your chosen one. Otherwise, the relationship is doomed to failure.

These words will seem obvious to you, but not everything is so simple. It happens that people simply pursue some of their own personal goals, but at the same time plan to live together in the hope of “enduring and falling in love.” And if in other years such a decision can lead to strengthening relationships and real family happiness, then 2021 does not tolerate this.

If you are not sure about your partner or your feelings for him, do not rush, otherwise your marriage risks ending before it has really begun. It’s better to wait until 2022: this way you will have time to understand yourself so that your marriage will be more successful.

The portal told you whether 2021 is a favorable year for a wedding. We hope we have helped you decide whether to plan a wedding in the near future. And you can read about a more detailed choice of wedding date on our portal.

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April, despite its chaos and variability, is generally considered a favorable month for wedding ceremonies. According to ancient beliefs, when organizing celebrations in this spring month, you need to pay attention to the following signs:

  • a wedding played in April spring promises the couple a life “in fairness”: something will go away, and somewhere it will come. But as a result, husband and wife are destined to live in harmony and balance;
  • the couple must be prepared for the fact that there will be many unpredictable situations and unexpected turns of fate in life. They can be both negative and positive;
  • There is an opinion that fate will test the strength of the April newlyweds. There are many not only real challenges ahead, but also imaginary problems. Such situations will make the relationship even stronger and more reliable.

According to Slavic traditions, this month has long been distinguished for newlyweds as the happiest. They said that during this period only those couples in whose hearts live sincere feelings and true love are bound by the bonds of legal marriage.

Criterias of choice

Newlyweds can be called especially superstitious people, even if such inclinations had not been noticed in them before. Often the bride and groom try to take into account all the signs and rules, no matter how unusual they may be, so that the wedding takes place successfully and ensures harmony in the union for many years.

In any year there are both favorable moments for marriage, as well as neutral and unfavorable ones. 2021 also has its good and bad points, different for certain cultures and beliefs. Sometimes opinions coincide, and sometimes they diverge.

When choosing a date for a celebration, newlyweds take several points into account:

Personal convenience. The date should be suitable for both future spouses and invited guests

It is important that everyone can be present - they can take time off from work, and have time to return from vacations and business trips. If it is unrealistic to coordinate the schedules of the newlyweds and all the guests, it is permissible to hold a modest registration on one day, and a celebration or on-site re-registration on another.


If the newlyweds believe in them, they had better observe the formalities when they get married.

Religious requirements. In this case, an Orthodox marriage through the sacrament of wedding is considered. You cannot get married on any day; you need to take into account the church calendar.

Following the Chinese, numerological, pagan and other calendars, if the spouses use them as a guide.

Additional Tips

April is a controversial month for weddings. To make the holiday harmonious, future newlyweds need to think through all the details. The motorcade can be made up of any cars, but you need to decorate them with a large number of fresh and artificial flowers, you can use satin ribbons.

The menu should not be too heavy; it is better to serve more salads and appetizers, and only one main course, or maximum two. It is advisable to use more fruits, berries and vegetables in cooking, since after winter many people want fresh vitamins. The cake can be decorated with fondant in the form of plant motifs and butterflies.

Newlyweds who want to create a romantic atmosphere can invite a musical group to the celebration, which will perform live classical or modern music. It’s good if there is a piano in the banquet hall - its appearance and sounds will harmoniously fit into the overall ambiance.

Newlyweds will not have to spend a lot of time and effort organizing an April wedding. They just need to communicate more with each other about the nuances of the organization, express any ideas and find compromises.

Ideas for an April wedding

The wedding decoration is done in delicate, pastel shades to create a unique, warm, romantic spring atmosphere for guests. As a symbol of awakening life, the wedding banquet hall will be decorated with bouquets of flowers with unopened buds of soft pink, yellowish, blue, white, and sprigs of fresh young greenery will delight the eye. How to do this stylishly and beautifully, watch the video.

A wedding photo shoot in a spring park, on a horse-drawn carriage, will give you unforgettable photos. If there are no fresh flowers on the trees in April, decorate them with artificial garlands. A particularly memorable moment of the wedding will be a photo shoot against the backdrop of a blooming cherry orchard. And if there are cherry blossoms growing near you, you are incredibly lucky! Their flowering period occurs right at the end of April; use this fabulous moment for wedding photos.

Place small transparent vases with seasonal flowers on the tables: lilies of the valley, tulips, daffodils, hyacinths. Their charming appearance and sweet aroma will create a light, joyful mood. Let the colors of young greenery and light green prevail in the decor of the wedding hall. Decorate the room with pieces of light, transparent fabric with garlands of small lanterns, green twigs, and satin ribbons.

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