Pros and cons of official marriage for men and women

Despite the fact that currently the popularity of official marriage has fallen, in their hearts each of the men and women dreams of officially legitimizing their relationship with their beloved partner, with whom they have been running a common household for many years and living “under the same roof.”

Every woman and every man, making a fateful decision about marriage, inevitably thinks about the pros and cons of official marriage.

No one can clearly identify the advantages and disadvantages of such a solution. They are different for everyone. We can only say with confidence that there are two lists of advantages that representatives of each gender identify for themselves separately. When preparing to enter into an official marriage, they should definitely be taken into account.

“Pros” of official marriage for men

  • A man receives invaluable and selfless help and support from his official wife at a difficult moment in life.
  • He will have the opportunity to have his own home, a place where understanding always awaits him, and, most importantly, delicious food and love.
  • Understanding a woman gives him the opportunity not to be distracted by everyday problems.
  • The opportunity to take advantage of your wife’s knowledge and her help in your work or hobby free of charge.
  • Often, an officially registered marriage is required for employment in a high-paying job, especially one involving travel abroad. In this case, feeling is not given first place. A man is looking for a reliable partner with whom he will feel comfortable living and working in a foreign country. It is not surprising, but such marriages are some of the strongest.

Bride and groom

Institute of marriage in Russia

Marriage relations, which determine the sociocultural order between a man and a woman, arose in ancient times. In Russia, the institution of family law was created during the formation of Russian statehood. Those entering into marriage were given the appropriate status, as well as certain responsibilities and rights.

Throughout history, various changes and amendments have been made to the legal framework governing marriage relations. Until the twentieth century in Russia, young people entered into only church marriage, regulated by church marriage legislation. The form of marriage was the wedding ceremony.

In 1917, church marriage was officially abolished, and this rite was replaced by civil marriage, the only one recognized by government agencies. A year later, a code of laws regulating marriage and family relations was adopted at the official level. By law, women over 16 years of age and men over 18 years of age could marry.

In subsequent years, various changes were made to the Code on Marriage and Family to regulate the rights and obligations of each spouse. Today, young people over 18 years of age (men and women) can get married. Newlyweds can legalize their relationship at the registry office and, if they wish, conduct a mysterious wedding ceremony in a church.

According to the laws of the Russian Federation, marriage cannot be registered for a number of reasons.

In what cases is marriage not concluded:

  1. The bride or groom is in another registered marriage.
  2. They have close family ties.
  3. They are adoptive parents or adopted parents in relation to each other.
  4. Incapacity associated with a mental disorder, recognized by the court in one of the parties to the marriage.

Changes are sometimes made to the “Code on Marriage and Family” of the Russian Federation, but still the Russian government tries to preserve the traditional rules of the family institution that have legal norms.

“Disadvantages” of official marriage for men

  • Inability to have (close) relationships “on the side.” Most women do not want to be “in a second role” and do not want to meet “married men” at a time convenient only for them, and to be alone on holidays and weekends.
  • The presence of a mother-in-law as a factor worsening the relationship with the spouse. Since, according to the mother, the son-in-law does not treat her daughter (wife) properly. And he doesn’t listen to his mother-in-law’s everyday advice either. There are rare cases when mother-in-law and son-in-law are great friends and “live in perfect harmony” together.
  • A catastrophic reduction in free personal time. This is especially reflected in meetings with friends and girlfriends whom the wife does not favor. As the “experience” of family life increases, these meetings become extremely rare or are reduced to “nothing.”
  • Constant reporting of your affairs and whereabouts. Not every man agrees to such a compromise solution and control. For the most part, men are quite freedom-loving and independent individuals. Often this is the reason that leads to family discord, quarrels and divorce.

Husband and wife sleeping together

Marriage: pros and cons

Have you ever thought about what your family life has given you or, on the contrary, taken from you? What advantages and disadvantages did the status of a married lady bring you? Well, or at worst, about the positive and negative sides of official marriage?

No? Occasionally? Or every half hour? – underline the correct answer.

Well, in any case, you will be interested. Today, the women's website Beautiful and Successful talks about the pros and cons of marriage .

Marriage: a sober view from the outside

No, we will not explore the disadvantages and advantages of marriage as such, because for some, family life is honey seasoned with gingerbread and pistachio ice cream, and for others it is a collar around the neck and shackles on the hands and feet. Moreover, these two can live in the same territory and be bound by a common seal

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