How to quickly grow and restore a nail after fungus?

How do nails grow after fungus?

The “matrix”, the part of the epithelial tissue that ensures nail regrowth, is responsible for the resumption of cell division and plate growth. If it is damaged, then even after competently organized therapeutic care, the plates on the arms and legs will never regain their former beauty, even appearance and smoothness.

To restore the nail, it is necessary to ensure sufficient blood flow to its tissues. In this case, the affected and weak plates are periodically trimmed or removed using steaming and subsequent manicure.

Such manipulations take an enormous amount of time—it will take at least three months for a healthy nail to grow back after a cured fungal infection.

How does the process work?

The process superficially resembles cosmetic extensions, but is functionally completely different from it. The procedure itself is completely painless and does not take much time. Depending on the characteristics of the condition of the toes, one of the existing methods is chosen: glue with conoline, Ungisan, Gevol gel. The cost of each procedure varies, but the primary selection factor remains suitability for the individual patient.

With the help of Gewol

Gel for prosthetic nails is a polymerization composition, an artificial material that hardens under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. The method using it is considered to be as fast and simple as possible. Layers of gel of insignificant thickness are applied to the nail bed, and during the hardening process, the specialist forms the shape of the nail prosthesis with tools. The composition contains antifungal components and is recommended for use on exfoliated, broken and deformed fabrics. The prosthesis itself can be treated with acetone or similar substances during a pedicure.

Using glue and conoline

This method is considered the most complex procedure, but effective in the presence of fungal infections of the toes. Conolin (a natural material) is applied in layers with special glue, which helps to achieve the desired thickness. Afterwards the prosthesis is polished to the required shape. The material is highly breathable and has good anti-infective properties. Prosthetics allows you to grow a normal nail without possible discomfort.

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According to the Bauman method

The increasingly popular technique offers two ways to create a prosthesis: pouring the two-part Ungisan polymer directly onto the nail bed and subsequent grinding of the form, or a separate nail extension on the form by gluing it onto the rest of the matrix. In the modern situation, the Bauman method is considered the most suitable when working with the presence of fungal infections. The only requirement for use is the presence of at least 3 mm of natural plate.

General recommendations for quick nail restoration

To restore the nail plate, there is a whole range of measures that help it grow in normal condition. The main task in this case is compliance with hygiene rules, which will allow not to disturb the results of previously carried out therapy for onychomycosis.

What the nail restoration will be like depends on the patient. Self-medication can aggravate the problem or cause a negative reaction from the skin. Therefore, it is important to consult with a specialist in advance and approach the problem in a comprehensive manner: combining cosmetic and traditional methods, nutrition to strengthen the immune system and antifungal therapy.

COSMETICAL TOOLS. Experts believe that it is possible to quickly grow a shiny and evenly shaped nail, provided that its matrix is ​​preserved. On sale there are such restoration preparations as “Smart Enamel” and “Clinic Nail” varnish, special treatment strips, paraffin applications and all kinds of ointments.

All of them are enriched with vitamins, in particular E and A, which have a positive effect on nail growth and plate regeneration. In addition, many of them are also used to prevent mycosis.

ETHNOSCIENCE. Unofficial sources claim that it is not at all necessary to spend a lot of effort and money in order to restore the shape of the nail - you can cure and grow it at home without the use of special medications. However, doctors strongly disagree with this.

To combat nail fungus and improve nail plate growth, traditional medicine recommends the use of oils, medicinal herbs and other natural ingredients. If a person is not allergic to substances included in the prescription list, the method will not cause harm, but, on the contrary, will help strengthen and improve the condition of the nail. But there is no need to get carried away with self-medication, if only because there is a risk of re-infection.

So, what do traditional healers offer us?

BATHS. Sea salt and herbs added to them have a positive effect on the health of nails. For 250 ml of hot, but not scalding water (its amount can be increased at your own discretion), you need to take 1 tsp. salt and 2 drops of tea tree oil. The feet are immersed in the bath for 20 minutes. It is recommended to perform the procedure shortly before bedtime. It has antibacterial, antifungal, regenerating and soothing effects.

MASKS. Special compositions that are applied directly to the nail fold and help to quickly restore it are widely practiced in folk medicine. You can prepare such a mask from warm mashed potatoes, gelatin mass, a mixture of olive and citrus oils, that is, any components enriched with vitamins and amino acids, thanks to which the nail grows better.

For example, a gelatin mask is popular. It contains natural collagen and keratin, which have healing and restorative effects on damaged tissues. Gelatin is diluted with clean water according to the instructions - you only need a little mixture, apply an even layer to the nail plates. A plastic film is placed on top. After 20 minutes, wash off the mask.

NUTRITION. A balanced diet, which includes the following products, will help restore the beauty and health of your nails:

  • citrus fruits, tomatoes, currants and rose hips are sources of vitamin C;
  • eggs, liver and carrots are suppliers of carotene;
  • olive oil and herbs are powerful antioxidants;
  • milk and fermented milk products are calcium-containing dishes.

Nutrition, despite all its usefulness, should not overload the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. It is temporarily recommended to give up alcoholic beverages, fatty and unhealthy foods.

How to quickly restore a nail

Restoring a nail after a fungus is possible after the complete destruction of the pathogenic microflora. In order to make sure that there is no fungal pathogen, it is recommended to consult a specialist. He will conduct the necessary tests and, if spores are present, select the most effective fungicidal agents. It is allowed to begin nail restoration only if the tests performed do not contain pathogenic microflora.

Pharmacy drugs

Patients should know how to grow a nail after fungus. It is possible to accelerate the regrowth of a healthy plate only after the infection is completely destroyed. If fungal spores are detected in scrapings, it is necessary to continue using the following fungicidal agents:

  • Miconazole;
  • Exoderil;
  • Loceryl;
  • Lamisil;
  • Terbinafine.

It is recommended to apply the fungicidal agent to the diseased nail and the tissue around it several times a day. This treatment should be carried out until the pathogenic microflora is completely destroyed.

As additional means, you can use special varnishes to protect the affected plate and treat onychomycosis. Such drugs as Loceryl and Batrafen give a good effect.

After complete destruction of the fungal pathogen, it is necessary to create favorable conditions that help speed up the process of nail restoration. For this purpose, it is recommended to use varnishes with a healing effect and nourishing oils.

Whether a nail will grow quickly after a fungus depends on the stage of the disease. If after onychomycosis the nail stops growing, you should use the following means:

  • almond oil;
  • vitamin A;
  • tocopheryl acetate;
  • cosmetic clay;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil.

Sea buckthorn oil contains various vitamins and can help speed up the regeneration process. The product can be applied after removal of the nail plate, but only a month after the residual wound has healed. The drug should be applied to the damaged tissue every day with a cotton swab before bedtime for a month.

It is recommended to make masks from cosmetic clay. Mix it with water until a thick paste forms and apply to the nails for 10 minutes. For greater effectiveness, cover the nail with cling film and leave for a while.

Folk remedies

determine whether a nail will grow back after a fungus on the foot . In order to speed up the growth of the nail plate, you can use traditional medicine. The following baths and lotions give a good effect:

  1. You can improve the condition of a damaged nail with the help of lemon. Its juice should be combined with water in equal proportions and the solution should be applied to the plate. This procedure is recommended to be carried out every day.
  2. Compresses with calendula give a good effect when restoring nails after onychomycosis. It is necessary to pour a tablespoon of flowers into a container and pour a glass of boiling water over them. The resulting mass must be infused for half an hour under a closed lid. Soak a cotton pad in the prepared infusion and apply it to the sore nail plate for 5 minutes.
  3. It is possible to speed up the regeneration process with the help of a homemade mask made from peach. To do this, mash the fruit pulp with a spoon and apply it to the affected nail for a few minutes.
  4. You can whiten and improve your nails with cabbage leaves. It is necessary to cut the leaf, mash it until the juice appears and apply it to the nail for half an hour.

To restore nails after onychomycosis, traditional medicine suggests using sea salt baths. To prepare them, add a teaspoon of salt and a few drops of tea tree oil to 250 ml of warm water. You should soak your feet in the prepared solution for 20 minutes, and this procedure is best done before bed. The salt bath has antifungal, regenerating and antibacterial effects.

Alternative medicine suggests using special compositions to improve the condition of the plate, which should be applied directly to the nail fold. To prepare such a mask, you can use gelatin mass, warm mashed potatoes, a mixture of citrus and olive oil.

Nail restoration after plate removal

Unfortunately, sometimes the nail plate has to be removed completely, which is associated with an advanced form of fungus, for example, candidiasis. In this case, many patients wonder: is it possible to grow a nail and what needs to be done to successfully restore it?

I would like to point out right away that this cannot be accomplished in a short time. In the best case, the plates on the fingers grow back in 3 months, and on the toes in six months. The duration of the regeneration process depends on the reasons listed in the following table.

Factors influencing nail restorationDescription
GENDER AND AGEAny regenerative processes occur better in the body of young people - under 20 years old, as well as pregnant and lactating women. In other patients, the growth of the nail plate does not exceed 4 mm per month.
SEASONIn spring and summer, nail restoration is most noticeable. In autumn and winter, it is important to take care of the limbs in terms of protection from low temperatures, which negatively affect the growth of the plates and tissue regeneration in general.
STATE OF THE IMMUNE SYSTEMThe stronger the body’s defenses, the faster any regenerative processes occur in it. Frequent respiratory and infectious-inflammatory diseases inhibit nail growth.
LOCALIZATION OF INFECTIONThe plates on the fingers grow twice as fast as on the lower extremities.
PLATE REMOVAL METHODIf the nail is removed surgically, the recovery will be longer than with laser or chemical methods. To enhance the process of tissue restoration, it is important to follow the doctor’s recommendations and avoid unnecessary stress on the injured limbs.

Help for nails after drug therapy

Medicines, traditional medicine, cosmetic procedures and proper nutrition can also help quickly restore the nail plate.

Traditional methods

Drugs for onychomycosis partially promote regeneration, as they eliminate the inflammatory process in the affected area and normalize blood flow in the extremities. But this is not enough, so we have to look for additional medications to solve this problem.

At the pharmacy you can purchase a product well known among doctors and consumers - Smart Enamel varnish. It has many therapeutic effects: relieves inflammation, nourishes, stimulates growth. Pharmacists also present such a medicinal product as Clinic nail. It contains peptides, vitamins and calcium. Manufacturers promise the expected effect after ten days of use.

Vitamins are needed for nail and hair growth. There are a huge variety of vitamin complexes on the pharmacological market, but not all of them are equally effective. Before you start taking medications, you should know exactly what substances are necessary for rapid nail regeneration and how they affect the body:

  1. Calcium, iron, selenium, as well as vitamins A, C, and E, silicon, zinc, help strengthen the nail plate, make it hard and smooth, restore structure, and increase elasticity.
  2. Vitamins D and B, phosphorus, iodine help accelerate growth.
  3. Biotin, protein and copper contained in the preparations can strengthen the nail and eliminate brittleness.
  4. Folic acid will help eliminate the streaks.
  5. Acidophilus helps fight fungus.
  6. Sulfur eliminates inflammation of the cuticle.

From the vitamin complexes presented in the pharmacy, you should choose the following:

  1. Doppelhertz Active.
  2. Vitasharm.
  3. Brewer's yeast with sulfur.
  4. Perfect.
  5. Revalid.
  6. Vitrum.

Traditional methods

Treatment of onychomycosis with folk remedies can be very effective. There are a huge number of different recipes for restoring nails after fungus, and here are some of them:

  1. Foot baths for onychomycosis made from medicinal plants such as chamomile, sage or string. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. Do about 3 times a week. These baths help reduce inflammation in the affected area.

  2. Using olive oil for onychomycosis, grape seed oil and other essential oils helps strengthen nails. In this case, the products are simply regularly applied to the affected nail.
  3. Salt baths also help strengthen the nail plate, but they can only be done after the nails have grown a little.
  4. Applying a thin layer of iodine (using a cotton swab) to the cuticle will help speed up growth and give your nails a healthy appearance.
  5. A mask made from lemon slices is no less effective in the fight for recovery. This procedure takes about 15 minutes. When finished, rinse skin with water.

How to speed up the recovery process?

To consolidate the effect of treatment, avoid relapse of the pathology and restore the nail in full, you must adhere to the recommendations listed below:

  • Cover the plate with varnish with a healing effect. To do this, you need to purchase appropriate medications from the pharmacy that specifically nourish, protect and regenerate tissue.
  • Make wraps and compresses. Essential oils of lavender, tea tree, and grapes are enriched with vitamins and microelements, which are necessary for nails during the growth period.

  • Wear gloves when working around the house. Household chemicals and chlorinated water have an aggressive effect on the growing nail plate. To minimize their harm, hands need to be protected in advance.
  • Eat properly. A diet enriched with essential microelements is one of the best sources of regeneration.

How can you speed up the treatment of onychomycosis?

To make nails grow back faster after fungus treatment, laser therapy can be used. It involves treating the nail plate with a PinPointe device - a neodymium laser with a wavelength of 1064 nm. Its radiation freely penetrates the nail bed and there heats the fungal cells to high temperatures, as a result of which they die. In addition, the heat from the laser activates blood circulation in the nail bed, which accelerates the growth of a healthy nail plate.

The PinPointe laser is used in conjunction with local therapy. After a laser treatment session, the patient should apply the recommended cream or varnish to the nails, and also carefully treat the shoes with an antiseptic to avoid re-infection.

The effectiveness of treating onychomycosis with the PinPointe neodymium laser has been tested in several foreign multicenter studies. This is an excellent addition to local treatment, has a short procedure duration and is not accompanied by side effects.

Thus, a healthy nail plate should begin to grow in the first months from the start of treatment. It may be slightly thinner than usual, but have a uniform pinkish color and smoothness. The treatment process is significantly accelerated when treating the affected plates with a PinPointe neodymium laser.

What to do if the nail does not grow?

Sometimes it happens. In this situation, the doctor may prescribe an additional examination aimed at identifying serious disorders and fungal infections. If tests for onychomycosis are negative and there are no abnormalities, most likely we are talking about weak immune defense or vitamin deficiency.

In this case, in order to solve the problem with the restoration of the plates, you need to take a course of minerals and multivitamins, improve your diet, and “feed” your nails with special varnishes and baths. All this was described above. If necessary, additional recommendations will be given by your attending physician.

Why is nail fungus difficult to treat?

Onychomycosis (fungal infection of the nail plate) is very difficult to treat in all people. There are three reasons for this:

  1. The microbe gets into the nail bed and not all local drugs can reach it. Moreover, most fungi provide themselves with “protection” in the form of thickening of the nail plate.
  2. In most cases, onychomycosis is accompanied by a fungal infection of the foot. And as soon as a person cures his nails, the fungus again enters the nail bed from the skin of the foot.
  3. Re-infection also occurs through one’s own socks, shoes, and also when bathing in a bath/shower.

What to do if the nail grows incorrectly?

Correction methods are practiced not only for the problem of ingrown nails, but also for deformation of the plate and its improper growth. With their help, the appearance of the nail is normalized.

How is the correction carried out? Let's list the main methods:

  • Fraser staples, ZTO. They are metal elastic rods of small diameter that create mechanical tension and affect the shape of the plate. They are made strictly according to the nail template and fixed on it, due to which excess pressure on the surrounding tissues is relieved and the nail “gets used” to the correct direction of growth.
  • Oniklip, BS, Goldspang plates. They have a positive effect on the shape of the nail, creating the necessary tension. An aesthetic effect is achieved - the plate grows in the right direction.

  • "Podofix." The method is based on the previous two, combining the advantages of a staple and a plate for correcting the shape and growth of the nail. The results from using Podofix are quite fast. A polymer gel is used to fix the device, making it invisible on the feet.

Regardless of which recovery method is chosen, it is important to be patient, especially if the nail affected by the fungus has been completely destroyed. We must not forget that there are no universal remedies and much depends on health, in particular, the state of the immune system. An integrated approach to solving the problem will help you grow strong and beautiful nails.

General recommendations

To speed up the process of nail restoration, you should follow a number of general recommendations that were developed by leading experts in the field of dermatology:

  1. You should eat a nutritious diet. A proper diet often serves as a guarantee that nails will recover from fungus in the shortest possible time, since microelements and vitamins will ensure their rapid growth. You should definitely eat foods containing vitamin C (bell peppers, tomatoes, gooseberries, currants and citrus fruits), vitamins A and B (liver, butter, carrots, eggs, brewer's yeast), vitamin E (olive oil, herbs). Together they will accelerate the regeneration processes, increase blood circulation and oxygen saturation of the nails, thereby promoting their regrowth. Fermented milk products, apples, buckwheat, bananas and goat's milk will help eliminate fragility and provide the basis for the formation of the nail plate.
  2. The harmful effects of aggressive substances on nails should be avoided. To do this, you need to avoid possible contact with detergents and cleaning products, and always protect your hands with gloves.

  1. It is important to moisturize your nails and the nail area around them frequently. Peach, olive or grape oils will help with this.
  2. It is necessary to use medicinal varnishes. Today, there are a significant number of special varnishes that nourish, protect and have a stimulating effect on the nail plate.
  3. Be sure to do baths and applications. You can speed up recovery using paraffin applications with tea tree oil or a special bath made from a decoction of burdock, chamomile, a few drops of iodine and sea salt.

Regardless of the method chosen for recovery, you should be patient, especially if the nail plate is significantly damaged after exposure to nail fungus. Do not forget that there is no universal remedy and everything depends on individual characteristics. It is important to maintain immunity and good health. And over time, strong, beautiful and shiny nails will grow again.

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