Ingush wedding night. Chechen wedding - traditions and customs


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Every nation has its own beliefs, every faith has its own rituals and customs, but there are things that are equally special for all people in the world. The first marriage in Muslim countries is the finale of the wedding celebration, and it implies compliance with a number of rules and customs, and not just the physical intimacy of the newlyweds. A few tips will help you have a proper Islamic wedding night better than the stories of girls who have already gone through this.

Preparation for the first wedding night among Muslims

While the guests are relaxing at the wedding and raising their glasses to the happy life of the newlyweds, the bride is preparing for the fact that she will spend the first night of her life outside her parents' house. Despite the fact that there is practically no tradition of showing a sheet after the first intimacy in a Muslim family, a girl must protect her virginity before marriage. Therefore, before entering into intimate contact with his bride, the groom must show maximum care and patience. According to Muslim customs, this is done as follows:

  • the husband puts his hand on the woman’s head and speaks kind words to her, praises her in every possible way and declares his love, reads a prayer - basmala, ending his speech with the words “In the Name of Allah”;
  • the newlyweds must read two rakat nafil prayers, after which only the spouse reads another one, in which he asks Allah for blessings on family life;
  • the man must feed his newly-made wife with sweets, fruits, honey and milk;
  • all Muslim women are very modest, so before entering into intimacy with his wife, the husband must do everything so that she can relax and trust him.

Before the wedding and wedding night take place, it is customary in Islam to transport the bride's belongings and dowry to her new marital home in advance. By the way, an Islamic dowry is 40 pillows and blankets, which people begin to collect from childhood and decorate with their own hands.

As sometimes happens among Muslims, a girl is given in marriage to a stranger. Then it’s understandable why Muslims are afraid of their wedding night. Especially girls who may simply be unprepared for intimacy with their new spouse because they saw him for the first time. A man should show delicacy and maximum patience, and not insist on sexual intercourse on the first night if his wife is not ready to completely trust him. But she, in turn, should not be too cold towards her husband, reject his care and be inattentive. If a woman has her period at this time, sexual intercourse, naturally, will not take place. Moreover, sex on Haida days is haram (prohibited) among Muslims. Muslims spend their first wedding night completely differently from the Orthodox, who first of all count the money they donate and finish the wedding cake.

Despite the fact that most Muslim traditions have already become history, the most important thing to this day remains a warm atmosphere where spouses are gentle and attentive towards each other.

Bismillah is the same prayer on the first wedding night in Islam, which the husband reads with his palm on his wife’s head. He cannot enter into intimate intimacy with her until he makes a dua - this is exactly how the Prophet of Allah taught to first ask to protect his wife and future children who will appear from their relationship from the shaitan. The dua on the wedding night of Muslims is found in Abu Dawud, Nikah (Book of Marriage) 46 and translated into Russian it sounds like this: “Oh, Allah! I ask you for her good, and for the good of her character. And they resort to your protection from her evil and from the evil of her character.” Prayer on the first wedding night among Muslims helps newlyweds get rid of anxiety, get a little distracted and ask Allah for blessings for the family before enjoying each other to the fullest:

Interesting Facts

Surprisingly, most families do not even engage in sexual intimacy on their wedding night. As a rule, this is a boy and a girl who are complete strangers to each other. Accordingly, none of them has the desire to immediately get closer so quickly. This step is especially difficult for girls. It is not uncommon for wives to undress in front of their husbands only weeks after their wedding.

If during the wedding ceremony the bride has her critical days, then all intimacy is postponed. A man is prohibited from harassing a woman, as this is punishable.

The bride and groom try to decorate and diversify their outfit as much as possible. It is believed that richly embroidered and decorated clothes fuel interest in each other. Often the bedroom itself, where the first intimacy takes place, is furnished with original decoration.

After the official marriage ceremony, a man must have sexual intimacy with his woman at least once every 4 months.

In the event that this is not the first marriage for a woman and a man, then they spend 3 nights in a row. If, however, the wedding takes place for the first time, then the number of nights increases to 7.

Traditions and rituals in different countries

Traditions may differ depending on the region. In some places it’s quite a bit, and in others it’s quite significant. Let's look at the different options in more detail.

In Dagestan

Dagestan is a place where people professing Judaism, Christianity and Islam live on the same territory. But there are traditions that are unique to Dagestanis. There are many things that different peoples of the world do not like to do on their wedding night, but only in Dagestan do newlyweds observe the ritual of martial arts. Girls are prepared for this from childhood, and before the first night with her husband, her head is shaved and the areas of her body free from clothing are smeared with fat. The clothes of a newly-made Dagestan wife must consist of a large number of knots that the man had to overcome in order to finally begin deflowering his missus. The sacrament of the first wedding night is not observed here: guests and relatives are allowed to eavesdrop and spy on what is happening, except perhaps entering the newlyweds’ room. The fight could go on for a very long time, but according to ancient traditions, the man must still win, otherwise the girl will be persuaded to surrender or, finally, starved to death. It is not so easy to rid a wife of overalls, but no weapons were allowed, although the wife could suffer physically from the rough actions of a man who sought to take possession of her as quickly as possible.

Among the Arabs

This people, perhaps more often than all the others, observes the tradition of deflowering a girl only after marriage. Arab women are forbidden to talk about their first sexual experience, so unfulfilled women can only guess and fear what is happening in the marital bed. In addition to other Muslim traditions, Arabs strictly follow the ritual of ablution immediately after sexual intercourse. The next morning, the Arabs again gather guests, set a rich table, but both spouses are supposed to remain silent about how the night went.

In the Caucasus

Armenians have also long observed the tradition of taking out the sheet as a confirmation of the bride’s innocence, but reviews from modern residents of the Caucasus indicate that this is a thing of the past. However, many families still honor other traditions: for example, after the first wedding night, the groom disappeared until the evening, and his relatives presented the bride with red apples and silver coins. The bride's relatives were also treated to apples, wine, and money. Previously, this was done only if her innocence before the wedding was confirmed. Otherwise, the woman was put on a donkey backwards and walked through the central streets. Now, of course, maintaining chastity for a single man is not so important for modern society.

It's no secret that eastern peoples honor traditions much more than anyone else. Therefore, girls of a different faith who are preparing to marry a Muslim should expect that she will have to observe some rituals together with her husband. It is better to discuss such issues in advance so that the first wedding night does not pass in a quarrel and does not become the last for their legal union. For a Muslim, as a rule, the faith of his bride is of no value. Almost all Islamic peoples take their religion very seriously, and they themselves will never betray it. But they always dream of a full-fledged Muslim family, where both the wife and children profess Islam. Therefore, despite love despite different religions, girls should look at things realistically and consider all options for the further development of events in a mixed family.

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Eastern fairy tale: features of the first wedding night

Wedding customs of Eastern countries never cease to amaze us with their beauty and symbolism. They are like nothing else. But even more interesting is how the first wedding night goes. This is a real sacrament, an integral part of which are ancient rituals and traditions.

As you know, most countries in the East profess Islam. Every bride should protect herself until the wedding. Otherwise, the husband has every right to refuse her. No matter how it sounds, this tradition is of great importance and is still relevant today. After all, people get married once and for life. And loyalty and devotion are important for every family.


That is why in the East the first wedding night is so significant and they carefully prepare for it. Today there are rare cases when a girl becomes a wife at too early an age, but they still exist. Also, marriage between young people can be concluded by agreement, and parents themselves choose a couple for their child. Therefore, it is not surprising that the eastern wedding night is not always associated with intimacy.

Sex on your wedding night according to Islam: is it obligatory?

According to the traditions of an Arab wedding, most often the bride and groom do not know each other or have met only a few times before the wedding. Naturally, they want to know more about each other. Therefore, the wedding night begins with intimate conversations. And if after the conversation the girl is still not ready for sex, then according to Islam it can happen at a later date. However, Muslim culture prescribes certain rules of conduct for the bride and groom to ensure their first night is perfect:

  1. As already mentioned, a man should treat his chosen one with care, surround her with care and affection in order to help overcome anxiety. Love caresses play a huge role. If the husband pays due attention to them, then gradually the fear will disappear and the girl will be ready for the first intimacy.
  2. Muslim couple

  3. A husband should not undress his wife. He is also prohibited from looking at his wife’s naked body, so as not to make her feel embarrassed. Therefore, the ideal option is for her to undress behind a screen and go to bed in her underwear.
  4. An Arab bride should not push away the groom on her wedding night, but should gratefully accept at least his caresses and courtship. A woman should not show indifference to her husband and demonstrate a cold attitude towards him.
  5. Muslim newlyweds

  6. If the first wedding night coincided with the period of the menstrual cycle, then intimacy should be postponed. Among Arabs, sex during menstruation is prohibited by religion.
  7. According to Muslim traditions, if the bride was a virgin, the husband is obliged to spend the first seven nights after marriage with her. If she was previously married, then the husband must devote three nights to her.

Bride and groom together

If we talk about the first wedding night in Islam, it is impossible not to remember the ritual of displaying the sheets. Many people mistakenly consider this tradition obligatory. However, in fact it contradicts the Koran. The Holy Book of Muslims prohibits relatives from standing under the door of the bedroom in which the first intimacy between the newlyweds takes place. And taking out a sheet with traces of blood is a violation of Islamic etiquette. The modern Arab wedding night does without this procedure. But there is one “but”: according to Muslim canons, if the bride turns out to be not a virgin, then the husband has the right to return her to her parents. However, only he can decide what to do - forgive his wife or take him back home.

The portal told how the wedding night of the Arabs goes. For newlyweds, this is an important stage that ends the wedding celebration. And how this night goes will partly determine what the relationships in the new family will be like.

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