Attractive, alluring red color does not tolerate halftones and understatement. This applies not only to clothes,
The essence of the design Looking at the photo of the lunar manicure, you can understand that the design feature is the highlight
Today, patterns on nails are not just another decoration; modern nail art is filled with meaning.
Trend No. 1: Natural length and shape of nails The trend towards a natural look has continued in
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Types and ideas Shellac is a gel polish that can withstand almost all known aggressive factors.
Choose a New Year's manicure for 2021 with our photos, ideas and tips. More
How to do a manicure for children? The mother of girls is painfully familiar with the situation: you paint your nails, and
Technology The unique technology of embodying the shine of precious stones on the edges of the nails allows you to get a truly luxurious
Relevance If we hear the word watermelon, images of summer and warm sea water appear in our heads