Why does my toenail turn black but does not hurt?
The appearance of a black area and spots on the nails of the hands and toes: causes Such a phenomenon as
How to remove a splinter from under a nail: simple and effective methods
Not always, when performing this or that work, we sufficiently protect ourselves. Precautionary measures,
Finger felon
Treatment of abscesses, boils, pimples, fistulas and ulcers with salt
Panaritium is an inflammatory process that can occur both deep inside the tissues and closer
How to fix a broken nail at home
From this article you will learn: What are the main reasons for brittle nails What to do if they break
Getting rid of hangnails once and for all
Hangnails on fingers are one of the most common troubles in hand care.
Anatomy of the nail structure
Bruised nail: home treatment methods
Structure of the nail The nail plates are protected on all sides by rollers. Their posterior layer is called proximal.
Why might a finger on your hand fester?
An abscess on a finger or panaritium is an inflammatory purulent process in soft tissues and
When one stripe is not cool. How a manicurist found cancer in a client just by looking at her nail
White stripes on nails are not only a cosmetic imperfection. A similar symptom may indicate
Deformation, dystrophy, detachment of the nail plate: causes, types of deformities, photos, treatment and recovery, tips, reviews
What are wavy nails, their types? Such deformation of the nail plates can appear in
Vertical stripes on fingernails and toenails. Causes, treatment, what is missing in the body
Why longitudinal stripes appear on fingernails: causes, treatment methods and preventive measures
Causes of Vertical Stripes on Nails Nails are made up of layers of protein called keratin. This