How to greet parents of newlyweds after the registry office. How to bless the newlyweds before the wedding: who should bless, with what icon, what should be said when blessing the newlyweds, when and where to do it

In every matter with heavenly permission

Not a single magnificent feast is complete without God's blessing. Starting such a great day as a wedding with a prayer to the Almighty is a good tradition of our people. Even today, like a century ago, holidays feature rituals and ceremonies that have their roots in ancient times. We, like our ancestors, bless the young couple for a long and happy life in love, peace and prosperity.

how to meet young people after the registry office
One of the traditions, still popular today, is to rebaptize newly-made spouses with the faces of saints. Many people know about such a ceremony, but few people know what icon to greet the newlyweds after the registry office. Not many people remember the history of this ritual.

Who should bless the newlyweds before the wedding?

A wedding is a significant event for both the groom and the bride. After all, after this day they will forever be bound by marital ties. This day is also trembling and exciting for parents, since they are giving their “little blood” into “strange” hands and it is unknown how the relationship in the family will develop further. Therefore, at every wedding, parents say parting words for a new life to the young. This parting word is called a parental blessing.

Parents are the most precious people who gave life. They simply cannot wish anything bad for their child, and no matter how difficult it is, they choose the warmest, deepest and most tender words that come from the heart. Therefore, this rite is considered sacred, and during the blessing, icons with the faces of saints are used. From time immemorial there has been a tradition of blessing the bride and groom before the wedding by the latter's parents. But the couple receives a blessing from the groom’s parents after the painting or wedding.

A custom that has passed down through the centuries

Previously, when newlyweds started their life together and left their home, their parents gave them a special gift. These were icons. Images of saints became the basis of the house.

The icons were placed in a place of honor in the red corner. Throughout his life, this part of the house was treated with special respect. The territory was decorated with flowers and embroidered towels. Sincere prayers were heard here. The icons were also supposed to protect the house and its inhabitants from all misfortunes. They gave both family faces and completely new, custom-made icons.

What icon to greet the newlyweds after the registry office, a new one or an old one, is decided by the parents. In general, paintings do not play a big role in this custom, because any face of different shapes and finishes carries equally strong, positive energy. But the very essence of the ritual is important. The symbolism of the ritual is very great. By such actions, parents give the go-ahead to create a new family and continue the family line. The custom also helps to strengthen the bond between the older and younger generations.

what icon to greet young people after the registry office

They blessed the children with the icon of the Kazan Mother of God and the icon of the Savior

In fact, now there is no exact answer to which icon should be used to bless.

But it has long been a tradition that the bride’s parents bless the bride with the icon of the Kazan Mother of God or any other icon of the Mother of God. The icon of the Mother of God was considered the guardian of the hearth.

The icon of the Kazan Mother of God is the most revered among Orthodox Christians. Thanks to the miracles that occurred after prayers at this image, believers chose it as the main holy face to bless their children

The groom's parents - an icon of the Savior or St. Nicholas the Pleasant.

The image of the Savior could be passed on from generation to generation; they ask for protection and protection for the future family, giving it joy and protection in needs

Many people believe that children should be blessed with an heirloom that has been passed down from generation to generation.

It is believed that each time it acquires more and more value and meaning. This relic served as a talisman for the family; they prayed before it both in joy and in sorrow.

Others believe that this is not so necessary, that it is better to buy icons in the temple for blessing.

Instead of a house - a restaurant

Nowadays the festive lunch is held in cafes or restaurants. The guy's relatives should be standing at the entrance to the establishment. The main thing here is that the groom’s mother knows how the mother-in-law greets the newlyweds after the registry office or wedding, because a lot here depends on her. How she greets her daughter-in-law is how their future life will turn out. This is one of the few customs that has an echo in modern weddings.

At first, parents presented the gift immediately after the official part. As soon as the young people appeared on their doorstep, they were greeted with icons and bread and salt. Then the guests feasted and had fun. Traditionally, the newlyweds were welcomed by the groom's parents, since the young wife was supposed to go live in his house. And although today the wedding scheme has changed somewhat, this ritual has not lost its main essence.

Images of the Mother of God and Jesus Christ from mom and dad - this is how the newlyweds are greeted after the registry office. The guy's parents accept their daughter-in-law into their family. The native girls stand behind along with the guests, since from now on the daughter has moved to another house.

How and where does parental blessing take place, features of the ritual?

There are only two options for how the father and mother on the groom’s side, as well as the parents on the bride’s side, can bless the lovers:

  1. A modern ritual that is much simpler than the ancient one. Most often, the blessing occurs after the newlyweds walk around the city with witnesses . Parents meet their children at the very entrance to a cafe, banquet hall, house, depending on where the celebration is taking place. In their hands they hold a fragrant loaf with which they will honor the newlyweds, salt and wedding icons. After a solemn parental blessing speech, the newly formed family kisses the images and tastes the treats;
  2. The second option, older and more faithful, corresponds to ancient traditions, according to which the blessing occurs twice . First, in the bride’s house, from where the groom takes his future wife, having passed preliminary tests, where the girl’s father and mother allow them to marry their daughter and send the couple with a friendly farewell and the first icon - the Image of the Virgin Mary. The second time, after visiting the registry office, according to the principle of the simplified version described earlier.

We recommend paying attention to suitable icons: Handwritten Kazan icon with carving 59 (Size 27*31 cm)
Price from: 29,500

More details Handwritten icon of Peter and Fevronia 138 (Size 13*16 cm)

Price from: 14 500

More details Handwritten icon of the Savior Pantocrator 88 (Size 27*31 cm)

Price from: 65,000

More details

Path of happiness

It is best if the newlyweds are a little late. Then all the guests will have time to arrive on time. But a happy couple should not linger for a long time and make them wait, because this is disrespectful to friends and family.

Next, the spouses pass through a living corridor. According to our traditions, lovers must pass under embroidered towels, which will be held over their heads by their relatives. The ritual will ensure a happy life for the doves. This is one of the options for meeting young people after the registry office.

Guests can also shower them with flowers, money, and wheat. All these are original symbols. Petals mean a beautiful and lush life, coins attract finances to a new family, and cereals are responsible for abundance and children, which should soon appear. There are also regions where newlyweds are showered with hops to make them happy, nuts to make their marriage strong, and sweets to make their fate sweet.

Usually the toastmaster should be responsible for this moment. After all, his task is to explain to the public how to properly meet young people after the registry office.

how parents greet newlyweds after the registry office

Who greets the newlyweds with a loaf of bread at a wedding?

Before the arrival of the newlyweds, the toastmaster organizes the guests, building a “living” corridor. Packages with wheat, buckwheat, coins and rose petals are distributed

It is worth warning those who meet you that it is better to throw solid objects at the level of the young people’s waist, as if covering their life’s path with wealth, prosperity and wishing for a new addition to the family. Flower petals, on the contrary, are thrown upward over the heads of the newlyweds
, creating a rain of light and fragrant leaves.

The newlyweds walk along this corridor and at the end, on the threshold of the building, the groom's parents meet the newlyweds. Previously, the girl came to her husband’s house, where she was met by the boy’s parents and all his relatives.

The bride was accepted into the family and blessed with an icon and a loaf of bread

If families decide to adhere to traditions, then when the newlyweds meet, the groom’s mother holds a loaf of bread at the wedding on a beautiful towel, embroidered in wedding traditions, and the groom’s father holds an icon. In addition, the bride's parents can hold a tray with champagne glasses and apple halves for snacking.

Then the newlyweds drink champagne and break the glasses for good luck. By the fragments you can determine who will be the first-born - a boy or a girl. If there are more large fragments, then a son will be born, if there are more small ones, then a daughter. After this, the young people bow to their parents

, thanking for the care and science, and the parents say parting words and congratulations. The parents' speech should not be too long so as not to tire those present, since there will still be an opportunity to say words of congratulations during the banquet.

Photo of a meeting between young people and a loaf of bread

If the celebration will be celebrated in the groom’s house, or the newlyweds, after the registry office and a small buffet, are leaving for a wedding tour, then meeting the bride and groom with a loaf at the entrance is the optimal scenario for the ceremony. The presence of an icon in this ritual is mandatory, as it is a symbol of faith and unity of the older and younger generations, a symbol of the parents’ blessing for a happy family life for their children

. The young man's parents should hold the icon; as a rule, this is the groom's father. It was the father's blessing for marriage that was considered important in Christianity.

When entering into marriage, a young family strives to live separately, so it becomes unimportant whose parents hold the loaf at the wedding, and who will greet the newlyweds after the registry office with an icon and bread and salt

All this can be discussed in advance and a plan for carrying out the ceremony that is most convenient for everyone can be found.

When the newlyweds approach their parents, the groom’s mother serves a loaf of bread with a parting speech. The mother-in-law brings bread and salt, wishing happiness in family life. The young break off a piece of bread, salt it and feed it to each other, symbolizing care in family life, and salt is used so as not to salt each other in the future.

Mother of the groom with a loaf of bread

Main family ritual

The parents of the children are waiting at the threshold of the establishment. In their hands are icons, because they are supposed to bless the couple for a happy life. For this ritual, you can take samples from what you have in your home. Usually these are images of the Savior and the Mother of God, but if the family honors other saints, then their images are also acceptable and will not contradict traditions.

For the ceremony, parents must stand nearby. Dad takes the image of Christ, and mom takes the image of the Virgin Mary. They often say: “May God bless.” They take turns baptizing the children three times with icons. At this time, the couple bows and kisses the images. This is how the groom's parents greet the newlyweds after the registry office. If the bride's relatives did not bless their child at home, then they can also join the ceremony.

If one of the parents died, their function should be performed by godparents or older relatives.

This tradition should accompany every Christian family, since in this way mothers and fathers give their permission to their children to live together.

How did the ceremony of blessing the young take place in Rus'?

The ceremony of blessing the newlyweds was carried out in ancient times. However, it used to be given much more meaning than it does now.

  • The couple who decided to start married life without the blessing of their parents could not get married, they had no right to claim an inheritance. Even those around them treated such a couple unfavorably, so that she felt the whole burden of life without cleansing her soul in front of her parents.
  • Those who married with parental blessing held the wedding in the house where the bride’s parents live. It was in this place that the young family asked for parental blessings for marriage in front of everyone present. Then they had to ask for another blessing from their parents before God (godmothers and fathers, who were necessarily invited to the wedding), from their closest friends, even from acquaintances, if they were allowed to attend the sacrament - in general, they had to ask for blessings from everyone who was invited to the wedding.
  • In the church during the wedding ceremony, the newlyweds asked the Lord for blessings so that he would grant them a long and happy life, as well as health and prosperity.

In general, the ritual of blessing during the times of Kievan Rus was carried out not only before the wedding. Before any important event in life, people always asked God for blessings in the person of a church clergyman. If he received approval, then the person received confidence that he would succeed in the business he planned to accomplish.

A look into the future

Another ceremony that will take place before the festive dinner is the determination of who will be in charge of the family. A wedding loaf is used for this ritual. This is a richly decorated bread. Salt is often served with it so that the spouses “annoy” each other today and never again.

how to meet newlyweds after the registry office
Previously, bread was baked by women who were successfully married. While kneading the dough, they said prayers. Housewives often sang folk songs. Everything was done cheerfully and with soul. Not a single wedding is complete without this bread. Older people will tell you how to meet young people after the registry office with a loaf of bread and what to say. Usually lovers break off a piece of bread. Whose part is larger will become the leader in the family.

An obligatory element of the ritual is an embroidered towel on which the holy bread lies. They fold it so that the white cloth is under the sole of the loaf, and the patterns hang down on the sides. Previously, girls wove and embroidered towels even before marriage. The brighter and more magnificent the pattern, the better life will be. Now the amulet can be ordered or bought.

Parents bless their son before the wedding

How to bless your son for marriage? Parents of the groom often ask themselves this question.

The groom's parents take charge of the wedding ceremony, of course, having discussed their tastes and preferences with the groom in advance. Here's how the blessing of a son works:

  • The words of blessing of the son by the parents for the first time take place at home. Also afterwards, the bride and groom are invited for a conversation. They talk about how we should live together, and never abandon each other in any trouble. Be true to yourself and your soulmate until the end;
  • and the second time the blessing takes place before the wedding after the newlyweds walk. Before they enter the banquet venue;
  • the mother meets the newlyweds with a loaf and salt, while the groom's father holds icons.

It is also necessary to think through the words in advance.

There is no need to come up with long speeches with long, complex phrases; in your own words, you need to explain to the young husband and wife how to properly build family relationships, respect your spouse, and trust each other.

Blessing is an important stage of the wedding ritual.

After all, you need to understand that blessing is an important stage of the wedding ritual. Words and our thoughts have a material basis, regardless of whether a person believes in it or not.

Our deeds, wishes for good or evil to the people around us will return to everyone doubly.

Therefore, one should wish for others only that which, when returned, will bring them undoubted benefit.

Now, how parents bless their son before the wedding:

“Dear son, we wish you farewell to your future family life.

We wish you happiness, love, health, family understanding and prosperity.

Live in the name of love and goodness.

We bless you for a strong family and a happy marriage!”

Wedding genius - toastmaster

Before biting or breaking bread, you should cross it. Children must kiss the loaf. Very often traditions diverge. Even neighboring cities and villages have rituals unique to them. In order to avoid unpredictable events and problems at the wedding, the action plan should be discussed in detail.

Parents should talk in advance about how to welcome newlyweds after the registry office. This can be done at an engagement party or just before a special day. Each party should first describe how they see the ceremony, and then discuss the differences and write one plan for the ceremony. But here the older generation should also take into account the opinion of children, because first of all it is their day.

If none of the families has any idea what needs to be done, then the script can be entrusted to the toastmaster. It is recommended that you first watch videos of weddings conducted by a professional. This will make it easier to imagine the overall picture and atmosphere, add something to the plan or refuse something.

If parents are concerned about religious issues, they should first consult with the priest.

how the mother-in-law greets the newlyweds after the registry office

Old Russian family icons

The main guardian icons of the family hearth, which are usually especially revered in the Russian Orthodox home, are various sacred images. Among them, the most powerful icons for the home should be noted as follows:

The Holy Trinity

Icon "Holy Trinity"

It depicts faces reflecting in their image an important Christian doctrine, which is a dogma.

You need to have this icon in your home for family happiness. Because the Holy Trinity can save people from many problems. It helps to cleanse the mind and inner soul from committed sinful and negative acts, and guide growing young family members to the true path of goodness and understanding.

Kazan Mother of God

Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

It is a universal shrine of family happiness and prosperity. And therefore, you can ask for this icon while reading a prayer for anything. Its colossal importance for home and family is, first of all, expressed in the elimination of diseases that arise in the patient with varying degrees of severity.

This icon also protects children, helping parents protect them from all sorts of unfavorable misfortunes in life that can appear in an extremely unexpected way.

Savior Not Made by Hands

Savior Not Made by Hands

This image took part in many decisive battles, as a result of which the Russian state managed to win numerous victories, while saving the lives of many family members. This is one of the main reasons due to which this shrine is assigned the status of an icon of the patroness of the family.

Relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

Relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

This is an icon for protecting home and family from evil people. They pray before her to create a unique miracle that can reverse and radically correct the current situation. It helps to measure warring relatives, cope with various dangerous diseases and help in making difficult decisions.

Sweet life

Another tradition that is popular at the moment is feeding a couple in love with bread and honey. In the morning, one of the relatives must ensure that these products are brought to the establishment. There, the staff will beautifully cut everything and place it on a silver tray. When the spouses approach the festive table, mothers will feed the children this delicacy from their own hands. Next, the parents pass the delicious, sweet sandwich to other guests. Here's how to meet newlyweds after the registry office or wedding.

Don't forget about champagne. Wine glasses can be purchased. Today the choice of wedding products is very large. Their coloring can match the style of the wedding. Sometimes the dishes are tied with ribbon so that the spouses do not leave each other. Having taken three sips from the glass, the lovers pour everything that is left back. Often newlyweds drink for brotherhood. There are regions where after the ceremony the dishes are broken.

How the groom's parents greet the newlyweds after the registry office

How to meet young people after the registry office

Many parents do not know how to greet the newlyweds with bread and salt and what to say as parting words, so they invite an experienced toastmaster to do this. However, the words of the parents carry important weight for the newly-made family, so even if your holiday is being hosted by the host, be sure to say a few sincere words to your son and daughter. A meeting of young people can take place in different formats, but most often it is a fun or touching event.

Two ways to meet young people:

Marriage is the union of two loving hearts. Traditionally, it so happens that the newlyweds are blessed for a happy and long life together. In ancient times, if a couple did not receive blessings from their parents, they refused to marry the newlyweds. The ritual of blessing is considered sacred and revered in the modern world. Let's talk about how to properly bless children for marriage, who should do it, and what icons should be used.

The main thing in the article

Final ceremony

Before sitting down and feasting, parents must complete one more mission. They are obliged to say a few good words to their children. If it’s hard for you to come up with congratulations on your own, ask the toastmaster how to greet the newlyweds after the registry office. The words he advises are always successful, but often not emotional. Therefore, it is better to wish something on your own, from the heart. Remember that the speech should be short so as not to bore the guests.

Be sure to remember God and life with faith in him. No one knows children better than you. Therefore, the words you say will be accurate and touching in any case. If you wish, you can tell a beautiful legend or story from childhood. But do not forget that you may still be given the floor during the feast.

wedding how to meet newlyweds after the registry office
After the ceremony you can relax. A festive dinner, dancing and fun awaits you.

The blessing of the daughter takes place at home before the wedding

Not many, but only believers, know how to do it correctly. If the question is how to bless your daughter, everything is actually simple. You need to do the following:

  • before blessing her daughter before the wedding, her mother must prepare an icon of the Mother of God wrapped in a towel;
  • Having heard the words of the covenant from a loving mother, the bride leaving her parental home must kiss the holy Image;
  • then, having retired with the newlyweds in a separate room, the bride’s parents give instructions to both newlyweds, in front of the registry office, on how to live together correctly, so as not to quarrel and offend each other;
  • at the end of the ceremony, the newlyweds kiss the icon, sealing their intention to create a family with God’s consent.

The most important thing is that the words of blessing come from the heart.

The mother also talks to the bride in advance about the fact that she is the keeper of the home and about how to behave with her husband. Listen to him, because he is the breadwinner and the head of the family.

And the future wife must protect this family. And also love and appreciate each other in any circumstances.

There is no need for any memorized or complex phrases, the main thing is that it is said from the heart.

These are roughly the parting words a mother blesses her daughter before the wedding:

“My dear girl!

The moment has come when you will leave your parents' home and begin to live an adult life.

Know that building a family is always responsible and hard work.

You have an important role - you are a wife.

We tried to put into you all the qualities that you will need in your new life.

We are confident that you will become a caring wife and loving mother.

May all the obstacles that come your way be resolved with wisdom.

Understand your husband, help him and take care of him.

You are one - family!

Know that from this day on we are waiting for you only together with (husband’s name).

Be happy. May the Lord help you!”

That is, we see that everything is simply said, without unnecessary words.

How parents can welcome newlyweds if they are Christian believers

In the event that both the heroes of the occasion and their parents strictly adhere to Christian doctrine, it is necessary to act as follows. When meeting after the registry office in front of the room where the wedding banquet will be held, the groom's parents bless the newlyweds with icons of Christ and the Virgin Mary. The bride's parents are among the guests, as it is believed that their daughter has moved into her husband's house. The young wife should stand to the right of her husband, holding her arm. After the blessing, the mother of the newlywed brings bread and salt to the young couple on a long embroidered towel (rushnik). The newlyweds should take one bite of the bread prepared by the mother, without touching it with their hands. It is believed that whoever bites off the largest piece will be the “ruler” in the house. After this, the parents of the young husband bid farewell to the newlyweds, wishing them happiness in their family life, and invite all the gathered guests to the table.

It is better to first consult with the priest of the church that the newlyweds or their parents attend. He will tell you what icons should be used to greet the husband and wife, and what words are best to say at this moment

What icon do the groom's parents bless the newlyweds with?

As for the meeting of the newlyweds by the groom's parents, this happens with the icon of the Savior

in hand. In Orthodoxy, such an image is called the Savior Almighty; the icon depicts the Son of God, who holds the open Gospel in one hand, and with the other gives a blessing to everyone looking at him. They turn to this icon both in difficult times and in moments of joy, and also pray for the well-being of the family.

Traditionally in Rus', this icon was the first to be brought into the newlyweds’ house.

Today, it is allowed for the newlyweds to meet the parents of both the groom and the bride after the wedding ceremony. At such a meeting, two icons are held in their hands (the icon of the Kazan Mother of God is brought to the restaurant by the bride’s parents), but the ceremony of blessing is carried out by the groom’s parents in the face of the Savior.

How to properly bless the groom's young parents?

There can be two scenarios for blessing newlyweds who have already taken place.

  • In the first version, only the parents of the young man greet the couple with the icon of the Savior.
  • In the second, the parents of both the bride and groom greet the newlyweds with two icons.

The images must be wearing towels, since it is not recommended to take them with bare hands. According to tradition, the image of the Savior is held by the groom's father.

He speaks parting words first, then gives his mother his blessing. The newlyweds cross themselves with the icon three times, and the groom is allowed to kiss the image first, then the bride.

If both sets of parents are meeting, then the father of the groom and the mother of the bride can be placed in the center with icons. And on the sides, for example, the father of the bride with champagne and the mother of the groom with a loaf of bread. In this case, both pairs of parents can give a blessing to the new family in turn and bless them with two icons, baptizing the young three times and letting them kiss the icons in turn, starting with the groom. After the blessing ceremony, the newlyweds are served a loaf and salt, as well as glasses and champagne.

Video: How to bless the young?

Well, to summarize, we note that after the wedding, the icons remain in the family of the newlyweds. They become a family heirloom, which is designed to protect and protect this family from adversity, disease and sadness. Believers place images in the corner or above the bed. Those who are not so devout keep the icons in a certain place without displaying them. According to tradition, these icons are inherited by children at their wedding.

Here is a short excursion into the traditions and rituals of blessing young parents; perhaps you will be interested in reading about this too.

As you know, the parental word in Christianity is endowed with special power. It is believed that the message that father and mother address to their children can have a direct impact on their future fate. That is why almost no wedding, both in ancient times and today, is complete without parental blessing. The meaning of this ritual is multifaceted: approval of this union, wishes of all the best and wise parting words to the young family.

How does the modern ceremony of blessing young parents take place?

At modern weddings, the blessing usually occurs when the newlyweds meet from the wedding walk before entering the banquet hall. Parents stand in front of the newlyweds with icons and a loaf of bread, make a short speech, after which the newlyweds kiss the icons, treat themselves to bread and salt, and then - according to the prompts of the presenter. This is a simplified version of the ritual. If you follow the ancient canons, then the newlyweds are blessed twice - the first time the parents bless the bride and groom separately in their father's house (before leaving for the registry office), and the second time - together as described above.

What icons are used when blessing newlyweds?

Traditionally, the icon of the Mother of God (usually the Kazan icon) and the icon of Christ the Savior are used to bless the newlyweds. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

- one of the most revered images of the Virgin Mary. She has long been considered the intercessor and patroness of our people; many miracles and amazing salvations are attributed to her. In 2011, this icon went to space! Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus', handing it over to the space agency, commented on this event: “May the Cover of the Most Pure Queen of Heaven extend over our troubled world, torn apart by contradictions, in which there is so much sorrow and human grief...” This icon is used to bless newlyweds at weddings. in the church. It is of particular importance for women. They pray to her for the birth of children and protection of the house from evil forces. It is with the icon of the Kazan Mother of God that the mother usually blesses her daughter before the wedding (this is done without prying eyes before the newlyweds go to the registry office).

Icon "Savior Almighty"

(or "Savior") is the most common image of Christ. On it, Christ holds a book with a quotation from the Gospel with one hand, thereby pointing out the path of salvation, and with the other hand he blesses the person looking at him. This icon is prayed to in times of need and joy. She is asked for the well-being of family members. Previously, the icon of the Savior was the first to be brought into the newlyweds’ house. If the bride’s parents use the icon of the Mother of God to bless their daughter for a happy marriage, then the groom’s parents bless their son with the icon of the Savior.

Nowadays, when newlyweds meet, both these icons and one of them are used. Alternatively, parents can purchase a wedding pair or folding

- these are two icons connected together. You can buy these icons in any of the many church shops in Voronezh.

Which parent holds the icons and loaf of bread during the blessing?

How to distribute roles among themselves, who holds what, who addresses the newlyweds first? These questions usually arise among anxious parents when preparing for the ceremony. As practice shows, there is no single template; these are nuances that can be played out differently at each wedding. Let's look at several options (from left to right):

  • The groom's father is holding an icon, the bride's mother is holding a loaf of bread, the other parents are just standing nearby.
  • Moms hold icons, and dads hold a loaf of champagne.
  • One mother holds an icon, the second a loaf, and the fathers stand on the sides.
  • One mom holds a folding bag, the other a loaf, and dads hold a glass of champagne.

As you can see, there is no consensus on this matter.

What words should parents say when blessing the newlyweds?

The speech should be sincere, come from the heart and come down to the essence: “We bless you for a long, happy family life.” In this case, it is better to use prose, since a memorized verse is not perceived so mentally, and besides, due to strong excitement, the next line can treacherously slip out of memory.

Where to put icons after the wedding?

The icons participating in the blessing are given to the young family, where they are subsequently kept as a family heirloom. If the newlyweds are deeply religious, they place the icons in a red corner, but if the newlyweds do not want to put the images on public display, then they carefully wrap the icons in a towel and store them in a special place.

1. Icons are not supposed to be held with bare hands, so when purchasing them you should also take care of purchasing towels (by the way, another towel will be needed for the loaf).

2. According to an ancient custom, before the young people kiss the icon, the parents must cross the young people with it three times. Nowadays, this is rarely observed; more often, after a parting speech, the icon is simply brought to the young people for a kiss, but still, if you decide to act according to the rules, you need to correctly make the sign of the cross: from top to bottom, from left to right (for young people it will turn out from top to bottom, from right to left - as it should be according to church canons).

3. If one of the young fathers holds the icon during the ceremony, it is necessary to explain to him in advance what is happening and what he needs to do, since men, often far from all kinds of sacraments and religious rituals, may become confused at a key moment.

Blessing of the newlyweds, video clips from different weddings:

The official marriage registration ceremony has ended. The bride and groom became husband and wife. According to tradition, after the registry office, the newlyweds are met by their parents to give good parting words and wish them a long and happy family life. How to properly conduct an ancient and beautiful ritual?

How to meet young people from the registry office

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