who knows the rules of the game of chamomile. Rules of the game of chamomile

Essence and props

The main idea of ​​this competition is to distribute responsibilities within a young family, so that it is fun and interesting for both the newlyweds and guests. There are several options for carrying it out. Depending on which option the presenter offers, the newlyweds either determine their responsibilities in the family themselves, or chance does it for them.

The competition will fit perfectly into the entertainment program for a small wedding. To conduct this you may need one or another props. You will also have to prepare a text for the presenter and select music.

Props for the competition “Distribution of family responsibilities”:

  • balls with pieces of paper on which responsibilities are written, and needles;
  • objects symbolizing some kind of duty (for example, a frying pan or a hammer), and a rope;
  • cards with text, tray or jar;
  • homemade chamomile;
  • spinning top with an arrow, envelopes with questions.

You can distribute the following responsibilities of young people in the competition:

  • provide for family;
  • to take out the trash;
  • rest;
  • iron clothes;
  • do makeovers;
  • change children's diapers;
  • lift someone else's spirits;
  • paint your nails;
  • have a romantic dinner;
  • call your parents to find out how they are doing;
  • let go for walks with friends;
  • be responsible for the family budget;
  • delight your spouse with pleasant surprises;
  • support your spouse;
  • be in love;
  • value;
  • give gifts;
  • carry in your arms.

Wedding competitions. wedding portal ukraine

  • Competitions for witnesses at a wedding
  • Competitions for the groom at the wedding
  • Competitions for newlyweds
  • Competitions for guests

What kind of wedding competitions should there be?

The wedding scenario should be made up of competitions that will involve all the guests in the action. None of those who come should get bored, but don’t forget to pause and feed the guests. Such pauses can be competitions for witnesses at a wedding (boyfriend and groomsmen) and simply beautiful speeches by the presenters.

Competitions for witnesses at a wedding

This competition involves a friend and a friend. The friend leaves the room to get ready. The toastmaster gives the friend several banknotes, which he must hide on his body in his clothes: in a sock, in a tie, under his collar... The friend, meanwhile, already knows that “The Husband” was given a salary, her task is “to return the money to the family.”

Competitions for the groom at the wedding

A savvy husband
Take pieces of paper or make a paper flower (daisy), where numbers are written on the underside of the leaf (petal) (any numbers that the groom must know: the birth number of his mother-in-law, wife, the number of the floor, house or apartment where the bride lives).
The groom tears off the petals one by one and says what this number means. If the groom does not guess the meaning, then he is obliged to fulfill the bride’s wishes. Strong love
The groom is given a towel and asked to tie it as much as he loves his chosen one. And upon completion, they ask him to untie the towel as quickly as he comes home from work.

Competitions for newlyweds

Affectionate hedgehog
For the next competition we will need: a beautiful apple and a box of toothpicks.
Rows of toothpicks, like hedgehog needles, are stuck into the apple. The newlyweds, taking turns pulling toothpicks out of the apple, should call each other affectionate names. The one who has the most wins. Guess the Spouse
The competition invites newlyweds to test how well they know each other.
There are hardly any chairs placed on which the guests and the groom sit. The bride, already blindfolded, must guess her chosen one by some organ, for example, by the ear, nose or forehead. Then the competition is repeated for the groom, but they offer to guess the bride, for example, by her knee or shoulder. Chamomile
A chamomile is collected from petals on which the daily duties and leisure of the husband and wife are written.
Tearing off the petals one by one, the newlyweds must recite the written text in the form of a solemn oath. Family situation
This competition is for newlyweds. Two stacks of pieces of paper are made: one contains a description of a difficult family situation (family conflict), and the other contains a simple solution. Each stack is then thoroughly mixed. As a rule, the bride takes leaves from the pile of conflicts, and the groom tries to get out of the situation with the first solution that comes to hand.

Competitions for guests

Competition “Gifts for the Bride”
As a gift, take a note with a task inserted into an inflated balloon.
“Gifts” are distributed to guest volunteers. The friend helps the guest puncture the ball and reads out what he must do: recite a poem, sing a ditty or song, jump on one leg diagonally across the hall, etc. Whose date is closer
The competition is very simple and also involves all guests.
The winner is the person whose date of birth is closest to the date of the current wedding. The best.
Mirror The presenter selects several people from among the guests and gives them mirrors.
Task: give yourself 5-10 compliments. All guests determine the winner. Boy or girl!
Guests must help determine the gender of the newlyweds' first child. A friend and a friend take rompers of different colors. As a rule, the friend takes blue onesies, and the friend takes pink ones, respectively. They must go around all the guests, collecting “contributions”. According to the results, which sliders will have more money of that gender and will have a first-born child. Of course, the money raised from the competition is added up and transferred to the future parents: “they say this is the first contribution.”

Scripts for young people

Surprise inside

This scenario uses balloons. To carry out it is necessary:

  • Prepare notes in advance on which responsibilities are written:
  • put one note in each ball;
  • inflate the balloons.

The newlyweds take turns choosing one of the balloons, popping it and reading out the dropped note.

Before reading the note, you can say:

  • Darling! I'm ready for you...
  • My only one! For the sake of your smile, I agree...
  • My only one! I love you so much that I'm ready...
  • My dear! No matter what, I'm ready...

For "The Surprise Inside" you need the following props:

  • balloons;
  • notes;
  • needles.


This version of the competition involves the use of things and objects that symbolize one or another duty.

  • frying pan - who cooks the food;
  • iron - who irons things;
  • children's book - who raises children;
  • skewer - who cooks kebabs;
  • garbage bag - who gets the privilege of throwing out garbage;
  • a spool of thread - who will have to sew up socks;
  • mop - who cleans the house;
  • diaper - who changes children's diapers;
  • plate - who washes the dishes;
  • car keys - who controls the car;
  • travel magazine – who plans and chooses places to travel;
  • knitting needles - who knits socks.

The newlyweds are blindfolded and brought into the hall with a rope with objects previously hung on it. The bride and groom cut off half of the items that hang on the rope. After this, their eyes are untied, and a cheerful distribution of responsibilities begins - everyone puts on their shoulders what the things from the pile are associated with.

  • objects;
  • rope;
  • 2 scissors;
  • 2 scarves for blindfolding.

I will

This version of the competition is the simplest. Its preparation requires a minimum of time and materials. All you need is:

  • write on paper various actions and activities that most people do in everyday life;
  • fold the pieces of paper so that what is written is not visible;
  • place them on a tray or put them in a beautiful jar.

The bride and groom take turns taking out folded pieces of paper, unfolding them and reading what is written on them. Every time before reading the content they must say: “I will...”.

For example, “I will...”:

  • ...cook soups;
  • …repair the car;
  • …taking out the trash;
  • ...put the children to bed;
  • ...laugh at your jokes;
  • ...bring breakfast in bed;
  • ...to treat you when you are sick;
  • ...make you smile;
  • ...give you a massage;
  • ...kiss you in the morning.
  • pieces of paper with responsibilities;
  • tray or jar.

“Chamomile” competition at a wedding: ideas for a fun competition

It is difficult to imagine a traditional wedding without competitions. The ransom, entertaining the guests and the young couple at the banquet always takes place with them. One of the traditional options is the “Chamomile” competition at a wedding. It gives room for imagination and is quite easy to implement. “Chamomile” appeared in ancient times. The girls guessed “loves or doesn’t love” by the petals of a snow-white flower, symbolizing love. The questions for the wedding game “Chamomile” are slightly different from the old version; their task is to find out how well the couple knows each other, and, of course, to amuse all the guests.

Who knows what kind of game CHAMOMILE is?

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Who knows what kind of game CHAMOMILE is?

The girl offered to play, I said that I didn’t know how, she laughed and, no matter how I tried to find out the details and rules, she never told me. Maybe someone knows what kind of game this is?

In fact, “chamomile” is often used instead of “fuck.” Yadex found: “The witches and I will play chamomile this night, We will rape the buried daughter.” “A group gathered, drank, played “daisy”: the girls lie on the floor in a circle with their feet outward, and the boys crawl from one to the other.”

Helde_Onu imagine Crazy_partizan's epiphany when he reads your post

Crazy_partizan well, yes, yes, rules, sparring training and all that! Helde_Onu The chamomile is wrong “the girl suggested” it turns out to be the same color!

so there must be a lot of girls, some kind of daisy you have is not like that, I think so, she suggested tearing off (oh my God, what cruelty) the petals of the daisy, saying “you” “I” on whomever the petals ended is the one and .. further as far as your imagination allows

...runs for beer...

the girl will be happy with this situation

I’ve never come across this version of chamomile, but it’s also nothing... Crazy_partizan, check with her how many petals she will bring, otherwise you won’t be able to handle it...

That’s right... Maybe I’ll also call someone then... emil Quote: Chamomile is wrong, “the girl suggested” it turns out to be the same color! She's such a naughty girl... Hehe

The main thing is that the beer is fresh 8-)

Crazy_partizan Helde_Onu F0rward There is another interesting game on the topic. It's called "Stone Face". There is just a female character in the singular

Dr StandBy what kind of toy is this, I don’t know, enlighten the people

Reagent Well, the rules are as follows: Starting position: Take a limited number of females (1-2 pieces) and an unlimited number of males (the more, the more interesting). Males are naked to the waist from below and are seated around a table, preferably a large table, and at this time females are placed under the table. Meaning: During a lively conversation developing at the table, you need to guess which of those sitting at the table is currently giving blowjob. Usually, at the moment of blowjob, a male person becomes “stony-faced”, hence the name of the game. PS: In terms of intensity of passions, sometimes it surpasses even the Mafia

Dr StandBy is a funny toy, I’ve met one called “sphinx.” Comrades, who knows what else, let’s help Crazy_partizan diversify his relationship with his girlfriend, especially since she seems to be an entertainer for him...

Reagent There is also an exciting mathematical role-playing game “Kanapushki” ... but write this about its rules

about the chamomile on whom the petals end and on top the worker


Creating props

You will have to think in advance about how to make a daisy for a wedding for a competition, although there is nothing complicated in making it. To create the props you will need:

  1. 20 white album sheets;
  2. 1 yellow sheet of cardboard;
  3. glue stick;
  4. scissors;
  5. stapler and staples for it;
  6. colored markers or pens.

Instead of landscape sheets, you can use whatman paper, on which you need to draw chamomile petals and then cut them out

Cut out chamomile petals

To make chamomile. I'll have to remember my appliqué lessons. All the steps to create a flower are not complicated , but each of them requires perseverance and patience. Having prepared all the necessary props, you can begin to create a flower step by step.

  1. From album sheets or whatman paper we cut out petals: uneven ovals, in which one end is slightly narrower than the other.
  2. A circle is cut out of yellow cardboard, the diameter of which will correspond to the size of the petal.
  3. Each petal should be folded lengthwise to give it a greater resemblance to a real chamomile.
  4. On each petal we write questions thought up in advance or other necessary information according to your desire (and imagination) with felt-tip pens or pens.
  5. We glue the petals to a yellow cardboard circle so that the answer options are on the back or front side, depending on how the competition is designed.

Model of a finished chamomile for a banquet

Task options:

  1. Draw a bee collecting nectar from a flower
  2. Depict the gait of a person moving on a slippery road
  3. Hide behind the back of a chair and shout loudly 3 times: “I’m completely fine!”
  4. Sit down several times, holding your ears with your hands
  5. Depict the movements and sounds of a playful kitten
  6. Depict a boiling kettle with pantomime and sounds
  7. Hold your nose with your hand and say the phrase: “I have the most pleasant voice in the world!”
  8. Stroking yourself on the head and stomach at the same time, but in different directions
  9. Looking in the mirror and not laughing, say the phrase 5 times: “What beautiful eyes I have!”
  10. Portray an athlete so that others can guess the sport
  11. For two minutes, be a “mirror” of another player and repeat exactly all his actions
  12. Show in slow motion how a person does exercises
  13. Talk about elephants for 1 minute
  14. Remember 10 words starting with the letter “B”
  15. Wave your arms, spin around and at the same time shout out: “I am a butterfly!”
  16. Blindfolded, determine by touch what object the presenter put in his hand
  17. Draw a dancing robot
  18. Approach any of the players, make a scary face and say: “Well, here we are!”
  19. Explain how to make scrambled eggs without saying a word
  20. Come up with an affectionate word for each of those present (for example, “chick”, “cat”...)
  21. Sit on a balloon so that it bursts
  22. Say the phrase: “I love to dance” in different intonations (joyful, sad, indifferent, surprised)
  23. Walk on all fours around the room, squealing: “I’m the only lunar rover, peep, pip...”
  24. Ask someone for food, pretending to be a cheerful mongrel.
  25. Stand on a chair and tell about your life in three sentences
  26. Sing any song with 3 matches held in your teeth
  27. Choose any two players and perform an Aboriginal dance together with them
  28. Bow to 5 players in different ways without repeating yourself
  29. Walk around the room, taking three steps forward and two steps back.
  30. Draw your portrait with your left hand
  31. Draw a portrait of any player with eyes closed
  32. Tell everyone: “I’m in a bad mood!” and sit for 1 minute with an angry expression on your face (other players should try to cheer you up)
  33. Place nuts or caramels behind your cheeks and say a tongue twister: “Mom washed Mila with soap. Mila didn't like soap."
  34. Play the pan pretending to be an African
  35. Within three minutes, quickly answer questions from other players, but you cannot say “yes”, “no”, “I don’t know”
  36. Portray a capricious child who demands his parents buy him a toy
  37. Take water into your mouth and try to hold it for one minute (other players should make you laugh)
  38. Draw a sculpture and stand for several minutes without moving. Other players can approach and change the pose of the “sculpture”.
  39. Take any item and try to sell it to one of the players, praising and advertising its useful qualities
  40. Eat a piece of lemon and not wince
  41. Pantomime an octopus
  42. Draw a scary monster
  43. Walk through the room like it's a minefield
  44. Try to bite your elbow
  45. Call your parents and crow into the phone 3 times
  46. Portray a fairy-tale hero so that other players can guess
  47. Pantomime what you dream of becoming when you grow up
  48. Praise yourself in a humorous manner - explain to other players why they should be friends with you
  49. For several minutes, pretend to be an alien and try to talk to other players in the “alien” language
  50. Show with pantomime how a chicken hatches from an egg and how it takes its first steps
  51. Eat any fruit without helping yourself with your hands
  52. Show with accelerated movements the morning awakening and getting ready for school
  53. Praise your neighbors (players on the left and right)
  54. Draw 2 objects starting with the letter “O” for other players to guess
  55. Sing any song while holding your nose with your hand
  56. Organize an “animal choir”: select several players and sing a well-known song together, replacing all the words in it with the sounds “woof-woof”, “oink-oink”, “car-car”. “kva-kva”, “quack-quack”, etc.)
  57. Talk like a robot for three minutes, asking questions to other participants in the game
  58. Use pantomime to portray an annoying fly
  59. Make at least one player laugh
  60. You're lucky - the whole company takes the rap for you: everyone comes up to you and says nice words
  61. Without opening your lips, say the proverb: “He who laughs last laughs best.”
  62. Come up with 7 affectionate derivatives for the name of the player on the right (for example, Olga - Olechka, Olenka, Olgunya, etc.)

You can make a daisy like this - in this case, players tear off the petals with tasks on their own:

Ready-made kit with all the above tasks and a core with a funny face (sheet format when printed A4):

Kit format: pdf file, 12 pages (chamomile core + 62 “petals” with fun tasks)

Price: 50 rubles

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Lyrics for "Chamomile"

The chamomile for the ransom and for the banquet part may be similar. But the flower’s task is not always to ask questions: it can also give answers. The content of the petals largely depends on how the competition is structured. On them you can place memorable dates for the couple, answers about the responsibilities of everyone in the new family, write humorous answers to questions asked by the host, and much more. You can use the following as dates:

  • the date when the young people met;
  • bride's ring size;
  • the birthday of each of the couple;
  • the day of the first meeting;
  • the size of the future wife's legs;
  • date of first confession or kiss.


The purpose of the competition is to amuse the guests and the young couple, so you should not come up with tricky questions or dry texts. It is better if the answers are humorous and harmless . The competition should be run by an active bridesmaid or wedding host. If questions are written on the petals, the person conducting the competition should think about the answers in advance, write them down with a pencil on the other side, or make a reminder in any other way, so that during a moment of fun he does not accidentally forget the intended text.

After the answer to the question is received, the petal is torn off from the chamomile. At the redemption, an incorrectly given answer can be replaced with money, thus redeeming the petal. When all the petals are torn off, the competition ends . The duration of “Chamomile” should not exceed a quarter of an hour, otherwise guests and young people may get bored.

It is important to provide simple questions and short answers so that the entertainment does not drag on

At the banquet, you can do without questions, and make the “Chamomile” competition a kind of ritual by writing the necessary words of love or distribution of responsibilities on each petal, which the young people will take turns tearing off and reading.

Colored chamomile for ransom

Option 2

Questions from the presenter:

  1. Do you like to play pranks?
  2. Do you like to waste money on trifles?
  3. Do you hide illegal earnings from your family?
  4. Do you often cheat on your other half?
  5. Do you often drink at someone else's expense?
  6. Is it true that alcohol makes you do irresponsible things?
  7. Do you often fall in love at first sight?
  8. Do you like fooling around?
  9. Do you sing in the bath?
  10. Do you always eat so much?
  11. Do you often lie?
  12. Do you often stay out at night?
  13. Are you thinking about cutting your hair?
  14. Are you often overcome by laziness?
  15. Are you often tormented by your conscience?
  16. Do you like to intrigue your friends?
  17. Do you have a tendency to sin?
  18. Is it true that you dream of taking part in the “Itself Perfection” competition?
  19. Do you give in to instant temptations?
  20. Is it true that you have no equal in love?
  21. Are you tempted to take a photo for Playboy?
  22. Is it true that in a passionate outburst you are ready to offer your hand, heart and wallet to the first person you meet?
  23. Do you like to interfere in other people's family affairs?
  24. Do you have a habit of flattering your superiors?
  25. Do you like to gossip?
  26. Do you often have erotic dreams?
  27. Would you like to wake up with me in Paris?
  28. Do you often get rowdy in public places?
  29. Do you take bribes?
  30. Do you often feel “love fever”?
  31. Do you allow yourself love over the phone?
  32. Do you like to dance under the moon?
  33. Do you regret being married?
  34. Do you like men (women) of my build?
  35. Have you ever swung from a chandelier?
  36. Are you always this unscrupulous?
  37. Do you believe psychics?
  38. Do you often work for free?
  39. Do you often lie?
  40. How often do you see drunken devils?
  41. Is it true that you dream of meeting aliens?
  42. Is it true that you like to read poetry under the moon?
  43. Do you often wake up in the middle of the night to empty the refrigerator?
  44. Is it true that you have a habit of kissing everyone at banquets?
  45. Tell me, are you always so impudent?
  46. Admit it, are you ready to do anything for money?
  47. Do you often get drunk to the point of unconsciousness?
  48. Do you often admire your reflection?
  49. Do you often find a stranger in your bed?
  50. Do you often visit erotic sites?
  51. Is it true that you throw eggs at passers-by from the window?
  52. Have you ever had to hide in a closet?
  53. Have you often fallen out of bed?
  54. How often does your other half catch you with your lover?
  55. Is it true that you sing during sex?
  56. Do you ever find yourself hammering nails with your mobile phone?
  57. Do you often spend the night away from home?
  58. Do you always talk so much?
  59. How often do you try on lace lingerie?
  60. Tell me honestly, do you use paid sexual services?
  61. Do you like to keep track of who ate and drank how much at the holiday table?
  62. Do you often lose your temper?
  63. Is it true that you often visit a nudist beach?
  64. Tell me, how often do you lose your underwear?
  65. Is it true that you can't do without pickles on Mondays?
  66. Admit it, do you like to have sex in public places?
  67. Do you often wax?
  68. Have you ever woken up in a sobering station?
  69. Do you often gloat?
  70. Is it true that you like to incite your friends into antisocial behavior?


  1. This is the most enjoyable activity in my life.
  2. Yes, yes and yes again!
  3. Only if I'm in a bad mood.
  4. It happens, but only at night.
  5. Unfortunately, this is only possible on holidays.
  6. No, I'm taking care of my health.
  7. Every time I go to bed.
  8. Yes, and I even had to suffer from it.
  9. This is the dream of my whole life.
  10. No, such nonsense is not for me.
  11. And I won’t tell you under torture!
  12. I allow myself this pleasure once a day.
  13. Questions like these give me a migraine.
  14. Yes, especially when there are guests in the house.
  15. Of course, otherwise life would be uninteresting.
  16. This is my secret - I don’t want others to know about it.
  17. Only if my other half is not around.
  18. One more question like that and I'll call the police!
  19. Especially when I'm kicked out of the house.
  20. Unfortunately, I was not taught this as a child.
  21. Whoever it happens to - we are all not sinless.
  22. Let's talk about this without witnesses.
  23. Yes, at every opportunity.
  24. Of course - I do this all the time.
  25. Nothing human is alien to me.
  26. I was too well brought up for this.
  27. My lawyer will answer this question for you.
  28. Always when I'm drinking heavily.
  29. Certainly! What's wrong with that?
  30. I'm much more interested in other problems.
  31. Unless no one sees.
  32. When you're asleep, this doesn't happen.
  33. Please don't put me in an awkward position.
  34. I can't imagine life without this!
  35. Of course, yes - whatever comes to mind while drinking!
  36. I’m embarrassed to ask such questions, knowing about my marital status.
  37. We are not angels, anything can happen.
  38. This is a real pleasure for me.
  39. Only in moments of weakness.
  40. No, I was too well brought up, although sometimes I want to try...
  41. You will understand everything yourself when we are left alone with you.
  42. I'd better keep quiet.
  43. I'm ready to do anything for money!
  44. Yes, I have no complexes.
  45. Yes, especially if I have money.
  46. You should first ask how old I am!
  47. Yes, it entertains me a lot!
  48. My blushing is the clearest answer to this question.
  49. Always with great pleasure!
  50. Yes, but less often than I would like.
  51. Only if they really ask me about it.
  52. No, I tried it once and didn’t like it.
  53. Oh yeah! This works great for me!
  54. Damn it! How did you guess this?
  55. Even the thought of it makes me ecstatic.
  56. Only if no one sees.
  57. I have had a penchant for this since childhood.
  58. I admit, these are the best moments of my life.
  59. I never refuse such an opportunity.
  60. Of course, I am capable of anything!
  61. We are all not without sin!
  62. Not especially in daylight, but in the dark - with pleasure.
  63. Of course, this is just the meaning of my life.
  64. I'm afraid that answering this question sincerely will ruin my reputation.
  65. Yes, especially after the bath.
  66. Yeah, especially when you don’t feel like cleaning the house.
  67. Yes, on Mondays this is sacred to me.
  68. No, but I would really like to.
  69. Yes, especially in the company of like-minded people.
  70. I'm a pro at this!

A couple of phrases from us:

A professional toastmaster can prepare a reusable gaming set on thick cardboard similar to playing cards (you can even laminate it). For a one-time game, questions and answers can be printed on small pieces of paper and then folded several times, or rolled into tubes and placed in two boxes or bags.

For inscriptions, choose a simple, large font that is easy to read in any lighting. Please be aware that guests may have vision problems. The amount of alcohol consumed should also be taken into account, so the host should be ready to come to the guest’s aid at any time if any difficulty arises.

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Is such entertainment necessary at all?

Bride ransom is an old tradition that has been honored for many generations. It is believed that it is at this time that the groom truly fights for his happiness and proves to everyone around him that he is worthy of his beloved. At different times, different tests were arranged for the young man, but all of them were aimed at demonstrating ingenuity, strength and imagination.

Nowadays, ransom is no longer carried out at every wedding. Some strive to organize a modest celebration with a minimum of solemn and noisy entertainment, others imitate Western traditions, where elegance and style are a priority, and still others do not want to organize a banal event.

If the bride and groom still decide that there will be a ransom, then they cannot do without competitions. Of course, the groom can bypass this part of the celebration with cunning, for example, by entering not through the entrance, but through the window, where no one is waiting for him, but this option is not always available. In most cases, the young man has to go through several tests, which gradually bring him closer to his beloved’s door.

Interesting! You will find more competitions for redemption in this article. And here we have collected original options for a youth company.

Dealing with the petals

In this test, the groom shows how well he knows his beloved. Guests from the bride's side who conduct the ransom prepare tricky questions related to the girl, her tastes, hobbies, dreams and family. All this is written on separate petals of a “daisy” made of paper or other material.

The bridesmaids will find out the answers to all the questions from her in advance; they can be written down in brackets on the same petals so as not to forget in the chaos, but only so that the groom and his team do not see. It doesn’t matter how exactly he gives the correct answer, so even the option he spied is counted.

After successfully completing each question, one daisy petal is torn off. If the groom does not know how to answer, or answers incorrectly, he can buy the piece of paper for money, candy or any other currency. The competition ends when the flower is left without petals.

How to make props

How to make a paper daisy for a competition? Extremely simple. Only the “daisy” itself is needed as test details. If desired, you can buy it in a store with wedding accessories; in this case, it will be brightly and beautifully decorated, and the bridesmaids will not need to waste time on arts and crafts. If you don’t want to spend money on an item that will tear and end up in the trash anyway, you’ll need to make the props yourself.

An ordinary Whatman paper is suitable for the base. A circle and ovals are drawn on it according to the number of questions. They can be cut out separately to save paper, but then you will need to attach them to the core with a stapler or tape after decorating.

Any paints, colored pencils, markers, felt-tip pens and even colored paper are suitable for decorating a chamomile. The petals for the daisy for the competition must also be initially cut out of paper or whatman paper, drawing the outlines with a pencil, then they will turn out smooth and neatly identical.

Chamomile competition

Erotic joke competition. Two pairs consisting of only women are required, each pair is given 1 banana. A peeled banana is taken into the mouth on both sides. Then the couples begin to dance to lyrical music. It is necessary to hold bananas only with your lips - do not let go of your hands!!!

Icicle, cracker, lollipop

During this fun competition, all players receive new names: icicle, cracker, lollipop...

Guess the handshake

The contestant's task is to determine whose handshake it is and call the person by name.


All you need is a smooth rope (or a broom handle) and some music. Two adults hold the rope or handle at a height slightly less than the average height of the participants in the game. The task of each player is to pass under the handle without touching it with parts of the body; only the legs can touch the floor. Then make a rope below.

Ah, what a woman!

Competition for two teams. Everyone participates if they wish and have the opportunity. Each team is given a creative kit: several inflated balloons of different colors, colored paper, tape, scissors, markers (and anything else they can think of). The task of each team is to create a model of the ideal woman. Creativity wins!

Options for test questions

The groom must show that he knows all the innermost thoughts of his beloved, her morals and biography. The questions should not be too complicated - a young man, for example, may not know what color the bride's briefcase was in first grade. The following options are considered universal:

  • date of acquaintance;
  • date of first kiss;
  • how many children does the bride want;
  • the name of the first teacher;
  • mother-in-law sign according to the horoscope;
  • wedding ring size;
  • lover's weight in grams;
  • bride's favorite color;
  • words spoken by the groom during the marriage proposal;
  • bride's age in days;
  • father-in-law's eye color;
  • how much time does the bride spend in front of the mirror in the morning;
  • where the future spouse wants to live;
  • What does your beloved like to do most?


To make the test interesting and funny, the girlfriends need to prepare an accompanying text. It can be written in poetry or prose, depending on your imagination. You shouldn’t use too many words either - after all, the ransom should go quickly enough and without boredom.

A variant of the finished text: “And now, dear groom, we will find out if you love your bride enough to ask for her hand in marriage. Let's remember what our Mashenka (the bride's name) shared with you, and what you yourself learned about her. We have a chamomile for you, an unusual one, but with tricky questions. If you answer one, the petal is yours, but if you make a mistake, put the money in the treasury. Until all the petals fall from the daisy, we won’t let you go further.”

Interesting! For the wedding itself, you also need to choose options for interesting competitions - ordinary for everyone or only for young people.

Game-competition “Ecological chamomile”

Game-competition “Ecological Daisy”


: education of environmentally literate, socially active schoolchildren, responsible for the state of the environment, and careful about the riches of nature.

Objectives: • consolidate children's knowledge about nature; • to form elements of environmental consciousness and culture in children; • generalize children's knowledge about natural communities; • continue to formulate speech, teach coherently, and succinctly answer questions posed; • activate children's vocabulary; • develop reaction speed, intelligence, logical thinking, erudition; • captivate children and evoke a joyful experience from joint team activities; • cultivate a sense of camaraderie, respect for partners and opponents in the game, teach to follow the rules of the game, the ability to listen to answers and complement them.

•to educate an ecologically cultural personality capable of loving their native nature, protecting and preserving it;

•encourage mutual assistance and mutual assistance.

Progress of the game

I. Organizational moment

The class is divided into 4 teams. The teams sit at tables

-Hello, guys and dear guests! I wish everyone a great mood and joyful victories today!

II. Communicating the purpose and theme of the game

— Today we are holding a game - a competition for nature experts. Each team had to prepare an emblem and name. Please introduce your team captains. - Team "Luchiki". Our motto: “Ray - you, Ray - me! Together we are a friendly family!” — Team “Droplets”. Our motto: “Even if our drop is small, great things await us” - Team “Rainbow”. Our motto: “We are like the colors of the rainbow, never separate!” — Rostochka team. Our motto: “Take care of your planet - there is no other planet in the world.” A large emblem from each team is attached to the board near the daisy.

- Well done. You can start the game “Ecological Chamomile” - Guys, what is chamomile? ( children's answers)

Ecological from the word “ecology”.
What does it mean? ( children's answers) - "Oikos"
in Greek means "house",
- "learning, science."
Ecology is the science of our common home. What is our home? That's right - NATURE.
During the game you will learn new things about nature and share with us what you already know. But you must be very attentive and friendly in order to win.


Game Rules Announcement - So, are the players ready? Listen carefully to the rules of the game.

The game consists of several stages. These stages are written on the petals of our ecological chamomile. The team is given a certain amount of time to think about and discuss the task. The players discuss the question among themselves and nominate someone who will answer. The strongest will win. So let's begin.

Additional Tips

At the bride price, many grooms get confused and worried, so they can answer even simple questions incorrectly. The young man should not be reproached for this, because if he did not love his bride, she would not have agreed to marry him. The competition should amuse those present, and not put the groom in an awkward position.

When preparing the test, the following points should be considered.

  1. Rewards for correct answers may vary. For example, collected petals can serve as a “key” to your beloved’s door, along with props from other competitions. Another option is that with each correct answer, the groom can take a step or climb a step on the stairs.
  2. Not only questions can be written on the petals. Bridesmaids can prepare tasks for the groom, each of which will bring the same rewards. You can also write numbers on the daisy, and the young man must understand what they mean. For example, the bride's height, her heel size or wedding date.
  3. Instead of paper daisies, you can use balloons. For each correct answer, one of them is given to the groom so that he can give them to the bride along with the bouquet.
  4. The chamomile can be made small so that only the groom can see the questions on the petals, and no one can tell him.

Game of forfeits funny tasks in verses

1. Sing a song.
2. Do a funny dance. 3. Make your guests laugh. 4. Unwrap and eat the candy using cutlery. 5. Tell a joke. 1. To make it more fun, sing us a song quickly! We make a promise that we will sing along to you. 2. Your finest hour has come! Please dance for us, fiery and brave, sultry Tango... with a mop!

3. Charge everyone with positivity, Make them laugh with something, So that we have fun, So that we laugh from the heart!

4. This is a sleight of hand task. Be bold, praise and honor to you! Use a knife and fork to unwrap the candy and eat it!

5. Amuse honest people: Tell us a joke so that they laugh until they drop. If you remember more, we’ll be glad!


1. Open the champagne. 2. Get the tea bag into the mug. 3. Prepare a sandwich. 4. Eat a banana without using your hands. 5. Take a photograph of the guests.

1. To your surprise, you received a simple forfeit: Open the Champagne for us without delay!

2. Here's a test of accuracy! (The audience held its breath.) Throw that tea bag so that it ends up in the mug!

3. The fun is simple: make a sandwich (light snack) from different products, so that it looks great and tastes great!

4. Try to entertain us a little, Amuse your friends and girlfriends And eat a banana without a fork, without a spoon, Without a knife and without using your hands.

5. You got this forfeit: Take a photo of all the guests. But with one simple nuance - To make it funnier!

1 The hero of the day has traveled a wonderful path. You can talk about this in the book. Think of a title for a memoir he might write.

2 Not a complicated phantom, you should know about this, don’t go to a fortune teller, And now name five things necessary for fishing

3 Now you must show how flexible you are, your phantom - dance with a chair, funny and erotic.

4 Perhaps this role is a little unusual for you Your forfeit - sing a ditty now Of course, more decently

5 Your phantom at first glance is quite simple, but will arouse general interest - Tell us the height of the hero of the day, and also guess his weight.

6 You are lucky, you got a simple phantom - You must stand on your right leg, And hold your left leg with your hand, Raise a toast in honor of our hero of the day.

7 You must drink a glass to the birthday girl, line up all the ladies in order, and dance the cancan together

8 Your fantasy is to become a conductor for a short time, to quickly organize all the guests, so that the choir can perform all the table songs at the request of the hero of the day.

9 Your forfeit: in the art of achievements Show your guests to everyone, Standing in the center of the hall, with an expression Tell a poem!

10 As a sign of friendship and mutual respect for your neighbor or neighbor, pour wine and loudly with expression, read everything that is on the label.

11 Your forfeit is successful, let’s say in secret - Organize a model show, And comment on the show at the same time, And recruit fashion models from the guests.

12 You need to compose a composition from the fruits on the table “He and she”, add your own explanations to it and declare to whom it is dedicated.

13 You must, with applause, For the hero of the day, in her honor, come up with a fax from the President in her name and read it.

14 The ability to read words backwards Demonstrate your forfeit. You must pronounce the name and patronymic of the hostess of the celebration in reverse.

15 Such a duty, besides you, cannot be fulfilled by anyone else. Your forfeit - on behalf of the guests, now say “Thank you” to the Hostess of the celebration

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