How to make a backdrop for a wedding with your own hands, master class

Features of table decor for young people

There are many variations in the design of a place of honor for young people. They directly depend on the preferences and wishes of each specific couple. But there are also general rules .

Basic Rules

  • The presidium is not only the newlyweds' table. When decorating, you should keep in mind the space behind it as well as the space in front . This area should stand out from the general decor of the banquet hall with special luxury.
  • It is important to choose the right place . The presidium is usually located in the center of the hall or in the most prominent place so that the bride and groom are visible to all guests.
  • The bridal area is decorated with various combinations of flowers, fabric, ribbons, etc.
  • The design of the presidium should be in harmony with the style and theme of the wedding , and also be combined with the outfits of the newlyweds.
  • At a wedding, the design of the podium should not conflict with the interior of the room as a whole, as well as with the dishes presented on the tables.
  • Certain elements of decorating the area for young people can be repeated in the design of tables for guests.

How to apply?

  1. The fabrics are ideal for decorating the entire young area. They can be used to drape tables, chairs, and various kinds of screens in an original way.
  2. Arches and screens (backdrops) are designed to hide the empty space behind the newlyweds and provide a beautiful backdrop for photographs of the bride and groom.
  3. Compositions of fresh or artificial flowers can be placed in massive flowerpots on the floor in front of the table or laid out on it in a picturesque disorder.
  4. Helium balloons of different shapes and colors are a festive and win-win option.
  5. The letters , which are the initials of the young people, can be located on the backdrop or on the curtains if the table is located near the window.
  6. Thematic accessories related to the wedding style. So, for a vintage style, antique vases, paintings and frames, and birdcages .
  7. The light will help to romantically shade the area of ​​the young.
  8. Candles. Large candles can be placed on the floor in front of the table, and smaller ones can be placed in candelabra. Neat candles will look harmonious on the table itself.
  9. Waterfall garlands will add a touch of mystery and chic. They can be placed on the part of the tablecloth facing the guests, or in the background (curtains, screens).
  10. LED strips are also capable of highlighting the young area in an original way.

You can see these and many other decorative items below in the photo section (click to go).

Table setting

Setting the wedding table for the newlyweds is also a special element of the decoration of the presidium.

  • The dishes must be selected so that they are in harmony with the overall decor .
  • Separate decorative elements can also be used for serving. So, made of the same fabric and in the same color scheme to the cutlery Flowers on glasses and candles on the table in addition to those in front of the podium are also appropriate
  • The best dishes , delicacies, fruits, and expensive dishes with original decor are placed on the newlyweds’ table.
  • Crystal, porcelain, and silver are used for serving .

How to decorate chairs?

The podium also includes chairs for young people , which should also be beautifully decorated. The style and color scheme are chosen in accordance with the overall decor of the bridal area.

  • It is desirable that the decor of the chairs for the newlyweds be more luxurious than the chairs for guests. They don't have to be the same.
  • It is better to refuse to use covers : they look too rustic for the presidium.
  • Chairs draped in fabric and complemented with flowers or ribbons .
  • You can add the initials of the newlyweds or thematic inscriptions .
  • Often chairs on the podium are replaced by neat armchairs or a comfortable sofa . Usually they do not require additional decor.

We do not impose our views on the customer - the client himself chooses the style and design concept

Unlike other companies that offer ready-made sets for backdrops or the solutions they are used to, when meeting a couple, our specialists are first interested in their preferences and wishes. If clients themselves cannot decide on the choice of background for the newlyweds, then in the process of communication we try to find out the interests of the bride and groom, funny facts from their lives, and the history of their acquaintance. Only after we understand what kind of people are in front of us, and what suits them and what is unacceptable, do we begin to offer design options.

How to decorate with your own hands?

If you want to create your own unique presidium, and also save on the services of a decorator, then you can try to do the design yourself . Please note that decorating the bridal area includes several stages:

  • Planning materials , in particular, what to make the backdrop from (if provided).
  • The procedure for installing and decorating the backdrop .
  • Table decoration.
  • Decorating the area in front of the table .

Screen and fabrics

The podium, decorated with fabric, looks very solemn.

  1. The ideal combination is a denser fabric , such as satin, and a light, airy fabric, such as organza or tulle.
  2. The contrast of two or three colors looks harmonious in the design . White or any other light colors and more saturated bright shades are often used.
  3. So, the combination of white and red material will give the young people’s area more luxury. The table is covered with a long white tablecloth, which goes down to the very bottom in even, symmetrical folds. The lower part of the fabric is beautifully laid out on the floor. A fabric of contrasting color is thrown over the top of the table on one side and draped downwards at a slight angle, securing it to the folds of the tablecloth at different levels. The lower ends of the fabric are placed in picturesque disorder on the edges of the tablecloth lying on the floor.
  4. The backdrop is decorated with alternating stripes of red and white fabric . The material is draped in even vertical folds flowing to the very bottom.
  5. The space in front of the table can be supplemented with flower petals , and neat vases with small bouquets of delicate shades can be placed on the table itself.


Decorating with fresh flowers looks very unusual, gentle and, at the same time, chic. If you want to create your own flower meadow, then you need to stock up on a large number of flowers, because in this design option they will dominate.

  1. It is better to choose flowers in three or four shades close to each other. For example, white, soft pink and deep pink or scarlet.
  2. When decorating the backdrop, the flowers need to be placed as close to one another as possible , so that they create a single, inextricable composition. The buds should cover the entire backdrop or most of it. In the center of the backdrop, not hidden by flowers, it would be appropriate to place the letters of the newlyweds' names.
  3. If desired, flowers on the backdrop can be placed in the form of a voluminous arch or a large heart .
  4. The table should also not be deprived of flowers . When decorating, the front part facing the guests will be mainly used. Flowers can be placed on the folds of the tablecloth in the form of a kind of arch, alternating them in shades. Small garlands of flowers look beautiful, hanging as if standing out from the overall arched composition.


  1. You can use different options for dim lighting . However, do not overdo it, otherwise the desired effect will easily become comical.
  2. The waterfall garland looks great . It can be placed on the long folds of the tablecloth or decorate the backdrop.
  3. The table can be decorated using LED strip , securing it under the edge.
  4. The space in front of the table will be perfectly complemented by small compositions of candles .

How to design a wedding backdrop

There are certain wedding decor rules that must be followed when decorating the room and backdrop. If the bride and groom decided to decorate the guest accommodation with flowers, then the panel that is located behind them should consist of roses, lilies and other living plus decorative elements. The artificial option is much cheaper than making an arch from natural plants. The design style of the screen, tables and hall must match for the integrity of the image. In many cases, it is easier to rent panels than to create them yourself.

The second important point in choosing decor is color. The overall color scheme affects not only the decoration of the hall, but also the shade of the newlyweds’ outfits, the bride’s jewelry, and the wedding bouquet. If you prefer the color lavender, then be prepared to purchase the same ribbons, bows, lace and other materials that will be present in the decorations. In this case, you can take white, ivory or yellow as an additional color. They harmonize perfectly and will help create freshness and contrast. A wedding backdrop in these colors looks very stylish and will stand out in photographs.

Decorating a wedding backdrop with fabric

The easiest way to design. Airy draperies create a festive atmosphere in the banquet hall. Depending on the client's taste, one or more colors can be used. A fabric wedding backdrop will cover the void behind the newlyweds and add coziness to the venue. The advantage of this method is its affordable price and the fact that any structure can be covered with fabrics.

Screen for a wedding with the initials of the newlyweds

The first letters of the newlyweds' names on the podium look very presentable. Such decoration can be carved wood or made of plastic. They are attached just above the head so that the decorative element looks good in photographs. You can:

  • order a ready-made arch made of flowers or fabric with letters;
  • purchase decoration separately.

Wedding screen with flowers

A chic option that will give luxury to your wedding banquet:

  1. A carved wooden or metal arch can be decorated with any colors.
  2. Ribbons and lace go well with plants. They will add bright colors and volume to the design.
  3. The price of a presidium made from fresh flowers is higher than any other option; it is made only to order.

Wedding decorations with butterflies

Inexpensive decor looks very romantic and gentle. Often a paper or fabric version is used for decoration. Air butterflies can be of one or more colors. They are attached throughout the panel or in a separate section of it (for example, in the shape of a heart), several pieces are placed on the table of the newlyweds. This popular version of the podium can be rented.

Wedding backdrop decoration with balloons or pompoms

Although the fashion for balloons is fading, they continue to be actively used for decorating wedding banquets. Items are tied into solid frames or tied individually to wooden or metal arches. Pompoms can be placed in different ways. The price of such decoration is very affordable, it looks elegant, voluminous, and easily decorates part of the “wall”.

Video instructions

Decor of the collapsible backdrop design:

How to make a flower arrangement with your own hands:

Decorating an area for newlyweds is a rather serious matter that you can entrust to a professional or do it yourself. When decorating the podium, it is necessary to take into account many nuances. Correctly selected decorative elements will make the area for the newlyweds original and unique, and the holiday unforgettable.

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The preparations were not easy for Anton and Diana, because they had a limited budget and disagreements with their parents. We hope their experience will be useful to all couples!

How to make flowers for a photo zone

If you have firmly decided to please yourself and your loved ones with life-size flowers, then check out some master classes that describe the whole process in detail.

Step-by-step execution of small flowers is shown in the photo below.

As you can see from the step-by-step example, there is nothing complicated in creating a flower. Therefore, if you have patience, you can make your own gifts for guests in the form of cards.

Creating a photo zone with your own hands is not only interesting, but also profitable. A homemade photo stand will have a unique design and will become a real decoration for the holiday. For decoration, you can use available materials: bells and flowers made of paper, balloons, multi-colored fans, etc. It would not be a bad idea to experiment with more original items: antique clocks, newspapers and furniture.

The couple's story

Anton and I have known each other since we were 13 years old. At 15 I fell in love with him, and then there were years of romantic friendship. But we always knew for sure that we were more than just friends. After 4 years of such friendship, we realized that we could no longer live without each other.

The reason to think about the wedding appeared very soon. Anton's friend got married. We helped with the preparations for the wedding, and one day the bride’s mother unexpectedly asked: “Are you going to get married?”, to which Anton replied: “No.” I sat there thunderstruck. At night I cried everything into my pillow, and after this incident I answered calls very coldly and did not want to see each other. In the end, Anton asked directly: “What’s the matter?” I, burning with shame and embarrassment, explained that it is very insulting when the man I love publicly declares that he is not going to get married.

Search for a site

We started looking for a venue for the celebration 3 months in advance. And we considered so many options that our heads were spinning. The main difficulty was that we definitely wanted our own kitchen. Our menu was supposed to be exclusively vegetarian. But in provincial Kursk there were no such establishments.

We decided to rent a tent and celebrate outdoors, but after thinking it over and calculating, we realized that this was too problematic and expensive. Then we decided to rent a large house or mansion. But everything decent was already taken. There were 3 weeks left before the wedding, and we still didn’t have a place. We have already begun to think about abandoning the banquet idea altogether.

And then our photographer friend says that her friend is building a new room for celebrations. We realized that this was our last chance. When we came to see the hall, everything was still in a state of completion, the area was plowed, but we liked the place itself, the atmosphere, the interior and the hostess so much that we realized: there will be a wedding!

How we prepared the decor with our own hands

Our wedding budget was very limited, and only the two of us were involved in the organization. Therefore, everything related to the decor of the hall fell on our shoulders. Anton knocked down a wooden pallet beam for green decoration, sawed, fired and varnished 15 wooden candlesticks, made 15 hanging jars for candles and even organized people, dragged and tuned an old piano himself!

In the meantime, I sewed 25 cloth placemats, a table runner, sketched our family crest, prepared seating cards, custom menu cards, made a vest for the groom, bow ties for all the male guests, and bracelets for the girls.

Yes, the organization cost us a lot of work, effort and sleepless nights, but we did it the way we wanted. We were lucky with the hostess of the hall, who agreed with all our ideas; with a florist who made us chic green decor for free; lucky with the waiter and chef friends; with friends, musicians and photographers, who came to take pictures of us out of sheer enthusiasm. It was thanks to them that our ideal wedding took place, the budget of which was only 100 thousand rubles.

Buy or make it yourself?

Both purchased accessories and homemade wedding details have their pros and cons:

  • Buying accessories is much easier and faster than making small things for the wedding with your own hands. But only if you don’t want to find something truly unique - then you will have to go around more than one store in search of a suitable accessory. Or make wedding accessories with your own hands; there are a huge number of master classes now!
  • Making accessories is cheaper than buying them. But you need to spend time making little things for a wedding, because you not only need to make the right thing, but also purchase materials. In addition, you must have some skills in order for you to get something really worthwhile. But the result will meet all your expectations!

What are we leading to? If you have a great imagination and have some free time, be sure to try making some interesting wedding accessories with your own hands, making your celebration more original and memorable!

How to make a wedding screen with your own hands?

Of course, you can purchase a ready-made backdrop made according to all the rules. But if you want individuality, and you have enough time and some skills, you can create a beautiful screen with your own hands.

The frame can be either metal or wood, or plastic. The plastic design is, of course, easier to carry, but may not be stable enough if the screen is to be used on rough terrain. If skills in working with wood are not enough (you need to choose the right wood and carefully process all the planks so that guests do not subsequently pick splinters out of their fingers and do not sigh about snags on expensive fabrics of suits and dresses), a carved foam screen is an excellent solution.

Photo of a wedding screen made of foam plastic with your own hands

The design of the backdrop does not follow any rules, but if it is intended as a background for photographs, the color of the screen itself should not blend in with the bride’s dress and the groom’s suit. Usually they stick to light contrast, shaded and complemented by decorative elements.

As we have already said, there are no trifles in a wedding: you shouldn’t think that a poorly made backdrop for the presidium or photo zone will “work” - this is, first of all, the mood of the young people themselves and the relatives and friends present at the celebration. Can’t make and decorate the wedding backdrop for the newlyweds themselves? Leave it to the specialists - from the sketches they will create any masterpiece that will delight everyone with its originality and beauty.

Photo of a wedding backdrop

What accessories can you make with your own hands?

If you like to craft and fantasize, then you can make a variety of accessories for your wedding:

  • Details of the newlyweds' image: garter, hair accessories, boutonniere, etc.
  • Little things for wedding decoration: a pillow for rings, a cover for a marriage certificate, etc.
  • Accessories for a banquet: seating plan, banquet cards, etc.
  • Accessories for guests: invitations, boutonnieres for witnesses, bonbonnieres, bouquets or bracelets for girlfriends, etc.
  • Decorative elements: candlesticks, garlands, bows for chairs, decorations for a wedding procession, etc.
  • Little things to entertain guests: photo props, games, etc.

Whether you make accessories with your own hands using master classes or buy them is up to you, based on your personal preferences and creativity, your wedding style and budget. The main thing to remember is that accessories made in the same style and palette look beautiful and impressive, so when creating accessories and decorations for a wedding with your own hands, you should definitely take this point into account.

“Trick” for a wedding: do you want to surprise your guests with interesting entertainment? Then prepare an interesting master class for a wedding, during which your family and friends will be able to show their creative abilities. By the way, it can also be held in the form of an original competition with prizes, for example, inviting guests to make props for a photo shoot.

Greenery in summer wedding decor: how to use it as effectively as possible

In summer, not all weddings take place outdoors. Of course, an outdoor wedding venue will a priori be green and blooming, but indoors you can emphasize all the advantages of a summer celebration with the help of spectacular decor. How to harmoniously fit greenery and flowers into a celebration space?

Every year, more and more couples choose lofts and multifunctional spaces for their weddings, where decor can create a unique atmosphere. Decorators confirm that living plants remain one of the best materials for wedding decoration. And the warm season is another great reason to let nature, greenery and flowers into the room. Here's the best way to do it.

Installations with plants

The absolute trend of this year is floral and plant installations. Moreover, the more abstract they are, the sooner you can achieve the effect of naturalness. Walls, floors and ceilings covered with greenery and flowering branches, floral arches framing doorways, and floral structures falling from the ceiling will make your area look like a fairy-tale forest or garden.

Arch for the ceremony

An arch, gazebo or backdrop of the ceremony area, decorated with greenery and flowers, looks very fresh and romantic. Moreover, such decor will be relevant even if you are planning an open-air registration.


If the scenario of your celebration involves a staircase (the bride goes down the stairs to the guests, the guests go up to the hall, the photo shoot takes place on the stairs), it can also be elegantly decorated with greenery and flowers. It will look good both indoors and outdoors.

Design of entrances and openings

Don’t bypass the gates, beautiful doors and the entrance to the hall - they should also be decorated with branches and flowers. The trend is casual asymmetrical decorations: plants should look as if they have always grown here. A great example is the wedding decor of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

Table decoration

Add fresh herbs to floral arrangements on tables. Green paths in the middle of the table also look very impressive and unusual.

Garlands of greenery

A universal decor that can be used to decorate chairs, columns, arches, fabric canopies, etc.


Do you want your guests to be delighted with your summer photo zone? A wall decorated with flowers and greenery will become a focal point indoors, especially if the weather outside is not very good and an outdoor photo shoot is not possible.

The bride's bouquet

If it fits into the overall style of your wedding, you can complement the bride’s bouquet with sprigs of greenery. Juicy and bright or muted, dusty green leaves will add special notes to your image.


How to make wedding accessories with your own hands?

Making wedding accessories is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance! It is enough to apply a little imagination and creativity and think through a few points:

  1. Source of inspiration: you must decide whether you will create something with your own hands, relying only on your imagination and creativity, or use step-by-step master classes on making wedding decorations, which can be found on the Internet, books, magazines, etc. .P. Also look for photos of accessories that suit your style and color, and get creative!
  2. Materials: You need to think about where and what materials you need to buy.
  3. Space for creativity: You need to set aside a small corner for creativity where you can make your own accessories.

If you are a creative couple, then you can easily make something interesting for your wedding. You will not only turn it from a template event into an original holiday, but also get a million positive emotions and pleasure from the creative process!

Fashionable decoration of tables for guests at a wedding with balloons 2021 photo

The newlyweds already have a lot to do before the wedding: the bride must buy a dress, the groom must choose a suit, the newlyweds must come to an agreement on the rings, bouquet, boutonniere and general wedding style

But in this hustle and bustle, it’s easy to forget about such an important part as the decor of the wedding table. It must be done in the style that was chosen by the newlyweds for the overall decor of the wedding hall

Balloons can become exactly that romantic and light wedding decor that the bride and groom have always dreamed of. You can use ordinary balls to make an arch or a panel behind the newlyweds. Flying helium balloons should be 40-60 centimeters higher than the eye level of a person sitting on a chair.

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