Solemn registration of marriage

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Published: 10/22/2016

Reading time: 7 min



Newlyweds, whose “wedding” budget is often calculated to the last penny, need to take into account the contribution to the treasury in advance.

  • What do newlyweds pay for?
  • Ceremonial registration
  • State duty for beneficiaries
  • Regional features
  • Nuances

Marriage and family: definition of concepts

Despite the fact that marriage unions in their legal understanding appeared a very long time ago, the basic concepts of marriage and family have remained unchanged. Thus, marriage is understood as the mutually voluntary official registration of the union of two people with the aim of creating a family and having children. As a result, the parties have rights and obligations towards each other and towards children, if any.

The concept of family implies unity - everyday, spiritual, cultural - of people connected by family relationships and, again, by rights and responsibilities.

Moreover, taking into account the constant legal background of family relations, marriage is the mandatory starting point that is necessary for the emergence of official legal and financial ties between people.

Types of marriage unions

Although a marriage registered in the registry office is the most competent step from the point of view of legislation, relations between a man and a woman do not always reach this stage. Or the basis for the formation of a “social unit” is not the desire to be close to a loved one, but some kind of selfish motive.

Therefore, it makes sense to distinguish different types of marital relationships.

Classic official marriage

A marriage that has been registered at the registry office is considered real and legitimate. In order for a marriage union to be considered legal, it must be concluded in compliance with established rules, which relate to the age of the spouses, the will of the parties, the conclusion procedure itself, and some other aspects. Otherwise, it will be possible to raise the question of the illegality, and, consequently, the invalidity of the concluded alliance.

You can find out what marriage is legally, what requirements apply to it, and what rights and obligations it gives rise to in the article “Marriage.”

Commitment-free civil marriage

Sometimes a couple is in no hurry to arrange a wedding, but at the same time the man and woman live together, run the household together, raise children and participate in all other aspects of each other’s lives.

According to Russian law, such relationships cannot be considered a full-fledged marriage. This means that they do not give rise to legal obligations between the parties. This aspect is very negative in terms of legal consequences not only for the actual spouses themselves, but also for their common children, since there are no legal grounds for social, financial and other guarantees in the family.

You will find more details on this topic in the material “Civil Marriage”.

Alternative guest marriage

In cases where a man and a woman want to consolidate their relationship officially, while retaining the lion's share of freedom, they can choose a so-called guest marriage. Its essence lies in the fact that, having the corresponding stamp in the passport, the spouses live separately from each other for some part of the time (or permanently). At the same time, the husband and wife provide each other with help and support in some matters and meet with the frequency that suits both.

Illegal fictitious marriage

Sometimes the basis for concluding an alliance is based solely on selfish plans related to obtaining some benefit through marriage. Usually financial or legal. A striking example is when a visitor marries a native resident of the country in order to then obtain a residence permit or even citizenship under a simplified scheme.

Moreover, in some cases, the partner may not even realize that his other half is implementing some kind of cunning plan.

For more details about this type of family unions and the consequences of their conclusion, read the material “Fictitious Marriage”.

Laws governing marriage

The Family Code (FC) of the Russian Federation spells out in detail all the nuances of family law, including the conclusion and dissolution of marriages, as well as the rights and responsibilities of spouses in relation to each other and joint children. The general picture is complemented by the provisions of the Civil Code and, of course, the basic law of the state - the Constitution.

In addition, to cover a number of narrow issues regarding marriage relations, federal laws and government regulations were published and subsequently edited at different times. Intrafamily legal relations are regulated by various international legal acts, as well as contractual conflict of law rules, which help to understand problems that extend beyond the borders of the Russian Federation: for example, in situations where the personal property and non-property rights of spouses are discussed, one of whom is a citizen of another state.

Wedding in an old estate or Kremlin - where they conduct on-site marriage registration in the Moscow region

A marriage can be registered at any registry office in Russia, regardless of registration. The execution of documents on departure is provided for by federal law only if there is a good reason. However, the authorities of the Moscow region gave the newlyweds a gift: they officially allowed marriages to take place in a solemn ceremony on the territory of cultural heritage sites. In which museums and estates in the Moscow region wedding ceremonies are held and how to organize registration in an unusual setting, read the material from the portal.

Civil registry offices of the Moscow region Map>>

Museum complex "Horse yard" in Sergiev Posad

To hold a wedding ceremony in a museum or estate, it is enough to simply voice such a desire when submitting an application to the registry office. There will be no additional charge for the service, only a state fee of 350 rubles. The procedure for registering a marriage will remain the same. In the museums and estates themselves, newlyweds are provided with additional paid services, the cost of which must be clarified on the official websites of the institutions or with the administration of cultural sites.

Thus, employees of the Sergiev Posad Civil Registry Office register marriages in the central exhibition hall of the museum. Documents are processed in a separate room.

Additionally, museum workers can organize a wedding ceremony in Russian traditions - with introductions, matchmaking, viewing of the yard, farewell of the bride to her friends, wedding and feast. They promise an appropriate atmosphere: peasant household items, folk costumes, colorful interiors.

Additional services: theatrical program “Russian Wedding”, horseback riding for the newlyweds, photo shoot in the exhibition “The World of the Russian Village” and on the territory of the museum complex “Horse Yard”, buffet.

Where: Sergiev Posad, st. 1st Shock Army, no. 2

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Lopasnya-Zachatievskoe estate in Chekhov

Employees of the Chekhov Civil Registry Office register marriages in the large hall of the museum. Documents are prepared in the director's office.

In the estate, at the request of the newlyweds, ancient wedding ceremonies with songs, sentences, games, sayings, and dances will be held. The new family will be greeted with bread and salt, sprinkled with rice and hops. Friends of the bride and groom will be active participants in the action. Guests will also be invited to plunge into the atmosphere of Chekhov’s time: make a wish on the Alley of Love, plant a tree in the Grove of the Young, and get acquainted with museum exhibitions.

Additional services: interactive program, photo session

Where: Chekhov, st. Pushkina, 10

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House-Museum of P.I. Tchaikovsky in Klin

Source: RIAMO

The Klin Civil Registry Office offers to register a marriage at the P.I. Museum-Reserve. Tchaikovsky. The ceremony is held on the porch of the house.

Additional services: a walk through the park and winter garden, visiting exhibitions, a “Wedding Waltz” master class from the museum’s ballroom dance club “Curtency,” a horseback ride in a wedding carriage, photo and video shooting, a buffet reception.

Where: Klin, st. Tchaikovskogo, 48

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Serpukhov Historical and Art Museum

Source: Photobank of the Moscow region, Alexander Kozhokhin

The marriage is registered in the White Hall of the museum by employees of the Serpukhov city registry office. Documents are processed in a separate room.

The museum staff invites newlyweds and their guests to get acquainted with the works of famous artists dedicated to the wedding theme. The theatrical program gives you the opportunity to feel like the heroes of these films.

Additional services: interactive program “Living Paintings”, tea drinking in merchant traditions, photo shoot in the museum interiors

Where: Serpukhov, st. Chekhova, 87

How to apply for marriage at the registry office of the Moscow region>>

Vyazema estate in Odintsovo city district

Employees of the Odintsovo Civil Registry Office can register a marriage on the territory of the State Historical and Literary Museum-Reserve A.S. Pushkin. The ceremony takes place in the fireplace hall of the Vyazema estate palace. A separate room is provided for processing documents.

Additional services: theatrical performances, photo sessions on the territory of the museum-reserve and in the halls of the palace.

Where: Odintsovo city district Bolshie Vyazemy village

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Tarakanov's estate in Solnechnogorsk

Source: Photobank of the Moscow region, Galina Dobrynina

Marriage registration is carried out by employees of the Solnechnogorsk Civil Registry Office in the Great Hall of the museum. A room has been allocated in the “Zemstvo school” for processing documents.

Additional services: wedding program “Only a lover has the right to the title of a person”, meeting and honoring the newlyweds with a loaf of bread, presentation of memorable museum themed souvenirs, photo shoot and video filming.

Where: g.o. Solnechnogorsk, s. Tarakanovo

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Zaraisky Kremlin

Cathedral of John the Baptist on the territory of the Zaraisk Kremlin.

Cathedral of John the Baptist on the territory of the Zaraisk Kremlin.

Source: Photobank of the Moscow region, Anastasia Bulatova

Registration is carried out by employees of the Zaraisk Civil Registry Office. Newlyweds are given two rooms to choose from for the ceremony: the Hall of Russian Art and the Hall of Foreign Art. There is a separate office for processing documents.

Museum workers offer newlyweds an interactive program in the ethnography hall among objects of peasant life of the 19th century.

Additional services: interactive program “It’s not scary to get married - it’s scary to get started”, photo session on the territory of the Kremlin and in the halls of the museum.

Where: Zaraysk, st. Museum

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Motor ship Crocys in Krasnogorsk

Motor ship at sunset

Motor ship at sunset

Source: RIAMO, Yulia Titova

During the period of river navigation in the Moscow region, you can have a wedding on board the ship. The floating registry office operates from May to September. To register a marriage on the water, you must submit an application to the Krasnogorsk Civil Registry Office. In this case, you will only need to pay a state fee of 350 rubles.

Additional services: sightseeing tour along the Moscow River, banquet or buffet, photo shoot, live music, fireworks.

Where: Krasnogorsk, st. International, 20.

How to get a marriage license at 16 years old in the Moscow region>>

Medical examination of a couple getting married

Often a couple getting married decides to undergo examination to identify possible sexually transmitted diseases and HIV infections. Health care institutions can provide appropriate assistance: consultation, examination, and prescribe treatment if necessary.

Medical examination of persons entering into marriage is carried out in state and municipal clinics at the place of residence of those who apply free of charge.

As for the procedure for announcing the results, there is a strict non-disclosure rule. A doctor can notify a person that the bride/groom has certain diseases only with the consent of the patient.

It is important to emphasize that medical examinations are carried out only with the consent of the citizen. A partner cannot demand that his other half go to the doctor and inform him of the test results.

What to do if you are about to get married

A wedding will require solving many organizational issues. And the first of them will concern just the moment of the couple’s painting in the registry office. This procedure is quite simple, but you will still need to find out in advance what is needed to reserve the date and time of the wedding and organize the official part of the holiday. Let's look at some key points.

Submitting an application to the registry office

You can make a statement of your intention to become husband and wife either in simple written form or online through the Public Services Portal. In the first case, the paper will be certified by the classical signatures of the parties, and in the second - by electronic signatures.

Please note that if you are going to go to the registry office on your own “the old fashioned way”, then it is likely that you will need to stand in a considerable queue on the spot. Be prepared for the fact that there may not be any vacancies on your planned date. Therefore, it is better to consider several other dates in advance.

We invite you to learn in more detail about how to submit an application to the registry office for marriage registration.

Online registration

In order not to waste time standing in queues, you can try to apply for a wedding through the State Services website. To do this, you will first need to register to gain access to your personal account.

Then, in the list of services, find the “Family and Children” section and the corresponding option. The window that opens will provide all the necessary information about the procedure and a questionnaire. Fill out the part provided for you.

At the end, the system will offer to fill out brief information about the partner and send him an invitation to register the marriage from the registry office. Your other half will receive an email with an active link, by clicking on which the person will be able to fill out those fields of the questionnaire that concern him.

After paying the state fee, the system will send the application to the destination and confirm the assigned date and time for your couple.

Learn how to apply to the Civil Registry Office online.

Which registry office should I go to?

For those who live in small towns, far from regional centers, the question of choosing a civil registration authority, as a rule, does not arise. People simply go to the only institution they have. In the case of residents of large settlements, it is worth talking about which registry office can register the relationship.

Let us immediately note that citizens are free to choose absolutely any registry office, without relying on territorial reference. Moreover, in addition to this type of institution, it is worth paying attention to wedding palaces, which often pleasantly stand out with their lush decor.

The main thing you will need to find out is where they register for the days you select. So, in one institution the required number and time will be occupied, but in another they may be free.

Remember that you have the right to submit an application to several registry offices at once. Then, having decided on the address for the official part, you will simply need to write a refusal to register with other institutions.

Please note that the marriage takes place at the civil registry office, as well as, if necessary, at the consular missions of other countries in Russia.

Marriage registration and registration

We have already noted that when choosing a place for painting, the place of residence of the future spouses does not matter. If both or at least one partner have Russian citizenship, then they can formalize the relationship anywhere in the country.

It’s another matter if two foreigners get married on the territory of the country. In this case, you will need to think about how to register the marriage, since not all civil registry authorities are involved in registering such unions.

You can find out more information on this issue at the registry office of your city/region. It is not necessary to have a residence permit in the Russian Federation: at the time of registration, the applicant may, for example, only have a visa.

You will find more details on this topic in the material “Is it possible to register a marriage without registration”.

What documents are needed

The package of papers for painting is not too voluminous, it includes:

  1. Identity documents of the parties.
  2. Permission to marry if the bride and/or groom have not reached the age of majority.
  3. Joint statement of the parties.
  4. If one of the parties was already married, registered in another registry office, then a certificate will be required confirming that at the moment the person is completely free from the previous relationship.

Basically, any additional hassle of collecting documents arises only in situations where the bride and/or groom have the citizenship of another state. In this case, you will need the following documents:

  1. Passports of the parties with a notarized translation into Russian of the foreign citizen’s passport.
  2. A visa or other document on the basis of which a foreign citizen stays in the territory of the Russian Federation.
  3. If there are previous marriages, a divorce certificate translated into Russian.
  4. Even if a foreign citizen has not previously been in a marital relationship, the rules require obtaining a certificate of marital status from the authorized body at his place of registration in his home country. It must also be submitted with a notarized translation.

How long does it take to process an application?

According to the law, you can submit an application to the civil registration authorities one month before the desired wedding date. In addition, the Family Code stipulates the possibility of extending the period, but not more than for a month.

There is also the possibility of significantly reducing the period for consideration of an application in the presence of extenuating circumstances. Moreover, in some situations, when any delay is extremely undesirable, you can enter into a marriage union right on the day of submitting documents.

For early registration, future spouses will need to provide a package of documents confirming the presence of compelling reasons for urgency.

Government duty

The amount of payments to the state budget for the provision of legal services to the population has always been tied to current economic indicators in the country. At the moment, the fee is 350 rubles.

How does the wedding take place?

The wedding ceremony usually consists of four stages. The first is organizational. When there are 20-30 minutes left before the time for which registration is scheduled, the bride and groom, their witnesses, and close relatives are invited to the guest room for a photo shoot. At this time, other relatives are waiting to be called to the wedding hall.

The second part is the actual solemn official registration procedure. The guests have already taken their places in the hall, and the heroes of the occasion with witnesses enter to the music. The registrar makes a congratulatory speech, asks the couple and their witnesses to sign the documents, and invites the newlyweds to dance their first dance as spouses.

For the final third part, the whole family and guests are invited to the room for congratulations. Champagne opens there, everyone congratulates the newlyweds, gives flowers, and takes pictures.

The wedding process ends with the solemn exit of the couple from the registry office (or the Wedding Palace), when relatives and friends shower the newly-made husband and wife with rose petals.

Sometimes young people want to get by with just signing their names. In this case, the ceremonial part with guests, a photo shoot and painting in the hall is not carried out: the couple is invited to the one who registers the marriage, signs the documents and leaves.

Documents for the ceremony

It is during the official part that the legal registration of the marriage union takes place. Therefore, it is extremely important to follow the regulations established in the institution and bring those papers that the institution’s specialist noted during the couple’s counseling.

In different regions and in different cases, the lists may differ, but if we talk about which document is mandatory always and everywhere, then these are the passports of the bride and groom. Usually they, along with the rings, are given to the witness, who will then have to hand everything over to the registrar.

How long does registration take?

Despite the fact that we noted as many as 4 stages of painting, in reality everything happens very quickly, since the flow of young people and their guests is usually quite large. Especially when it comes to the warmest time of year, the most desirable for weddings.

On average, registration time excluding visits to the guest room and banquet hall is 10 minutes. In general, everything takes about half an hour.

Marriage certificate

Many couples are interested in when and how they will be able to obtain a marriage certificate confirming the fact of starting a family. Everything here is extremely simple - in the vast majority of cases, the document will be issued to the newlyweds on the day of registration.

Since the bride and groom are usually busy taking photographs, all organizational tasks are usually taken on by the witnesses. It is to them that the marriage certificate is issued.

Last name change

After the wedding, the bride/groom has the right to change his surname to the surname of his spouse or take both, if he cannot choose. In these cases, you will then have to issue a passport under a new surname.

Also, any of the newlyweds can leave their last name. Then his passport will simply be stamped with the date and place of registration and the surname of the spouse.

Types of paid services - what you have to pay for

The local leadership of each region of Russia, as well as the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, independently develop a list of services available to citizens on a paid basis.

READ ALSO: Registration of marriage in the registry office - procedure and rules for marriage

As a rule, it includes:

  • acceptance of documents outside a government agency;
  • photocopying, laminating of documents issued by the registry office (usually various certificates);
  • fulfilling urgent requests within the competence of the department, the decision on which is usually made within a certain period of time (for example, requesting repeated certificates from other registry offices);
  • legalization of documents to be used abroad;
  • filling out applications by computer, except in cases where a citizen is deprived of the physical ability to enter information into the document with his own hand.

This list is not exhaustive and varies in the Komi Republic and Altai, in Moscow and in the Tula region. There is no single regulatory document regulating the list and cost of services in registry offices in the Russian Federation as a whole.

It is noteworthy that registry offices perform their main functions (registration of acts of civil status, issuance of duplicate documents and certificates within the allotted time) free of charge or after paying a state fee.

Do not confuse paid services and services of a ritual service, which operates as a private or communal enterprise and conducts ceremonies (marriages, registration of the birth of a child). These concepts are not identical, since at the registry office you pay for additional or urgent transactions with documents, but not for the show.

READ ALSO: Queues at the registry office - take a seat in advance

What - how much

Here is an approximate price for additional registry office services on average in Moscow and the regions:

  • acceptance of documents at home or in the office - (from 270 rubles - regional centers, from 350 rubles - the capital);
  • lamination of papers (from 90 - 150 rubles, respectively);
  • fulfillment of urgent requests (110-200 rubles);
  • legalization of documents (370-480 rub);
  • computer set of statements (50-90 rubles).

Obviously, services at the registry office are inexpensive, and over the past few years their list has been significantly reduced throughout the country. You can find out the exact cost of additional services directly from a government agency or on the website of a local center for the provision of administrative services.

Ceremony outside the registry office

The tendency to adopt the experience of Western countries in terms of holding wedding ceremonies began several years ago. And one of the most popular traditions was holding the ceremonial part not within the walls of the Wedding Palace, but in some beautiful original place. So, following the example of the inhabitants of Europe and America, you can formalize the relationship in a picturesque green meadow, on the banks of a river or sea.

Interestingly, until recently, painting outside the walls of the relevant government institutions was only possible unofficially. On-site registrations were carried out, but they were staged and were carried out only after the usual registration at the registry office.

However, on-site state registration of marriage in 2021 in Russia was still allowed. The first person to take this step was Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin.

The mayor also identified specific places in the capital that will be specially designated for these purposes.

Read more about what an outdoor ceremony is.

Photographer services - 5,000 rubles.

Depending on the wedding date, I can personally conduct the registration photo session, or I can recommend another good photographer from our team. To check the date, send a message at the bottom of this block. An hour-long package of work for a field registration photographer includes:

  • Photo session of the preparation process for the ceremony, gathering and emotions of guests.
  • Filming of the ceremonial registration of marriage takes place in a reportage format. At this moment, the photographer cannot openly interfere with what is happening. We capture the best moments and lively emotions of the bride and groom.
  • A set of obligatory photos of the painting: the bride and groom listening to the registrar's speech, painting at the table or reception desk, exchange of wedding rings, presentation of the marriage certificate, congratulations to the guests.
  • After the ceremony, we take a beautiful series of staged portrait and story shots. We play with the arch and other decorative elements that suit your image.
  • If there are guests, we take group photos with friends and relatives.
  • All photographs undergo high-quality color processing and light natural retouching while preserving skin texture.

Registration of relationships during pregnancy

The “interesting position” of the bride is indicated in the IC as the reason why a couple can receive relief in matters of formalizing the relationship. If the period is short, then the registry office may refuse urgent registration on the day of application. They may ask you to wait a couple of weeks. However, such a request must be taken into account in any case: the code notes that in case of refusal, citizens have the right to go to court.

If you are interested in this topic, we suggest you learn more about how accelerated marriage registration during pregnancy takes place.

Wedding with a foreigner

The procedure for officially creating a family with a citizen of another state is practically no different from a similar event with the participation of Russians. The only difference between these two processes is the requirements for the list of documents and the possibility in the second case of formalizing relations in the representative office of another country in Russia.

You can learn about the common features and differences of such weddings, as well as all the legal nuances of a wedding with a foreigner, from the material “Registration of a marriage with a foreign citizen.”

Marriage with an incapacitated person

We have already said above that the Family Code establishes a list of circumstances that prevent the conclusion of a family union. These, in particular, include cases when the bride and/or groom are recognized by the court as incompetent due to the presence of a mental disorder.

As for diseases of a different nature, the legislation does not say anything about them. Therefore, it can be assumed that a union with an incapacitated person of sound mind is permitted.

It must be remembered that people who are unable to act on an equal footing with others in all legal matters are dependent on their guardians/trustees. Having set the goal of starting a family, the ward must receive appropriate approval from those people who are responsible for him before the law.

As for whether a legally incapacitated person can marry without obtaining permission from relatives, the answer is ambiguous. On the one hand, no. On the other hand, if close people refuse solely because of personal interests, then the person dependent on them can sue and defend their rights.

Cost of solemn marriage registration

You will need to pay a fee of 350 rubles. If you do not plan to use additional services, then nothing else will be required. The standard set of services includes:

  • presence of guests in the wedding hall;
  • the sound of Mendelssohn's march;
  • delivering a solemn speech.

If you want to follow some traditions, order a full-time photographer and use other services, you will need to pay additionally for them according to the price list. Usually the price varies from 500 to 2000 rubles.

Marriage through a representative

In Art. 11 of the Family Code states that in order to register a relationship, the presence of both parties is mandatory. It will not be possible to resolve the issue somehow through third parties, even if you have all possible notarized documents.

Therefore, the answer to the question of whether marriage through representatives is allowed in the Russian Federation will be negative.

If the bride/groom cannot be present at the registry office for objective reasons, then the ceremony can be performed in another territory. For example, in prison or in a hospital.

By the way, most other countries in the world apply similar practices. One exception is Argentina.

Paid services and state fees

These two concepts should not be confused, because state duty:

  • this is a mandatory payment, the grounds, amount, payment procedure for which are determined at the legislative level - first of all, in the Tax Code of the Russian Federation;
  • Only certain categories of persons can be exempted from paying state fees - today, these are disabled people of the 1st group;
  • has the same amount for similar services throughout the Russian Federation;
  • Only the legislator can change the amount of the state duty that is collected for a particular registration of acts or in connection with the issuance of documents.

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At the same time, the list and cost of paid services:

  • is established, as well as changed, by the decision of local government bodies;
  • The preferential category includes not only disabled people of all groups, but also participants of the Second World War, combat operations and the poor. The decision to cancel the penalty can be made by a specialist or the head of the registry office.

It is noteworthy that paid services in registry offices, like state fees, cannot be paid on the spot directly to a government agency specialist. If you are offered to pay without a receipt, feel free to complain about the situation to higher management - this is a corruption offense. The basis for providing an additional service is a citizen’s application in which he directly requests the provision of a specific service.

Invalidity of marriage

If citizens became spouses, violating the norms established by law, and if there were people who were able to tell the court about this fact, then it is quite possible to declare the marriage invalid.

One of the reasons, according to the UK, is the fictitiousness of the union, which we talked about at the very beginning of the article. Since the key criterion for the legality of a marriage is the intention of both parties to start a family, the absence of this desire in at least one of the partners already speaks in favor of the illegitimacy of the relationship in the legal sense.

Knowing what circumstances can prove the invalidity of a marriage, third parties, who are usually relatives and close friends of the family, can draw up and file a statement of claim. Having objective documentary evidence in hand, they will be able to protect their rights and/or the rights of the other injured party. Otherwise, it will not be possible to obtain court approval.

On our portal you can find out what grounds exist for declaring a marriage invalid.

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