What is “marital debt” and is it possible to assign it?

Marital duty family code

The Court of Appeal of Aix-en-Provence in southern France has ruled in an unusual case.
A 47-year-old French woman accused her husband of breaking up her marriage and demanded that he be fined for failing to fulfill his marital duties. The Court of Appeal of Aix-en-Provence in southern France has ruled in an unusual case. A 47-year-old French woman accused her husband of breaking up her marriage and demanded that he be fined for failing to fulfill his marital duties. I once talked with girls of Balzac’s age and was simply horrified by their revelations about fulfilling that very duty.

shock: For the most part, before going to bed, instead of taking a bath, they prepare in all sorts of ways - mentally, etc. etc. - they take a rag in their hands and pretend that their house is simply bursting with dirt and they need to clean everything up neither sooner nor later than before lovemaking.

The man once worked for an insurance company, but then quit his job - he believed that he deserved a salary of no less than 130 thousand rubles a month. However, these beliefs did not harm family relationships.

The spouses lived in perfect harmony - for example, it was customary for them to write love notes to each other. etc. - they take a rag in their hands and pretend that their house is simply bursting with dirt and they need to clean everything up neither sooner nor later than before lovemaking.

1. Like the previous article, Art.

15 of the Family Code does not contain a definition of family responsibilities and indications of the general principles of their implementation, which forces one to apply based on Art.

8 SK, to the relevant provisions of the Civil Code, in particular to Art. 14 Civil Code of Ukraine. In this case, family duty can be defined as a requirement of certain behavior addressed to a person, which is based on the provisions of the law or an agreement between participants in family relations.

Just a hundred years ago, most men and women knew their responsibilities in marriage.

This knowledge came from religious literature and had deep roots in national cultural traditions. In modern society, the responsibility and responsibilities of spouses in marriage is a very, very vague concept. The phrase “marital duty” brings a smile to the faces of ordinary people.

Below we present to your attention a modernized version of the Vedic canons of marital responsibility.

1.Spouses, whether in a civil or legal marriage, are obliged to perform marital duties at least 7 times a week, unless otherwise provided by Art. 33 clause 3 of this Code. 2. Responsibility for non-fulfillment or poor performance of marital debt entails a fine of 10 times the minimum wage.

The family is the unit of society, and evasion of marital duty is evasion of duty to society. If a man systematically fails to fulfill his marital duty, or does not perform it in good faith, he must pay a fine.

The Runet is buzzing and groaning from yet another fake, which is attributed to the notorious Elena Mizulina. The woman allegedly proposed fining husbands who refuse to fulfill or do not fully fulfill their marital duty.

Marital Rights and Responsibilities

These Rights and Responsibilities apply to everyone who is a legal spouse. “Rights and Responsibilities” are intended to guide and define marital relations between each pair of spouses in Russia.

The spouse has the right to demand that the spouse perform marital duties. Spouses should agree on the order of fulfillment of marital duties and strictly observe it. By agreement with one of the spouses, it is allowed to replace the other spouse in the event of a one-time impossibility of fulfilling marital duties (tired, headache, other reasons).

If one of the spouses evades the fulfillment of marital duties, the other spouse has the right to demand their fulfillment a second time. It is prohibited for any of the spouses (spouse or anyone else) to shift their responsibilities to strangers (business travelers from other cities, other persons, passers-by).

The Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation recommends performing marital duties from approximately 23:00 to 23:15 (local time). When performing marital duties, it is prohibited to: get up, walk, turn lights on and off unnecessarily, talk loudly, smoke). It is prohibited to perform marital duties in the presence of third parties (blacks, other persons).

If the fulfillment of a marital duty is terminated at least a second before the end, the duty is considered unfulfilled. In the absence of one of the spouses (business trip, other reason), the remaining spouse performs all duties himself. In the event of the death of one of the spouses, marital duties may be suspended.

The same applies to the death of both spouses. The performance of marital duties before entering into a marital relationship is not called marital duties. It's called differently. In the case of a fictitious marriage, marital duties must be performed fictitiously. If one or more spouses are Heroes of Socialist Labor or People's Artists of the USSR, the marital obligation is called Honorary Marital Duty.

The category “temporarily acting” does not apply to marital duties. The same applies to the category “liable for military service”. If one of the spouses works in the police, nothing changes in marital rights and marital responsibilities. The same goes for the other spouse. The same goes for if both.

Everyone who joins the ranks of spouses must know and be able to fulfill marital responsibilities. Ignorance of these Rights and Responsibilities does not excuse one from performing marital duties. Forgery by one of the spouses is punishable by law. Spouses and spouses! Demand that the administration fulfill marital duties!

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They're calling for an alumni meeting. 1st of February. I decided that I would not cut my hair, wash or shave until that day, I would push dirt under my nails, I would play more sports without changing my clothes. If I find the oldest and preferably torn clothes, I will be covered in dirt. And so I will come. I’ll tell you how I was fired from my job, went on a drinking binge, drank my house away, dropped my car on a one-armed man, how a girl left, diluting it with stories about how good the managers at McDuck are - they pour boiling water for Rollton, I’ll ask my classmates not to tie up garbage bags. And all my classmates and all my teachers will come home happy that day, never knowing that I am a successful plastic surgeon.

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..for many, Russia is like a pimple on the ass... Moreover, among the most civilized and developed (in their opinion) And it is not surprising, given that they have centuries-old habits: ... in England it is customary for the whole family to wash themselves in the same water in the bath (in any case , I read this in artistic literature of the late 20th century)… wash your face with water in a sink plugged with a stopper… they don’t have faucets on the sinks, but two separate taps.

Okay, at home... but in public places? ... in Germany it is customary, after washing dishes with Fairies, not to rinse them afterwards... and in England too... If you dig around, you can find a lot of things and from whom... from clean and civilized... And in barbaric Russia, with its wild Russian baths and Soviet housing and communal services, and without a bidet, pimples won’t form... ...Apparently, this is why they hate Russia... and as they say, “need will make the snotty ones kiss”... and where would we be without it? Without Russia? . and almost all of their sanctions, as it turns out, have two ends...

I was with my child at the clinic. While we were sitting in line, we saw enough of a nimble, big-butted boy of about four years old, who tediously annoyed those around him with whining and screaming for 15-20 minutes. His mother, about 30 years old, admired him and secretly smiled approvingly. In the end, my child couldn’t stand it: “Woman!” Sorry. Please tell your GRANDSON to stop.”

Family law regulates property and personal non-property relations between family members arising on the basis of marriage, kinship and adoption of children in the forms prescribed by law.

Spouses are a husband and wife, united by mutual personal non-property and property rights and obligations that arise after the registration of marriage.

Codified family legislation (Family Code of the Russian Federation, RF IC - further) regulates the few personal rights and obligations of spouses. Only two articles of the code are devoted to this issue in the RF IC. One of them regulates the equality of spouses in the family, and the other defines the right of spouses to choose a surname. These rights arise from the rights and freedoms of man and citizen provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, as well as from the general norms of civil legislation.

Judicial practice (the names of the participants in the trial have been changed)

Thus, Kotova N. filed a complaint against the actions of the registry office department, which refused to register her change of surname Kotova to Kotova-Kulik. The court found that in 2004 a marriage was registered between Kulik A. and Kotova N. and the surnames were assigned: to the wife - Kotova, to the husband - Kulik. In 2008, Kotova submitted an application to the registry office to change her surname, indicating the reason - “the desire to have a double surname.”

The registry office refused to register the change of surname because Russian family law provides for the recording of the common surname of spouses, formed by adding the wife’s surname to the husband’s surname, only during state registration of marriage. The district court found the refusal to be lawful. Subsequently, the court decision was overturned, because the dispute arose not in connection with the choice of a surname during marriage, but in connection with the exercise of the right to change the name.

Personal (non-property) rights of spouses

The personal (non-property) rights of spouses are, as it were, a continuation of their constitutional rights; marriage cannot significantly affect their content. Violation of these rights by one of the spouses in relation to the other is prohibited.

  • Successfully keeping the house clean and tidy, performing household chores;
  • Supporting and helping your spouse to be a family leader and an example for your children;
  • Giving birth and raising children;
  • Showing concern for your older and younger relatives, as well as the disabled, to the same degree as your husband;
  • Compliance with tactics of communication with strangers and protecting your husband from flirting and more serious relationships with strange women, etc.
  • Raising children and caring for them, and it doesn’t matter whether they are native or adopted, or left over from a previous marriage;
  • Care and care for parents, material assistance, moral support, assistance to them in raising their grandchildren;
  • The same attitude of both spouses towards all relatives - small, adult, and disabled;
  • Maintaining good relationships with neighbors and work colleagues;
  • Following tactics of communication with the opposite sex and protecting each other from attraction to the opposite sex;
  • Respect for the religious views of all family members, etc.

The marriage contract can provide for conditions that determine, for example, the behavior of the spouses in their personal lives, in particular, who washes the dishes and who takes the dog for a walk, the number of times marital duties are performed per month, week or day, the obligation to visit clubs and restaurants only in accompanied by a second spouse, the obligation to observe marital fidelity, all these conditions do not contradict the law. The only question is whether the state will be able to ensure the fulfillment of such obligations or restore the violated right by known means of legal protection. By the way, if you both commit a crime, you will also answer to the victim together. The main question in this whole “debt hole” is to determine who is the debtor under the obligation, one spouse or both.

Marital duty - what is it?

It should be said right away that the concept of “marital duty” is absent in Russian legislation, but in our colloquial speech and in literature it has existed for a long time and those around it understand it, one might say, very differently. Many definitions of such duty have been invented - from “this is a moral category that characterizes the moral character and interaction of spouses” to “this is when a husband likes his wife,” but most often it is understood as the obligation of the husband (wife) not to refuse intimate intimacy to his partner.

The laws of the Russian Federation, including the Family Code, do not regulate the intimate sphere of marital relations. It is not allowed to impose such a debt in a marriage contract, the possibility of concluding which is provided for in Chapter. 8 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation. A marriage contract in our state can only be aimed at determining the property rights and obligations of each spouse during the marriage and (or) after its dissolution.

In paragraph 3 of Art. 42 of the Code directly states that a marriage contract cannot regulate personal non-property relations between spouses, as well as contain other conditions that put one of the spouses in an extremely unfavorable position or contradict the basic principles of family law.

In most European countries with an established system of so-called continental law (France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, etc.), “matrimonial debt” is also not provided for by legal norms.

Things are different in countries of Anglo-Saxon (case) law, such as Great Britain, the USA, Australia, where freedom and the importance of contract are more accepted and developed.

Marriage contracts in these states can contain the most intricate conditions, including those related to “bed” relationships, for example, the right of spouses to have intimate relationships “on the side” on certain days or to have same-sex relationships, or an outright ban on such.

Sex contracts (sex agreement, sex pact) are becoming increasingly popular as separate agreements between spouses or as additions to a marriage agreement. Thus, the inclusion, by agreement of the parties, in a marriage contract of “matrimonial debt” in the meaning considered here and the nuances associated with it, such as its assignment, is quite possible.

Assignment (assignment of a claim) is understood in the legal systems of most states in approximately the same way as the ability of a creditor to transfer the right belonging to him under a transaction to a third party. In other words, if two British citizens - newlyweds - agreed on the right of the wife to give up her place in bed, for example, to Victoria Beckham, then such a condition in the marriage contract will be valid. Whether Victoria agrees to this is a separate question. It is also important to note that an oral marriage agreement concluded in the presence of two capable witnesses can also be recognized as valid.

Marital duty and what you need to know about obligations

What is marital duty? Marital duty is usually understood as a moral category related to such concepts as fidelity, duty, motive, conscience, responsibility, etc., which fully characterize the interaction and appearance of spouses. Partially, the obligations relating to the fulfillment of marital duty have legislative confirmation, partially they have the status of moral unformalized rules, in the form in which they appear before spouses as individuals and are determined by their moral foundations.

There are no rules regarding the intimate sphere of relations between two people at the jurisdictional level. Each couple independently determines for itself the fulfillment of marital duty in this sense. The exception is situations when we are talking about violence, sexual perversions, which one of the spouses does not have the physical and moral strength to fight alone.

After official registration in the registry office, the marriage becomes legal. From this moment on, spouses are required to adhere to a number of rules regarding fidelity and mutual respect, which are determined by current legislation. Newlyweds are endowed with certain rights regarding the choice of place of residence, type of professional activity, and method of raising children.

Most often, the fulfillment of marital duties is influenced by various reasons, such as the presence of parents living with their spouses, the age category of children, and limited time for sexual contacts. When such problems arise in the family, a certain sexual climate is formed, the so-called adjustment, regarding the social and everyday aspects of family life, raising children and other nuances.

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What is marital duty in the relationship between spouses?

In the first months after the painting, fulfilling marital duties gives the newlyweds exceptional pleasure. But, alas, over time, everyday life and a number of other circumstances of family life after the wedding begin to take over.

And one of the common problems in families is that the wife refuses to fulfill her marital duty or does it reluctantly. If we are not talking about the lack of love and the presence of a third person in a relationship, then we can identify a number of reasons that negatively affect the sex life of spouses.

What affects the quality of a couple’s intimate relationship:

  1. Early marriage. Young people cannot fully appreciate the sexual “restrictions and deprivations” that they face in marriage. As a rule, young newlyweds do not have much sexual experience and over time begin to tire of each other. As a result, interest arises more and more often, and what about on the side;
  2. Living together with parents. Agree, it is difficult to fully relax and enjoy each other when parents are relaxing behind the wall. Afraid of making an unnecessary sound, the couple is unlikely to dare to experiment. As a result, sex becomes an “obligation” rather than a moment of pleasure. But this is precisely what is important in sexual relationships;
  3. Living in the same room with children. And the older the children, the more acute the question of fulfilling marital duty arises, which, again, has an extremely negative impact on the relationship between the spouses;
  4. Busy schedule and household chores. When the day is busy and scheduled minute by minute, by the end of the day it can be difficult to even find the energy to talk, let alone have sex. And most often, it is the rigid work schedule that becomes the reason why the husband refuses to fulfill his marital duty;
  5. Appearance. Of course, this point concerns both spouses. But still, it is the unkempt appearance of the wife, the neglected figure that often becomes the reason for the lack of sexual desire in the husband;
  6. “You don’t want to, but you have to” is another reason when sex becomes simply a mechanical action. Believe me, such an attitude towards the sexual part of marriage will inevitably lead to quarrels, misunderstandings, possibly betrayal and divorce...

It is so inherent in nature that a woman is more relaxed about the intimate side of the issue; for a man, on the contrary, it is very important to receive “satiation” and pleasure from his wife. Otherwise, he goes looking for sexual satisfaction on the side.

Any of us can make our husband fall in love with us again and again. You just have to take care of yourself, envelop your spouse with care and attention, develop and be an interesting conversationalist, and don’t be afraid of sexual “discoveries.”

A morally and physically satisfied man is unlikely to go “left”. But if problems arise in the family with sexual satisfaction, it is worthwhile either on your own or with the help of a specialist to understand the psychology of family relationships.

Marital rights and marital responsibilities

Refusing to satisfy the stated claims of M.S. in full, the district court proceeded from the lack of proof of the fact that the amount of money under the loan agreement was not used for the needs of the family, while the burden of presenting evidence was distributed incorrectly by the court.

A large chapter in the second section is devoted to divorce. And this is quite logical, because the dissolution of a marriage gives rise to new consequences and can occur in different ways. If there are no disputes between the spouses, they can file for divorce simply by submitting an application to the registry office. But if they have a misunderstanding when dividing property, or there are minor children in the care of which parent the divorcing parents have not yet decided to leave them in, then such disagreements can only be resolved through the court. The court also considers issues of termination of marriage due to the recognition of one of the spouses as incompetent, dead or missing.

1. By a marriage contract, spouses have the right to change the regime of joint ownership established by law (Article 34 of this Code), to establish a regime of joint, shared or separate ownership of all the property of the spouses, its individual types or the property of each of the spouses.

Items for individual use (clothing, shoes, etc.), although acquired during the marriage at the expense of the spouses’ common funds, are recognized as the property of the spouse who used them. The exception to this rule is jewelry and other luxury items. Taking into account that each family has its own value system, the concept of luxury cannot be called strictly defined.

In accordance with the already mentioned tenth article of the Family Code, registration of marriage is accompanied by the emergence of certain rights and obligations for spouses in relation to each other. That is why the state recognizes only those marriage unions that have been officially registered. This aspect of marriage is also regulated by the Family Code.

However, I said this as permission, and not as a command. For I wish that all people were like me; but each has his own gift from God, one this way, another another (1 Cor 7:1-7). The apostle writes in the same letter 11:20-34 that the Eucharistic meals must be distinguished and prepared for them in a special way.

Thus, for the Apostle Paul, married life is a space of freedom in love; this is an internal matter of the family, which is not subject to any other regulation than mutual consent and Eucharistic piety.

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Abuse of personal rights by one of the spouses or obstruction by the other spouse of his personal rights can only serve as grounds for dissolution of marriage (divorce).

Property rights of spouses

Conventionally, property relations in a family can be divided into three large groups:

  • the rights of spouses to enter into civil legal transactions: marriage contract, purchase and sale, donations, exchanges, inherit and accept property as inheritance
  • rights to property acquired by spouses during marriage
  • alimony obligations

Spouses have the right to determine the regime of joint property - legal or contractual.

If the spouses have not made a choice, then the legal regime applies by default. It provides the following. Spouses have equal rights in relation to common property. They own, use and dispose of common joint marital property by mutual consent. When making a transaction, it is assumed that the second spouse agrees.

However, it is not always possible to categorically divide marital rights (and responsibilities) into personal and property. In some cases, they combine personal and property elements.

The rights of spouses to mutual assistance, joint resolution of family issues, receiving alimony, etc. cannot be clearly attributed to one or another category of rights. The intermediate nature of some rights and obligations of spouses, combining elements of property and personal non-property rights, indicates the peculiarity of the content of family legal relations.

Family lawyer consultations

  • personal rights of spouses
  • duties and mutual responsibilities of spouses
  • social guarantees for spouses
  • For additional information and clarification on the implementation and protection of personal and property rights of spouses, please contact the phone number or feedback form provided on the website.

    About 80% of new clients come on the recommendation of those who have previously used legal assistance and consultations. This means that the work is done well and with maximum diligence.

    1. The spouse has the right to demand that the spouse perform marital duties.

    2. Spouses should agree on the order of fulfillment of marital duties and strictly observe it.

    3. By agreement with one of the spouses, it is allowed to replace the other spouse in the event of a one-time impossibility of fulfilling marital duties (tired, headache, other reasons).

    4. If one of the spouses evades the fulfillment of marital duties, the other spouse has the right to demand their fulfillment a second time.

    5. It is prohibited for any of the spouses (husband or anyone else) to shift their responsibilities to strangers (business travelers from other cities, other persons, passers-by).

    6. The Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation recommends performing marital duties from approximately 23:00 to 23:15 (local time).

    7. When performing marital duties, it is prohibited to: stand up, walk, turn lights on and off unnecessarily, talk loudly, smoke).

    8. It is prohibited to perform marital duties in the presence of third parties (blacks, other persons).

    9. If the fulfillment of a marital duty is terminated at least a second before the end, the duty is considered unfulfilled.

    10. In the absence of one of the spouses (business trip, other reason), the remaining spouse performs all duties himself.

    11. In the event of the death of one of the spouses, marital duties may be suspended.

    12. The same in case of death of both spouses.

    13. The performance of marital duties before entering into a marital relationship is not called marital duties.

    14. This is called differently.

    15. In the case of a fictitious marriage, marital duties must be performed fictitiously.

    16. If one or more spouses are Heroes of Socialist Labor or People's Artists of the USSR, the marital obligation is called Honorary Marital Duty.

    17. The category “temporarily acting” does not apply to marital duties.

    18. The same applies to the category “liable for military service”.

    19. If one of the spouses works in the police, nothing changes in marital rights and marital responsibilities.

    20. The same for the other spouse.

    21. The same for if both.

    22. Everyone who joins the ranks of spouses must know and be able to fulfill marital duties.

    23. Ignorance of these Rights and Responsibilities does not excuse one from performing marital duties.

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    24. Forgery by one of the spouses is punishable by law.

    25. Spouses and spouses! Demand that the administration fulfill marital duties!

    The personal rights and obligations of spouses are as follows.

  • to jointly resolve family life issues;
  • giving consent to the adoption of a child by the other spouse;
  • divorce, etc.
  • These rights of one of the spouses presuppose the corresponding obligations of the other (the obligation to obtain consent to the adoption of a child, the obligation not to interfere with the choice of occupation, profession, etc.).

  • property relations;
  • alimony relations (relations of mutual maintenance of spouses).
  • The fasting piety of one spouse should not cause pain and suffering to the other. According to St. John Chrysostom, peace in family relationships should not be sacrificed to abstinence. He speaks about this, commenting on the passage in the First Epistle to the Corinthians of the Apostle Paul, which already in his era was understood by some Christian women as a call for a complete renunciation of marital intercourse.

    Here is this quote from the letter of the Apostle Paul: “And what you wrote to me about is that it is good for a man not to touch a woman.

Legal point of view

After the spouses legalize their relationship in the registry office, they receive a number of marital responsibilities and rights that are legally regulated, which are directly related to the spouses’ choice of place of residence, profession, occupation, material and moral support for the spouse, and the manifestation of responsibility in relation to upbringing children, marital fidelity, etc.

Considering the sphere of intimate relationships, then, from a legal point of view, there are no established obligations regarding the fulfillment or refusal to fulfill marital duties. The exception is rare situations, for example, the presence of sexual perversions with which one of the spouses does not agree.

Marital duty together with love is the main prerequisite for the intimate relationship of the spouses to be completely satisfied. Only with the combination of these factors will the psychological orientation towards the fullness of sexual experience, sexual harmony and preservation of the family be observed. Thanks to this marital sense of duty, the chances of the marital relationship breaking up, developing dissatisfaction in one's sex life, or committing another untoward act such as cheating are minimized.

Considering the sexological plan, the elements of marital duty include the ability and knowledge to correctly use each other’s mutually satisfying capabilities and sexual needs. In order for the marital duty in relation to sexual intimacy to be fully realized, it is necessary to realize sexual intimacy motivated by a feeling of mutual respect and love, the culture of sexual intercourse, mastery of technology, psychology, aesthetics, ethics, and not simply the performance of sexual intimacy.

Marital duty together with love is the main prerequisite for the intimate relationship of the spouses to be completely satisfied. Only with the combination of these factors will the psychological orientation towards the fullness of sexual experience, sexual harmony and preservation of the family be observed. Thanks to this marital sense of duty, the chances of the marital relationship breaking up, developing dissatisfaction in one's sex life, or committing another untoward act such as cheating are minimized.

Is it possible to sue for non-fulfillment of marital debt?

Joint custody - that’s what the court decided.

The children live with their mother, since the father lives abroad, but twice a month he comes to see the children. The eldest child (12 years old) wanted to move in with his father.

Hence the question: how to formalize this, notarially or through the court? How is child support paid - there are three children?

Should the mother of the child refuse child benefit here (for this child), since benefits will also be paid abroad? How to formalize everything if verbal agreements with the child’s mother are unreliable? Can a mother forbid a child to move in with his father?” – asks a Tarbija24 reader.

Reader question: does a company have the right not to heat a house in which there is only one debtor? “The problem is that the management company does not agree to provide heating services.

Reader question: is it possible to sue a husband if he does not fulfill his marital duty? "Hello! I wanted to ask you for help in one delicate matter.

The relationship with my husband has cracked: he pays less and less attention to me, and pays compliments less often. But the worst thing is that intimate life has come to naught.

He doesn’t want to have a heart-to-heart talk, which makes me even more angry.

Apparently in our country it will not be possible to sue specifically for “failure to fulfill marital debt.” Such relations are not regulated in our country. But it depends on what country you live in. One Israeli woman sued her husband with exactly this wording and valued her 10 years of nights alone at 600 thousand shekels, which is about 5 million rubles in our money.

But! We have freedom of a civil contract, i.e., in principle, if you have created such an agreement and spelled out this subject, all duties, procedure for execution and responsibility (the “evidence” clause would be especially interesting), then in the event Violations of such an agreement can be taken to court (let them laugh there).

Why a wife or husband does not want to fulfill their marital duty - there can be many reasons, and mostly they overlap, although there are differences. There are completely banal reasons not to have sex with your husband or wife, and there are simply original ones, but these are rare. These are, of course, problems in the family, disappointment, routine, health conditions, but betrayal is already a consequence of such relationships.

In the science of family law, the family (in the legal sense) is understood as a circle of persons bound by mutual rights and obligations arising from marriage, kinship, adoption or other form of adoption of children.

The prosecutor believes that the man violated this prohibition in the most radical way - he entered the living room at night while his and Kate's children were sleeping peacefully upstairs, strangled his wife with a pajama jacket and dragged her body into a car to stage a car accident.

What determines the regularity of fulfilling marital duties?

Expert advice is, of course, always professional and useful. But they are often of a general nature and do not at all take into account the numerous nuances that fill the life of spouses together. Let's list the most common ones:

  • age - it is logical to assume that the older a man is, the less often he can rely on a full erection and fulfill his marital duty;
  • busy - there are often cases when husbands go on business trips or are busy at work until late;
  • physical condition - when a person suffers a serious illness, it is logical that he has no time to fulfill his marital duty;
  • the nature of the relationship - if you nag your spouse with or without reason, then it is not surprising that he will fulfill his marital duty rarely and with great reluctance;
  • fidelity - a sharp cooling towards intimacy, coupled with some suspicious factors, may signal your husband’s infidelity, already actual or just assumed, when the passion has already formed, but has not yet found practical expression;
  • disappointment - the same position, the same underwear, the same time and place can finally turn anyone away from sex for a long time.

Among the listed signs, did you find any that are relevant to you? If your husband does not fulfill his marital duty as often as you want, but for obvious reasons - for example, hard work, regular trips - then we recommend that you either understand your spouse or persuade him to change jobs. There is no third. But in other cases, you should thoroughly delve into yourself, because the fact that your husband is losing interest in this process is your direct fault:

  1. failed to regularly update your sexy image;
  2. stopped pleasing your spouse with new forms of sexual contact;
  3. turned sex into a routine rather than an adventure.

The most temperamental readers probably flared up after these words: what about him, shouldn’t he?

This is the main mistake of a woman as a keeper of the family hearth: the habit of avoiding responsibility.

Even if both are to blame, the situation will still not begin to be resolved until at least one of them takes responsibility and makes every effort to improve it for the better. After all, you are interested in how many times a week your husband should have intimate contact with you, right? This means that your personal interest is the best motivator for a constructive approach to solving a problem. Try to surprise your husband in bed - there are plenty of ways to do it!

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