How good are baths for nail care at home?
How effective are nail baths? First of all, they are natural, contain a huge amount of microelements, vitamins, calcium, which stimulate the growth of the nail plate, strengthen and renew it, as they deliver the “building” material directly to the place of need.
IMPORTANT! It should be noted that brittleness and poor condition of nails are often associated with a lack of calcium, so experts advise, in addition to medicinal baths, to improve your diet and include foods rich in calcium in your daily diet.
But the baths themselves serve for weakened nails, a kind of “ambulance” that helps to quickly, within a week, greatly improve the appearance of the nail plate.
Recipes for a beautiful manicure
Proper and timely care of nails is the key to their beauty. Taking vitamins and hand baths will help make your manicure beautiful and natural:
- With olive oil. You need to heat 150 ml of olive oil in a water bath to 40 degrees and add a few drops of orange juice to it. Take the bath for 15-20 minutes. It will take 20-25 sessions 3 times a week.
- With vitamin C. Heat 150 ml of vegetable oil in a water bath and mix with 50 ml of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Immerse your hands in the solution for 15-25 minutes. The procedure should be carried out twice a week for 3 months.
- On herbs. Grind 1 tbsp. herbs and 1 tbsp. mint, mix the herbs and pour 250 ml of boiling water over them. Infuse the decoction for 10 minutes, then put your hands in the infusion for 15 minutes. The course of treatment is 2 times a week for 2 months.
Such baths will help normalize blood circulation and tone the skin around the nails at home.
How and when to do nail baths
Nail baths should be done as often as your nails require. In order to prevent brittleness and yellowing of the nail plate, it is enough to do the procedure once a week. If you need to treat your nails, eliminate brittleness and flaking, then you should take a course of 10 baths. A month later, it is recommended to repeat the course to strengthen the result.
Before you start making baths, you should find out what features should be taken into account when preparing them:
- Before taking a bath, be sure to remove the old polish, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and use a medium-hard nail file to give your nails the required shape;
- Depending on the recipe, you should pour warm water or oil into the bowl;
- The components that you will add to the bath must be selected based on your problem that you want to solve. For example, baths of soda or iodine strengthen nails, lemon and fermented milk products whiten, etc.;
- the procedure time usually varies from 5 to 15 minutes, until the water becomes cold;
- After the bath, you should dry your hands, apply your favorite cream to them, and do a short skin massage, not forgetting the nail plate.
IMPORTANT! The temperature of the liquid (water, oil, infusion) should not exceed 40 degrees. It is in this temperature regime that the beneficial components are well preserved and have the most optimal effect on the nails.
Baths for unhealthy nail color
consequences of colored varnish
The main reasons for discoloration are usually hidden in the deterioration of general health, the occurrence of diseases (kidneys, liver, diabetes, lymphatic system), so it is always better to undergo an examination.
But sometimes the reasons lie in the use of varnishes and products with acetone .
the following ingredients will help restore nail color :
Lemon juice baths
The procedure will eliminate fragility, slow down the growth of the cuticle, and remove yellowness after painting with low-quality varnish . Recommended up to 3 times weekly .
After taking baths with lemon juice, be sure to rinse your hands and use the cream. The procedure time is no more than 15 minutes. Lemon juice will benefit the skin of your hands, so soak them completely.
Cooking methods:
• For half a liter of water at a pleasant temperature, add 50 g . squeezed lemon juice.
a full tablespoon of ordinary iodized salt to the juice of half a lemon added to the water This procedure will help improve the color and make your nails stronger.
• Pour a decoction of St. John's wort (prepared in a water bath, strained, cooled) into water with lemon juice. St. John's wort will relieve inflammation on the skin and heal hangnails.
With dried chamomile flowers
Chamomile can improve the color of nails and make them look beautiful and healthy.
Chamomile decoction is a good anti-inflammatory agent: it will have a healing effect on hangnails and other problems with the cuticle.
Do these baths 3 times weekly .
The procedure time is 20 minutes.
It is recommended to use a softening hand cream.
• 3 tbsp. l. put chamomile in a glass of beer, heat in a water bath to 35-40 degrees . Cool slightly, lower the brushes. Rinse your hands to remove unwanted beer smell.
Strengthening nail baths
To get rid of the problem of weak, peeling nails, experts recommend using baths with sea or table salt, iodine, as well as oil baths using natural aromatic oils. Strengthening nail baths with oil are especially effective. To do this, take warm vegetable oil (sunflower, olive, almond, etc.), add a couple of drops of vitamins A and E, and a little lemon juice. The procedure takes 10 minutes.
IMPORTANT! If you don’t have time to make baths, then to strengthen your nails, you can simply wipe the nail plate daily with a bath swab dipped in warm oil.
Procedures for when nails have lost their hardness
soft, peeling nails
Frequent extension procedures and exposure to chemicals make nails bend at the slightest touch.
Such nails should not be painted, since the varnish practically does not stick to them. You can make the nail plate hard with a course of baths prepared according to the following recipes:
With milk and plantain
• Heat half a glass of milk , adding 3 tbsp. l . crushed plantain leaves.
• Place in a water bath for half an hour.
• Let it sit and strain.
• Keep your hands completely in the bath for 20 minutes.
With almond oil
• In half a glass of water at room temperature, stir 2 tbsp. l. almond oil.
• Take a bath for 15 minutes.
• Blot with a napkin.
With vitamins
• 10-15 Add drops of vitamin A and the same amount of vitamin E to half a glass of warm water.
•Keep nails on for 15 minutes. Let dry naturally.
• To the same composition of vitamins and water, add 2 tbsp. l . sunflower oil.
With burdock
• 2 tbsp. l. leave dried, finely chopped burdock leaves in a water bath for 30 minutes,
• strain, dilute with a glass of water.
•Lower your hands for 15 minutes. Dry your palms with a towel and apply nourishing cream.
• You can add 2 tbsp to burdock. l. dry chamomile petals.
This bath will also affect the color of your nails.
Baths for nail growth
Often, factors such as an unbalanced diet, stress and hormonal fluctuations lead to the fact that nails begin to grow poorly, break, and flake.
To get rid of the problem of a “bad” nail plate, it is recommended, along with comprehensive measures, to carry out baths for nail growth. For example, a bath with vitamins is very effective. To prepare it, dilute a few drops of vitamin A (liquid) and 3-4 drops of iodine in 50 ml of any vegetable oil. The resulting product should be applied to the nails with a cotton swab and wait 15 minutes.
You can also use a lemon juice bath. To do this, dilute 15 drops of lemon juice in ¼ cup of heated sunflower or olive oil. Hold your hands for about 20 minutes.
A bath with warm milk will be effective for nail growth. 0.5 tbsp. mix warm milk with 3 tbsp. l. liquid honey, juice of ½ lemon, 2 tsp. sea salt and 1 tsp. apple juice. Immerse the marigolds in the mixture and leave for approximately 20 minutes. The procedures can be repeated using the same components, after preheating them.
Recipes for baths to strengthen nails
Strengthening baths, especially salt recipes, are more popular. Salt perfectly fights the fragility of the nail plate, so salt baths provide a noticeable strengthening effect. Recipes for systematic care and strengthening of the nail plate:
- In a glass of warm water you need to dilute 1 tbsp. sea salt sprinkled with 2-3 drops of essential oil, preferably lemon. Pour the solution into a bowl and dip your fingertips into the liquid for 15-20 minutes.
- Heat a third of a glass of water and dilute 2 tsp in it. table salt, then add a third glass of freshly squeezed orange juice and 3-4 drops of iodine, stir until smooth. You need to keep your nails in this bath for 5-10 minutes.
- With vegetable oil. A quarter glass of vegetable oil must be heated to 40 degrees, and then stir in the same amount of apple cider vinegar. The fingers are placed in the resulting mass for 10 minutes, after which they are soaked with a napkin.
Course of treatment: from 6 to 12 weeks, 1-2 sessions per week.
Remember! After each procedure, you need to generously lubricate your nails with a nourishing or moisturizing cream!
Thus, strengthening recipes for nails do not require much effort and the use of expensive and rare ingredients. It is very easy and simple to prepare such mixtures at home.
Salt baths for nails
One of the simplest, most effective and inexpensive ways to make your nails healthy are salt baths, which not only quickly strengthen your nails, but also prevent them from becoming brittle, splitting, and returning their natural shine and smooth structure.
For such procedures you will need sea salt (in extreme cases, you can use regular table salt). For 250 ml of water you need to add 1 tbsp. salt. Bath time is 10 minutes. After the procedure, you should simply pat your hands dry with a towel and do not rinse.
You can also add a couple of drops of essential oils to this product: bergamot, lemon, orange, lavender.
Therapeutic baths for split nails
Very often, due to a lack of calcium in the body, nails suffer. They become brittle and split before they have time to grow. Such nails require special nutrition rich in calcium, vitamin D and special care. Here are some effective recipes:
- Add 1 tbsp to 250 ml of warm water. sea salt, 50 grams of liquid soap with glycerin, 5 drops of any essential oil. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed until foam appears, then fingers are dipped into the mixture for 20 minutes. 2-3 sessions per week will be required. The course of treatment is at least 2 months.
- Pour 2 tbsp. finely ground plantain a third cup of boiling water and leave for 1 hour. After the broth has cooled, you need to strain it and add 5 drops of iodine. The procedure time is 10 minutes, 2 times a week for 4-6 weeks.
- Grind the celandine herb and pour in 2 tbsp. herbs with a glass of boiled water, then leave for about 1 hour. Then you need to strain the infusion, heat it to 40 degrees and add 2 tbsp. sea salt. You need to keep your hands in this bath for 10-15 minutes. The course of treatment is 2 times a week for 3 months.
It is also recommended to do a vitamin hand massage.
The habit of biting your nails is another factor in their splitting, so you need to get rid of this habit urgently!
The simplest nail baths
Of course, many modern girls or women pay a lot of attention to their nails. However, the active lifestyle of each of them does not always allow for a full range of procedures, and it is necessary to quickly restore the beauty and healthy appearance of nails. This is when the simplest nail baths will come to the rescue.
A bath with sea salt perfectly strengthens nails, makes them stronger and healthier, as it contains a huge amount of trace elements and minerals. 1 tbsp. l. salts are diluted in 250 ml of warm water, the procedure is performed for 10-15 minutes.
Another simple recipe is a bath with heated sunflower or olive oil. Heat the oil a little and dip the nails in it for 15-20 minutes.
How to make nail baths at home
The weakening of the plate, its fragility and fragility - all this is mostly the result of a woman’s incorrect lifestyle. The condition of the nails is negatively affected by the cleaning products that we use without gloves every day. They deteriorate due to an unbalanced diet, reduced immunity, and lack of vitamins and minerals. Stress and neuroses still do not go away without leaving a trace. In addition, nail extensions and coating with regular and gel polishes cause some harm.
Homemade baths will help with rapid growth and strengthening of the plates; there are many recipes for preparing them. You can choose any of them, but remember the general principles of carrying out procedures for careful care:
- Baths to strengthen your nails must be done regularly, then they will stop breaking, and you will achieve not only visible, but also sustainable results. It is advisable to always complete the full three-month course of procedures. In this case, it is necessary to do two sessions per week, unless otherwise indicated in the prescription.
- Be sure to evaluate what type of skin you have when choosing ingredients for your composition. If you are susceptible to allergic reactions, then avoid recipes with honey and fruit.
- Do not take nail baths with salt if you have scratches or wounds on your hands.
- As a rule, the procedure is carried out over a quarter of an hour, but if your skin is too delicate, you can shorten this period.
- After a bath to strengthen your nails, it is advisable to apply a moisturizing nourishing cream to your hands, this will improve the condition of the skin.
- Monitor the water temperature. The best option is 37-38 degrees. This water will steam the skin, but will not deprive the components of the composition of their beneficial properties.
Nail baths with sea salt
The ingredient is very useful and is often used for recipes. Salt contains a lot of iodine, sodium, potassium, and calcium. All these components contribute to the nutrition and rapid growth of nail plates, help strengthen them, and whiten them well. Sea salt helps wounds heal faster. Recipe for medicinal solution:
- Dissolve a handful of sea salt in half a liter of warm water.
- Soak your hands for a quarter of an hour.
- Dry your fingers thoroughly after the procedure, use a nourishing cream.
- Repeat no more than a couple of times a week, otherwise you may dry out your skin.
Oil strengthening baths for nails
There are several recipes:
- Heat 0.1 liters of olive oil in a steam bath. Add three drops of oil extracts of bergamot, sandalwood, and ylang-ylang. Hold your fingers there for a quarter of an hour. Do not wash off the medicinal composition, but rub it into the hands with massage movements.
- Dissolve 30 g of coarse kitchen salt in warm water (a glass). Add a couple of drops of rose oil. Keep your fingers in this composition for 10 minutes.
- Heat a quarter of a glass of sesame oil and add the same amount of apple cider vinegar. Dip your fingers there for 10 minutes, then blot with a napkin and rub the mixture into the skin.
Nail baths with iodine
Cooking recipes:
- Dilute 30 g of table salt in 0.3 liters of water. Pour 15 drops of iodine. Keep your fingers there for 15 minutes, wipe off excess liquid with a tissue and use an effective moisturizer.
- Dilute 30 drops of iodine and 30 ml of vegetable oil in 200 ml of water. Heat the mixture in a steam bath to a comfortable temperature. Place your hands there for 10-15 minutes.
- Mix 300 ml of water and juice squeezed from one orange. Add 1 tablespoon each of iodine and ordinary salt. Stir the liquid, lower your hands for a quarter of an hour. Rinse them and apply nourishing cream.
Gelatin baths for strengthening and growth of nails
- Dilute a teaspoon of gelatin with a glass of hot water and let it swell. Dip your fingers there for 20 minutes. Then rinse your hands and apply cream.
- Dilute gelatin (15 g) in half a glass of water. Put 10-15 g of honey and pour 40 ml of lemon juice. Keep your hands in the solution for half an hour.
- Dilute 10 g of gelatin with water. Add a couple of drops of vitamins A, E, and rosemary oil. Put your fingers down for 15 minutes. You can use chamomile decoction instead of clean water, it will benefit the skin. After the procedure, do not forget to lubricate your hands with moisturizer.
Nail baths with soda
- Combine a dessert spoon of soda, vinegar (apple), lemon juice. Dilute these components with a liter of water. Keep your hands in this mixture for no longer than 15 minutes. Wash them thoroughly, use nourishing cream.
- In two liters of water, stir 20 ml of lemon juice, 30 g of sea salt, and soda. For 20 min. Place your hands in this liquid. Do this procedure for three months in a row to strengthen the plates.
- Dilute 30 g of soda in 1 liter of water. Add 15 drops of iodine there. Keep your fingers in the resulting solution for 15 minutes. Wash your hands well and anoint them with nourishing cream. This procedure helps not only strengthen the plates, but also their rapid growth.
- Boil a liter of water. Add 2 tablespoons of dried herbs (chamomile, St. John's wort, burdock). Leave for 3 hours, then strain. Add a few pinches of baking soda. Heat the solution in a steam bath. Keep your fingers there until it cools down.
Lemon nail baths
Traditional recipes:
- Pour 100 ml olive oil and 15 ml fresh lemon juice into a bowl. Keep your hands in this solution for a quarter of an hour. You can also add a couple of drops of essential lemon oil. After the strengthening procedure, pat your hands dry with a towel, and when the healing composition is completely absorbed, apply moisturizer to your hands.
- Combine 50 ml of lemon juice with half a liter of water, add 2 tbsp. l. unflavored sea salt. Keep your hands in the liquid for a quarter of an hour.
- Mix a quarter glass of lemon juice, 50 grams of honey, 5 drops of iodine and 100 g of glycerin. Steam the mixture and dip your fingers in it for 10 minutes. This procedure helps strengthen the plates, promote rapid growth, and provides nourishment to the skin of the hands.
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