Nail detachment - prevention and treatment

If you notice that there is emptiness under the nail on your thumb or on other fingers, it is important to determine the cause of this condition as quickly as possible in order to begin effective treatment. Are you wondering why emptiness appears under your nails? Most likely, you are affected by onycholysis. And in this case, simply hiding the problem under a layer of varnish is not the best option.

First of all, it is advisable to be examined in order to make a correct diagnosis and effectively eliminate the root cause of the disease. There is no reason to worry. Doctors know many medications that can help in the fight against such a problem as emptiness in the nail.

Reasons why nails move away from the skin

Wearing tight shoes often leads to peeling toenails. Female representatives are more susceptible to the problem when wearing shoes with narrow toes and stiletto heels. Non-breathable shoes can cause splitting, inflammation and suppuration of the nail.

Initially, the thumb is affected; if treatment is not started, it spreads to the neighboring ones. The little finger rarely suffers, only in severe stages.

The nail begins to delaminate and deform after a procedure such as extensions. In open shoes, the nails covered with gel are not in any danger, but in closed shoes they are compressed, bent, and peeled. As a result of the accumulation of infection under the gel, the nail plate and skin are affected, and a void is formed.

The main reasons why the nail begins to move away from the skin:

  • fungus;
  • injuries and bruises;
  • infectious diseases;
  • exposure to medications;
  • extension;
  • aggressive influence of chemicals, including household ones;
  • genetic factor.

If the nail is constantly exposed to chemicals, it can also peel off from the skin. For example, upon contact with washing powder, varnish, solvents, etc.

Onycholysis can appear on the legs along with a skin disease. The formation of emptiness can be a side effect of taking fluoroquinol and tetracycline antibiotics. After completing the course of treatment, the nail continues to grow in its natural place. It takes several months for complete recovery.

If delamination occurs only along the edge, most likely it is a fungal disease. The problem cannot be treated at home, but requires immediate medical attention.

If you do not pay attention to the problem, the plate may peel off over its entire area. If a nail falls off, then it is extremely difficult to eliminate the defect.

Emptiness under the nail on the big toe, what to do?

Solving the problem of splitting toenail plates

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Most people, especially women, often face the problem of peeling nail plates on their hands. Many people know how to get rid of this pathology. But when your toenails peel off, almost everyone asks the question “what to do.” Split toenails are not such a rare pathology. It can be caused by a number of factors.

When looking for the cause of peeling toenails, it is worth paying attention to potential triggers. These can be both internal (lack of nutrients, fungus, diseases of internal organs and systems) and external (trauma, tight shoes, poor-quality pedicure or cosmetics) reasons. The danger comes from internal causes, which are most often associated with disruption of the body. In order to begin treatment, it is imperative to identify the cause of the process, and only then take any measures.

Structure of the nail and nail plate

Our nails are quite complex. The following illustration will help you understand their structure.

Inside the phalanx of the finger there is a thin bone (1). The nail plate (3) grows from the root of the nail (4). Matrix (5) is a special zone responsible for growth. The nail ligament (7) is located under the nail bed. In this place, the nail tissue is fused with soft tissues. The posterior nail fold (9) limits the edges of the nail, on which the eponychium (8) and cuticle are located. There are also rollers on the sides, which are called side bolsters. On the opposite side of the eponicium and cuticle is the free edge of the nail. Underneath it is the hyponychium (6) - a special fold of skin, the shape and size of which is different for each person.

Peeling nails: treatment and strengthening on the hands

Treatment of peeling nails at home using traditional methods

  1. At night, you can apply a mask of 100 grams of olive oil and 10 drops of lemon juice to your nails, then put on cotton gloves while you sleep.
  2. A good restorative remedy is baths of vegetable oil, apple cider vinegar and vitamin A, which should be done every day for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Warm beeswax, in which you need to soak your fingers for 30-60 minutes, is considered an excellent nourishing agent.
  4. To moisturize the cuticles and dry skin around the nails, you can use any vegetable oil, which you need to lubricate the problem areas before going to bed.
  5. A mixture of warm vegetable oil with a few drops of iodine, into which the nails are dipped 2 times a day for 15 minutes, has restorative and antibacterial properties.
  6. Lemon juice and pulp, which can be applied overnight, perfectly strengthens nails and eliminates brittleness.
  7. Soft and flaky nails are well strengthened by salt solutions, to which you can add 100 grams of red wine for greater effect.
  8. A warm decoction of elm has good strengthening properties. You need to keep your nails in it for a few minutes a day.
  9. Berry juices (currants, cranberries) perfectly strengthen the nail plates; just rub the pulp of them into your nails.
  10. A mixture of equal parts of warm beer and apple juice will help strengthen your nails; dip your fingers in this bath for only 10 minutes.
  11. Freshly squeezed cactus juice has a strengthening effect, which will supply nails and cuticles with a large amount of nutrients in 5 minutes.

Strengthening fingernails with professional cosmetics

  • Varnish "Iron formula"
    . The drug contains iron and vitamin B5. It is designed for fixing decorative varnish. Apply it to a clean plate, as well as over colored varnish.
  • Reducing agent "Argan extract"
    . The drug contains vitamins A, B5, C, E and others, as well as argan oil. Can be used both as a stand-alone nail coating and as a decorative varnish.
  • Conditioner varnish with silk proteins No. 17 Strengthening Conditioner with silk Lambre
    . The composition of the drug includes hydrolyzed silk protein protein. Apply the product to clean nails. The top can be varnished.

Onycholysis: causes and symptoms

Nail onycholysis is a disease that is characterized by damage to the surface of the nail plate and its subsequent peeling. Externally, the disease can be identified by the empty space inside between the tissue of the finger and the nail itself. This place becomes white, the nail seems to be starting to peel off.

According to the classification, onycholysim is divided into partial and complete. It may appear on the fingers and toes. It is a big mistake to start antifungal treatment, because the reason may be hidden in something completely different. On average, only 40% of cases are due to a fungal infection.

The rest of the nail also changes color. It can turn yellow, gray, blue. At the initial stage, the symptoms are not very pronounced and do not cause concern. It may seem that the cause was an injury or bruise. If the affected area increases and the plate begins to fall off, then the cause is more serious.

The condition of the nails is also affected by the functioning of internal organs. Skin diseases such as dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis can also cause complications on the nails; in extreme cases, they can peel off completely.

The main causes of onycholysis of a non-infectious nature: disruption of local blood supply or neuroregulation, taking antibiotics, exposure to chemicals and allergenic substances.

Associated symptoms:

  • color change;
  • fragility;
  • voids along the edges of the bed;
  • unpleasant smell.

Causes of voids

Detachment of the nail plate from the finger has a scientific name - onycholysis. From a medical point of view, it represents nail dystrophy. Emptiness occurs due to poor circulation. The nail becomes thinner and begins to “lose connection” with the body.

But such a defect cannot unexpectedly form. The main cause of the appearance can be considered damage to the legs and arms by fungal spores. The infection very quickly penetrates the nail structure, gradually destroying it. Confirmation that fungi are to blame for the emptiness will be damage to the skin around the diseased nail and between the fingers.

Nail fungus as a cause of peeling

Non-infectious factors are also responsible for the appearance of free spaces under the plates:

  • Most often, blood circulation can be impaired due to injury to the nail. And the stronger the mechanical impact, the greater the detachment of the plate on the finger.
  • The influence of chemicals is also possible: working in hazardous conditions, low-quality washing powders, pesticides, varnishes, gels, solvents.
  • Some medications (especially antibiotics), while having a beneficial effect on a number of diseases, can ultimately cause destruction or detachment of the nail plate. This usually occurs when the body is oversaturated with medications.

In Eastern medicine, each finger (or toe) is associated with a specific organ. For example, changes on the thumb will indicate problems with the head, on the ring finger - with the heart. Using this factor, Tibetan healers easily make diagnoses even before the development of the disease.

Other diseases that cause nails to peel off

An empty nail can also be the cause of some other diseases. The doctor will distinguish them after laboratory tests, assessing the patient’s complaints and the appearance of the plate.

Mycocin is the latest means of French military medicine for a comprehensive blow to all types of fungus!

The Mikocin complex was developed by special order of the French Foreign Legion in 2021 to protect legionnaires from fungal infections. The military department has calculated that the fungus not only reduces the combat effectiveness of legion units, but also requires a lot of funds for the treatment and rehabilitation of the military.

2in1 — Mikocin complex eliminates itching, odor, and restores the aesthetic appearance of nails

  • Mikocin tablets destroy all types of fungus on nails and skin
  • Mycocin gel restores the skin and creates a protective barrier on it


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Mycosis of the scalp

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A few words about preventive measures

In order to prevent the development of this extremely unpleasant disease, you should follow simple recommendations:

  1. Trim and file nails as needed to prevent ingrown nails. Do not allow dirt to accumulate under your nails, do not forget about nourishing creams. Before applying varnish, you should first apply a special strengthening agent.
  2. Make sure that the tools in beauty salons are sterile (we mentioned this above), but at home, use only your own nail file and scissors.
  3. Protect your hands when using chemicals! Sometimes even on the packages themselves they write that if the substance comes into contact with the skin, it can cause a burn.
  4. In general, you need to monitor your nails, take care of them, take precautions in public places so as not to become infected with fungus, harden your hands and feet so that the blood vessels function well.

Drug treatment

A doctor can prescribe the correct treatment for onycholysis only after a complete diagnosis of the body. If you don't get rid of the cause, the emptiness will appear again and again. Regardless of the reasons, a general strengthening agent, calcium and iron intake, vitamins A and B will be prescribed.

Local treatment of toenail onycholysis is carried out as follows:

  1. Physiotherapeutic procedures to improve microcirculation.
  2. Angioprotectors.
  3. Daily warm baths with potassium permanganate.
  4. 5% heliomycin ointment.
  5. 5% solution of chrysarobin in chloroform.
  6. Alcohol solution of tinol.
  7. Syntomycin ointment.

More on Med-Gribok.Ru:

Fungus of nails and skin on the feet

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Medicinal methods of therapy

When seeking medical help from a dermatologist, the doctor will first prescribe oral intake of vitamins and medications containing active calcium ions. The substances are considered basic in the structure of the nail plate; their intake will be an indispensable condition for effective treatment. The first appointment of a dermatologist will be the described foot baths with manganese.

Syntomycin emulsion or Tinol alcohol solution is prescribed as antimicrobial and antifungal therapy. The course of treatment directly depends on the severity of the damage to the toenail plate and the general condition of the patient’s body. In a particular case, the duration is determined individually.

To improve blood circulation in the nail bed and accelerate the growth of a new nail plate, a foot massage is used. For a similar reason, physiotherapeutic treatment is prescribed.

If, according to the results of a mycological study, a fungus is identified as the cause of nail damage, the diagnosis becomes the reason for a full-fledged complex treatment. Fungal infections of the toes are extremely difficult to treat and are highly contagious. Do not resort to self-medication, causing further spread of the infection. The fungal infection tends to spread rapidly; within a week it is possible to lose your thumbnail and become infected.

Before a full therapeutic course, the doctor will prescribe tests to determine the nature of the infectious pathogen and sensitivity to specific drugs. Each type of fungus is sensitive to a specific drug; treatment based on tests will be as fast and effective as possible.

If the pathological process has been going on for quite some time and is at an advanced stage, only local treatment with mycocidal drugs is not enough. In these cases, doctors prescribe tablets or capsules for oral administration. Such drugs have an antifungal effect on the body.

Treatment takes a long period of time, lasting up to a year. However, the effect will definitely be obtained. In extreme and advanced cases, the nail plate is removed through surgery.

How to treat a growth under the nail?

If you carefully read the first part of the article, you already realized that treatment methods will greatly depend on the cause of the growth under the nail. For fungal diseases, special medications may be prescribed; ingrown nails and periungual warts are most often removed. Treatment is prescribed only by a dermatologist or surgeon after an external examination and passing the necessary tests (scraping to exclude or confirm the fungus).

Even if a splinter gets in, which can also cause a skin growth to appear near the nail, it is best to contact a surgeon who will remove it in compliance with all disinfection rules. If the growths are accompanied by severe pain, then you can apply a bandage with alcohol or Vishnevsky ointment to the affected area. Just remember that this is not a treatment option - it is better to immediately seek help from a doctor!

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Why nails peel - reasons

Let's take a closer look at why fingernails peel, what are the causes and what treatment is necessary.

Main factors:

  1. Chemicals. Aggressive household cleaning chemicals have an extremely negative impact on the condition of delicate hands. Nails peel and break. Plus, frequent contact with water quickly splits the plates, which also leads to their peeling.
  2. Allergic reaction to hand and face cream.
  3. Lack of microelements and vitamins. Lack of vitamins A, E, B, etc., calcium, amino acids, zinc, silicon leads to metabolic disorders.
  4. Unbalanced nutrition, diets. It has been noticed that the stratified state of the plates most often occurs in vegetarians.
  5. Adverse habits (drugs, alcohol, smoking).
  6. Climate. Sudden temperature changes are very harmful. In winter, it is imperative to warm your hands.

In order for the plates to stop breaking, you need to find out why your fingernails peel and break.

Why do my toenails peel?

Poor nutrition

Eating irregularly and eating on the go can easily lead to health problems. For example, a lack of vitamins will quickly appear. After all, (wrong) nutrition aggravates the general condition of the body.

The habit of biting your nails leads to brittle fingernails, as does a lack of vitamins. Don't forget about healthy foods that should be present in your diet every day.


Often, when asked why the plate peels or why fingernails deteriorate, the answer is simple - injuries received while working in the garden, in the garden, or during repairs. In addition, a common cause is fungus.

If a fungus is detected, a mycologist will treat it.

Additionally, when nails peel off, special vitamin and mineral complexes are prescribed. They are prescribed by the attending physician.

Why do my toenails peel?

Diseases of internal organs

All diseases are caused by nerves. First of all, in order to cure severely peeling fingernails, you need to put your mental and emotional state in order. And see a doctor.

The most common internal causes are:

  • Infection, chronic disease (transverse grooves, thickening).
  • Increased sugar (appearance of white spots).
  • Cardiovascular problems (blue plates).
  • Anemia (concave shape).
  • Adolescence, rapid growth of the body.
  • Endocrine disorders.
  • Hormonal imbalances.
  • Diseases of the kidneys and digestive system.
  • Psoriasis and others.

Stress and fatigue

Disturbances in the condition of the nail plates and their structural changes are often associated with constant stress, which leads to splitting of the nails.

For example, overwork, personal dramas, family troubles lead to stress and depression. And they, in turn, negatively affect the entire body. They may be one of the culprits of delamination.

That’s why it’s so important to diagnose the cause in time if you have peeling nails.

Nail extensions

To quickly return to their former healthy appearance, you should not manicure your nails or extend them during treatment.

Wellness methods depend on the cause of splitting of fingernails - treatment methods are adjusted.

It is necessary to determine which components of the nail plate are missing and begin treatment.

To improve the appearance of your nail plates, just contact a cosmetologist. Nails that are splitting are also treated using folk remedies.

Don't forget to take proper care of your nails.

Why do my toenails peel?


You can easily take good care of your hands at home. The main thing is not to be lazy.

What leads to damage to the skin and plates? Often this is their dryness. Due to lack of nutrition, or from acetone in nail polish remover (it is overly aggressive for humans).

Improper use of manicure products and accessories

If you treat your hands carelessly, they will look bad, the skin will age faster, and the plates will delaminate. Mainly affected by:

  1. Varnishes are of poor quality.
  2. Lack of care or negligent care. Using inappropriate materials (use of dull scissors, metal files). Strong polishing of the plates also has a negative effect.
  3. Frequent extensions, gel manicure.

Why do my toenails peel?

Treatment with folk remedies

It is recommended to carry out treatment with folk remedies if there has been a mechanical injury or chemical exposure and there are no diseases of the internal organs. This treatment of onycholysis is advisable if the body is not affected by infection.

You can cure your nails by taking baths with a beneficial composition, using ointments made from herbs and oils. It is recommended to take a daily bath with a solution of sea salt (take a tablespoon of salt per 1 liter of water). You can also add soothing herbs, calendula or chamomile.

The voids under the nail plate are eliminated with gelatin baths; they will help the nail plate to grow faster and saturate it with protein - the main building material. The bath is prepared in a water bath so that the gelatin dissolves. Do not bring water to a boil so that the beneficial substances do not evaporate.

Tea tree oil has a beneficial effect. It is applied in its pure form every 2 hours. If a void has already formed under the nail, then the oil is dripped directly into it to eliminate bacteria.

If the nail plates move away from the fingers, baths with iodine are made 2 times a day. 5 drops of the drug are added to the container. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes.

If the nail is moving away from the nail bed, aloe juice will help solve the problem. Compresses are made from fresh leaves of the plant, using leaves of a tree that is more than 2 years old.

Emptiness under the nail on the big toe, what to do?

Treatment methods

There are several ways to deal with peeling toenails. General treatments can be used to address internal and external problems. Treatment of external causes of peeling nails is carried out using:

  • folk remedies;
  • use of drugs;
  • paraffin therapy;
  • sealing.

These methods are suitable for preventing peeling in case of damage to toenails and in cases where the plates peel due to disruption of the body. Treatment of serious illnesses and restoration of natural processes is much more difficult. This requires an individual approach.

Folk recipes

Treatment with folk remedies has always been relevant. You can treat toenails that are peeling without the help of expensive cosmetic procedures. Most often, such methods are used in cases of vitamin deficiency and to speed up the restoration of nail plates damaged by external influences. In other cases, traditional methods play the role of preventive measures.

  1. Sea salt. To stop your toenails from peeling, you need to take a bath with sea salt twice a week (1 tablespoon per 3 liters of water). The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. After which a light foot massage is recommended.
  2. Glycerol. You can prevent lamination of the nail plates with a mixture of glycerin (25 g), alum (5 g) and water (70 g), moisten a cotton pad and apply it to the nails (the disc should be secured on top with a bandage or plaster). It is advisable to apply the compress three times a week. Remove the compress after thirty minutes.
  3. Olive oil. Rub olive oil mixed with a couple of drops of lemon juice into nails that suffer from peeling. Rubbing procedures should be done at night (daily use for a week is acceptable).
  4. Iodine. Before going to bed, those nail plates on the toes that are peeling are lubricated with iodine with a cotton swab. If there are problems with the nail plates, the yellow tint disappears in the morning. Do not apply too much iodine as it may not be absorbed.

If your toenails are peeling, treatment at home with folk remedies can be combined with the use of special topical preparations. In this way, it will be possible to deal with delamination of the nail plates even faster.

Use of drugs

It is necessary to treat the nail plates on the toes if they are peeling in a comprehensive manner, so the use of special preparations is suitable for providing additional effects.

In the form of such means they use:

  • Sally Hansen Hard as Nails;
  • Smart enamel;
  • Trind Nail Repair.

These products are most often used in the treatment of nails during layering.

Sally Hansen Hard as Nails after application creates a protective film that prevents damage to weakened nails. The active substance of the product is titanium, which strengthens the bond between the layers of the nail plate, thereby stopping the lamination process. It is recommended to apply a second layer after the first layer of the product has dried. Treatment is carried out daily for a month.

Smart enamel is a regenerating preparation that contains garlic and bamboo extract.

“Smart Enamel” varnish belongs to a series of professional cosmetics, which is also used to solve the problem of layering nails. As a result of use, toenails do not peel and become strong.

Trind Nail Repair treatment produces positive results within two weeks. Toenails are restored and strengthened, gaining strength and elasticity. The composition of the product is based on a unique formula of combining protein molecules, which allows the plate to retain natural moisture. If your toenails are peeling, you need to apply the drug daily for at least two weeks.

Special cosmetics for restoring nail plates on the toes that are peeling contain liposomes, panthenol, allatonin and other beneficial substances that accelerate the growth of nails and have a strengthening effect. The more extensive the composition of the product, the better. It should include oils and vitamins. It is recommended to choose products that have a more natural composition. Containing large amounts of chemical elements can be dangerous.

Paraffin therapy

When the nail plates on the toes become exfoliated, they can also be treated using a procedure such as paraffin therapy. This technology can be carried out at home or in a salon.

The execution technique includes several stages.

  1. You should treat your feet with a disinfectant and perform an allergy test (to paraffin).
  2. After this, the cosmetic paraffin is melted in a container and the tips of the toes are dipped into it. After 10 seconds, the legs are pulled out for 5 seconds and lowered into paraffin again. Stop the procedure when “thimbles” form on the fingertips.

Place plastic bags on your feet for half an hour. After time, the bags are removed, the paraffin is removed, and the toes are lubricated with a nourishing cream or a special product.

After several procedures, the nails stop peeling.


The most effective procedure is considered to be sealing the nails, which is performed not only on the hands, but also on the feet. The sealing procedure consists of applying a cream made with the addition of beeswax, proteins, vitamins and “crystal mineral” to those nails that are peeling. After the procedure is completed, vitamin oil is rubbed in.


To keep your hands in order, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Avoid injury.
  2. Observe personal hygiene rules.
  3. Wear comfortable shoes made from natural materials.
  4. Do manicures and pedicures in a timely manner.
  5. Use household chemicals only with gloves.
  6. Use high quality decorative varnishes.

If you cannot avoid onycholysis, you should not try to solve the problem yourself or leave it to chance. A competent dermatologist will help you deal with the problem as quickly as possible and preserve the beauty of your hands.

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For fungal infection

Such a serious reason for the development of onycholysis as a fungal infection requires not only the use of special drugs, but also long-term treatment using folk remedies. To do this you need to show persistence and patience.

It is very beneficial to fight fungus with regular iodine. They need to lubricate the damaged nail twice a day for 20 days.

Propolis tincture

Propolis tincture (20%) can be a real salvation for this disease. It is recommended to soak the diseased nail in the solution using a tampon for 10 minutes. In just a few days, the plate will be able to move away, and a new one will grow in its place.

You should not always resort to expensive medications if problems arise with your nails; minor damage can be cured using traditional methods. But if a serious problem arises, consultation with a specialist becomes a vital necessity.

Nail care should not be limited to manicure and pedicure. Fingers will be beautiful if they are healthy. The “reference” nail is even, smooth, and pure pinkish in color. Any other color effects: grooves, white spots, etc. - all these are deviations from the norm; they are not cosmetic defects, but belong to the category of diseases.

Diseased nails have an unsightly appearance

Detachment due to systemic diseases

It happens that the skin on the toes is clean, no signs of fungal infection of the toenails are revealed during examination, and the nail peels off for no apparent reason. Perhaps this is a consequence of the trauma suffered. In winter, the nail peels off due to frostbite on the toes. However, often this condition is the result of a lack of vitamins or endocrinopathy. In such a situation, they undergo a comprehensive examination of the body and begin treatment for the underlying disease that caused problems with the toenails.

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