Congratulations on your 45th wedding anniversary (Sapphire wedding)

Sapphire wedding - 45th wedding anniversary

​​ ​You know that in​And I regretted enormous forces,​The Sapphire Wedding -​ ​years have already lived,​We are in a year​ ​45 years! After all, you couldn’t be happier​ ​It’s your anniversary today.​ This world​ ​ gives,​To get married​

​ 45​ ​Love has not been lost,​ ​we will continue to congratulate you,​ ​In this field​, your grandchildren have grown up,​ ​Problems, troubles, you​ couples in general​ ​Not just a date​ ​More important than diamonds and​So that in the house​ ​I managed to do it for you.​ You already​ ​ - saved!​ All because​ ​ we wish you victories!​ And in this​ ​ world​ you haven’t noticed​ ​ - forty-five!​ sapphires​

​ everything was fine, with you we are not a family, but so let us love you and the sapphire does not burn with fire because, of course, they are involved, the eyes still sparkle If it’s a wedding anniversary What a wonderful picture That’s happiness that the heart is the world.

​ very happy together,​ ​ gems​ your happiness continues,​ ​ we appreciate it!​ - in scarlet-red color,​ ​ only you.​ love,​ ​ - forty-five! ​And full of joy​And we want to wish​ ​Beyond the veil of years​Grandmother and Grandfather​ ​Blue from the depths​Forty-five! Forty-five!​ ​And happy as​ Sapphire wedding -​ ​Bride and groom​Big family​ ​I wish​ ​our bright home,​

​ again, don’t let him get lost.​ ​ relatives,​ ​ — festively dressed​ It’s not​ ​ before you again.​ this is great,​ ​ you again.​ called!​ ​Live until the wedding​ I want you health​ ​Until the red wedding​ ​And let comfort​ We want it again.​ ​ twenty-five!​ The sapphire wedding is very​ ​Not everyone goes through​ this wedding​ ​And those who​ are golden,​ ​ wish,​ live, and that's it and happy day

​ congratulate you!​ And such silence,​ This is a serious, valuable time, together such a journey!​ from sapphire​ together forty-five,​ A wedding in half a century​ And to be like this​ find answers!​ day by day​ you are with us​ and peace, and people, Like this stone

​I wish you happiness​Do not limit your age​ ​Today we will congratulate you!​ - a great feast!​ Let the brave ones continue!​ ​Approach with dignity​ Only fills the​ ​ sincerely good ones,​ ​ status,​ What about​ ​ precious. ​simply huge,​ ​your own.​God willing and​ ​Five years in total​"Congratulations on 45​ ​family limit,​ your home!​We are convinced each​ ​Wisdom in it​ will continue to be in​ them?​You've been together for so long​ ​Love is such that​ We will save you from us so​ ​you just have to wait.​ the anniversary of your life together"​ ​When you are not afraid​"Congratulations on your anniversary!​

​ is concluded and the family​ ​Will be a husband​ a wife​ for years already lived,​ ​ in her I wanted​ with all my heart​ ​feelings​ “Congratulations​ ​Congratulations to you from​ your family or grief​ ​ ​ wedding 45 years”​ Forty-five You​ ​ prosperity.​ love,​ ​Don’t lose love,​ drown!​

​Live until the wedding​Like you. Special​ ​ ​ wedding 45 years”​ ​ ​ souls!​ ​ no problem,​ Grandparents​ ​ have been living together for years,​ ​Forty-five years have flown by,​​It will be in your arms​ ​ - saved!​ ​Take care of each other​ golden!​ ​ art,​Today everything is for​ ​Friend, dear, with​Today everything to say​ ​ ​ dear ones,​We are in a hurry today​ ​turning into stone,​ to wear,​

​So may​ I wish you​You have a sapphire wedding.​A friend of a friend and also​ you - flowers​ a sapphire wedding!​ We wanted you,​ We want​ to congratulate you again!​ In precious glass,​ And your wife's lunch​ is your happiness continues, always,

​Love is another triumph!​ understand​ and wishes!​ I wish you​ Let romance in​ congratulate you!​ We know that you cannot break with your hands.​ cook,​ Behind the veil of years​ So that they don’t know​ Just a little bit left​ And that’s all habits Happy sapphire wedding warmth, life remains forever!

​You are with us​‏>

Congratulations on the Wedding 45 years of marriage in verse

The scarlet-red color of the sapphire does not burn with fire, but it is festively dressed in blue from the depths. And such silence, and peace, and status, Wisdom is contained in it and family prosperity.


An anniversary year in family life! You have lived together for forty-five years!


We congratulate you and wish you happiness! There is no stronger marriage than yours in the world.


How beautiful you are! Together you are strong. Be healthy, May you live a hundred years!


Bravo to the spouses! You will always inspire and love each other!


You are forty-five today! We dare to wish you: May your eyes also shine, May your grandchildren add happiness!


We will not get tired of being proud and solemnly wish to live longer than a hundred years, lasting happiness forever!


Year after year without problems, To serve as an example to everyone An example of family life, Full of feelings and optimism!


Congratulations on your sapphire wedding, and we present you with a bouquet of flowers. Dear heroes of the day, Let the fanfare sound for you.


We congratulate you with a pure heart, we wish you happiness and joy. And we want to order you, Never despair.


This day is painted in bright colors, In this day there is both peace and beauty, The patterns of vanity merged in it, And the cherished features of love.


And no matter how expensive it is, This stone is bright blue, But there is nothing more expensive than the years we have lived through.


Even if there were a lot of all sorts of words, But love still burns, Even if the tablecloths are worn to holes, Our sapphire will not fade away.


Congratulations on the sapphire wedding (45 years)

​from life of happiness​ ​Your marriage -​Never contradict.​ ​let it not be lost.​ ​Your sorrows, troubles​ ​Before your wedding​ approve.​

​we congratulate you!​And spiritual happiness​ ​For 45 years​ such good ones,​ ​waiting for​ the best example, long​ ​Ours will live​ And let us comfort​

​ diseases,​ golden! ,​ ​For almost half a century, the temple​ after the years,​ ​goodness and prosperity!​Let in​

​ with my heart,​ the hour!​ ​ to you again! each other​ ​Forty-five you​Love is like a breath and​ to your family and​ ​Friend to friend​Only fills you sincerely​

​If, of course, you​ ​You managed to protect.​ with you!​ ​seemed more beautiful than​ reigning!​ ​ You, without words,​ live together for years,​

​ riddle,​ joyful events!​ ​ coo,​ your home!​ ​ with each other​ we would like to​ ​have lived together forty-five​ now!​

​And the family gathered​ ​There is no happier couple​We are in a hurry today​ ​I came to greet you from my great-grandchildren,​ ​Don’t let it get soggy!​Together forty-five,​

​together!​ today​ ​Not days, not​Let your cherished dreams,​ at the​ table​ ​in the world, believe me, congratulations!​ forty​ ​You radiate light,​ 45 years together -​ ​Your marriage -​ Forty-five years lived,​ ​Losses and poverty​ months, and years!​ that we didn’t have time,​ ​It will be very friendly​ Let him continue to create​ ​We know - you​ years ago,​For a large family​

​ this is the date​ ​ berry again!​ ​You can’t call them a treasure!​ ​Wonderful couples will simply come true!​ ​always!​ ​miracles, omnipotent love!​ from life of happiness​ ​And in our​ ​heart, Impeccable the sky of beauty.​Yes, and you​

​ you can.​ Let them pass you by​ ​ no!​ Let the birds sing​ ​And happy may​ With the sapphire wedding you​ wait,​ ​ slip through and stealthily,​ There is no couple on​ They called her sapphire​ still beautiful,​ ​And in such sadness, And we are in a hurry, a beautiful hymn of love! Your home will be! Dear ones!

​love to live,​And happiness is not​ ​congratulate you​Let you have good health​ ​"Happy 45th anniversary​Half a century is almost ​to you again!​ to rest.​ ​We are very​And over the years​ ​patient!​ The same number will leave the house!​ ​With such a beautiful​ will not allow​ ​ a wedding at all”​ already a husband with​ “45 wedding years”​

​Sapphire date for​ ​ congratulations,​ you have become wise.​ ​No matter how much in life​ it will not be difficult.​ ​May all your family,​ ​ miss you!​ ​ miss you!​ To your friend on this​ ​ wife,​ Happy sapphire wedding,​ ​ appeared to you,​And health to you​ ​Invested in your​ ​yours,​We wish health​ ​to friends, neighbors​ ​His name is Sapphire.​We wish you​ ​anniversary​

​For this life, dear ones!​ have become the hearts of relatives,​ ​You can wish from your grandchildren,​ And good luck, and​ ​Respect for each​ and fearlessly,​ ​We love you very much and in​ him!​ ​ they love, honor:​ their blossom!​ ​ days ,​Hello to the most friendly family!​

​So that feelings like​ warmth,​ ​friend and love,​And raise children,​ ​we appreciate you.​Congratulations on the 45th anniversary of the family​ ​He makes feelings​​Let life​ ​ be a strong one .​We congratulate you​ ​and before, sparkled,​So that your love​ ​Arouses only admiration.​ grandchildren,​ ​There are no relatives, closer,​ life, with great​ fresh,​

​The sapphire date has arrived,​ ​your beautiful,​Love let you​ ​today,​Love! - she blossomed!​ ​That’s what I wish​ It wasn’t​

​more expensive,​ the date of shared happiness​ ​He is the stone of fidelity​Now it’s time​ ​Surprisingly and passionately,​ affectionately and warmly​ ​We wish you to live​ not dare to fade away.​May love be to you​

​Happy to you, again to the point of boredom!​ ​No one in this​ and love, with​ the reputation has come,​ Be young at heart,​ ​ warms​ for many years!​ ​Do you remember the time when​ and advice,​ ​and again May God give you health, peace for us, sapphire anniversary. Sincerely And we remember the mercy of God together,

​And don’t think​ ​On any day​ Let happiness, comfort​ ​They mutually said that​To travel all over​ ​How to feel for the first time​And under the arm​ ​What kind of date -​ I wish you health to the family​ attracts,​ ​as when something about years!​ ​ and there will still be an hour in the house!​ ​ yes,​ light!​

​ falling in love leads you!

​Believe in the fulfillment​ We love you,​ ​As if youth again​ for many years,​ ​ delivers the​ bright ones,​ shouted.​ family,​ ​Fate will come to​ you!​ wife -​

​ life,​ ​ dreams.​ ​ congratulations,​ the wild wind burst in​ ​ expectations and kind​ strength to tired people​ ​The one who danced,​ I know for sure​ ​ you are a year from​ In your soul, may​ ​Happy and friendly​ Grandfather for grandmother​ ​Feeling of the soul -​Our congratulations to you​ ​And in the eyes of​ hopes, unfading love​ ​ gives.​ ​ I sang loudly,​ ​ I!​ in a kinder​ ​ spring will suddenly wake up​ with a​ family?!​

​ hold on!​ let there be youth​ ​ we hand over!​ the fire was lit -​ ​ and in a major mode​ ​Your love,​ ​was called a merry wedding,​"Congratulations on the sapphire​ ​And happiness for​And the heart will begin​ ​Living according to the laws ​About your marriage for​ ​Long years, and​ Forty-five, believe us,​ ​Anniversary family​ in the house.​ like a sapphire,​

​When​ there’s a​ ​ wedding in front of everyone”​ ​ you will not end​ ​ in awe! for the first time boldly​ ​In this important​ light.​ ​"Sapphire wedding 45​You kept your words​ ​They don’t believe​ in spring.​ ​But only if​ his wife is with him,​

​Your marriage is​ protecting you​ ​You are very strong​ anniversary​ ​Your feelings are excellent​ ​ ​ yours!​ in the truth of love,​

​Let love sparkle as​ we're not talking about​ ​We've been through so much together,​ berry again!​ ​And we kissed with great strength.​ ​You are not​ sapphire,​

​Parents, I thank​ Now I congratulate you​ ​And sapphires shine for you,​ for your family,​ ​Already for your granddaughters​ And you too,​ ​When you pity the golden ring:​ ​This is a beautiful stone​ for everything!​ ​ it's time​ beautiful sapphires,​ Let the fire burn​ ​After all, together people​ - brides​ ​ are still beautiful,​ So that in the house​ In the arms of a finger​

​Insert a sapphire into​ and sensitive.​ ​And in this​ With a sapphire wedding,​ ​It settled on​ in your hearts,​ ​ the two of you will live like this​ Year after year​ ​So wise, so​ the harmony was in​ ​concluded,​ the ring of my beloved,​ ​45 years together​ day, I cheers for you!​ ​way.​Many years ago​

​ flashed by for a long time, ​ patient.​ heart - peace. easy,​Your marriage is stronger​ ​How much was in​And we want​ ​young,​On sapphire earrings​

​You cherish each​ ​Throughout your life, see​You radiate light,​ ​by example,​ Well,​ ​ I think​ ​become​ ​your life!​ I wish you​ ​And joy in​Let them shine lights,​ ​just a minute.​ only kindness,​ ​For a large family​ As it should be yours​

​ got to know your mother and​ ​Live again​ ​You live for years​ You walked straight​ ​Live until the wedding​ dancing in a circle​

​And the moon looks​ ​More than life, you​ Move forward, not​ ​ ours,​ guard feelings,​ ​ father.​ in two longer​

​ up to a hundred -​ and fearlessly,​ ​ golden,​ walked!​ ​ through the window,​ love life,​ ​ despondent!​ There are no couples

​Settled under our own​‏>

Happy 45th wedding anniversary to parents.

It shines with beautiful sapphires. Today is your wedding, my dears. Mommy, daddy. Congratulations! Oh, how wonderful and beautiful you are.


So many years have passed, and you still shine with love and warmth. Therefore, I believe that one day, We will meet at your golden wedding.


Our beloved and dear parents! On your wedding anniversary, we will say words of love to you, We celebrate your sapphire wedding, We glorify your patience and wisdom.


Live long, long, respect each other, Greet sunrises and sunsets with a smile, Let all the blizzards of life subside at the threshold, What a blessing it is that you have found each other!


45 is a great age, This is the heyday of a family, You have gone through a lot together, You were able to preserve the feeling.


I wish you, parents, to live in happiness and keep it that way, to always appreciate each other, to please and respect.


Our dear parents, you are only more beautiful every year! You once made a vow to be together for many long years!


Today let the ray of sapphire flood your entire apartment! We wish you to shine like two sapphires in these forty-five!


On your sapphire wedding, my parents, I heartily congratulate you! Love has no boundaries, it only grows in your hearts.


May your family be happy, May you live long and well. I love you very, very much. May your world always be clear.


Let the ethers blow - We have sapphires in our family! The stones are very expensive. You and your mother got them.


45 wonderful years. Are you tired? - I hear: No! It's wonderful to be around you. What would you like to change?


I wish your eyes to shine and you to succeed in everything. A beautiful song for the two of you to sing!


Parents, congratulations, you have been together for 45 years! There is no more beautiful couple in the world, I honestly want to tell you.


I wish you good health, life in abundance and respect, may your common decisions bring you only joy.


Parents, you have been together for forty-five years, for which I congratulate you today! You live in happiness without offense or flattery, your family is beautiful and strong.


May everything be fine with you, may illnesses and sorrows not disturb you. And, of course, let everything that you have dreamed of for so long come true.

No matter what the weather, your holiday cannot be overshadowed! You are together year after year - What could be more beautiful?


I sincerely congratulate you on your sapphire wedding now! I wish you love and happiness! Good luck and wonderful rewards!


Congratulations, beloved ones, on your sapphire wedding! And we sincerely wish you great success in life!


Good luck, good health, And days filled with love, Kindness, warmth, And relationships of purity!


A sapphire wedding is very valuable, like this precious stone. You have already lived together for so many years, you have not lost your love, you have preserved it!


So let your happiness continue, Let it not be lost behind the veil of years. And may comfort and happiness only fill your home day after day!


Dear grandparents, We want to congratulate you again! You are so good with us, we are convinced every hour!


You have been living together for forty-five years, we hasten to congratulate you today! We know that you expect happiness from life, And health is in a hurry to come to you again!


Happy sapphire wedding, dear ones! Greetings from your grandchildren! We congratulate you today, we wish you to live many years!


Let happiness and comfort be in your home! Let prosperity spoil you! Let spring suddenly wake up in your soul and let your heart begin to flutter!


Parents, I thank you for everything! And on this day I wish you to see only goodness in life, Move forward without losing heart!


And I sincerely congratulate you on your sapphire wedding! I wish you happiness and love! May every hour be wonderful!


Dear parents, you are ours! We are so glad to congratulate you again! You lived together for 45 years, There was advice in the house, and love!


We say thank you, dear ones! I wish you happiness and many, many years to come! Good health, so that you don’t have any thoughts about getting sick!

Congratulations on your 45th sapphire wedding

​45, such a date​And know, your​ ​This is the reason for​You raised children,​ ​We wish you a wedding in half a century​ ​As in distant times​So live more​And congratulations from​ ​the world more beautiful!​ love sphere ,​ ​weddings,​ an example for us​ ​ toast!​ grandchildren,​ ​ - a feast! , an example for​ ​ is priceless,​ Congratulations on the sapphire wedding,​ ​It was not at all​ ​Five years in total​ ​On that holiday​ Nothing about​ ​And when very​ ​Congratulations on the sapphire wedding​ ​And good health to your family not​ ​ the rest,​ We in a year​ ​ let your relationship​ become boring!​ ​ left to wait.​ endlessly,​ ​ without worrying​ bad - pray,​ ​ you! lives​ ​we will continue to congratulate you,​ they will be the same​ May God be in good health​ ​You are together exactly 45​ And again with glances​ ​And granting the same​Tears to shed already​ ​I wish you happiness and​And good luck, and​ ​What a date -​ in the family for centuries,​ ​All because​ deep, bright and​ ​ gives -​ ​meeting,​ light,​ ​ is long overdue.​ love!​ ​ warmth,​ forty-five?​ Well, and we ,​ ​we love you and​ bewitching, like these​ ​And arm in hand​ ​Isn’t it a joke,​And freeze from​ ​Let love dictate​Take care of each other​ ​So that it’s beautiful​So that your love​ ​Like youth again​ Let's raise a toast to​ ​appreciate!​ stones.
Let them​ ​ guide you!​ I want to understand.​ ​ the bliss of happiness!​ the story​ ​ And believe in​ every hour!​ ​ blossomed! We love you,​The embrace is tight, tender​ ​Your love is like sapphire,​Your new faithful​ ​good,​"45th wedding anniversary"​ ​May love be in yours and​And in the eyes​ ​Today is the day of sapphire wedding!​Life turn. Of course, happy. Congratulations,​ ​looks,​What a ​ ​ years of adversity! ours to you​ But extra words​ ​ will save you​"Beautiful poems for​ ​ your spouse,​ ours!​ ​So that the entire​ Anniversary family can travel around,​ ​ hubby!​ -​ ​ 45th anniversary of your​!​ ​And great strength​ for a sapphire wedding"​ ​You are in destiny​How glad we are​ ​ light!​Husband and next​ ​You are 45 years old​This is not​ ​living together, it's​45 years together -​ ​Now that they lie, I would like to wish your parents good luck! Congratulations to you again! May your marriage with him last, soul

Toasts to the sapphire wedding

A sapphire wedding should be celebrated with friends and relatives. Children and children's children must be present at the celebration.


The day of this anniversary should remain in memory for a long time. Because the entire 45 years spent in married life are a highlight of family life.


You are having a sapphire wedding. Another triumph of love! Just a little bit left until your golden wedding!


For almost half a century, you managed to protect the family temple. Today we would like to wish you no loss or poverty!


May all sorrows pass you by, and may happiness never leave your home! Let all your family, friends, and neighbors always feel comfortable in it!


Today is your anniversary. Not just the date forty-five! What a wonderful picture of the bride and groom you are again.


With this sapphire wedding, do not limit your age. We sincerely wish you to live until your golden wedding!


The eyes shine like sapphires, but how else can they shine? After all, there is no happier couple in the whole world, since their wedding anniversary is forty-five!


A sapphire wedding is great, not everyone goes through such a journey together! I wish you great happiness, such love that you want to drown in it!


I wish you to always take care of each other, So that you do not know sorrows, troubles, illnesses, And the rest, believe me, is nonsense, If, of course, you are together with each other!


Dear anniversaries! Now the fanfare will thunder, And for the tenth, hundredth time We will congratulate you.


Our bride and groom For two together today It will be exactly forty-five Time to collect stones.


With tenderness, with great care, you add the sapphire Stone of Wisdom to your collection. This whole feast is in his honor.


It shines blue: It’s Indian summer in your life! Take care of this stone and live long with us.


Stay together, don’t get sick, and don’t grow old in your soul. On your sapphire anniversary, we wish you peace!


Together forty-five, Marriage is your berry again! And you are also beautiful, so wise, so patient.


How much has happened in your life! You walked straight and fearlessly, You raised children and grandchildren, There was no time for boredom!


May God give you health and lead you by the hand! We love you, congratulate you, we present you with our congratulations!


Forty-five years lived, You can call them a treasure. And to live in the same love, It won’t be difficult for the same amount of time.


We wish you good health. We love and appreciate you very much. There are no relatives, closer, dearer, No one in this world for us.


Again you are the groom, the bride, We couldn’t find anything more beautiful. Eternity has flown by as a couple, and now the family is 45.


Please accept congratulations, Low bow from me. Your marriage is strong and reliable, it is indicative of everyone.


I wish you good health, may your days be happy. Let only them fly in the circle of children and grandchildren.


45 years together is the date of the flawless sky of beauty, They once called it sapphire. You have become so wise over the years.


The patience, respect for each other and love invested in your union cause only admiration. So I wish you happiness again and again.


Like feeling in love for the first time, Believing in a dream come true. Let youth be the feeling of the soul. For long years! And you will have spring in your life.


Happy wedding to Sapphirova! Live in happiness. Appreciate moments of bright joy. Why teach you, it’s just a waste of time. After all, you have been together for 45 years!


And you already know how to do everything, you know it yourself, Everyone is very proud of such friends, Your family always appreciates you, believe me. Love and energy for your next year!

Congratulations on your 45th sapphire wedding in verse

​Your holiday cannot be​ until a hundred -​ ​your family,​ five,​ ​ and grandchildren.
Thanks to​ friend and love​ ​Only not simple​ ​Five years only​Forty-five years​ ​And together we​Good health to​ ​overshadow!​This is a reason for​ ​Move on​I want another fifty,​ ​to you for,​ They evoke only admiration.​ ​ -​ we just have to wait!​ ​ we live in this​ all our lives,​ ​ in our thoughts​ you are together for a toast!​ ​ to your​ anniversary, I wish you​ ​This is what I wish​ And filled with sapphire.​ ​A year has passed since the wedding!​ ​As an example to the future​ ​ We have not had​ ​ year after year​ With our hearts open​ ​ to fate!​ So that feelings are not​ ​ an example for imitation.​ you happiness again​ ​Once again we wish the “young”​ forty-five,​ ​A wonderful golden holiday!​ generations,​ ​ we would like to cheer for you! in spirit​ Let all the newlyweds​ and again.​ ​Happiness, light, like​And your anniversary​ ​"What 45 years​We are proud of our family​ ​"Congratulations on the sapphire​What could be more beautiful​ ​The gifts we give you years ago are beautiful,​ ​ are younger,​ learning from you​ ​Like the first time, to feel​ the smoke,​ ​celebrating again.​ wedding poems"​ ​ creation!​ ​ 45th anniversary​ ​ to be?​ and toasts,​ ​and glow in​ And the fact that​ ​ mutual understanding and mutual respect,​ love,​ ​A big bag of joy,​Her sapphire people​ ​Lived together forty​​ ​ in marriage”​I congratulate you​ ​On your sapphire wedding​ before your eyes​ ​ plans are ripening,​ ​which you were able to​ ​Believe in the fulfillment​ ​And good luck, everyone’s​ name is​ ​ 5​" Congratulations on the 45th​ ​Sapphire wedding to​ sincerely​ ​ we congratulate you,​ sapphires,​ ​ over the years you carry through the years.​ ​ dreams.​ soul! the wedding, the date were in time.​ - 45,​ ​More patience and​ Sapphire wedding​ ​ youth will have fun.​ With a sapphire wedding!​ ​ - bright light! And I want so​ ​ great joy, ​Everyone will circle in​ ​Long years! And​ And we wish from​ ​We wish you happiness!​ souls​ for many years!​ ​And we hasten​ passed!​ ​ happiness will bring,​Successes and wondrous​We faithfully waited and​ ​Love, health, happiness​ you remained a husband​ ​It suits you​ - spring.​ ​Great success in life!​ On this important anniversary​ ​ I congratulate you​ My dear friend, I wish​ ​ May you enjoy the​ rewards together! ​Good luck, good health,​You are not sapphires​ ​With such beautiful​Love and awe​ from worries! with the 45-year-old And days filled with regrets:​ ​ anniversary

Happy Wedding Anniversary Congratulations to Parents

Mommy, daddy, happy anniversary of the creation of the union, where love does not barely smolder like a torch, but blazes like a thousand fires!


The winds cannot blow them away, the showers are powerless. So may the Magical heat continue to warm you, so that you may look at each other with a happy eye forever, dear ones, without knowing sorrows and worries, And quarrels over all sorts of small trifles, And let the branches of generations stretch out for the wisdom of everyday life to visit you.


So take care of yourself, dear ones, I don’t need people more on earth! Thank you for the happiness of the storerooms in our reliable fortress - family!


Emotions have formed into a large bouquet For you in honor of the most unforgettable day, On which you, my family, got married - Oh, happiness. After all, I might not exist.


Thank you, dad, mom, for being able to create a Family, where the soul is so warm, where joy melts like sweet caramel, where even an argument is pleasant to the ears.


I wish you health, the happiest events, joyful celebrations every day of the year, and may the miracle threads of love between you never allow your hearts to grow old forever!


Happy Wedding Anniversary, I greet you from the bottom of my heart, parents. Together you are so happy, friendly. May it remain so forever.


Let love, trust, warmth fill your life. They illuminate tenderness and kindness, they warm happiness with affection.


Parents, please accept congratulations: Happy Wedding Anniversary, dear ones! You two are worthy of admiration Every day, both in the past and now.


For me, you are an example of how to live, love, care and trust, how to solve everything together and amicably, how to learn to think and, of course, wait.


Be happy, I ask you, dear ones, and live many long years too. Dear mom and dad, dear ones, May you always be surrounded by joy and light.


Mom, dad, Happy Anniversary! Your union is strong and beautiful. For me, he became the pinnacle of everything. There are no stronger bonds in this world.


Congratulations, my dears! Let your family sparkle with joy, let happiness surround you, dear ones, and let your life be full of love.


Dear mom, dad, congratulations! Your wedding anniversary is a reason for fun, We are proud of your couple, you are an example for us, We wish you a lot of good things, peace and luck.


There is no more beautiful mother in the world, and no kinder father, Be happy, dear ones, and live long, May there be no end to your feelings, May your path be illuminated with love.


May the lights of joy sparkle in your hearts, May your health be strong, your spirit filled with vigor, The sonorous laughter of your beloved grandchildren decorate your days, May your life quickly fulfill all your wishes.


Parents, please accept your wishes from your children at this hour. We sincerely congratulate you on your wedding anniversary today!


Let love continue to bloom forever, We wish that an angel protects you, Let there be a life without difficulties, carefree, Health, happiness to you and new strength!

Congratulations on your Sapphire wedding

Congratulations on your sapphire wedding.

​ not to lose,​ ​ for years,​ love in your chest​ ​ table!​ anniversary of life together,​ ​ love,​Insert a sapphire in​ ​His name is sapphire.​Colors of the night sky​ ​you day,​ ​Congratulations to you, loved ones,​ And passion and​ ​Cool and entertaining, lives on​ ​ 45 years - ​with the Sapphire wedding.​ Kindness, warmth,​ ​ the ring of the beloved,​ Sapphire among the people​ ​ stone -​ And happiness - ​Happy sapphire wedding!​ ​Inflame love more strongly!​ Great days,​ ​And joy knows no bounds,​ ​ Sapphire is the personification​ And in relationships​ ​Pour a full glass.​ love, honor:​

SMS with sapphire wedding.

​Sapphire adorned this​ ​enough for two​And we wish from​ ​Forty-five, believe us,​I wish for your family,​ ​your heart still​We wish you a dream of​ wisdom, depth and​ ​ purity!​ On sapphire earrings ​He makes​ the day with feelings!​ ​quite,​ a few​ souls,​ his people.​

​ blooms.​ wonderful,​ ​ peace - all​ The sun shines brightly,​ ​Let the lights shine,​ ​ ​And I with​ ​I want great luck​Great successes in life!​ ​But only if​Wonderful and calm days​

​Parents, grandmother and​ ​And we hope that​ ​The shine of sapphire rings​And the moon looks​ ​He is a stone of fidelity​ ​with a sapphire wedding​ ​to wish,​ ​Good luck, good health,​ we’re not talking about​ ​We wish you​ grandpa,​ ​invitation​ only over the years.​ ​decorated.​ in the window,​ ​has the reputation of​ I congratulate you -​ ​A friend of a friend to you​ And days filled with​

​ family,​ on your anniversary!​ ​Sapphire wedding​ For your wedding​ ​ May your fruitful​Your happiness not​ ​Like in the distant​And believe in the mercy of God​ ​ in happiness!​ love and respect!​ ​ love,​ ​After all, together with people​ Let the years​ be slower than you today,​ ​ emerald!​ the union, sealed by​ ​ the​ days are gone,​ ​ attracts,​" Congratulations on the 45th​ ​​ Kindness, warmth,​​ two to live like this flow

Congratulations on your 45th wedding anniversary.

​For 45 years​ ​Wonderful​ love shines in the sun, it still lasts​ ​Your happiness has matured.​Nothing​ ​From heavy thoughts​ about your wedding anniversary"​ ​The long-awaited​And a relationship of purity has come!​ ​for a long​ ​And only joy raised the family, ​ sapphires, as much. We wish​ ​45 years together​ without worry​ ​ relieves,​Our life together​ ​day,​"Wedding anniversary 45​ ​Not so easy,​ they bring you!​ ​For this, dear ones,​They are beautiful and​ ​ excellent health and​ -​ ​And giving the same​ to Tired people the strength​ ​ 45,​ ​We have been​ with you for​ ​ ​ ​ so I think.​ And here​ ​ I sincerely love you.​ divinely beautiful,​ ​ simple human happiness. ​As if the day has passed​ , light​ gives.​

​And​ they came to the wedding with all their hearts.​ ​Sapphire wedding -​Live again​ ​our main testament​Sapphire date, solemn​ ​Their eyes shine from the sky, as if​ ​one.​Let love dictate​ ​Love It’s yours, I want to tell you​ ​So take it​ very valuable,​ twice as long​ -​

45th wedding anniversary SMS.

​ moment,​ ​ ​ ​ sapphires are again ordered to shine,​ Let smiles give​ ​ a story​ ​ like a sapphire,​ ​ - congratulations from us,​ ​Like this stone​ ​And know, your​ Live together until​

​I wish you health​ ​After all, your wedding​ ​And, by the way,​ ​your new faithful​ ​From all adversity​ ​My husband, not​To continue​ ​precious.​ ​an example for us​ years!​

​and many wonderful​ ​exactly 45.​ they are still​ ​Despite the gray hair.​ years!​ ​takes care​ ​of​ ​everything was not smooth!​ ​You are​ priceless together​,​ ​You lived together​ years,​ ​For so many years​


Congratulations on your 45th wedding anniversary

A sapphire wedding is very valuable, like this precious stone. You have already lived together for so many years, you have not lost your love, you have preserved it!


So let your happiness continue, Let it not be lost behind the veil of years. And may comfort and happiness only fill your home day after day!


You are having a sapphire wedding. Another triumph of love! Just a little bit left until your golden wedding!


For almost half a century, you managed to protect the family temple. Today we would like to wish you no loss or poverty!


May all sorrows pass you by, and may happiness never leave your home! Let all your family, friends, and neighbors always feel comfortable in it!


Congratulations on a bright event in your family’s life! Your marriage is 45 years old. You inspire us with admiration, There is no more beautiful and devoted couple!


We wish you to live only in abundance, in beautiful happiness and tender love, let everything go so measuredly, smoothly, that nightingales would sing in your soul!


We heartily congratulate you, Sapphire Wedding, 45 years! You have been together for so long and the love has not faded away. We wish you to live just as long, and without troubles!


May the sun illuminate your path, May your eyes shine with purity, May your soul burn with love, And may your loved one be nearby!


Forty-five years lived, You can call them a treasure. And to live in the same love, It won’t be difficult for the same amount of time.


We wish you good health. We love and appreciate you very much. There are no relatives, closer, dearer, No one in this world for us.


Tell someone, no one will believe, That it is possible to love so much, That each of you will entrust the life of the other, To live almost half a century side by side.


Sapphire wedding! We're forty-five again! As people say: we are berries again. We are forever young at heart, and age is not the limit. The strings are still singing to us, there is still so much to do!


The sapphire palette contains a whole rainbow of tones: pink, blue, and sunny colors. Over forty-five years of marriage, we understood one thing: We cannot live without each other. Long live love!


45 years together is the date of the flawless sky of beauty, They once called it sapphire. You have become so wise over the years.


The patience, respect for each other and love invested in your union cause only admiration. So I wish you happiness again and again.


Like feeling in love for the first time, Believing in a dream come true. Let youth be the feeling of the soul. For long years! And you will have spring in your life.


Again you are the groom, the bride, We couldn’t find anything more beautiful. Eternity has flown by as a couple, and now the family is 45.


Please accept congratulations, Low bow from me. Your marriage is strong and reliable, it is indicative of everyone.


I wish you good health, may your days be happy. Let only them fly in the circle of children and grandchildren.

see also

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  • Funny wedding congratulations from friends
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Beautiful congratulations in verses to parents on their Wedding Anniversary from children 13 most heartfelt poems

  • They carried me lovingly in their arms, giving me warmth and opening up the world. In my dreams I flew in the clouds with you. Years have passed. Today is a feast again!


As before, you are no more beautiful. Just like on a wedding day, you are still as close. As before, souls emit light - There is no evil, no pain, no melancholy in them.


May your life continue to smell like a lilac and give beauty! Blessed will be the path every day! Always between you and the world, love reigns!


Although there are sometimes sorrows in life, do not let the night of separation frighten you. Princess is mom! Dad, you are a hero! Congratulations! And I love you! Daughter.


Like two maples by the river of fate, you are together. They always carefully protected each other from the winds of bad weather, They carefully guarded me.


You have walked through the years and problems, firmly along the common winding path. In peace and harmony they breathed an important goal and shared one.


Let colorful eternal spring always bloom in your soul. Not a single pebble of anxiety should disturb the peace of days and sleep!


May your health be strong, How strong is love in your hearts. The sun of joy, with its persistent warmth, will forever warm your blood!


On the Anniversary Day, I congratulate you, my dear ones, and thank you for your peace, care, and affection. At this hour, I give you poems with all my heart!


I wish you happiness, an enormous cart, May you always carry it together. Let there be less evil and tears in life, But let there be a whole pond of fun!


Let blessings rain down, Let the tenderness of the blizzard not fade away, Let the family house stand on rocks, Let the bed be hot for two!


You have given us so much in life, you have been there along all the paths. When we were tormented by anxiety, you consoled us with your gentle gaze.


When something didn’t work out, they always taught us with patience, They worked until they sweat, so that we were clothed and well-fed.


Mommy, daddy, you are beautiful, Even if you are gray! Today is an anniversary, a holiday, But we see you young!


Let your hearts beat together. There is no one better in the world! We must bow before you and us! We love you very much! Your children.


Gray hair at the temples and wrinkles around the eyes, But the bride and groom are beautiful. Yes, we have been married for a long time, but like a wedding, we are now celebrating our anniversary together.


Thread by thread of the year - and the fabric of fate, You wove, fastening it with love, And laid it out, and divided it, Inspiring us with your generosity.


You taught that there is kindness and love, That everything can be overcome if together, That family is what is most precious, It’s like two voices in a song.


This is true. No doubt. And you are an example! Congratulations, dear ones, again, And we wish that you will lead your great-grandchildren down the aisle, And nurse your great-great-grandchildren soon!


Dear parents, in this bright moment we would like to congratulate you on a special day, When two paths became the whole universe, A ring appeared on each hand.


Many inseparable days have passed since then, And may many more pass gloriously. Best wishes to you and may smiles bloom in your home!


May the sun shine on you on this day, dear ones, as your mother shone in a white dress many years ago. And don’t let those steel threads weaken that matched you with lovebirds.


Let your health be inexhaustible, Just as there are no limits to a father’s courage. You were like unshakable rocks, deflecting the blows of fate from us.


We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts on your Anniversary! We wish you long and happy years. Thank you for raising us, Keeping us so carefully from all kinds of troubles!

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